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  • Noreen 2:20 pm on September 17, 2021 Permalink  

    Fall Feeling Friday 

    It might be Friday but neither of us heard the wind during the night that brought this fall feeling day. 

    Dennis came in after his morning coffee and breakfast in the patio porch and went straight to getting his chores clothes on.  I had no clue who lit a fire under him until he explained: we had had a strong wind that took down a lot of tree tips and branches.

    How sweet that Dennis has a sweeper to pull behind his mower to rake up just such a mess as this.  Before having this sweeper, I would have been out there with my six inch wide rake with lots of bending over and Dennis filling up several trash cans.

    Friday-Kitchen-WaresI felt if he was going to do yard work, I would do a morning in the kitchen.  We both like to eat and we both like oven meals.  I had everything to pull this morning off.  Egg noodles with a pound of browned hamburger, a can of drained beans and garlic flavored Classico tomato sauce. The batch was huge.  After a photo shoot, I put two pans in the freezer for another fall-feeling day.  There will still be a wonderful amount for supper.  As I worked through the morning and the kitchen was filling with great aroma, I decided to do more.  What helped is that a while back we had stopped at the apple barn on 169 and had proceeded to tuck an apple pie in the freezer.  Today, I knew that I would do a batch of scones and follow that by baking out the pie.  

    By noon, Dennis had completed the acre and I was finishing up the dishes.  We both felt like taking a noon break at the dining room table.  Dennis had equipment to clean up and I had a bed to make.  As the kitchen commotion was going on, I had bedding that I was swapping out in the laundry.   

    It is now mid afternoon and time for some patio sitting with our feet up.  Of course I checked out the acre, and it indeed looks as if it has been raked by a professional.  I know I will get rave reviews for our five o’clock supper we will be enjoying . . . complete with apple pie for later.  One good turn deserves another.

    I see that I need to change the date on my camera.  Hey . . . if I figured out the wireless printer to get it back online . . . I have got this.

  • Noreen 3:51 pm on September 4, 2021 Permalink  

    Variety in a Day 

    The day started by a discussion as to what supper would be.  Wow!  I wasn’t even dressed for the day and we need to know what is going to be served for supper!

    Dennis declared he would be making supper and we needed to fill in the blanks as to what would be needed.  I told him I would dice and sauté the onion for him.  Dennis headed for the store as he needed a can of peas and a jar of Alfredo sauce.  The end result is that supper was going to be a tuna, pasta and pea oven dish, complete with the sautéed onions.  We eat onions in most of what is cooked.

    A classmate of Dennis’ was walking by and Dennis invited Janet in for a visit as he was heading to the store.  I enjoyed the visit as Janet and I have been acquaintances.  Our daughters were in school together.

    I don’t get into Dennis’ way when he cooks.  It is because, my advice is the last thing he needs.  I also stay away as he washes up the dishes from his prep.  I had headed out to the patio porch to work my whiles on painting the cement rooster.  I also didn’t need any advice in my project. 

    Dennis and I met up at twelve noon for a bite of lunch.  Each, willing to share how each of our projects had gone.  I know I will be eating good and Dennis knows all he has to do is give the rooster several coats of poly.

    The afternoon air was pleasant for patio sitting.  Neighbor Jan came from the north and the two of us caught up with each other.  Jan works in the school’s library and her vacation days will cease the day after Labor Day.  Dennis joined right in.

    As all three of us were enjoying the afternoon, Dennis noticed quite the group of wasps that were in the process of nesting under the garage roof line.  Black Flag promises a shot up to 20 feet away.  Time will tell how the fast draw of the ole cowboy did to hit the target.

    Our plans for this last holiday of the summer is consistent . . . enjoying our home.  Gotta love it!

  • Noreen 1:52 pm on August 23, 2021 Permalink  

    A Monday 

    Today we entertained a first cousin of Dennis’ from the state of Washington.  Those cousins are few and far in between for Dennis.  It was great to have John visit.  There is 20 years between them.  John could vividly remember that when he was in high school, the family lived at Waseca, his parents had taken their family to the rodeo in town as Dennis had entered the rodeo, riding the bucking broncos and being strapped onto the bucking bulls.  Dennis was in his late 30s.  That might be the answer to some of his aches and pains today.  The visit meant a lot to Dennis.

    I am fortunate that many of my first cousins didn’t stray far from their parental homes.  My cousins from my mom’s side get together once a year at Darwin, near Litchfield, the home of the twine ball. My cousins from my dad’s side have a gathering every three years or so at a rural site near Brownton.  Several of us from either side email, phone and text. Sweet. 

    With the blessing of almost an inch of rain last night, the humidity is rearing its head today.  There might even be a tinge of green showing in the lawns,  It sure perked up the plot of catnip. 

    This morning, I had mixed feelings.  Megan’s first day of her Senior year.  Hmm.  Megan spent a lot of time with us until she started school.  Though Nicholas tagged along with her for stays, Megan is the one that taught us so much in her tender years. Those memories are priceless.

    Out came Mom’s church cookbook for tonight’s supper.  Yesterday, I picked up a few groceries at Cubs before we left Mankato.  As we had had a full day, I picked up some “heat and serve” supper.  Nope.  I would rather cook. This dish tonight is one of Mom’s recipes that she had submitted.  Sauerkraut, browned hamburger, sautéed onions, one can of cream of mushroom soup and wide egg noodles uncooked.  One half cup of water in the bottom of the dish with the noodles and remaining items going in.  Dish is to stay covered for an hour at 350 degrees.  I am thinking the water allows for good steam to be generated to cook the noodles.  There was another recipe submitted also using uncooked wide egg noodles.  It must work.

    The rest of the week is uneventful.  I need some time in the studio . . . it is beckoning me.  I become totally relaxed around my threads and fuzz.

  • Noreen 2:47 pm on August 6, 2021 Permalink  

    Friday With Saturday’s Chores 

    Tomorrow we are going to a family gathering from my mom’s side of the family.  There were eight siblings.  I have many Riebe cousins.  Many of them stayed in the Litchfield area.  We are getting together in Darwin at the city park, we try to do it once a year.  It has been a year that I am sure has brought many changes to many.

    Tomorrow would have been bedding laundry day.  We had that whipped out today, Friday, by twelve noon.  Chased a few dust bunnies as well.  Nothing worse than coming home from a day of play to feel behind the eight ball of what is waiting to be done.

    A dish to pass was all that was requested for tomorrow.  After kicking that around for several days, I decided on cooked rice done with milk and sugar.  Everyone from this group grew up on it.  When cooled, a sprinkle of cinnamon tops it.  

    I dug out the double boiler kettle.  I didn’t have the whole milk that works the best, so I opened a can of Carnation milk.  I knew I could add 2% to it and have it turn out great.  I had forgotten how long it takes when you use one and a half cups of rice.  The long grain rice takes a long slow time.  We are now coming to the two and a half hours and it has been put into a bowl for cooling.  We are two hours away from the gathering and it will travel well.  This will be a long day for me, but I sure am looking forward to getting out of Dodge.  I will rest up later.

    When I have been really hungry for the rice pudding, I have bought a small container in the grocery store deli department.  Silly me.  It’s watery and an insult to the rice pudding.

    The worst part of preparing this dish is the cleanup of the top portion of the double boiler.  It does help to put some water into the top and allow the bottom to continue boiling.  The steam process does help.

    I couldn’t leave the kitchen for fear I would forget to add milk to the rice.  I boiled some egg noodles, chopped up an onion and browned a pound of ground beef.  I had bought some of the Better Than Bullion in the grocery store.  It comes in a small jar and has a jelly type consistency.  It needs to be refrigerated after opening.  I had either the roasted onion or the roasted garlic.  I used two tablespoons of the garlic and stirred that into the hot meat mixture.  Aroma . . . spot on.  I then called upon Dennis as to how to top it off.  His decision was the white Alfredo sauce.  We are now having a dish reminiscent to Beed Stroganoff.  No veggies this time.  Supper has been planned and only needs oven time.

    I know after supper and I have showered for the day . . . I will be off the clock.  

    In regard to the studio:  my household chores come first in any day.  If I have gotten done what the home requires, that is when I take the steps to the studio.  In time, the first floor items will be accomplished in less time as my stamina improves and then . . . watch out!

  • Noreen 2:25 pm on August 1, 2021 Permalink  

    And the Week Begins 

    Nothing spectacular going on today.  I do have a tuna oven meal ready for supper . . . straight from Mom’s church cookbook.  It is a tuna dish with diced celery and onions, chicken and rice soup, cream of mushroom soup and . . . two heaping cups of chow mien noodles.  Nothing ventured . . . nothing gained.  I always use Albacore tuna that is packed in water.  My best customer said it sure smelled good even before hitting the oven.

    I made a trip to our Fleet store.  I purchased what I hope is a good air freshener for our attic.  We had left the window open for several weeks as well as the attic steps covering.  No . . . it had not smelled any different than any other attic.  Roof vents just don’t cut it.  Time will tell.  Grant it, any cloth items coming down for use, get a good airing out on the clothes line or are inline for a laundering.  In my growing up days the first choice would have been mothballs, my purchase today has a more herbal scent supposedly to last for 60 days. 

    Last night we watched the Antique Road Show on PBS.  It had clips from the early 2000s with the worth of the items in the present day.  Dennis agreed . . . sad that most things we would still deem viable where greatly reduced in value.  More testament that we have become a throw away society.  

    Though we live minimally by choice, what we have we take care of as it may not be able to be replaced due to our resources or, more importantly, it is about the emotional attachment.  I admit, I hold quite a bit near and dear.  I am willing to share with Kevin and Carrie if I hear that they may have an eye on something from my holdings.  Why not!

  • Noreen 2:26 pm on July 30, 2021 Permalink  

    A Dribble of Rain 

    Smokey air is one thing.  Add to that a dribble of a rain shower.  Not the most welcoming for the weekend.  Never mind . . . it’s the weekend . . . rejoice!

    Right now my church tables in the studio look as if we have nothing going on.  That would be correct.  The tablecloth has been cleaned up of extra threads and fuzz and pressed.  I had an extra wide hanger that I measured to see how narrow the tablecloth would need to be folded widthwise to lie flat over the rod. One fourth of the width did it.  I put a freshly washed towel over the rod before putting the tablecloth over it.  That will keep the cloth from getting a marked fold line in the future.  A clean dry cleaner bag over the top and it is now hanging from a hook in the ceiling of the studio.  The click of the light switch echoed me saying “Amen.”  

    I think I can say with confidence, “If not at 100%, I am going to be just fine with my mobility.”  

    As I sit in my old comfy chair in our west porch watching traffic, I know how I am going forward fixing meals.  No more asking “What are you hungry for”?  If it arrives on the table at supper time . . . it is what it is.

    Yesterday when we were in the grocery store, Dennis picked up a container of Lloyd’s pulled pork from the cooler.  Last night we had hot pulled pork sandwiches on toast.  That took a fairly small amount out of the round tub.  It was very tasty.  I put on my thinking cap.

    I had mentioned we shopped for a variety of staples yesterday. Tonight for supper, in a sprayed 9″ baking dish, I broke up six tortillas to cover the bottom.  One diced onion had been caramelized than I added a can of refried beans to heat them to soften them up.  That was spread on the tortillas.  The Lloyd’s pulled pork was spread over the onions and beans.  To top it off, shredded cheddar cheese to cover.  It will go into the oven at 350 degrees until it hits the heat of 155-160. 

    For sure, this was not in Mom’s church recipe book.  I don’t even know if Dad would have gone for it.  He was pretty much meat, potatoes and what’s for dessert.  Dennis and I both like Mexican flavored food once in awhile.  Do we ever go out for a Mexican meal?  No.  Dad’s favorite saying, “Talk is cheap but it won’t buy whiskey.”  Silly as it is, Dad never drank whiskey, but . . . he wouldn’t turn down a Fuzzy Navel: a shot of vodka with orange juice.

    I got waylaid.  As I have gotten older, meals have been a challenge for supper.  We don’t eat as much as we used to and our pallets have changed.  Wait until I bring out the chow mien noodles.  As I have mentioned, our café up town does not discriminate.  They would take Dennis’ money any hour of any day.

    Rejoice for all, the Lord allows for us to be his stewards.

  • Noreen 3:10 pm on July 27, 2021 Permalink  

    At Last 

    Our McDonald’s has opened their interior several weeks ago.  At last, today Dennis and his buds are back on track to get together for the Tuesday morning session.  Many of them had drug card tables and lawn chairs to the parking lot over the extended covid shut down.  That was not up Dennis’ alley.  Good for him.  He was not that desperate to being social.

    While Dennis was out with his coffee group, I was in the studio.  Small steps make the project doable.  Miters are sewn down and all the raw seams, via the overlocking foot and stitch are secure.  There would be nothing more miserable than laundering  a tablecloth and having seams wanting to ravel.  The last step and that may be happening tomorrow is hemming the project.  I will be using my Best Press in preparation before stitching.  Best Press is a light starch and will help prevent any stretching.  We surely do not want a hem that has a ruffle look.

    At last, we got haircuts today.  Being tipped back in the chair was not on the agenda before now.  I am not sure who’s haircut is shorter . . . mine or Dennis’.  It matters not right now. Ease of managing in the hot weather is of prime importance.  A week later new growth will be showing.

    We are having a Chicken Ruben oven meal today.  Cubed raw chicken breast meat in the sprayed bottom of an oven dish.  Sprinkle with poultry seasoning.  Spread one can of drained sauerkraut on top of the chicken.  Lightly cover the kraut with 1,000 Island dressing.  Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degree.  Remove and cover the top of the dish with Baby Swiss Cheese, the kind with the holes.  Return to the oven for an additional 15 minutes.   It’s been a long time since I have fixed this and yes . . . I am running out of ideas that really trip Dennis’ taste buds.  Fixing this is more appealing to me than eating out or soup.

    I pray that wherever you are, that if nothing else, not in the sun and air moving about you.

  • Noreen 2:13 pm on July 24, 2021 Permalink  

    Nothing Special 

    This was a nothing special Saturday.  Now that I am on the downhill side of this Saturday, it feels special.

    I am in my element when I can have a tidy home and a supper to put forth.  I had a lot of energy at seven this morning.  As I got up out of bed, I took the bedding right with me to the washing machine in the bathroom.  Bubbles churning, I put together my breakfast.  One of Dennis’ scones sure was tempting.  Not.  I did do my yogurt, flax meal, apple sauce and blueberries.  Maybe tomorrow morning I won’t be as strong.  I feel better if I lay low on the refined sugar and white flour.

    On to the supper.  I rough chopped the last of an onion and sautéed it to get a good caramelization. Pasta, lean ground beef browned, a cup or so of corn kernels, the onions and then churned with the contents of a jar of Clssico Tomato and Basil.  It is a warm day to have the oven going later on.  Equally, it is a good day to put out a good meal . . . with leftovers guaranteed.  

    By twelve noon the fresh bedding was back on the bed and the older ones on Stauffer will not be going out for supper.  It did feel good to take a break in our west house porch.  We have Thrush  birds that nest under our awning.  It makes for fun to watch them flit from the evergreen to and from their nests.  Their song is a joyful one.  I had a cup of coffee left from breakfast.  Add to that . . . even watching some traffic was relaxing.

    There was one seam stitched and ironed this afternoon.  I am making headway even if the back doesn’t appreciate the sewing studio time. 

    I am not overdoing it in my day-to-day routines.  I am participating in all my usual activities, just not to the max.  It feels special to be on track after six months of . . . not so much.

  • Noreen 1:17 pm on July 15, 2021 Permalink  

    Mild Temps 

    What’s not to love when the temps are mild right into the late afternoon.  

    We had errands to run.  Dennis does the driving and I do the in and outing of places.  It is actually good exercise for me, as me and the cane have one speed . . . slow.

    The grocery store was in line after the post office.  When we had some pork steak as an oven meal, there were leftovers.  Leftovers make good repurposed meals.  I needed some egg noodles, and sour cream.  I have had some of the refrigerated “Better than Bullion” in the sautéed onion and garlic flavor on hand.  It is in a jellied form in a small jar.  When the noodles were still hot, I whipped in a large tablespoon of the sautéed onion bullion, a bit of olive oil and a cup of sour cream.  The diced pork was the last be be folded in.  I topped it off with fresh ground pepper.  It looks very appealing to be popped in the oven latter on.

    The last stop had been the Lewis Drug.  If I could do a happy dance and remain upright I would have as there was no co-pay due on Dennis’ three month supply of Warfarin.  We feel so blessed that our insurance premiums each month, that amount to a few cents over $15.00 for each of us, serves us well.

    I do have supper ready and the kitchen prep has been cleaned up.  I am ready for some chair time.

    As a thought:  a kind friend brought me donuts for my Wednesday and Thursday breakfast.  How could I not accept them and then go on to enjoy them these last two mornings.  They did taste oh so good as I have not had anything from the pastry counter in months and months.  I told Dennis “not again.”  The sugar high wore off both mornings and I could feel a downward spiral.  I will be sticking to my plain yogurt, flax meal topped with blueberries or apple sauce.  Every once in awhile falling off the wagon does teach a valuable lesson, much like not having carbonated soda beverages which are hard on the kidneys loaded with . . . nothing good, in the house.

  • Noreen 2:51 pm on July 9, 2021 Permalink  

    There Are Times 

    There are times when the stomach may growl.  What to put in it . . . hmm.  Nothing appeals.  Even thinking of all the contents and aisles in a store . . . nada.  Dennis and I were determined we would get this figured out.  I made sure I had on good shoes and I headed down Stauffer Avenue thinking I needed a fairly good walk to clear my head and work up an appetite.

    I walked east far enough to knock on Chuck and Bonnie’s door to bid them a hello.  I knew that they were leery of coming to see me in the event I didn’t feel up to a visit.  We did indeed have a good visit while I sat on their patio bench and caught my breath before making the return trip home.  Yup . . . pushing myself a bit felt wonderful.

    When I got home Dennis had cauliflower chunked, two cans of water-packed chicken, Alfredo sauce, pasta measured and a can of green beans for color ready to open.  It was a plan.  I pitched in and we will be eating a great supper . . . and perhaps a helping for two to pop in the freezer for another time.  Meals on Wheels eat your heart out.

    Naps during the day are getting slim.  I still hit the rocking chair but the eyes now don’t immediately fall shut.  I am in bed by nine each evening and do sleep well.

    Life is sweet.  I can assure you the dust bunnies are not getting the upper hand.

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