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  • Noreen 5:27 am on April 21, 2015 Permalink  

    I half expected to see ice on the Koi pond this morning. A blustery 39 degrees is quite the reality check as we headed to the garage with coffee in tow. I keep forgetting that we are only in the third week of April.

    The epileptic will be having two trucks in town on Thursday to pick up gently-used clothing and light household items. The items are taken to the Savers stores and I believe the one nearest us is in Rochester. The collected items are stocked and resold. The funds are used for the Disabled American Veterans. The DAV also has a drop off site in New Ulm, but this curbside service in St. James can’t be beat. Dennis and I used the earlier morning hours and went through our home. We will have a nice sized donation for them.

    In our home, Mondays represent laundry day and also a trip to the Super 8 pool to limber the body. Being 5 minutes away from the pool, it takes a pretty good excuse to pass on the workout. When we got home and had a bite to eat, both of us headed for our favorite chairs to take in the noon news on the television. It was a combination of being weary from a good workout at the pool, the gray skies darkening the house and the wild winds whistling through the huge evergreen right outside the northwest corner of the house that prompted both of us to check our eyelids for cracks.

    With us snuggled into our favorite blankets, the naps were deep and sweet.

  • Noreen 5:28 am on April 20, 2015 Permalink  

    Today I had a bridal shower for a daughter of Dennis’ cousin. Some events are obligatory for the sake of remembering family ties. It was a “come and go” event. After greeting the bride to be and taking a cup of coffee I found a table of other attendees. Women can always make small talk and find a common connection.

    I had not been in New Ulm other than driving through on route to farther north destinations for a decade or so. Today, I took the time to drive the business district and follow Minnesota Avenue from one end to the other, seeing a mix of residential properties and small town businesses. Community pride in that German-based city is huge. I was surprised that a shop called Elenanor’s was still vacant as it had been in 2000. It had contained every eclectic collectible imaginable and was so enjoyable to stroll through. If I remember correctly, Kevin found the star for the top of his Christmas tree in that shop. Such a thriving main street with this long going vacancy told me there must be more to the story than a shop gone out of business.

    I ended up in the Hy-Vee grocery store and stocked up on some produce for the week to come. Of course, I picked up some pre-cooked Johnsonville Brats and a small container of potato salad made with boiled eggs and green onions for supper. When I got home and Dennis saw that I had also bought two cucumbers, he had the peeler out before I could open the refrigerator door. He is set on having sliced cucumbers with sliced onions topped with a light dressing for one of tomorrow’s meals.

    No matter the events of the day or times, I can assure you, no one on Stauffer Avenue ever goes hungry.

  • Noreen 5:16 am on April 19, 2015 Permalink  

    This morning I could not have asked for a better morning to enjoy coffee on the back patio. We had a funeral to attend this afternoon, and now mercy, mercy, we are getting a great shower of steady rain with the forecast to have it continue overnight. This may be the official kickoff to spring.

  • Noreen 4:13 am on April 17, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    In life there are so many “oh, ohs” and “oops,” that we stumble trying to fix or undo the less than desirable memories.

    George Bernard Shaw has wisdom on that thought.  “We are not made wise by the recollections of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.”

    In life we need to save the best and leave the rest with situations that are  gone.  Time is so precious and we need to stay open to take each new day in.

  • Noreen 5:02 am on April 16, 2015 Permalink  

    Today was a fairly tranquil day on Stauffer. No . . . we have not managed to get Butter Ball into the carrier for the vet as yet. One failed attempt and he is so weary. I just believe tomorrow, it’s not going to be a kissy face, huggy bear attempt. It is going to be leather gloves on and a grab and snatch is going to happen. After all, who are the adults here? Alright you cat owners, quit laughing.

    In the meantime, I am busy capturing stray popcorn kernels from yesterday’s mishap.

  • Noreen 5:41 am on April 14, 2015 Permalink  

    A week ago we were out and raked leaves out from under the lilacs in the hope the hosta would stand a better chance of breaking through the dirt. With the winds that we have had the last four days, that area looks as if the dirt was cleaned with a paint brush.

    Today Dennis got both push lawnmowers ready for action . . . meaning me, providing the push. It has been windy, warm and sunny and that pushing is going to be here before we know it. Dennis’ rider was used during the raking and mulching of the leaves, so that will only need a check over for oil and the correct amount of air in the tires.

    Spring has sprung on Stauffer. Priceless.

  • Noreen 4:17 am on April 12, 2015 Permalink  

    Today was a road trip day for me to attend a Wendlandt cousin’s daughter’s shower in Glencoe, Minnesota, which is about 80 miles to the northeast. I so depend on Map Quest to find my way right to the front door of addresses I have never been to before. I had a great time visiting with cousins and aunts I don’t see very often. Good visiting, good food, lots of sunshine, but I came home totally weary from herding my car in the high winds. I drive a tanker of a Lincoln Town Car and could feel the resistance and the tugging. I can’t imagine driving a lightweight, small model car. Watching the 18 wheelers from behind, most had quite a time as well.

    It is “rest up” time, as tomorrow we are heading to Eden Prairie in the metro for a postponed Easter. The original planned day was taken over by the flu with Megan and may have played a bit with Nicholas. Dennis commented it has been difficult to stay out of the goodies in the Easter baskets he has prepared for the kids. Gotta love a strong man.

  • Noreen 3:51 am on April 11, 2015 Permalink  

    Hmm It's not the smartest thing to leave… 

    Hmm . . . It’s not the smartest thing to leave the car window open when there are four-footed creatures that know no bounds. It was a good thing the sun was out as I backed the car out onto the driveway for a good cleaning and vacuuming. It’s not like there aren’t untold number of places for them to curl up. The instant I realized the car window was open, I went into the car garage to find a tool and there through the back window of the car was snuggles looking back at me. Darn kids.

  • Noreen 5:14 am on April 10, 2015 Permalink  

    The wonderful, needed rain is here. Hour by hour you can see the difference in the color of the grass. The tips of the lilac branches are getting fat, ready to push out a new leaf. It has been keeping Dennis busy scooping the Maple tips out of the Koi pond. The rain is keeping Butter Ball and Snuggles in the porch for a day of napping. I can attest to the napping . . . I caught one myself after we had been out to the Super 8 for a bit of a workout.

  • Noreen 4:54 am on April 8, 2015 Permalink  

    The first lightning and thunder of the season. It was not a huge amount of rain, but it made for puddles large enough for the birds to bathe. Dennis was out in the porch during the first thunder boomers. Six-month-old Snuggles had been curled up in one of the chairs. During that first strike, Dennis said Snuggles vaulted out of the chair and where he hid, Dennis could not find. Poor little guy. Lots of firsts for Snuggles.

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