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  • Noreen 2:36 pm on March 19, 2023 Permalink  

    A Balmy Sunday 

    Does it really feel like 30 degrees?  It might if the wind would go down.

    A dish of chicken parmesan pasta has come out of the freezer for our Sunday supper.  Man oh man.  I wish I had thirty such dishes to pull out of the rabbit’s hat.

    I put in five hours in the studio today.  The electric heater felt good on the legs and feet.  It was the best investment of the winter.  It is three thirty in the afternoon.  I can’t say that five hours wore me out.  What I can share with you is that my left hand has had me hit the back button more than what the right hand has done for errors in spelling.  It is amazing the telltale signs of the stroke.  When I had been making all the bias tape strips, one night I had to get up and take a pain pill.  It was needed to settle down the muscles in the left shoulder.  I had not felt anything at the time I was working my arms.  The body sure can let this ole Grammie know who is boss.

    Last week we had no trips to Mankato for appointments.  This week we have one on Tuesday.  I have a grocery list going.  I am sorry to shop out of town, but our one local option is outrageous in prices.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead for them.  Spring begins tomorrow.

  • Noreen 2:02 pm on March 16, 2023 Permalink  

    Is That All? 

    So far this Thursday afternoon, we can say, “Is that all of the storm?”  It has rained with some little ice balls once in awhile.  All the schools have closed pretty much by noon today.  When nightfall comes, things could definitely change.  If there is no snow to speak of, I am sure strong winds could move existing snow onto roadways.

    We were up fairly early today.  My plan was to finish sewing what needed to be done on each of the individual t-shirt blocks.  Dennis said once I was done with making snippets of threads and fuzz he would vacuum the studio.  What a fellow!  Dennis has been very helpful in getting AJ’s project as far along as it is.

    After noon lunch, Dennis and I were both in the studio with cleared off church tables and the thirty quilt blocks.  Putting down the blocks as they will be sewn together is not an easy task.  AJ’s t-shirts to cut up to be used were not very colorful.t-shirt-layout  The thirty blocks were laid down on the church tables and then the challenge began.  I could not count how many times each of us walked around the tables, moving the blocks around for a semblance of a quilt top.  There is no wrong layout, nor is there a correct layout.  We have agreed.  What there is, is what there shall be.  

    I had mentioned early on that this was not a quilt top for competition’s worth.  AJ had kept his more desirable shirts to wear when he was on his Harley.  I can say that Dennis and I gave it our all.

    I took the time to clean the sewing machine complete with an oil and lube job.  There is a new needle in the machine, a bobbin has been filled and the machine is threaded.  I have the sashing cut to join the rows of blocks.  I can say that that is all for this day.  Tomorrow is another day here in the studio.  It will feel good to come down to a tidied floor.

    We are having chili for supper . . . straight out of the freezer.  Priceless.

    I hope everyone is safe and sound today and for the remainder of this weather threat.

  • Noreen 3:31 pm on March 15, 2023 Permalink  

    The Eve 

    This is the eve of our last snow storm.  No . . . I am not putting any money down on that.

    Ann needed to take care of grandchildren today, so her sewing session in the studio is being put off for a week.  Her grandchildren go to Fairmont schools and I have no idea why the school closed at noon.

    I have had a good session in the studio.  I have three more blocks of the thirty to sew on the 1/4 inch border.  At that time I will have sewn 60 yards of the quarter inch embellishment.  Yes, it has been worth it.  Satisfaction is 9/10th of the measure.

    The stitchers were set to meet tomorrow at Baker’s Square, but due to possible weather issues we have postponed that until April 13th.  Wise choice.

    Dennis had an eye injection today at our local eye clinic.  That is one item I am thankful for not having to have done.  He takes it like a trooper.

    This evening we are having Johnsonville brat patties for supper with mashed potatoes and creamed cucumber.  A little variety in the menu.

    I will catch you all tomorrow whether rain showers or snow showers.

  • Noreen 1:38 pm on March 14, 2023 Permalink  

    A Tuesday 

    A day when things are looking up.

    First off, Dennis had a good report from the wound doctor at our local physical therapy department.  The wound is looking good with good pink tissue.  Dennis asked if the wound still needed changing every day.  The response: “It is looking so good from what was the onset, why change what is being done.”  That was all I needed to hear from Dennis.  I am on board to a daily change out of the wound dressing.

    Many-StepsI had a great day in the studio.  By two this afternoon I was ready to close down shop.  Of the 30 t-shirt quilt blocks, 19 of them have the quarter inch border sewn in place.  I have all the half inch fabric cut for the remaining 11 blocks.  Many of the sewn blocks need to have the border fabric trimmed down.  When things are going great it is time to take a break before I screw something up.  Dennis came down to check on things.  He is ready to see how these blocks will be aligned one unto another for the total quilt top look.  That may happen this weekend. 

    Tomorrow afternoon, my friend Ann is coming back for another sewing session.  I know myself well enough that that will be the end of the studio time.

    Before I shut all the lights off in the studio today, I need to give my machine some oil and check to see if there is any of the threads and fuzz to be cleaned out as well.

    As wonderful luck would have it, there is one more sunset meal left of the tuna dish.  Sweet.

  • Noreen 1:15 pm on March 12, 2023 Permalink  


    The sun shining amid huge snowflakes is a great site.  The flakes are outlasting the sun.

    With the clocks springing ahead, I was up at 6:30.  The coffee pot was turned on and the aroma did little to to snap me into attention.  I must say the taste of the rich coffee helped.

    One load of laundry . . . done and folded.

    Dennis was on board for an oven meal.  Albacore white tuna, peas and pasta.  It made a large enough batch that one container for two found its way into the freezer.  About five fifteen this afternoon there will be supper on the table with cranberries as well.

    Hot-PressNew-ToolAll is going well in the studio.  I must say for such a small tool, it does great.  Feeding a strong half inch of fabric into it, a sweet quarter inch comes out the other end.  A steam press right behind as the tool is pulled along will make for a great looking addition to the t-shirt quilt blocks.  At this point I am thinking of sewing the bright orange boarder 1.5 inches from the edge allowing for 1/4 seam when joining the blocks.  Time will tell. 

    Right now the body is telling me that it has had enough of bending over the ironing board.  I do have enough strips for five of the 30 quilt blocks.  Realizing a successful solution to brightening up drab t-shirts has made my day. 

    A bit of reading will wind down this afternoon and as well as myself.  Sometimes quitting when everything is going well is the secret for further enjoyment and the task not becoming a drudge.

    Have a happy Monday everyone.

  • Noreen 3:30 pm on February 27, 2023 Permalink  

    A Typical Monday 

    A typical Monday means lots of bubbles in the washing machine.  I enjoy doing the laundry.  I can see lots of progress as the piles of clean folded clothes grows on the dining room table.

    While the laundry is going, it gives me a chance to do something with the kitchen floor.  With Dennis needing to wear his Velcro boot, it’s amazing of all the little bits of grit that come into the house.  You’ve got it!  There are two rugs for him to scuff the boot before entering too far into the kitchen.  Hey . . . the foot is healing.  Praise God!  Tidy, tidy is a small price to pay.

    By twelve noon Dennis was home from taking his friend Dwayne for coffee at McDonald’s.  The fellows have coffee and an egg McMuffin and drive around town to see what is new since last week.  Dwayne no longer drives and he thanks Dennis over and over for the time they spend together.  Other than Dennis he gets as far as their apartment and the Catholic church.

    This afternoon I needed to reacquaint myself with the embroidery module on the sewing machine.  It has been awhile.  Right off the bat, check the oil and put in a new needle.  An order from Amazon has kept me sharp in stitching.

    Supper is a bag of chili out of the freezer.  The freezer options are fantastic.  

    The rain we had overnight did shrink the snow some.  Just so it stays warm enough for several days and not have it turn to ice.  There is plenty of that under the snow.

    This is me signing off as the embroidery is busy at work.  It pays to keep an eye on things.

  • Noreen 2:38 pm on February 17, 2023 Permalink  

    We Did It 

    We got Dennis into bed last night – less his heavy Velcro boot.  I think he was asleep before I got to my bed.  This morning at six, I heard my name being called.  We got that boot back on Dennis’ foot in record time.  We have both agreed the first thing we are going to ask the surgeon’s second in command on Tuesday is if Dennis can take several steps out of the boot.  Hey . . .  it can’t hurt to ask. 

    Dennis has cat napped today, but I am not one to nap during the day.

    I did get a kettle of potatoes peeled this morning for supper.  Supper is going to be boiled potatoes and some Gorton’s fish filets in the oven and cranberries.  

    Off and on today I have been reading in my bedroom porch.  As cold as it was when we got up, the sun is coming through the south windows, being right next to my reading table.  The sun felt great.

    I missed the stitcher’s luncheon yesterday in Mankato.  I knew where I would feel the most content . . . at home.  Sometimes, there is nothing that is needed, other than being at home with what needs to be taken care with the one that is the other half of you.  Priceless.

    I have supper taken care of for this evening and Dennis has taken care of the dishes that were from last evening.  In doing Dennis’ bedding yesterday, I decided to do my bedding as well.  Yes, the washing machine is push button.  Moving the loads of laundry to get them swapped out can take its tole on my arms.  Both of us work together at getting the bedding back onto the beds.  A small home does not allow for a lot of extra real estate around the perimeters of the beds.  I will admit when supper was over last night, I chose not to see the dishes in the sink.

    All is well at Stauffer Avenue.

  • Noreen 4:05 pm on February 6, 2023 Permalink  

    A Helping Hand 

    With several loads of laundry and an oven meal to prepare, I had a helping hand that volunteered to vacuum the floors.

    Dennis has become quite mobile wearing the 24/7 boot.  He had realized that I had not said one word in regard to what may have been tracked in.  The tracking can’t be helped.  I think it’s wonderful that he is out and about taking care of what this little household needs in the errand department.  It is a blessing that we have no carpeting and only two scatter rugs that need shaking.  Of course there was a trade-off.

    Dennis requested that I stay busy in the studio while he vacuumed the floors, and . . . he did do all the floors.  Tomorrow we check in with the surgeon’s second in command and both of us are eager for the update.  After the vac was back in its storage spot, Dennis announced that Wednesday he would be doing the damp mopping throughout the house.  I do appreciate the fact that he does notice and is willing to help.

    When the boot gets to be retired, both of us will celebrate as it means the healing is complete and the foot can have the pressure of wearing a normal shoe.  That normal shoe will be after it has been fitted for an orthotic to make up for the loss of the length in that foot.

    I will be putting out an update after tomorrow. 

    Right now, it looks as if the forecast of rain may be spot on.  Gray skies while it is 35 degrees.  I am hoping that if there is something falling from above, the roads will be good early tomorrow for traveling to Mankato.

    By the way, the oven meal for today’s supper is in part cubed chicken from the freezer when we had had a broasted chicken from the deli and the excess was cubed and labeled for such a day as this.  I parboiled two cups of carrots and opened a jar of Alfredo sauce, a heaping teaspoon of Better than Bullion roasted chicken flavor, and two cups of pasta boiled, tender to the taste.  It was mixed and blended as it went into my blue speckled round roaster. 

    Four thirty at 350 degrees will have supper ready when the contents reach 155 degrees, or thereabouts.

  • Noreen 3:40 pm on February 4, 2023 Permalink  

    A Waft of Spring 

    By golly, I stuck my head out this afternoon to add to the recycling bin and I got a waft of spring.  This morning it was 8° above and now it is 32° and balmy.

    Dennis and Dwayne had a coffee date at McDonald’s this morning.  When Dennis came home at noon, he told me he was leaving to get the car into the car wash.  He and Dwayne had already gotten the little red pickup run through.  Yes, the ultimate wash has been raised to $11.00.  Dennis will pay that as it gets some of the crud under the body washed off.  Getting each vehicle back into the garage where it was warm enough to not have the doors freeze shut.  That would be hard on the rubber seals.

    Sewing-ChairI also had a productive day.  The studio had sun shining into the south windows.  That in itself was a good motivator as well as the heat on my legs from the electric jobbie under the sewing table.  What allows me to have a bit more time sewing is to have the sewing chair tricked out with two balls to sit upon.  It does help to keep the pain at bay as well as stitching a bit and then getting up to iron the seams that were just stitched.  Never sitting in any one spot for very long is the tip for the day.

    Starlight-LogcabinWith the 24 blocks of the log cabin pattern stitched, I got out the booklet and decided the sequence of the blocks when stitched together.  With 24 blocks, I did have choices.  I decided on the Starlight choice.  That stitching will be for another day, as each block may need to be trimmed a bit.  Keeping the 1/4 ” seam is desirable . . . but also does not to need to be perfect.

    The aroma in the kitchen is beckoning.  I browned two center cut boneless porkchops for just a hint of color, which is not mandatory.  With the crockpot sprayed with Pam, the chops were added with a bit of seasoned salt sprinkled on.  A can of cream of mushroom soup was spread evenly on top.  The setting of low was applied at nine this morning.  The chops will be falling apart by five thirty.  To round out supper, Dennis is going to fix a box of Stove Top dressing.  Does it matter that the flavor of the pantry was chicken?  No!  The remainder in a dish of cranberries in the frig will top supper out perfectly.

    I keep the crockpot on the kitchen counter 24/7.  It is amazing what can be fixed with no mess and many hours to bring the dishes to perfection.  If in doubt, the internet has the answers.

    This entire next week seems to promise a chance of the furnace getting a break.  Sweet.

  • Noreen 3:27 pm on January 27, 2023 Permalink  

    Bright Sun 

    The sun is so bright today.  If I don’t look at the temps, I would think spring has begun.  Not so fast!

    This weekend has a cold snap planned that should and would keep everyone safe and sound within their own homes.  Not even brand new vehicles are hardy enough to ensure safety in the bitter cold.  This would be a home sweet home weekend.  The strong winds of today are making travel risky north of us.  Amanda at the sewing shop in Bird Island, closed the shop due to road conditions.   

    Beef-SoupLast night we had a sampling of our hearty beef soup out of the ever humble crock pot.  It was tasty.  The carrots, potatoes, and green beans were tender and the perfect addition.  I was happy I did not add the celery.  Celery really overtakes in the flavor department.  After supper out came my containers for putting a bit of this tastiness into the freezer.  We will have a second helping of this soup this evening and then move on for supper fare for the weekend.

    This morning I was pumped to get into the studio.  I had previously everything cut for a log cabin pattern in the hues of tan to brown.  I stitched six inches and all stopped.  I began checking out the electrical aspects.  Sure enough the box on the post in the center of the room had no life.  I double checked the power strip that had been connected to it.  It worked fine when I plugged in across the room to that existing box.  

    At noon I called our electrician, Dale.  Dale will be over next week and we will be back in service.  The box that went kaput has the old fabric covered wiring going to it.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Much depends on those items that I expect to work when a switch is flipped.  I do have the two most important items, the sewing machine and the iron, rigged to work until next week.  Nothing running across the walkways on the floor.  I have until next week to check over the studio to see where extra boxes would be needed.  

    Life is always open for challenges.  I do like the fact that self reliance serves me well.

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