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  • Noreen 3:41 pm on March 5, 2025 Permalink  

    So it Blew 

    Last evening we ended up having heavy rain before the first of the snow could be seen flying sideways.

    We lost power at eight last night and it came on at 3:30 this morning.  The extra batteries.  Dennis went to bed about nine without the use of his CPAP.  I pulled one of our soft chairs closer to the bedroom door so I could here Dennis and cat-napped.  The house maintained a 58-degree temp for the duration.  That was the longest power-outage I can ever remember.  

    Dennis reported that from one of the televisions in the patio porch, we may have gotten between five to six inches.  It is indeed white.  Randy scrapped off the concrete drive and most of the drive is bare concrete.

    Sometime these last months, I had bought a box of Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix while in Sam’s Club.  Today was the day to use the last two pouches of the mix.  Dennis shook the eggs needed in a half-pint Mason jar and I put the butter to melt mode in the microwave.  With the butter and eggs then getting whipped into a frenzy in the KitchenAid mixer.  That beast rolled that cookie dough stiff enough that I could take a spoonful out at a time, roll it, and get it onto the baking sheet.  I did put some of the cookies in the freezer as I know from experience they don’t stay soft for too long.

    And how did I come about to have a KitchenAid mixer?  Several years ago, I helped out a previous employee when she was fighting Pancreatic cancer.  Her apartment was where she wanted to stay for as long as possible.  I was retired by that time, and I would be at her home every day as her daughter could not leave her work.  Lorraine didn’t want Hospice.  She was the most humble private person I have ever know.  One day when I went over, her daughter had made arrangements to take medical leave and could I please bring her mom to her home.  So it was determined. Lorraine had said that when her cookie making days were over, I was to take her mixer home with me.  A few days later when I tidied up her apartment, I did take the KitchenAid home.  Lorraine passed away within five days of being with her daughter. Whenever I use the mixer, I think of Lorraine. 

    But . . . this afternoon when the sugar cookies were done, I took the hot leftover coffee with a cookie and sat at the table.  I dunked this cookie as a homage to my great grandmother, Christine.  When I would stay at my grandparent’s home, Christ and Laura’s, Christine lived with them.  She spoke no English, but she always let me be by her side when she stirred up something to bake for the hard working multi-generational farm family.  In her long black dress with the ever fresh white apron, her and I would sit at the round dining room table to share a cookie.  She had heavily laced cream coffee and I had some coffee in my cup.  She would pick up her cookie and beckon me to do the same, and then . . . dunk!

    I have so many memories that seem to be freshened with the activities of my days.  What a treat.

    By the way, the oven dish of last night was very tasty.  Before putting the round, blue-speckled roaster into the oven, I covered the top of the dish with finely shredded Asiago-Parmeson cheese.  It gave a bite like no other.  A welcomed repeat for this evening.

    With that I will take my leave.

  • Noreen 3:22 pm on March 3, 2025 Permalink  

    Here We Are 

    A Monday with bright sun and lo and behold a 62-degree afternoon.

    Jan and I had our first 2025 visit over the picket fence this morning.  The patio porch kitties busted out of the porch as if someone or something was chasing them.  

    When our family farmed in Boon Lake Township, a day such as this would have seen the calves bolting out of the barn as Orlin lifted the gate.  I can still see the Holstein calves kicking up their heels as all corners of the pasture were visited.  Even Snoopy would give out a few barks taking in the site.  Wonderful choice memories.

    Tuesday may bring some wet weather.  I will say . . . we need it.  A total of eight inches of measurable snow just does seem the way a Minnesota winter should be.

    There is an assembly line going on in the studio.  Not a huge one by any means.  There was one piece of cork that had been cut on that still allowed me to get three box pouches out of it.  I decided to get the zippers in all three of them and then do the top stitching on the zippers.  The process went well and then . . . that was it for stitching on this day.

    I went out to Lewis Drug and picked up Lisinopril, 90 days worth, for myself.  There was no co-pay.  Sweet.

    As I look out of my southeast bedroom porch windows, the gals from the courthouse can be seen walking around the block during the week.  Some kind of wellness program during their allotted breaks.  No jackets, just shirtsleeve.  I admit the temps say one thing, the air is still cool.  We have made it through the winter this far with no colds and why start pushing the envelope now!

    JoAnn’s Fabric closing many stores is all a buzz on the YouTubes I catch in regard to clearance finds.  I am in no need of any supplies for the studio or anywhere else in our home.  I will keep stitching out of my stashes.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:40 pm on February 25, 2025 Permalink  

    A Day 

    When I opened my eyes this morning, the sun bid me a good day coming.

    The programmable coffee pot had not been set last night.  When I pushed the pot to begin brewing, I set the crockpot up so it could welcome a beef arm roast complete with some extras for flavor.  A few buttons were pushed on the washing machine.  A cookie sheet was hauled out of storage to welcome some frozen cinnamon rolls.

    I then poured myself a cup of fresh coffee and toddled to my bedroom porch to check out what the HP had to say for itself.

    By 10:30 I was in the studio with KNUJ blaring in the background.  I did have a few things laid out, ready to stitch.  That went about three inches and the sewing machine needle dropped out of its housing, looking as if it was going to drop where no needles should dare to go.  If I tighten the needle housing too tight, I need a needle nose plier to help.  With this latest lesson, I think I will go for using the plier rather than having the sewing machine needing servicing.  I can’t imagine where rouge needles could cause all sorts of problems.  All went went well with a new needle in tow.

    Dennis’ help was enlisted with swapping out the laundry and after the cinnamon rolls had been out of the oven for one hour, there was a scant amount of frosting to spread over them.

    I continued into the studio and Dennis decided, with his little red pickup, to head southeast out of town to visit his cousin Sam and Marie.  Sam is wheelchair bound and Maria has Parkinson’s.

    I told Dennis I would see him about five for supper.

    As I sit and let my thoughts dribble out to the keyboard, I can’t help but notice looking out the windows that our lawns look totally freeze-dried.  No chance of winter mold.

    I have had a very good day with my objective having been met:  nothing stole my joy from me today.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:41 pm on February 24, 2025 Permalink  

    All is Well 

    No matter where I look, I see no snow.  I see the city streets wet but that may be due to the warm temps in the 50s making them sweat.

    I am maintaining a schedule spending time in the studio, but not over-doing it.  I need to do a balancing act.  If I over-stay my welcome, it might become such that I don’t get to visit at all.  I have lived within this body for over 80 years.  I know enough to listen to it when it gives me signals.  The most important thing is that I am happy with what my days hold for me.  I am content knowing what my limits are.

    There is only one thing that I need to police myself on.  I am a duty bound care-giver and that aspect could get away from me.  What I have implemented is tough-love.  I am a firm believer in trying.  I am a firm believer in thinking things through with logic and seeking solutions.  If both elements come back in a zero, then we will talk.

    The only grocery item that surprised me last week when I was in our grocery store in regard to price was Bisquick.  It was $7.49 for a not very large box.  I use Bisquick in the concoction I make when coating chicken or Tilapia for pan frying.  I always use it for making pancakes.  Grant it, a box kept in the refrigerator does last a long time. 

    That being said, that is what I am preparing for supper.  I can’t remember the last time.  The reason being, I have a hard time getting the wrist to accomplish a good flip of the pancakes.

    We had Subway last night and it was refreshing and tasty.  Splitting a 12″ does us just fine.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:37 pm on February 14, 2025 Permalink  

    A Day 

    This is a day of sweet sentiments.  I prefer the thoughtful sentiments of memories rather than the material sentiments.

    Decades ago, it was all important to get the Valentine boxes that had been made at the kitchen table, nights on end, to the school for the grade school parties.  Sweet memories.  I don’t know if the little ones now even have the option of those sweet boxes.  One of Dennis’ great nieces posted that the kids in that school were given brown paper bags that they could take home and decorate for the next day party in their class.  Hmm.

    On this day, I have just finished in the studio for the day.  All of the hardware that I had for the zipper tapes were completed yesterday.  Today I made sure that all the zippers were such that the zipper pull hardware would remain on the rails wherever and whenever they were called into service. 

    Usually no one else is about in the studio.  There are times when Dennis’ daughter, Sandy, comes and her two small granddaughters are with.  There is no dust bunny safe if that happens.  They have come up from the studio with things in hand I had left out.  I can only imagine the zippers lying on the table with the shiny pulls just waiting to have a tug.

    For my own personal well being, I don’t like to have items in the stashes of the studio that would appear to have no use as I didn’t follow through.  I like the mission completion feeling.

    Before I came up from the studio, I sifted through the specs of some patterns I had downloaded.  There is always thought for another day.

    This evening Dennis and I are having Subway for supper.  Splitting a foot-long is all that either of us can put away.  Our favorite is tuna with lots of toppings. 

    It’s very gray out with heavy air.  KNUJ reported snow but when I checked the weather map, some snow went north of us and some went south.  I am sure we will be included with what is coming next.

    I trust all of you find joy today and with that it may bring a smile.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:26 pm on February 12, 2025 Permalink  


    For what was to be light snow showers, it seems to be amounting to quite a bit.  My exercise yesterday of pushing some snow around may have to be repeated . . . but not today.  I will wait and see how this all falls into place, literally.

    Dennis is making supper for this evening.  We had one bag of dehydrated seasoned Shore Line chicken noodle soup left.  We had the cubed rotisserie chicken in the freezer.  Sounds like a great supper coming.  My event for the day was taking off the replacement cover of Dennis’ recliner and getting it through the laundry.

    Dennis’ recliner was purchased when we had a local furniture store that has since closed.  The attractive leather looking cover soon began to break away from the base material.  Several patches with look-alike material has and had been applied.  The first floor vacuum was needed as there were quite a few bits of the original covering that found its way in need of cleaning up.  Dennis proceeded to vacuum off the surfaces to entice anything that wanted to crack off . . . could be cleaned up.

    The afternoon is dwindling.  The chicken soup smells wonderful.  The four individual pieces of the recliner cover are partially on the recliner.  Each piece with its ultra strong elastic will find its way where it needs to be with a tuck here and a tuck there, well . . . maybe another tuck.

    The fine wet snow has the city crews out with the sand-induced salt.  The speed of the traffic tells me, the streets have become slippery.

    Older individuals that can be heard saying they are bored . . . not on Stauffer Avenue.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:32 pm on February 11, 2025 Permalink  

    Tuesday the 11th of February 

    Yesterday I tidied up in the studio so as to not leave the church tables unwilling to host the next wild hair I get in my bonnet.  When I do visit the studio again, it will welcome me as a willing participant with all the bells and whistles as an annex to Joann Fabrics.

    I had mentioned in yesterday’s post that I had found some free patterns to download on the internet.  I may very well have found the solution to use some of the cork fabric from Amanda’s gift via the Creative Stitches in Bird Island.  I know I have everything needed in the studio, aka: Joann Fabrics annex including some zippers.  The zippers will be ready after I read the directions as to the length needed.  Some years ago, I bought some zippers by the yard.  They came with a packet of the zipper pulls.  This is all food for thought.

    Yesterday as I was searching on the HP laptop in my bedroom porch, I looked out the window at the driveway with the fresh fallen snow.  I can share with you, that as of today, the drive will be ready for some powerful sunshine to help clear it.  My plan for this forenoon was to suit-up and use my little plastic pusher to get the snow pushed to the south.  I did not do this without a lot of thought.  I had my heavy shoes on with thick socks, my stocking cap and heavy gloves, but not too heavy that I couldn’t manage the wooden handle of my little pusher.  Dennis had used the leaf blower for a path from the house to the garage.  After four intervals of about 15 minutes each, I can now look out of my bedroom porch window and see the powerful sun take its turn on the concrete of the driveway.  I admit, I crapped out on the last fifteen feet of the 90′ driveway to the street.  That last stint, when I came in, the jacket got hung up and the heavy shoes were traded in for my house slippers.  It felt good to get some safe exercise in and as one of Dennis’ favorite ditties . . . I got the stink blown off of me. 

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:52 pm on February 10, 2025 Permalink  

    Snow Showers 

    Snow showers come and go.

    It is going to be a good supper of chili out of the freezer.


    My curiosity got the best of me this forenoon.  I headed to the studio to see if my tote was indeed standing straight and tall.  Wonder of wonders . . . it was.  I spent a bit more time measuring the straps to see where they needed to be at.  I used some Wonder Clips to indicate what would need to be trimmed down for comfortable carrying ease.   That was enough to satisfy me for the studio time.  The air coming from the tile going around the perimeter was indeed chilly.

    I had some information I was seeking on YouTube.  That would be gotten off of the HP in my bedroom porch.  Sure enough.  I found some free download patterns to print off.  Isn’t the world wide web wonderful!  I could hear the printer working its magic.  That concluded any curiosity I may have had for today.

    Dennis just came in and confirmed that the outside air is really raw.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:05 pm on February 8, 2025 Permalink  

    Snow Has Moved On 

    The snow has moved onto and into Wisconsin.  We may have gotten a strong inch.  The sun is trying to break through the clouds.

    This forenoon, I worked in the studio on the tote.  Folding the tote in half length-wise, a square of the fabrics, 3 ” x 3″,was cut out of the bottom of the fold along the edges on both sides allowing for a box -like bottom in steps yet to come.  Then the work began on doing flat-felt seams on my tote.  The side seams were sewn with the lining fabric to the inside, right sides of the canvas going under the needle.  The tote was then pulled inside out . . . the lining on the outside.  The side seams that were just sewn were now flatten down and a seam allowance was sewn on each side encasing the raw edges of the first seam.  No raw edges showing on the outside on the sides of the tote and no raw edges showing on the side seams in the inside of the tote.  Flat-felt seams 101.  

    Here is where I caved.  I was to turn the bag right side out and sew a seam matching the raw edges of those 3″ x 3″ areas, then turn the bag inside out and doing the same flat-felt seam application.  Screw it!  Fighting the layers of the canvas, quilt batting and lining x 2, the inside of my tote’s box bottom finish is going to be a raw seam.  To secure threads from a raw seam, I got out my E6000 glue and put a line of glue on the raw seam on each side to squelch any way-ward threads. I made sure nothing was near the two glued edges and thankfully I walked around my church tables shutting off lights as I went.  Mission completion! 

    Tomorrow when I get some stamina back, I will go down into the studio and turn the tote right side out and see if the tote will stand tall and proud on it’s own box bottom.  All that will remain is the straps for the handles.

    This started out as embroidering a design I felt guilty for not stitching out.  I surely could have used some soft cotton and proceeded making a tote.  No . . . I had to find the stiffest bad-assed canvas to cross-hatch quilt it and then line the darn thing.  What had I been thinking?  I was thinking like the young farm wife of Boon Lake Township that could come in from throwing down frozen silage with a toddler strapped to her waist as they climbed the wrungs up the silo and . . . then came in and beat out yards and yards of carpetbag rugs.  Silly ole me.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:14 pm on February 6, 2025 Permalink  

    Early Bird 

    It is Thursday with the wind again whipping the wind chime outside my bedroom porch, taunting the dusting of snow we had last night.  The bright sun has cleared the drive and we are back to no covering.

    I am an early bird with my blog today.  Yesterday had been a day off of doing a blog until I got the all clear from my administrator.

    This morning, I was hell bent on getting to the studio as I had pondered the next step to my soon to be tote bag.  All the lights were on. KNUJ was giving me the latest news and I was standing next to one of the church tables ready to go.  I put in a new blade in the rotary cutter and the steam iron was heating up.

    As I said, I was standing next to the table with everything in front of me, but I was not moving.  I chose to work with some fabric to finish off the top of the canvas cross-hatched that was dimensional.  The fabric had script printed across the length of the weft. I knew I wanted the script to read correctly as if I would be standing the canvas bag in front of me.  The script fabric being cut in one piece would also be the backing of the top band.  Getting my head wrapped around the correct way to sew this script fabric on correctly, just stymied me for a bit.  This was not going to be a day of ripping out seams.  It does help to fixate.  The adage: you don’t have time to do it right, but you always have time to do it over was blazing across my forehead.

    Finishing off the cup of coffee I had brought to the studio and finding the correct color of sewing thread for this next step in sewing, gave me enough time for a step-away.  I was able to go back to the fabric decision, use my wonder-clips to hold everything in place and get the seam sewn.  Whew.

    Dennis checked in at noon as he had had the little red pickup out for a spin around town.  

    I had prepared an oven meal for last night and that automatically gives me gratis for tonight’s supper.  I will spike it up a bit by adding some cranberries. 

    All is well with my soul . . . as well as everything else on Stauffer Avenue. 

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

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