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  • Noreen 6:24 am on September 25, 2013 Permalink  

    Dennis and I love egg salad sandwiches or… 

    Dennis and I love egg salad sandwiches or even having some ready for adding to a lettuce salad.  What spoils it is when the eggs are impossible to peel.  Here is a tip that has worked 100% of the time for me.  When the eggs are put on to boil I add a splash of white vinegar to the water.  When the water and eggs come into a full boil, just remove from the heat and cover the saucepan for about 20 minutes.  Cool down with cold water running over them.  With this tip there is no longer a chance of the shells coming off in a million pieces.  Priceless!

  • Noreen 5:28 am on September 6, 2013 Permalink  

    A Favorite on Stauffer this Time of Year: Sweet Corn! 

    •  One covered kettle of boiling water

    •  Add three to six ears of sweet corn and cover
    (either broke in half or whole depending on your kettle size)

    •  Bring back to boiling for several minutes

    •  Drain and eat with vigor and let the kernels fly

    •  Butter and salt and an additonal dish is optional

  • Noreen 1:30 am on August 15, 2013 Permalink  

    A Kersten Treat 


    A Treat Fit for Kersten

    •  1 tube of Crescent Rolls

    •  Mini Marshmellows

    •  Cholcolate Chips

    •  Graham Crackers

    Muffin tin or foil lined cookie sheet

    Unroll each roll and place in tin

    Add the next two ingredients

    Sprinkle with some crushed graham crackers

    Fold over the crescent roll

    Bake in pre-heated 350 degree oven for 15 minutes


  • Noreen 3:27 am on August 8, 2013 Permalink  

    Pizza by Kersten's Kitchen 

    Pepperoni at it’s Finest


    Pepperoni – Kersten’s Favorite

    •  One can of crescent rolls

    •  Mozzarella cheese sticks

    •  Pepperoni slices (4-5) according to taste

    •  Garlic Powder

    Use a piece of foil on cookie sheet

    One third to one half of cheese stick

    Roll the crescent roll

    Sprinkle with garlic powder

    Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes

    Canadian Bacon may also be used

  • Noreen 3:25 am on August 6, 2013 Permalink  

    Chocolate Chip Bars 


    Chocolate Chip Bars


    Quick Bars from Cake Mix

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees

    •  1 box of dry yellow cake mix

    •  Add two eggs that have  been beaten with a fork

    •  1 stick of melted butter

    •  2 cups of chocolate chips

    Spray 9″ x 13″ cake pan

    Mix the four ingredients until blended

    Bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean when stuck in the center of pan

  • Noreen 5:14 am on July 31, 2013 Permalink  

    Old Time Supper 

    Hats off to my parents,  Raymond and Lena.  When chores time was rushed or busier than usual supper still needed to be on the round oak table when all six of us stuck our feet under it.  The schedule was that young stock, hogs and chicken chores needed to be done when Mom yelled that supper was ready. The summer staple for a fast meal included newly dug potatoes boiled with the skins on.  Sliced cucumbers and almost equal number of sliced onions were smothered in a sauce made up of mayonnaise, a bit of vinegar, a bit of sugar and a bit of cream.  The creamed cucumbers were then served over the hot mashed potatoes right on each of our plates.  Wham, bam, thank you Mom and it was then off to get the Holstein dairy heard milked.  My Mom was involved in all the chores as well as milking and what she put on the table for us was always outstanding and oh so tasty. It was yummy then and it was yummy tonight as that is what Dennis and I had for a supper.  Catch ya later.

  • Noreen 3:05 am on July 27, 2013 Permalink  

    Bear Creek Cheddar Broccoli Rice 

    This recipe is for rice that is literally a meal in a bag.

    The contents of the bag is put in a kettle with 3 1/2 cups of water and brought to a boil.

    The complete directions are on the bag.

    When the rice mixture got thick and creamy I added some deli turkey lunch meat that I diced and wanted to use up before the expiration date. I popped the combined mixture into a skillet (covered) at a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes allowing it to set up further.

    There are so many flavors of the Bear Creek available and it makes for quick meals with no end of what can be added for additional proteins (diced hot dogs, browned ground beef, etc.).

  • Noreen 5:19 am on July 24, 2013 Permalink  

    Pina Colada Icebox Pie 

        **This is not a quick dish to fix but it is the very first cheesecake I have ever made and I was really proud of how it turned out.  

          Pina Colada Icebox Pie


    Pina Colada Icebox Pie

    •  2 cups pecan shortbread cookie crumbs
    (about 16 cookies)

    •  1 cup sweetened flaked coconut

    •  1/4 cup melted butter

    •  1/3 cup sugar

    •  2 Tablespoon cornstarch

    •  1 (8 oz.) can crushed pineapple in juice

    •  1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese

    •  1 cup cream of coconut

    •  2 large eggs

    350 degree oven for 40 to 45 minutes

    Stir together first three ingredients, firmly press on bottom and sides of a lightly sprayed 9-inch pie pan.

    Stir together sugar and cornstarch in small sauce pan, stir in pineapple with the juice.  Bring to a boil stirring constantly until thickened and allow to cool.

    Beat cream cheese and cream of coconut until smooth.  Add in one egg at a time.

    Spread cooled pineapple onto crust and spoon on cream cheese mixture.  After baked allow cheesecake to cool before serving.

    *My friend Doreen made this cheesecake when I was at her home last week.  Doreen had pre-baked the cookie crust and I decided to take a risk and assemble ingredients all at once.  The crust came out baked and tender and totally held the cream cheese together.  Cream of coconut (purchased in a liquor store)  is very sweet.  Doreen had used cream of coconut combined with the whipping cream for a topping.  I chose to top the cheese cake with whipped cream and sprinkled crushed pecans on the whipped cream.  Thanks Doreen for sharing a great dessert.

  • Noreen 5:19 am on July 18, 2013 Permalink  

    Crock Pot Chicken 

     Crock Pot Chicken


    Crock Pot Chicken

    Spray Crock Pot with Pam

    •  4 Skinless chicken breasts
    placed in crock pot

    •  Pour 1 Can of beer
    over chicken

    •  Sprinkle with:
    1 Teaspoon pepper
    1 Tablespoon seasoned salt
    1 Teaspoon garlic salt

    4-5 Hours on high setting or
    6/8 Hours on low setting

  • Noreen 6:22 am on July 15, 2013 Permalink  

    Super Easy Apple Dessert 

    •   Spray 9″ x 12″ baking dish


    Super Easy Apple Dessert

    •  Layer with unpeeled sliced apples

    (the thinner the easier to bake through)

    •  Sprinkle dry, yellow-boxed cake mix

    •  Drizzle one stick of melted butter

    over the dry mix

    •  Preheat oven at 350 degrees

    •  35-45 minutes until top bubbles

    Granny Smith apples or Honey Crisp work

    great.  Delicious apples – not so much.

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