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  • Noreen 1:37 pm on August 7, 2023 Permalink  


    Anyone that is anybody in the world of quilting or stitching has an OttLite.  They can be quite pricey if you want a floor model.  I knew that in time I would like more light coming over my shoulders when I read or stitch in my bedroom porch.  The studio downstairs has plenty of light overhead that is needed for all activities in the stitching world. 

    Dennis listens as well as being around when I am in my bedroom porch.  Son-in-law Jeremy totally re-glued a wooden armchair on Easter Sunday for a second seat in my bedroom porch.  It is Dennis’ perch when he comes a calling and a visit is required for decision making.

    My-OttLiteThis morning while the Monday morning laundry was in full speed, my very own OttLite was delivered to my bedroom porch.  Slowly Dennis had been cleaning and painting a stand alone light that Kevin and Kersten had found for us.  What use it would have here on Stauffer Avenue had not been identified at that time.   

    My light is very versatile.  It rolls easy and the base is very heavy while not taking up much floor space.  It nestles nicely in the corner.  With little effort it can be pulled down or raised depending on where I need the light.  The light can be zoomed in or out also depending where a halo of light is needed.  Sweet!

    When the word repurposing is bantered about . . . check with Stauffer Avenue’s older resourceful pair.

    Laundry is done as well as an oven dish for supper.  With temps not quite as hot as last week, I am taking a gamble on using the kitchen oven for an hour or so.  The contents of the oven meal also provided for two portions to be put in the freezer for another time.

    Take care everyone.

  • Noreen 1:47 pm on July 31, 2023 Permalink  

    Well, Well 

    Well, well.  The two older ones on Stauffer still have it.  Dennis and I worked side by side on the blue barn acre over the noon.  It was amazing how much we achieved by picking up small sticks and branches and added that to the huge pile Brett had made with the skid loader.

    What will be interesting in time is seeing all the Kudzu vines that will be turning brown.  I and our lopper sniped off countless vines that were rooted at the base of trees.  Many of the vines that have already turned brown since we began working on the lot will need to be pulled out of the trees with the help of the little red pickup.  I think securing the end of vines, with I am not sure what at this time, and having them pulled out of the trees will make a huge impact.  Some of the vines are as round as a quarter with a spindly root going into the ground no larger than a piece of twine.

    So that was our two hour exercise for this Monday.  No one was was injured by this.  It felt good to work side by side in the shade under the canopy of huge trees.

    I am enjoying the last of the breakfast coffee and will soon settle into my bedroom porch, perched on my cherry red chair, reading a bit.  I will admit my hands are weary and there will be no hand stitching this afternoon.

    We have agreed on a Subway supper.  Sweet!

  • Noreen 1:33 pm on July 27, 2023 Permalink  

    The Summer of No Rain 

    It has been unusually dry this the summer of 2023, that coupled with bouts of high temperatures.

    What does this retired couple do on a hot day?  Dennis and I drove several blocks from home for pedicures.  This is such a better plan than driving to Mankato.  Patronizing one of our small town businesses feels good.  Like many small towns, there are far too many vacant store fronts.

    It can come with personal irks.  Such as me telling Dennis after he is already in his little red pickup that the cap he was wearing needed to be swapped out for a clean one.  How dare I?  Yup.

    The pork roast in the crock pot is filling the kitchen with wonderful aromas.  The roast, even after this evening’s supper will give me options in the coming days.

    As I was reading this afternoon in my bedroom porch, perched upon my cherry red chair, there were farm vehicles going by that indicated somewhere there was a cutting of hay that needed a side rake followed by a baler.  I can easily remember hot days on the family farm in Boon Lake Township.  No one dared to comment on the heat.  We just got it done.  Us kids switched off as to who would be stacking bails five high on the hay rack behind the baler, and who was stacking bails up in the haybarn.  It was share, share, share alike.  No fatalities then, but perhaps issues in our later years.  God bless titanium implants.

    Even the front deck smelled of heat this morning and for sure . . . no sounds of lawnmowers at any time today.  The grass crunches under foot.

    Be kind to yourselves and give ample rest.

  • Noreen 2:24 pm on July 26, 2023 Permalink  


    At 6:15 this morning the rain shower came.  At 6:30 the rain shower was history.  Just enough to feed the uncomfortable day that was dawning.

    Nephew Brett came over this forenoon with some work for Dennis.  It is a gun that needs a lot of cleaning.  Right up the ole cowboy’s avenue.

    I had a thawed pork roast with bone in that went into a baggie with Worchester marinade.  I sliced into the roast with a sharp knife to allow the marinade to seep in during these next 24 hours.  Tomorrow morning, it will hit the crock pot.  It will just be too dog gone hot for anything more than that.

    This afternoon, the furniture store from Hanska delivered our two occasional chairs.  Free delivery along with a $20.00 check.  I had thought they would need to take the sleeper sofa with them, thus the $20.00 charge.  Our carpenter will enjoy the sofa sleeper in his new home.  Priceless.  Dennis got a recliner in 2015.  These two chairs are taking the place of the sleeper sofa purchase from 25 years ago.  We are not a household that purchases furniture often.  I very much enjoy my teak wooden rocker that was purchased in 2009.  We are set.

    It is very uncomfortable outside this afternoon.  The mail did deliver the five office chair casters that I ordered on Amazon yesterday after we returned from Mankato.  At noon lunch, we decided to take this next step slowly.

    In the mean time, I am switching off from reading to stitching until supper time.  That may well be a chicken salad sandwich.

  • Noreen 1:20 pm on July 24, 2023 Permalink  

    A Day of Quiet 

    As we were having our last night’s meal of fried egg sandwiches, Dennis and I recapped our day.  Both of us had worked with garden tools to make an inroad on the blue barn acre, and . . . we did.  Neither of us got hurt or fell.

    Today, being Monday, we each pulled into our own selves resting up for a repeat in the near future.

    Shh!  Today felt like the peace that passes all understanding.

  • Noreen 3:23 pm on July 22, 2023 Permalink  

    Quite the Day 

    The main objective for the day was laundry.  When Dennis works outside, it doesn’t matter if two t-shirts hit the laundry or a dozen.  Clean clothes is desirable.

    By 10:30, I was ready to ride shotgun over to the blue barn acre.  Lopper and weed whip in the pickup and we were off.  There is a lot of the Kudzu vines in the trees.  We did cut a lot of it off, down to the roots.  The next step will be our little pumper gallon sprayer with a strong mixture of RoundUp to go around the trees.  There is one Black Walnut tree with a crop of nuts in the greenery.  Right next to it is a very old Mulberry tree.  The ground around it is full of berries that fell once they were too ripe to hang onto the branches.  Every time Dennis mows it is looking better.  Once tall weeds are cut, it gives the good grass a chance to stool out.

    By twelve noon we were home, giving legs and arms a break.

    I did go down into the studio and check the YouTube video on what the next steps would be for my project bag.  Watching a video over and over breeds familiarity.  What needed to come first was a good cleaning under the hood complete with oiling and a new needle after the embroidery I had done for Kersten.  Using the machine doesn’t hurt as long as I keep it cleaned and oiled.  Just like a valued vehicle.

    Tomorrow may see some actual stitching.

    When Dennis visited the studio, we agreed on soup with a fried egg sandwich on the side.

    Happy Sunday coming around the corner.

  • Noreen 2:46 pm on July 16, 2023 Permalink  

    Sunday, Sunday 

    No good deed goes unpunished.  Having had a light supper last night, a dish of vanilla ice cream sounded good at eight last night.

    Wouldn’t you know it!  Four a.m. a bathroom visit was needed.  I went back to bed with eyes wide awake.  The dang birds were tweet tweeting to high heaven.  I got up and sat on the front deck and took in a fair amount of traffic watching.  Dennis got up at his usual time, six, and I greeted him with “Good Morning.”  I was sitting in my rocking chair.  He was surprised that I was up.  Once I could smell the coffee, I knew I was up for the day.  When the coffee was done, we both sat on the front deck with that freshly brewed black stuff.  Dennis, then with his breakfast box under his arm and his thermos type of coffee cup headed to the patio porch.

    I went into the studio and got some items together that I had started yesterday.

    Garden-SpotBy eight Dennis was in for a nap and I put a jacket on and went out to the gardens.  The weed that had put out such beautiful purple flowers was now done for the year.  Honey Bunny joined me and we pulled them up by their shallow roots.  Another bundle of greenery awaits drying by Dennis’ burning ring.  I even beat the bumble bees that love the Russian Sage by nabbing a hefty growth of nightshade in one of the corners of their purple blooms.

    With energy spent I came in and settled down to watch some YouTube videos.  My day just kept rolling along.  I now have Dennis’ favorite cold salad cooling in the refrig.  It’s the one with the pasta little rings, diced Spam, diced onion, green peas, diced celery and mayo.  Both Carrie and Kevin like it as well.

    Guess who is going to be in bed earlier than usual tonight, and . . . no ice cream.

    Tomorrow Dennis is going to Mankato to pick up his first pair of specialized shoes since the left foot has totally healed from . . . no toes.

    I am heading to New Ulm in the afternoon tomorrow to have a repair on my car.  Yippee!  It is covered under my warranty.  My favorite daughter-in-law will rescue me from the several hour wait as we go for a soft drink.  Sweet.

  • Noreen 2:28 pm on July 6, 2023 Permalink  

    My Element 

    On this chilly morning, I was up early and in my element, bent over getting after a few weeds that I knew would pull up well from the half inch of rain we had earlier in the week.

    Where the old Lilacs were cut down there is no shortage of sucker plants coming.  Not all are going to make it.  I reserve the right to set literal boundaries.  Realizing that my set time for gardening was fleeting, I set about putting three pails over three Hosta.  Let the Roundup commence.  I left the pails in place as tomorrow morning, I will protect three more Hosta before spraying.  Take that you nasty clover plants!

    I do put a time limit on my gardening.  If I waited until my arms began to ache . . . it would be too late.  If restless legs are difficult to contend with, the left arm, from the stroke, will keep me up all night as the nerves retaliate from too much for too long.

    Dennis was just getting up from his morning nap when I came into the house at 10:30.  His task was mowing the remaining yards.

    After washing up, I was content having a cup of breakfast coffee and reading in my bedroom sitting upon my cherry red chair.  After a bit, I worked on my counted cross stitch.  I am really enjoying the project.  I don’t stay at it for long lengths of time as the right hand tends to want to fall asleep from gripping the needle.  Everything in my world is doable if I listen to my body.  It all ends up giving me a balanced day and a balanced life.

    Tomorrow on my agenda is to do an embroidery design that I have been mulling over.  I will let you know how that turns out.

    This evening we are having the last of the two-minute meals we had purchased in Mankato this last Monday.  It will be meatloaf accompanied by our very own instant mashed potatoes.

    Don’t you just love this weather!

  • Noreen 2:52 pm on July 4, 2023 Permalink  

    4th of July 

    Hello!  This is my son’s double nickel birth date.  My how time has flown.  I have wonderful memories that could fill volumes.  Kevin shares my abilities to recall memories, perhaps even better than I can.  A sweet trait.

    Our town is really quiet today.  Hard telling what the twilight hours will bring for firecrackers. 

    Dennis and I sat on the front deck this forenoon with coffee cups in hand.  I will say, since this deck has been put on the house in April, Dennis has been more about sharing his memories than ever before.  It’s a good thing.

    A quiet day for us means light eating.  I have a very good batch of a cold tuna spread going for sandwiches.  Dennis cares more for a tuna spread than a ham spread.

    We had a light sprinkle of rain this forenoon.  It evaporated on the concrete immediately.

    Tomorrow will feel like a Monday on a Wednesday.  I will take it as it comes as I know you will.

  • Noreen 1:42 pm on June 25, 2023 Permalink  

    A Sunday on Stauffer 

    A content day on Stauffer.  Dennis found his recliner for a forenoon nap.  He had talked himself out yesterday with many of his classmates.  The golf club’s restaurant scored three different class reunions.  Talk about noise.  It became lip reading 101.  Towards the end, getting outside was the best place to visit.

    I did wake during the night to hear thunder and see lightning.  The rain didn’t amount to a hill of beans.

    I took the day to bounce from stitching to reading and back to stitching.  In between, I sat on the front deck and watched traffic.  The sandwiched quilt is coming along nicely with the stitching.  The task of using weights to keep the fabric evenly placed is the challenge.  When the bobbin needed to be refilled, I took the time to clean out fuzz from under the needle plate and put in a new needle.

    We are having pork roast commercials for supper.  The refrig has kept everything chilled, ready for this evening.

    Our coming week is quiet, keeping us right here on Stauffer Avenue.  I have not looked online to see the weather forecast. 

    Catch everyone tomorrow.

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