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  • Noreen 12:55 pm on April 13, 2022 Permalink  

    Hump Day 

    After a night filled with rains and winds, this is a quiet hump day.  A perfect day to be in the studio.

    Holy week is always a reminder to me that my dad passed away in holy week on Maunday Thursday.  The week also allows me to think about me and where I am in my relationship with my ole cowboy.  Way back when, I knew who he was and what his lifestyle had been.  Nothing serious hiding in the bushes.  Dennis was a hard working soul that had one habit then, that is still prevalent today . . . smoking.   When we spend our lives doing, being what we believe is acceptable, the long run seems like never, neverland.

    At 86 years young, regardless of health issues, Dennis is not going to quit smoking.  Dennis began smoking while he was in Korea and that is his addiction.  Alcohol abuse may run in his children’s lives, but Dennis never has had a taste for it.  I am thankful for that.

    I have learned that harping upon an action that I don’t understand, does only one thing . . . I upset myself.  The last thing I, or my heart needs is to be upset.  At times the best is . . . “live and let live.”  There are many more wonderful qualities in Dennis than not.  I am thankful for that.

    A little late in my life . . . but I have learned to accept rather than expect.  With that as my road to travel, I am at peace with family and friends.  I have not walked in their shoes, nor they in mine.  At the end of each day, I like my size eight and a half shoes.

    New-ProjectTrip-Around-WorldAs I was in the studio today, thinking about a whole lot of things, I finished yet another square in my latest endeavor of the pattern called “A long Time Ago.”  It was the Trip Around the World pattern that was my mom’s favorite.  166 pieces came together for this 13.5 inch block.  I did shut off the sewing machine, the iron and the studio’s lights to have a bit of coffee with Dennis.  I have no idea what the next block will be.  As I finish one block, the page has not yet been turned as to what is coming next.  Kind of like what life has to offer.  Stay tuned.

  • Noreen 3:34 pm on October 20, 2020 Permalink  

    So Much White 

    I was anticipating a light dusting of snow today. I think five inches could be a scooper if it were not so wet as some of it wants to melt that is closer to the ground.

    My first floor tasks included making some egg salad that Dennis said he had a hankering for.  I will say several of those eggs were not cooperating.  Holding a boiled egg under water for peeling does help.

    On a wintering day that presented itself today, I am thankful I can pull from activities that were honed decades in the past.  When Orlin and I were farming in Boon Lake Township, winter presented itself on just such a day as today.  With two small children it was possible that days indoors could well last until Easter. I am trusting that we will still have some fall days ahead.  Today I did head for the quiet of the sewing studio, taking my best memories with me for company.

    In those day of old, indoors with Carrie and Kevin meant I needed to be on my “A” game.  Carrie at the age of four, needed to emulate whatever I was doing.  Then, as now, thread and fuzz were my companions and I would be well supplied for what resources would be needed for the winter days that would follow.  I do recall that at one point,  I took a white dish towel and made dots to denote various items on the towel. The towel would then be put in a small hoop.  The entire towel was full.  With a huge plastic needle and floss, Carrie could go from dot to dot to fill in the outline.  Ya . . . I was the forerunner of the dot to dot color books with which someone made a million dollars.  Wouldn’t ya know!

    Kevin, navigating as a two year old, didn’t need structured activity.  A cardboard box with some toys, the bottom portion of the gas kitchen range that housed pots and pans, or waste baskets that needed emptying and sorting.  All was fair game.  Luckily Kevin could make the basement steps safely.  All that was required of me was to follow up whether it was up or down to see what could be rescued.  Snoopy, the family dog, had his rug in the back entry and that was always a favorite stop for Kevin.  Looking back, naps were always my favorite part of the day for those two wee ones. 

    Today may set the tone for some days to come.  I am prepared today much as I was in the mid 60s.  I like to stay busy and I like to have something to show for my days.  As I can easily become distracted in my sewing studio, the day may go quickly with quite not so much to show for it.  I am content. 

    I did check on Dennis often today in the patio porch.  He was content having the three cats off and on his lap while he had the Rural Farm channel on.  As long as I can see him as I look out the bathroom window and I can see the steam billowing from the chimney of the patio porch’s furnace . . . it’s a good thing. I took afternoon coffee break items out to enjoy with him at three.  I am secure in how my winter will be. Time will tell about Dennis’ days . . . taking one day at a time.

  • Noreen 5:07 am on March 18, 2016 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    I do wonder why my kitchen scissors was being stored in the refrigerator.  Dennis says it is the same reason several dust pans disappeared while Kevin was helping us doing some remodeling years ago: someone is not paying attention and he is looking right at me.

  • Noreen 4:52 am on January 28, 2016 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    As we get older, we do watch our life partners for signs of less than good health.  This morning out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dennis pause his breakfast eating and swipe this right arm with his left.  Once, twice, the third time I wondered about cognitive situations.  Come so far, there was a thread on his place-mat that was being blown up onto his arm from the furnace register that is located right by his chair.  He thought one thing, I was thinking a whole lot darker thing.  Whew!

  • Noreen 5:26 am on January 13, 2016 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    As I work on sewing projects, my mind has a propensity to enjoy some re-runs of memories.

    When Megan was about a year a half, staying with us, her favorite yellow blanket needed new binding.  I was on one side of the sewing table and Megan was in a highchair opposite from me.  I had pulled out a rather large container of thread to match up as best I could with the blanket.  When our quilt store had closed,  I bought a large supply of various colors at a reduced rate.  As I sewed, I watched as Megan pulled the container within reach.  Megan would finger each spool.  Soon each spool had been shed of its clear plastic shield. Megan was so content and so busy lining up her conquest, I could just watch and enjoy.  Memories: life would be so empty without them.

  • Noreen 6:10 am on November 15, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Fixing meals is highly overrated.  What is actually needed in a sedentary day?

  • Noreen 2:22 am on August 29, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Reflections: a great result of cleaning.

  • Noreen 3:45 am on August 12, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    The house has been tidied; the grass doesn’t need mowing.  My sewing table and craft area has been clean long enough, I am getting the itch.

  • Noreen 5:29 am on August 4, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Sometimes when I think the joy in my life has been diminished, it only allows me to become more aware of life and the loved ones around me who take me as I am; the joy returns twofold.

  • Noreen 3:03 am on July 30, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 


    This pretty much tells the story about the team of Dennis and me here on Stauffer Avenue.

    Twenty years ago today, on a bright Saturday, Carrie and Kevin were witnesses for Dennis and me to get married.  Dennis and I came together to make a home in 1989.  With serious blue eyes looking at me, my Mom had made the comment that she could hate the sin but still love the sinners.  It just may have had a bit to do with our decision.  It was a great decision.

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