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  • Noreen 2:35 pm on April 26, 2021 Permalink  

    Robo Calls 

    The increase of robo calls have been over the hill in the last weeks for auto insurance or auto warranty.  How annoying.  They had cooled down until lately.

    Dennis ran errands this morning, in part, getting ready for a “job jar party” on Mother’s Day.  Gotta love his enthusiasm.  We actually do the job jar quite well on our own.  Some things we keep hands off of as they are beyond our pay grade . . . retired with the wrong tools.

    We had stocked up on some groceries right before I had the stroke.  A lot of the groceries had not been put away in our pantry . . . the cistern closet in the basement.  Once I was in the basement I stayed put.  Multiple items of one type in a cardboard box needed to be unpacked to make it easier when we want to fetch one item off of the shelf rather than fight a heavy cardboard packing box.  It also refreshed me as to what we have on hand.  We won’t be going hungry anytime soon.  It was a good stint of energy and time.

    Shore Land has some great prepackaged soup mixes.  Not all grocery stores carry it.  Hy-Vee is where we found it.  Chicken Noodle is what we are having for supper.  We first had it at JoAnn’s when we had delivered the Koi to her farm last fall.  A bag of the soup mix and a can of canned chicken makes a great soup with the flat noodles, peas and carrots. 

    The day is cool with gray clouds threatening showers.  Spring is in the wings . . . any day now.

    Tomorrow I resume PT.  I now know, after a week on my own, where more PT is needed.  No guessing required.

  • Noreen 5:02 pm on December 17, 2020 Permalink  


    I had forgotten how sticky things can get when one is making candy with sugar and syrup.  I was determined to step out of my comfort zone with treats this Christmas.  All I had to loose was perhaps 5 lbs of sugar and a lot of stirring over boiling goodies.

    The cocoa fudge did turn out and it tastes just like what my Grandma Laura would make.  It is a grainy surgery finish.  Back then, cocoa was the thing to bake and cook with.  I don’t think chocolate chips were abundantly available, more so the bar of bitter sweet chocolate to shave off what was needed.  Indeed a flavor from times back.

    Marshmallow-FudgeI had some evaporated milk left from the 12 oz can, so today I tried my hand at milk chocolate chips and marshmallow cream out of a jar.  It’s too soon to tell.  Getting my sticky dishes cleaned up is always a good thing to do.  Hot sudsy water does soak its way through the worst of it, you just can’t rush it.  

    It’s always sad to learn when an old friend and neighbor passes away.  Martin Duesterhoff was such a good person.  He lived just a bit up the gravel road to the southeast.  He and his wife Fern never had children.  The entire community had him as a fellow that could be counted on.  Martin passed away at age 96.  

    I went down into the basement today and the fact that it got a good cleaning yesterday, gave me the best feeling.  It’s all tidy!  The sewing machine is taking a vacation until after Christmas.  I have no doubt I will keep busy as well.  Tomorrow, after a quick visit to the VA clinic here in town, we will be heading to New Ulm to pick up the little red pickup from the spa treatment.  Exciting to say the least.  

    Hmm.  It’s supper time.  I did pull out a pan of refrigerator rolls from the oven.  They should go well with some chicken tenders, fried potatoes and green peas.  A supper fit for this candy-making queen . .  oh I am sure Dennis will enjoy it as well.

  • Noreen 5:03 pm on December 6, 2020 Permalink  

    A Busy Day 

    Today I spent some hours in the sewing studio.  Out of 25 blocks to piece, I have five remaining.  When the back started feeling tight, all was shut down for the day.  Too much of a good thing will have payback later on.

    JoAnn cued us in on some soup mix, Shore Lunch.  Today I mixed up a batch of Chicken Noodle.  I had leftover chicken from the other night also with some corn and added it to the noodle, carrot and peas that were freeze dried.  8 cups of  boiling water and it was soup on its way.  It smells wonderful and supper is underway.

    2020-Christmas-2We have had the Christmas tree up since Thanksgiving and it had been out in the west porch.  I decided to make room for it in the living room and today it was decked out with decorations.  A pencil thin, seven foot tree is not the easiest to decorate and the branches are not very long.  I think it turned out great.  Many of my decorations will have to wait for next year when they get to take a turn.  I am short of flat spots for my Nativity sets.  

    It is five and it is dark out.  After supper I will be doing a stint in my chair and the heating pad on my back.  Priceless.

    A new week awaits and so does more wonderful weather.  Enjoy and know that no matter what our day brings, we do not walk alone.  An extra hand that can be felt on our shoulder brings support and peace.

  • Noreen 5:37 pm on October 30, 2020 Permalink  

    Sweet Day 

    My fellow stitchers said “all aboard,” and I answered the call.  After meeting up in Mankato, two vehicles with lots of chit chat fueling the trip headed for Rochester to the Pines and Needles Quilt Shop.  I had never visited said shop.  

    I had a bit of a list and came home with . . . not so much.  Each shop has its specialty and unique line of fabrics.  Between you and me and the fence post The Old Alley Quilt Shop in Sherburn had this one beat.  But . . . it doesn’t hurt to expand the horizons.

    We spent two and a half hours visiting in Panera Eatery.  That was the best part of the day.  Sharing, encouraging and listening . . . sweet day.

    Home is always sweet, and due to the lateness of my return we had smorgasbord for supper.  Dennis peeled the boiled potatoes that were on hand, threw in the corn left from last night, cracked two eggs in the pan and sprinkled with Asiago shredded cheese.  It tasted great and we were  content.   

    That brings to mind what contentment means to me.  Contentment for me is knowing that my world is enough for me.   

    We are on a streak of great weather.  Have at it everyone before someone else gets their hands on it.

  • Noreen 2:37 pm on May 2, 2020 Permalink  

    Saturday Brings Old Habits 

    Lena had us girls making tracks on a Saturday.  Elvera and I stripped all the family beds.  After that ensued . . . dusting.  The dusting was of the well worn linoleum floors with a wool dust mop that had just a bit of Watkins furniture oil on it to make sure the dust bunnies would be grabbed.  Surprisingly there was enough bedding in the linen closet to replace all that was needed on the five beds in the house.  Lena never washed clothes on a Saturday.  That was Monday’s job.  I don’t have a linen closet.  When the bedding comes off of our beds, they are immediately washed and put right back on.  Automatic washing machines and dryers are a blessing.  

    Keeping the check list going for all that I had planned for today was never far away.  Bedding washed and bedding put back on.  Dennis comments that there is nothing better on a Saturday night than having showered and then getting into the fresh bedding.  Come to think of it . . . it is a calming feeling.  Kind of like all is well in the world.

    Tonight will be pasta night.  Onions that have been browned in the dutch oven kettle followed by browning of ground beef.  I wanted to leave rather large chunks of the ground beef.   I used the medium sized flat egg noodles today.  As soon as the noodles were done and drained, I added a brick of cream cheese and covered the kettle to allow for the cream cheese to melt while the pasta was hot.  I don’t know when or why I have used cream cheese in addition to the sauce.  It seems to coat the pasta in a good way adding flavor without any carbs. I always leave a bit of sauce in the jar and add cream, again no carbs and then shake it up to get all the goodness out of the jar.  In went the browned beef and onions and . . . we have supper.  In fact there are two freezer bags of the pasta dish ready for the freezer.  I had used two pounds of beef and a fairly good amount of the pasta.  What’s not better than to have a quick meal to take out of the freezer to the oven now that spring is requiring more time outside.

    Dennis loves his ice cream.  Dennis does not like to snack on nuts for protein or fiber.  The last item on today’s check list was to use the blender and chop whole pecans.  A bit of the chopped pecans on ice cream does the trick.  The container is popped into the refrigerator as pecans are oily and I surely don’t want rancid ice cream toppings.

    There were a few weeds that could have been removed from the flowers on the east side of the house.  That might find its way on tomorrow’s list.  It was enjoyable to take my walk today knowing that as long as there are check lists in my life, I have a balanced life and a satisfying life and a reason to get up and show up for the day.

  • Noreen 3:48 pm on March 20, 2020 Permalink  

    A Little Joy 

    Nothing brings about a bit of joy to the ole cowboy more than having a friend call and have Dennis help him with some guns.  It seems that the good Lord knows when to pull the nap app.  Dennis’ friend helped him with his Cub-Lo-Boy in the past and this is a good deed to help back.  When people decide to move out of their home and into an apartment it calls for desperate measures.

    I am so thankful that I don’t have to contemplate that and hopefully not for a long time to come.  When I have visited some friends in their apartments, I do size them up.  What they have sacrificed their homesteads for . . . we have in place right here on Stauffer Avenue.  Thank the Lord.  There would be no need to use our basement, aka: sewing studio.  But . . . for right now it is my sanctuary.

    I made a trip to the grocery story this afternoon.  I thought I had picked a time that the store would not be very busy.  Not!  I would say the majority of shoppers were my age give or take a few years.  We needed bread and milk.  The options for bread were considerably less than usual.  Dennis and I enjoy a dish of ice cream from time to time.  Just plain old vanilla.  We do like some of Blue Bunny’s wonderful flavors but purchasing them in small containers that are available in our store is not very cost effective.  What’s not to like about a five quart pail!  That area had a lot of empty shelves within the freezer.

    When I awoke this morning and realized we still had a roof over our heads, I knew it would be a great day.  The north winds howled to no end through the night.  Seventeen above this morning was quite the shock . . . but missing out on the snow that had been talked about was sweet.

    Love leftovers.  The hotdish with the sliced brussel sprouts was a hit.  I think a can of cranberries as a side dish tonight sounds appealing.  

    My prayer is that everyone stay strong within themselves and use the weekend to peek around and see just how wonderful life is.  Having to pull in from some outside activities may be just what had happened with Julia Childs when she realized she could cook.  Martha Stewart, regardless how her food turned out, always commented “It’s a good thing.”  Yup, you can talk yourself into almost anything.

  • Noreen 6:48 pm on January 28, 2020 Permalink  

    The Day Flew 

    The ole adage, “Time flies when you are having fun” is still viable.  The day in the sewing studio was very productive.  The applique blocks for the wall hanging that I am working on are time intensive.  

    I had to shut the lights off at four thirty and get ready for my appointment at the St. James Eagles Club.  As planned Sharon was there at five with my finished long-armed quilt in tow.  I stayed long enough to meet the gals she was having supper with, pay Sharon for her talented work and then take my leave.  In the days ahead I will be working on getting the binding prepared.  First things first. The wall hanging will have to be finished first.

    By the way . . . the Eagles Club was void of people.  It would be hard to justify having the kitchen up and running when there were five people that were ordering food and a lowly two fellows at the bar.

    When us stitchers do get together the topic of UFOs does surface: unfinished objects in the sewing studios.  I do not prescribe to UFOs.  If in the near future, I am not able to be in the sewing studio, it would be horrible for someone else to try and figure out how to go on to finish the project.  I can predict that it would hit the circular file.  Well . . . on second thought nephew Brett most likely could handle it.

    I had gotten a text from Brett that he needed some quilting assist, so that was my next stop.  It seems that he may be short of some fabric and the solution will be for him to drop over tomorrow and check out my stashes.  I am happy to share as those stashes that I have are there as others have shared with me.

    Supper was a bit late for us.  We had been prepared.  Dennis had worked up some potato salad and sliced cucumber with onions.  All that was needed was to heat some precooked pork chops and the meal was complete in less than 10 minutes.

    I had thought it would be warmer today.  We had snowflakes, we had some mist and we had a whole bunch of clouds.

    The neck brace is about to be gotten out as I have called it quits for the remainder of the night.  It is tempting to go back down into the sewing studio after supper but enough is enough. If I overdue it, it may not remain fun.

  • Noreen 4:43 pm on January 12, 2020 Permalink  

    Act II 

    Today we are having Act II of the oven meal of yesterday that consisted of a pork roast, carrots and onions.  

    When we were in Mankato last week and I had purchased the pork roast at Cub’s grocery store; I had bought some produce as well.  I noticed that there were containers of pre-cut items.  Anticipating that there would be soup made at some time in the near future of the leftover roast, I bought a container that was one third diced onions, one third diced carrots and one third diced celery.  I mean to tell you these individual pieces were no more than one third inch in size of that.  My hands don’t do a lot of chopping well.  I bought the container and popped it into the freezer when we got home as I didn’t really know when the roast would go into the oven.  I knew there would be a huge amount of flavor from this container that would add to what I would put in the soup pot.

    Last night after supper and when the roast had cooled I diced up the meat and took the time to get rid of as much fatty trimmings as possible and popped the trimmed and diced meat into the refrigerator.  The drippings from the roaster I let set out as I knew I would skim off the set fat this morning.  I checked with Dennis this morning as to what would suit him for supper and he bought into the soup idea.  I did take three peeled and diced potatoes and they were the first thing in the soup kettle with a container of Swanson’s vegetable broth.  What better way to get them into the same consistency as the leftover carrots.

    When the potatoes were tender to a fork I added the frozen container from Cub’s that had carrots, onions and celery as well as the carrots and onions from the oven roast.  In went four bullion cubes, salt and pepper, with the roaster drippings with the meat added last. I left the burner on a fairly low setting as I knew the finely chopped items wouldn’t take any time at all to cook through.  I checked several hours later and the flavors were great.

    I admit, it was a luxury to purchase the prepared chopped vegetables.  With my arthritic hands it was well worth it for this pot of soup.  When we are in Mankato again, I will most likely purchase the prepared container again and pop it into our freezer for the next time there is an offering of soup . . . maybe several other options of prepared items that would freeze well.

    With not having to wear out my hands chopping items for the soup, I went on to making a pan of lemon bars and still felt like working a bit on my quilt blocks.  Dennis stirred up the powdered sugar frosting for the lemon bars . . . a win, win situation.

    Light snow off and on.  Could have guessed that when the wind switched to the south this forenoon.  Tomorrow is a new week with new thoughts and energies.  

    I know our Act II will bring several good meals of soup or even perhaps freeze a container for another day.

  • Noreen 4:55 pm on January 11, 2020 Permalink  

    More Appealing 

    Oven-RoastToday I put together an evening meal that will be a bit more appealing to the ole cowboy than the tomato pasta dish of this last week.  A bottom layer of baby carrots with a hand seasoned pork shoulder blade roast covered with onions. It has been in the oven for about an hour and a half and the aroma is really quite good.

    I had been in the sewing studio for the afternoon when Dennis called me up to the bathroom to look out the east window.  Two young bucks were eating hay under the Maple tree in the sunshine.  Their antlers are about four inches tall.  What a beautiful site.  Though hay may not be their favorite, Dennis always puts a handful of corn sprinkled over the hay.  I am sure the rest of the group will be following shortly.

    It’s been a rewarding day.  Cousin Mark followed up from yesterday’s quilt drama.  Mark found a Rite product to set the dye in the fabric he was working on.  No more using the Best Press starch spray. When I read my bottle there are no ingredients listed.  The label says it is a clear starch and sizing alternative with soil guard and wrinkle resister.  Ironically, this morning when I did some reading on one of my closed groups there was a posting from someone with an embroidered project.  She was going to give the finished stitching a spray with Best Press and the red embroidery threads bled.  Hmm.  I’ll have to do more checking on this.  Mark is on his way to a successful project with dark colored fabrics and very light colored fabrics.

    Here is the thing: cheap fabrics sold in Walmart and even JoAnn Fabrics have a grudge base in the weaving process and may always bleed.  Everything needs to be washed before any stitching of any kind.  The higher end fabrics that quilt stores sell have a better weft and warp quality and do not need to be pre-washed.  I have never had any of the quilt store purchased fabrics bleed.

    On a second go round of text messages, there is a scrumptious cake being enjoyed by the Fairfax team.  Kersten worked until sometime this afternoon and Kevin was going to bake a cake for them to enjoy later on today.  Between Google and Grammie the ingredients came together for a successful end product.

    It’s time for me to close down shop here in the sewing studio and finish up some ends in the kitchen for a great supper that I know will get high reviews from the ole cowboy.

  • Noreen 5:14 pm on January 2, 2020 Permalink  

    A Bit of a Disappointment 

    We had a new storm door up in the summer.  It was a Larson brand.  Last week, I noticed that the vinyl sweep that goes across the bottom of the door to keep drafts and critters out had torn loose.  Hmm.  It was disappointing that we had not made it through one season without a draft under the door.  I mentioned it in passing to Dennis and we decided to live with it until spring.

    This afternoon,  I heard a noise by the back door.  The back door was not opening but the noise continued.  My first thought was that Dennis had fallen.  Up the sewing studio stairs I went.  When I opened our back door there indeed was a body.  Our friend Elmer, was on his knees and he was replacing the sweep.  Elmer and I had worked for the county for years and were good friends.  After Elmer retired from the county shop, he had taken up small repair jobs.

    Dennis had taken in the comment I had made last week.  Dennis acted on that comment and had found Elmer.  What a great ole cowboy I have.  What great “people” we have.  Living in a small town, it seems that it doesn’t take long, sometimes, to find someone who can assist in a small repair.

    I had stayed in the sewing studio for most of the day.  When I was on the first floor, the gray day bit me in the butt.  If I stayed in the sewing studio, I didn’t see the gray skies and I continued with my projects.  It is amazing what we can do to protect ourselves from being in a less than good frame of mind. 

    Supper is several precooked pork chops and the remainder of the potato salad that Dennis had made for last night’s supper.  I had boiled eggs and boiled two lonely potatoes and Dennis took it from there.  It was great to have a portion of last night’s supper done for me.  I can share with you that Dennis’ two least favorite things to do in the kitchen is peel boiled eggs and chop onions.  Our boiled eggs have been peeling better since I put some soda and some vinegar in the kettle that the eggs will be boiled in.  Who knew!

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