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  • Noreen 4:43 pm on January 12, 2020 Permalink  

    Act II 

    Today we are having Act II of the oven meal of yesterday that consisted of a pork roast, carrots and onions.  

    When we were in Mankato last week and I had purchased the pork roast at Cub’s grocery store; I had bought some produce as well.  I noticed that there were containers of pre-cut items.  Anticipating that there would be soup made at some time in the near future of the leftover roast, I bought a container that was one third diced onions, one third diced carrots and one third diced celery.  I mean to tell you these individual pieces were no more than one third inch in size of that.  My hands don’t do a lot of chopping well.  I bought the container and popped it into the freezer when we got home as I didn’t really know when the roast would go into the oven.  I knew there would be a huge amount of flavor from this container that would add to what I would put in the soup pot.

    Last night after supper and when the roast had cooled I diced up the meat and took the time to get rid of as much fatty trimmings as possible and popped the trimmed and diced meat into the refrigerator.  The drippings from the roaster I let set out as I knew I would skim off the set fat this morning.  I checked with Dennis this morning as to what would suit him for supper and he bought into the soup idea.  I did take three peeled and diced potatoes and they were the first thing in the soup kettle with a container of Swanson’s vegetable broth.  What better way to get them into the same consistency as the leftover carrots.

    When the potatoes were tender to a fork I added the frozen container from Cub’s that had carrots, onions and celery as well as the carrots and onions from the oven roast.  In went four bullion cubes, salt and pepper, with the roaster drippings with the meat added last. I left the burner on a fairly low setting as I knew the finely chopped items wouldn’t take any time at all to cook through.  I checked several hours later and the flavors were great.

    I admit, it was a luxury to purchase the prepared chopped vegetables.  With my arthritic hands it was well worth it for this pot of soup.  When we are in Mankato again, I will most likely purchase the prepared container again and pop it into our freezer for the next time there is an offering of soup . . . maybe several other options of prepared items that would freeze well.

    With not having to wear out my hands chopping items for the soup, I went on to making a pan of lemon bars and still felt like working a bit on my quilt blocks.  Dennis stirred up the powdered sugar frosting for the lemon bars . . . a win, win situation.

    Light snow off and on.  Could have guessed that when the wind switched to the south this forenoon.  Tomorrow is a new week with new thoughts and energies.  

    I know our Act II will bring several good meals of soup or even perhaps freeze a container for another day.

  • Noreen 4:55 pm on January 11, 2020 Permalink  

    More Appealing 

    Oven-RoastToday I put together an evening meal that will be a bit more appealing to the ole cowboy than the tomato pasta dish of this last week.  A bottom layer of baby carrots with a hand seasoned pork shoulder blade roast covered with onions. It has been in the oven for about an hour and a half and the aroma is really quite good.

    I had been in the sewing studio for the afternoon when Dennis called me up to the bathroom to look out the east window.  Two young bucks were eating hay under the Maple tree in the sunshine.  Their antlers are about four inches tall.  What a beautiful site.  Though hay may not be their favorite, Dennis always puts a handful of corn sprinkled over the hay.  I am sure the rest of the group will be following shortly.

    It’s been a rewarding day.  Cousin Mark followed up from yesterday’s quilt drama.  Mark found a Rite product to set the dye in the fabric he was working on.  No more using the Best Press starch spray. When I read my bottle there are no ingredients listed.  The label says it is a clear starch and sizing alternative with soil guard and wrinkle resister.  Ironically, this morning when I did some reading on one of my closed groups there was a posting from someone with an embroidered project.  She was going to give the finished stitching a spray with Best Press and the red embroidery threads bled.  Hmm.  I’ll have to do more checking on this.  Mark is on his way to a successful project with dark colored fabrics and very light colored fabrics.

    Here is the thing: cheap fabrics sold in Walmart and even JoAnn Fabrics have a grudge base in the weaving process and may always bleed.  Everything needs to be washed before any stitching of any kind.  The higher end fabrics that quilt stores sell have a better weft and warp quality and do not need to be pre-washed.  I have never had any of the quilt store purchased fabrics bleed.

    On a second go round of text messages, there is a scrumptious cake being enjoyed by the Fairfax team.  Kersten worked until sometime this afternoon and Kevin was going to bake a cake for them to enjoy later on today.  Between Google and Grammie the ingredients came together for a successful end product.

    It’s time for me to close down shop here in the sewing studio and finish up some ends in the kitchen for a great supper that I know will get high reviews from the ole cowboy.

  • Noreen 5:14 pm on January 2, 2020 Permalink  

    A Bit of a Disappointment 

    We had a new storm door up in the summer.  It was a Larson brand.  Last week, I noticed that the vinyl sweep that goes across the bottom of the door to keep drafts and critters out had torn loose.  Hmm.  It was disappointing that we had not made it through one season without a draft under the door.  I mentioned it in passing to Dennis and we decided to live with it until spring.

    This afternoon,  I heard a noise by the back door.  The back door was not opening but the noise continued.  My first thought was that Dennis had fallen.  Up the sewing studio stairs I went.  When I opened our back door there indeed was a body.  Our friend Elmer, was on his knees and he was replacing the sweep.  Elmer and I had worked for the county for years and were good friends.  After Elmer retired from the county shop, he had taken up small repair jobs.

    Dennis had taken in the comment I had made last week.  Dennis acted on that comment and had found Elmer.  What a great ole cowboy I have.  What great “people” we have.  Living in a small town, it seems that it doesn’t take long, sometimes, to find someone who can assist in a small repair.

    I had stayed in the sewing studio for most of the day.  When I was on the first floor, the gray day bit me in the butt.  If I stayed in the sewing studio, I didn’t see the gray skies and I continued with my projects.  It is amazing what we can do to protect ourselves from being in a less than good frame of mind. 

    Supper is several precooked pork chops and the remainder of the potato salad that Dennis had made for last night’s supper.  I had boiled eggs and boiled two lonely potatoes and Dennis took it from there.  It was great to have a portion of last night’s supper done for me.  I can share with you that Dennis’ two least favorite things to do in the kitchen is peel boiled eggs and chop onions.  Our boiled eggs have been peeling better since I put some soda and some vinegar in the kettle that the eggs will be boiled in.  Who knew!

  • Noreen 5:14 pm on December 30, 2019 Permalink  

    A Peaceful Day 

    It was peaceful for Dennis and I as we were hunkered down and let the blowing snow do its own thing.

    A friend of Dennis’ did pop over for coffee in the patio porch.  Dennis and Doug have shared a love of older firearms.  What a better way to put away some baked goods, coffee and sharing.

    The sewing studio was my place to be today.  Doing some kitchen towels on the embroidery machine passed the time quite quickly.  

    I can share something that we had for supper last night.  French Toast and Jimmy Dean breakfast sausages.  No syrup was needed.  I had purchased a fairly large jar of Apple Butter Jam recently.  When I put it on the table rather than the syrup, Dennis did raise the eyebrows.  “Try it you might like it.”  Tried it and Dennis did like it.  It has so much less sugar than syrup and much tastier as well.  The cinnamon flavor in the substitute also hit the mark.  It may just be our favorite to try on pancakes the next time we are having a comfort food meal. 

    This evening I took a bag of frozen beef noodle soup out.  Soup and crackers sounded like what would suffice as neither of us had a lot of physical exercise today. 

    Actually when Dennis came in to check on me this afternoon and take in a few games of solitaire on the sewing studio’s lap top, Dennis shared a tale of cleaning in the patio porch.  Dennis had just vacuumed the carpet and then cleaned the vacuum filter when he heard a thud.  Harriet had stood on her hind feet to put the paws on the edge of one of the huge potted plants that we were wintering over, and yes . . . over it went, off of the small table it had been sitting on.  Hmm.  More vacuuming ensued. What to do with the kids . . . love them, stroke them and love them forever.

    Tomorrow there may need a bit of snow moved off of the drive.  Not much snow has been had, but the wind really is whipping it up.

  • Noreen 3:25 pm on December 8, 2019 Permalink  

    Heavy Gray Skies 

    It was to have been a very mild day with temps in the 40s.  Not so!  The air is heavy and the skies are gray and it makes my titanium joints cry.  No . . . it’s not the titanium hardware, it’s tendons, muscles, nerve endings and such that are attached to the hardware.  Easily felt . . . hard to explain.

    ChiliWith two pounds of lean hamburger, one pound of pork sausage, five different types of beans, plus sauce and seasonings, we are going to have chili for supper.  A huge batch is usually made so several meals can be put in the freezer for those days that I am not about to make a meal . . . come hell or high water.  Ya, there are days like that.  The days that are like that, I declare to Dennis, “You are on your own for supper.  Either scrounge our refrig and kitchen or you know your way to the Home Town Café.”  Do you want to know what happens?  About a few minutes from meal time, I hear the table being set.  It is set complete with silverware, condiments and water glasses . . . filled.  Screw that!  I guess the message was not received and I am in the kitchen.  I know, I know . . . I should be and I am thankful that Dennis will eat whatever is set before him.  It’s kind of like a . . . compliment. 

    2019-SantaSnow is forecast and with the  dreary heavy air making me feel dreary,  it was time for me to have a talk with the big man in our living room . . . Santa.  I go up close and personnel so there would be no mistaking what I want for Christmas.  It was all taken in and I could swear that I saw him wink . . . or it could have been the smear on my glasses where the chili boiled up and caught me unaware.  Nonetheless . . . Santa and I have an understanding.  I believe we all need an understanding of what is probable, what is possible and what is heartfelt wishing.

  • Noreen 3:04 pm on November 2, 2019 Permalink  

    Quiet on The Acre 

    Today the sewing studio is closed for the day.  As of yesterday afternoon there are no UFOs in the studio . . . “unfinished objects.”  I have a few ideas in the hopper, but nothing is going to be started this weekend.

    This morning there was a load of laundry started in conjunction with dust bunnies being called out.  Calling it a good start to “local effort” I headed out for my walk.  My day seems to go better with a walk having been had in the mornings. 

    Yesterday a fellow down the way on Stauffer Avenue stopped and ask Dennis if there was any chance of having the bricks that have been piled next to the potting shed.  In times past I had used them to outline flower beds.  Dennis had convinced me that it made it difficult to mow around them as well as till the flower beds.  Dennis gave him the nod and he began loading them up.

    By last night Dennis didn’t know if he had taken as many bricks as he needed as there were still a goodly amount left.  This morning the fellow was back.  The bricks that he took yesterday were already cemented in to the front of his house, and he came back for the remaining ones.  From our point of view it was a good neighborly transaction. 

    There had been broken flower pots that had been used as garden art around some of the hosta.  Today the broken flower pots are no more.  Tidy, tidy.  Yes . . . this Grammie is serious about lessening the gardens.  Perhaps if the deer keep coming back and doing the trimming in the far east hosta bed, they will have assisted me.

    Dennis is making supper tonight.  We are having smorgasbord via Dennis.  It is fried leftover mashed potatoes, cut up Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausages, diced onions that have been sweated and browned, topped with several eggs that are broken and spread over the fare . . . left just long enough to have them cooked gently.  It is actually tasty.  The Home Town Restaurant here in town started this on their Saturday Night bar menu years ago.  They did the American fries. Dennis is using up leftover mashed potatoes.   Hey . . . any night I don’t have to lift a ladle is great with me.   

    Tonight we turn our clocks back.  It will take me a few morning to get used to it.  

    I think it will be quiet on the acre tomorrow as well.  It’s a good thing.

  • Noreen 2:32 pm on October 27, 2019 Permalink  

    Good Aromas 

    There is a good aroma in the home this afternoon.  I slathered seasoning on a pork roast and it has been roasting at 250 degrees since ten this morning.  The best part will be the leftovers and most important the bone that will make a great soup for later this week.  I usually purchase a 4 lb. roast so I can dice and trim for several freezer bags of pork roast to use later on.  It makes for quick meals.

    We did have a bit of outside work left for today.  Now that the fish pond has been drained, we needed to pay attention to  several soft spots in the exterior siding of the potting shed that also has the fish pond bladder attached to it.  Over years of water splashing against it, it needed attention.  Those sneaky little mice would just love to make those vulnerable spots into perfect size holes for them and to then give a shout out . . . “ya all come!”  Some new pitch packs were also placed into the potting shed as we are done with tucking away items into it.

    Dennis set about cutting a piece of trim for me as I want to hang a wall hanging in the living room for the Christmas season.  Nothing fancy, just a piece of trim with a bit of sanding and it will be ready to go.  I have two new 3M Command Hooks for the rest of the story.

    I worked a bit on two pillows that may be what is wanted for a customer.  Time will tell.

    Yup . . . that roast is really wetting the appetite.  A few instant mashed potatoes and some Steamable Birds Eye Frozen Corn and we will be in high cotton.

    A good bit of local effort to close down the day.

  • Noreen 3:42 pm on August 29, 2019 Permalink  


    A sure fired clue that I am weary is having to put in a password four times before it flies.  Hmm.

    It doesn’t happen often but for no good reason, my eyes flew open at 4:30 this morning and there was no going back to sleep.  I started a load of laundry and puttered around in the sewing studio.  I surly didn’t want to make noise to awaken Dennis.

    Several days ago, I had gotten my blood from a pricked finger where I didn’t want it.  Out came the vinegar.  Mom’s recipe worked great with a touch of cold water as a chaser.  

    By nine, I had gotten quite a bit done in time to greet Dennis as he had slept in.  

    Could this mowing possibly be the last one this fall?  Surprisingly, the grass wanted to clump when Dennis was out in the far portion of the acre.  I had my faithful bagger on for the front yard.  Both Dennis and I got filthy by mowing.  The strong north wind managed to stir up a lot of dust when mowing around trees and shrubs where dry leaves had found a hiding spot from the last storm.

    Rotisserie chicken does have a great flavor from the slow roasting.  When we purchase one in the grocery store we may get one meal initially.  The rest I bone out, dice out and freeze.  Today was a great day to take that frozen treat and get some pasta boiled.  We are having a chicken pasta hotdish for supper.  Philadelphia cream cheese stirred into and right after the pasta has boiled and is still steaming and drained. It coats each piece of pasta for deliciousness.  I added a steamer bag of mixed vegetables and Alfredo sauce . . . finishes the dish.  

    Our supper is on point and creamed cucumbers with lots of onion slices will add some crunch.  

    These two ole timers will be dining in fine style.  You can bet your bippy my feet will be up after supper.  But then, dang, it’s great patio sitting in the evening fanning the weariness.  Time will tell.

  • Noreen 4:52 pm on August 27, 2019 Permalink  

    They are Still About 

    Negative things travel faster than the speed of light.  I had positive blessings come my way today. 

    With the good report of the MRI yesterday, you would have thought my doctor would have been off the hook.  Not so.  He called this afternoon to let me know he had gotten some time slots for me at physical therapy . . . with the fellow that has gotten me through two new knee hardware and two new shoulder hardware surgeries.  Dr Eatwell believes there is more here than scans are showing.  Something is going on with my balance and there may be a solution.  Doctors that go beyond are still about.  Oh my sweet Lord, I so hope there is a solution in sight.  I am so not giving up or in.  

    I find humor is all things great or small.  Dennis loves his oatmeal, side dressed with flax meal, cinnamon. a bit of sugar and milk.  When he is on a mission to prepare his fare . . . look out!  I believe if I had the entire kitchen work surface covered in plastic protective gear to dress out some poultry, he would move aside the entrails to get his oatmeal breakfast prepared for the microwave.  Yes, I agree, that was exaggerated a bit.  Nonetheless, it was the truth of the situation.  This morning it was just a matter of getting the cookie dough prep on hold.  

    As Jan and I were visiting across the backyard fence this afternoon, we both took notice of how many dried branches are showing up in the Maple tree.  As we took a look up farther in the dense foliage, there is a limb that has been sheared off by the storms of late, but is caught in a snag.  Note to self . . . don’t sit on the back patio until that issue has been resolved.  Oh the joys of home ownership.  I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

    Being ever so watchful is still important.

  • Noreen 2:44 pm on July 19, 2019 Permalink  

    My Day 

    This forenoon was my second appointment with the chiropractor in Madelia.  I had no negitives to report from the effects of my first visit.  The positive was that the pressure at the base of my skull was less as well as the headaches had lessened.  Scott does not do deep message on my neck.  With the arthritis that has nestled in, any other adjustment could be harmful.  He uses an Activator.  Now . . . I had to Google this after the first treatment, as you may well need to also.  It was invented by a doctor from Redwood Falls, Minnesota.  At the source of a hard marble like knob of muscle and tissue in the back of the neck, the shoulders and the top portion of the spine, the Activator releases a thump that I can only compare to as what it would feel like if someone shot a cork gun off next to your skin with  definite pressure behind it.  I am not complaining as I have and do feel some relief going forward.  Appointments will follow, and yes . . . my insurance covers it.  Time will tell.

    I had to made a trip to the grocery store when I returned to St. James.  There were many, many small items missing out of our pantry and refrigerator.  The house suffers from using the oven in this heat, so a cold salad needed to be made.  Carrie and Kevin grew up on the ring pasta that after being prepared is pared with small diced celery, small diced onion, small green peas,  and 1 can of Spam diced in small chunks.  Mayonnaise stirred in until it is to your liking, adding pepper to taste.  The Spam adds enough salt to the dish.  Each box of the ring pasta is four cups and I always use a half of a box for my mixture.

    If Carrie and Kevin didn’t live so far away and so far apart and . . .  it were not really a good idea for me to be on the highways in this heat, I would deliver some to each of them.  It is a refreshing change out for a supper.  

    No . . . I do not know how warm it is outside.  I choose to believe that this too shall pass.

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