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  • Noreen 4:18 am on January 3, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    In cold weather the brain reverts to trivia.  The definition of ‘active’ is to be involved and participating.  The definition of ‘inactive’ obviously is un-involved and non-participating but also lifeless and out of use.  For sure the latter is not a good thing to be.

  • Noreen 3:57 am on January 1, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Do not stand over a sink when flipping open the cap of a full bottle of prescription medication.  When I woke yesterday morning there was a paper towel on the dining room table with what looked like popped popcorn that had given birth. It’s amazing how little moisture it took to allow each yellow time released capsule to explode and latch onto another capsule while it was exploding. Oh Dennis, life can be humbling and a good challenge keeps us on our toes.  We just suck it up and make a phone call and find out what it takes to make it all better.

  • Noreen 2:18 am on December 28, 2013 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Definitions – Kindness: charitable, compassionate, agreeable – these attributes I exercise for my friends and acquaintances, less fortunate people in need, caring for  animals,  the people I meet in my everyday life as in the grocery store or bank or passers by on the  street.

    Loving: tender affection, enduring unconditional devotion – these attributes are my essence when it comes to family and those I consider family.

    It puzzles me when a family member uses the first of the definitions towards me rather than the last.  As I said fleeting thoughts.

  • Noreen 4:45 am on December 22, 2013 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    On my hubby Dennis’ computer he has only three sites on his “Favorites”:  The St. James Plaindealer Obituaries, The Mankato Free Press Obituaries and my blog.  If Dennis logs on and he sees my daily post he knows I am o.k.  That is really quite romantic when you think about it.

  • Noreen 6:03 am on December 14, 2013 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Today the 13th of December would have been my third child’s 40th birthday.  Scott Howard would have made a great addition to the team of Carrie Brett and Kevin Michael Schafer.  Sometimes I can’t help but wonder how his life would have impacted the family going forward.  It was not in the Lord’s plan.

  • Noreen 4:18 am on December 6, 2013 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 


    The Lord’s Light Shines Through

    Only three above this cold morning but the Lord can make all things beautiful.

  • Noreen 5:16 am on December 1, 2013 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Quilters never die – we just go to pieces.

  • Noreen 3:45 am on November 26, 2013 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    I’m only as healthy as the place where my emotions live.  Considering how physical frailties can present themselves I am going to keep my emotions as if they are snuggled in the most comfortable of my quilts.

  • Noreen 3:14 am on November 18, 2013 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Either accepting as is or losing forever.  Those are the choices.

  • Noreen 5:05 am on November 11, 2013 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 


    The Light Shines Through

    It’s not the load that breaks us down, it’s how we carry it.  Looking out to the northeast this afternoon it doesn’t seem all that heavy.

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