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  • Noreen 1:49 pm on January 20, 2023 Permalink  

    The Grammie on Board 

    The Grammie is on board for wound dressing for Dennis.  This was the first time for me since his surgical day of January 11th.  I had watched very carefully when it was done in Mankato on the 17th.  That was the first dressing change and I was thankful it was done by a doctor. 

    Wound-Care-BasketToday, out came the wicker basket with my supplies.  Thankfully I had enough left over from previous that I have it covered until we travel back to Mankato on the 24th.  The doctor had sent over a prescription to the Mayo Store for the supplies to take us into several weeks.  The prescription is for three months.  I hope we won’t need supplies for that long.  We knew there would be a delay from point A to point B, so we came directly home on Tuesday.

    I called the Mayo Store today and asked in regard to the supplies, if I would need to shop the shelves seeking what was needed.  She assured me the supplies would be bagged up ready for us on the 24th.  Sweet!

    With all that has happened over the last month or so, the days seem to fly by.  Where does the 24 hours go?  Just as well that there is nothing in the studio that is on a schedule.  I will have plenty of time after we have seen a month of “Grammie Care.”  Time will tell.

    I remain on livestock chores.  It feels good that Dennis can be out in the patio porch while I am doing them.  You cannot believe the TLC the kitties are requiring.  Short visits is the plan.

    I have an oven meal ready.  I had one pound of hamburger meat that I browned.  1 good tablespoon of Better than Bullion in the roasted onion flavor went into the hot meat.  Several shakes of Soy sauce.  The pasta boxes hold four cups of the dry pasta and I used two cups to bring it to fruition.  A jar of Classico basil red sauce.  When all folded into each other, it will be popped in at 4:15 at 350 degrees.

    The next trip to Mankato will need a stop at Hy-Vee for several different flavors of the Better than Bullion.  It really does add a lot of extra flavor to our oven meals.  It has a long shelf life in the refrigerator.

    I was surprised that we have had a freezing mist all day today.  There goes my nice clean path to the garage.

    The weekend is upon us.  January is quickly being left in what it does best . . . yuck weather and very little sunshine.

  • Noreen 3:35 pm on January 9, 2023 Permalink  

    Monday the Gift 

    What a great Monday.  There is so much ice that is being cleared from doorways and ours is one of them.

    As soon as a bit of thawed snow turns liquid and gets a chance to find its way under the thickest of ice, there is a chance that the battle can begin.  An ice cream pail of salt from the softener brine tank helped as well.  Salt is not kind to concrete and I know decades ago we made dang sure to have a brand of ice melt called Zero.  Dennis had gotten a product from Fleet and farm that was to be kind to concrete and it had ground corn cobs in it.  Man did that drag into the house under the feet.  For this one time, the salt did the trick.

    One of my favorite television shows in days of old was Columbo.  An ace detective with a bit of humor.  Last weekend I was surfing what was on Samsung television.  British shows on PBS included one “Jack Frost.”  Much like Columbo, including multiple pockets full of notes for crime solutions.  Variety in the shows is good.  Dennis’ favorite is Kriminal, with a “K”, that he catches on the Godahl tower offerings. 

    Last night we reminisced about the year when KEYC, channel 12, from Mankato was all that there was, complete with the Band Wagon.  The old time bands had quite a few toes tapping in their living rooms as they watched. 

    We are doing a meal in a pan this evening.  I have a bag of refrigerated hash browns from Christmas that needs to be used.  My plan is to chop up four precooked Jimmy Dean Sausages as the potatoes are toward being finished.  Stir them up, mix them up and sprinkle some shredded cheese on top as it goes to the table.  Meal planning 101.

    With this day being such a gift, I hope the remainder of the week is kind to us as well.

  • Noreen 2:29 pm on January 2, 2023 Permalink  

    To Decide 

    Yesterday I posted a photo of a pillow I had stitched out.  I was thinking about gluing buttons on to fill in the “O”.  As I did several loads of laundry this morning I kept thinking on it.  I made a kettle of soup . . . still thinking on it.

    Several hours was spent this afternoon sorting through possibilities of buttons.  Some of the buttons would have come from the cards of buttons on the Fairfax button tree.  Some would have come from Lena’s jar of saved buttons.  After getting a cup of cold breakfast coffee down to the studio, I sat and looked back and forth from the pillow as finished and then the pile of odds and ends of red buttons.

    I have decided less is more.  There was a whole lot of food for thought going on.  No buttons will be glued to the pillow top.  What I will do is put the loose red buttons in a bag . . .  just in case something else would ever come up needing red buttons.  The red buttons on the small cardboard cards will continue looking smart as they hang on the button tree.

    As I mentioned, I made a kettle of soup.  Occasionally I will buy a bag of mixed vegetables to steam within the bag via the microwave.  I had also fixed a pork steak in the blue speckled roaster with baby carrots.  The drippings in the roaster of the pork steak were too tasty to pitch.  I felt a home made soup coming on.  I browned a pound of hamburger meat this morning.  I tossed all of the leftover vegetables in a sauce pan with the meat and the saved drippings.  I was short liquid in the saucepan.  I was also short flavor.  No way was a trip to the grocery store to be had to buy a box of broth.  I added water to cover the contents by a good two inches.  Out of the refrig came the jar of onion roasted flavored Better Than Bullion.  Two spoons full got plopped in.  A generous shake of seasoned salt, a guess of ground pepper and very generous shakes of soy sauce.  I put the sauce pan and ingredients on simmer.  We have a tasty soup for supper.  I cook like Lena, not with a recipe.

    The cement drive began showing wet at 1:30, what will follow is anyone’s guess.  We have had plenty of warning.

  • Noreen 1:58 pm on October 25, 2022 Permalink  

    Bright Sun 

    The day always goes better when there is bright sun . . . even if I spent most of my time in the studio enjoying the sun as it came through the south windows.

    The Bernina site on YouTube got quite a bit of my morning.  I have had my sewing machine and embroidery module for six years and I am still learning.  Learning by seeing and hearing via YouTube is the best.

    This day was spent on making sure that the project set to go under the needle was going to be a “one time and done.”  There was not going to be a practice session of spending three hours of stitching and then feeding the circular file.

    This afternoon with stopping the stitching several times to refill the coffee cup, I can happily say, “Mission Completion.”  The embroidery stitching is complete and now comes the task of deciding how to finish off the project once it comes out of the hoop so it can be handled off to the recipients.  Nah . . . no pillow.  Tomorrow I will scrounge in the closet here in the studio looking for the perfect frame.

    Perhaps by tomorrow’s post, I may have the project to share.

    Now, I am off to the kitchen to think on putting a supper on the table.  There too, I need to get it done right.  I am very aware of the price of groceries being off the rails.  One of our favorite supper meals is chicken tenders.  Yes . . . they are what their name implies.  They are far more tender than the entire breast.  Supper is several hours away but I need to close down shop here in the studio so as to acclimate to life on the first floor of our home.

    Catch you tomorrow!

  • Noreen 1:55 pm on October 7, 2022 Permalink  

    Feeling the Chilly 

    This morning, no one could help but feel the chilly air.  I do believe tomorrow morning is going to be chillier yet.

    I did turn the furnace on and set the thermostat at 60 degrees.  Just enough to take the chill off.  Lena used to open the oven door on mornings such as this and set the oven at 250 degrees to take the chill off.  Same difference.

    Dennis headed to Madelia Ford this morning with his letter in hand.  There was a recall on the air bags for his little red pickup.  Dennis needed to make an appointment for October 12th.

    My time was spent in the studio.  There now is quilt binding cut, folded and ironed for a time when the purple quilt has been quilted.  There was also some much needed organization that was on the docket.  When organization is done correctly, I do not need to get rid of any more items than I already have.  It’s all about the eye appeal.  Standing on the bottom basement step, first impressions tell the rest of the story.  Yes . . . I think I could also sell ice cubes to the Eskimos. 

    When Dennis came home, I hitched a ride with him to the grocery store.  My one big ticket item was a dozen of eggs . . . $4.69.  Wow.  I can understand why there are quite a few small cities pondering ordinances to allow chickens in the backyards.

    Supper is going to be some Hormel Beef Tips in gravy and instant mashed potatoes.  I still have some brussel sprouts to adorn my fare.  Dennis will brighten up his plate with a piece of strawberry jam bread.  To each his own.

  • Noreen 3:32 pm on April 20, 2022 Permalink  

    Lord, Lordy 

    It is four in the afternoon and we are home!  The bestest news is that Dennis’ angiogram was a success. 

    When the surgeon showed me the x-rays of Dennis’ left leg before the procedure and then those of after, I could not believe the difference.  Dennis now has blood flowing in his left leg and foot.  There had not been a pulse to be found in the foot prior.  Now the whoosh, whoosh of sound of that pulse was just as wonderful as if the Tabernacle choir were standing at the foot-end of his hospital bed.  

    We were up at four this morning.  When we got home this afternoon Dennis told me how rested he felt.  Silly guy!  They are making those air filled hospital bed mattresses way too comfortable. 

    Nurse Ratchet . . . me, is still on duty to change the dressings every other day until such time that the incision of January closes.  With a blood supply, now it should make good progress.

    Back to normal . . . what’s for supper?  It is going to be Progressive soup and warm buttered toast.

  • Noreen 2:20 pm on April 12, 2022 Permalink  


    A bit of thunder today with rain showers.  More rain may be in the works.

    Dennis had used the pull-behind rake on Sunday over the acre.  It had really perked up the yards.  After today’s shower of rain . . . it really looks as if our groundskeeper will be hired for the entire season.

    A package of beef meatballs had been kicked around in the freezer long enough.  I finished a package of medium egg noodles, quartered the meatballs, added a cup of frozen mixed vegetables and rounded it all with a quart of Classico flavored red sauce.  An oven meal ready to pop in later on today.

    I was busy in the studio when I got a phone call.  The sheetrock around the walk in shower was going to get the last coat of mud.  The worker that has been doing the mudding after Mr. Aden had patched in the sheetrock is a young fellow.  Mason was going to do two years of trade school for carpentry. Covid shut down the classes and Mason was given the two year certificate.  How Mason got hooked up with Aden I don’t know.  Mason is learning the trade from the best carpenter in town.  Mason is working at our home independently in our bathroom as well as another install that Watson’s had done.  

    Today when Mason was going to leave, I invited him down into the studio so he could meet me, his client, in her natural habitat.  He said he would be back tomorrow to do the wet sanding and Mr. Aden would be popping in before Mason primed the area of the mudding.  Checks and balances for the young apprentice.  What a great way for a young person to learn the trade.  I really applaud Mr. Aden in helping this young fellow to get a great start.  Mason is very comfortable to be around.  I am hoping we can remain in our forever home long enough to be able to say, “I remember when Mason was just getting his feet on the ground.”

    With supper planned, I am going to head back into the studio to stitch a bit more.  Dennis is busy in the garage making tidy his workbench top.  We both have our special places to then come together for the evening.  Sweet.

  • Noreen 1:26 pm on April 6, 2022 Permalink  


    There was a Korean luncheon we could have gone to but Dennis was in no mood to go out in the cold and wind.

    What we did get done today is to open the box and let the new Samsung Television out.  I played around with it and what do ya know.  We have choices.  Dennis went out to the patio porch as he was going to stay out of the fray.  Dennis has been out in the patio porch this whole time, so this will be a surprise for him.  We have not yet pulled the plug on Mediacom’s cable option as the next big step will be to take the smart Samsung out of the studio and see what we can do taking it out to the patio porch.  That will need to wait until tomorrow.  It will be different from what we have been accustomed to.  Change and learning is not all bad.

    I do have a chicken oven dish for supper.  There were some leftover pre-cooked chicken breasts in the freezer, some cream cheese in the refrig, some mixed veggies in the freezer, a can of Campbell’s cream of chicken . . . and it all came together with some egg noodles, aka: supper.

    Tomorrow morning, Dennis has a VA appointment right away in the morning here in town and then we are off to Mankato for his eye injection.  This month it couldn’t be done here in town.  Point that pickup to the east and it knows the way.

    Gosh it’s windy and cold.  We did have snowflakes off and on today.  Ish!

  • Noreen 4:19 pm on February 17, 2022 Permalink  

    A Me Day 

    In the cold temps, I motored to Baker’s Square to meet the stitchers group.  Eight of us whiled away hours.  We are a diverse group in background and age. 

    I did fill our car with gas in Mankato as it was $3.22 per gallon compared to $3.59 in St. James.

    I did mention to Dennis when I got home that the 18 wheelers were crazy with speed today on the highway.

    Just because I was having a “me day” did not let me off the hook from making supper.  We are having eggs, fried Spam and toast.  There ya go . . . a meal fit for anyone eating in a truck stop . . . or Stauffer Avenue.

    The weekend coming up has us with no plans.  Sweet.  Home sweet home.

  • Noreen 2:48 pm on November 17, 2021 Permalink  

    Hanging Tight 

    The Northern Red Oak is still hanging tight to about 50% of its leaves.  Again, the winds are a steady 25 mph from the north with gusts into the 40s.

    The chili using bear ground meat and ground beef tastes wonderful.  I added bullion roasted onion.  The concentrated bullion is a paste.  I purchased the concentrate in onion and garlic.  It really works slick to add flavor easily.  I know there are other flavors as I have seen them advertised.  With the meat for the chili I added chili powder, black pepper, one can of tomato sauce, one can of tomato soup, one can of red beans, one can of black beans and four cups of water.  No salt.

    Today we drove down the highway 15 miles to Madelia for the single express purpose of purchasing flat egg noodles for beef stroganoff.  Same store brand in each of the towns, but St. James appears to have a different distribution link.  Not to worry, I purchased plenty. 

    As we drove home on the Hammond highway, there was mile after mile of rail crews adding new ties.  The equipment was varied and the man power was huge running different aspects of the equipment.  I couldn’t help but think . . . dad, Raymond, would have pulled over his little blue Chevy Luv pickup along side of the road and sat there watching the process.  All things mechanical intrigued him.  Dad had a very mechanical mind as his workshop had attested to.  Sweet memories.

    I still have some time before serving chili so hitting the studio it is, starting to square up flannel baby quilt blocks.

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