Updates from March, 2014 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Noreen 3:26 am on March 25, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Today I felt as if I were living in a snow globe.  Multiple times the sun would peek out and in a heartbeat the snow flurries were so dense the view across the street disappeared.

  • Noreen 3:43 am on March 17, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Today I had the same idea I had in the mid 1960s when we lived on the farm:  back entryway floors should be wood slats with a pull out drawer under the slats to dump all the spring muck and dirt that gets dragged in.

  • Noreen 2:26 am on March 5, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 


    March 4th 2014 – This pencil thin ice cycle is the only one on our buildings. You know its been a long cold spell with no warm days in between when even the ice cycles have thrown in the towel. 

  • Noreen 2:10 am on March 1, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    “Be sure you plant your feet in the right place and then stand firm.”

    —Abraham Lincoln

  • Noreen 4:54 am on February 19, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    We have no carpeting in the house.  Our clothing is much like any retired couple — not the latest or the greatest.  Where on earth does all the lint accumulate from.  Nary a batch can go by without removing a little bunny-sized mass of lint in the dryer screen.

  • Noreen 3:40 am on February 14, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    In life – the punishment that is dealt out should fit the crime.

  • Noreen 3:09 am on February 7, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thought: 

    Could I have possibly contracted Narcolepsy during this Minnesota winter?

  • Noreen 3:24 am on January 31, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    I was amazed at the mileage a drop of honey, that originated on the kitchen floor, got as it traveled throughout the house.  It must have been more than a drop — perhaps a dollop.

  • Noreen 2:21 am on January 19, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    Healing with limited mobility allows for over load of emotions – more tiring and draining than a hard day of gardening.

  • Noreen 4:14 am on January 7, 2014 Permalink  

    Fleeting Thoughts: 

    No matter when I would visit my grandmother Laura in her home she would always be busy.  I can still hear her say “What shall I do?  I cannot waste a day that has been given to me.”  All through her ninety plus years the words ‘shall’ and ‘shant’ were very prevalent in her vocabulary.

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