A Day
When I opened my eyes this morning, the sun bid me a good day coming.
The programmable coffee pot had not been set last night. When I pushed the pot to begin brewing, I set the crockpot up so it could welcome a beef arm roast complete with some extras for flavor. A few buttons were pushed on the washing machine. A cookie sheet was hauled out of storage to welcome some frozen cinnamon rolls.
I then poured myself a cup of fresh coffee and toddled to my bedroom porch to check out what the HP had to say for itself.
By 10:30 I was in the studio with KNUJ blaring in the background. I did have a few things laid out, ready to stitch. That went about three inches and the sewing machine needle dropped out of its housing, looking as if it was going to drop where no needles should dare to go. If I tighten the needle housing too tight, I need a needle nose plier to help. With this latest lesson, I think I will go for using the plier rather than having the sewing machine needing servicing. I can’t imagine where rouge needles could cause all sorts of problems. All went went well with a new needle in tow.
Dennis’ help was enlisted with swapping out the laundry and after the cinnamon rolls had been out of the oven for one hour, there was a scant amount of frosting to spread over them.
I continued into the studio and Dennis decided, with his little red pickup, to head southeast out of town to visit his cousin Sam and Marie. Sam is wheelchair bound and Maria has Parkinson’s.
I told Dennis I would see him about five for supper.
As I sit and let my thoughts dribble out to the keyboard, I can’t help but notice looking out the windows that our lawns look totally freeze-dried. No chance of winter mold.
I have had a very good day with my objective having been met: nothing stole my joy from me today.
With that I will take my leave. ♥