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  • Noreen 5:07 am on March 18, 2016 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    I do wonder why my kitchen scissors was being stored in the refrigerator.  Dennis says it is the same reason several dust pans disappeared while Kevin was helping us doing some remodeling years ago: someone is not paying attention and he is looking right at me.

  • Noreen 4:52 am on January 28, 2016 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    As we get older, we do watch our life partners for signs of less than good health.  This morning out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dennis pause his breakfast eating and swipe this right arm with his left.  Once, twice, the third time I wondered about cognitive situations.  Come so far, there was a thread on his place-mat that was being blown up onto his arm from the furnace register that is located right by his chair.  He thought one thing, I was thinking a whole lot darker thing.  Whew!

  • Noreen 5:26 am on January 13, 2016 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    As I work on sewing projects, my mind has a propensity to enjoy some re-runs of memories.

    When Megan was about a year a half, staying with us, her favorite yellow blanket needed new binding.  I was on one side of the sewing table and Megan was in a highchair opposite from me.  I had pulled out a rather large container of thread to match up as best I could with the blanket.  When our quilt store had closed,  I bought a large supply of various colors at a reduced rate.  As I sewed, I watched as Megan pulled the container within reach.  Megan would finger each spool.  Soon each spool had been shed of its clear plastic shield. Megan was so content and so busy lining up her conquest, I could just watch and enjoy.  Memories: life would be so empty without them.

  • Noreen 6:10 am on November 15, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Fixing meals is highly overrated.  What is actually needed in a sedentary day?

  • Noreen 2:22 am on August 29, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Reflections: a great result of cleaning.

  • Noreen 3:45 am on August 12, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    The house has been tidied; the grass doesn’t need mowing.  My sewing table and craft area has been clean long enough, I am getting the itch.

  • Noreen 5:29 am on August 4, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Sometimes when I think the joy in my life has been diminished, it only allows me to become more aware of life and the loved ones around me who take me as I am; the joy returns twofold.

  • Noreen 3:03 am on July 30, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 


    This pretty much tells the story about the team of Dennis and me here on Stauffer Avenue.

    Twenty years ago today, on a bright Saturday, Carrie and Kevin were witnesses for Dennis and me to get married.  Dennis and I came together to make a home in 1989.  With serious blue eyes looking at me, my Mom had made the comment that she could hate the sin but still love the sinners.  It just may have had a bit to do with our decision.  It was a great decision.

  • Noreen 3:52 am on July 11, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Dennis came down to the sewing room this afternoon to take a “look see.”  The quilt top is getting down to the very last border around the perimeter.  I have some black leftovers to trim it out.  I will need 340″ in total length for the four sides.  Tomorrow, I will be brave and take a look at how much black there is . . . enough for a 3″ wide x 340″ length, would be ideal.  No good will come about in a quilt project unless you do the math before you cut.

  • Noreen 4:30 am on July 6, 2015 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    As my days progress, not all memories come flooding that are sweet and fond.  Today I was working on some sewing and I allowed my mind to wander into some dark pools.  It didn’t take long for the good Lord to speak to me.  I ended up ripping out the same seam twice.  Enough said Lord.

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