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  • Noreen 8:24 pm on September 7, 2023 Permalink  


    Shh.  Dennis is catching up on his sleep today.  Last night at eight, Dennis checked himself into the Mayo East Ridge Clinic in the Sleep Study wing.

    It was a usual tri-yearly overnight sleep study to have the CPAP setting checked for changes in patients that use the CPAP machine nightly for sleep apnea.

    Though there is a furnished bedroom provided, Dennis reported that there were more electronic monitors stuck to him that he could have counted.  Limbs, chest and and head monitors give readings for oxygen levels.  Those results allow the doctor that we see tomorrow, to set his CPAP machine for what he now needs.  The CPAP machine sitting beside Dennis’ bed can be set via Mankato.  Last night, the nurse was in and out of the room many times if the face mask was not tight enough and was allowing air to escape around the gasket as well as other checks and balances.  Dennis still had marks on his face from the elastic when he came home this morning at seven.

    For individuals that have atrofibulation, aka: afib, an irregular heart beat, it is not unusual for the patient to stop breathing during their sleep.  The goal is ten times or less per hour.  What sparked this sleep study was that Dennis’ machine reported as high as 30 times per hour.  Not always consistently but higher than healthy.  Interrupted sleep takes a tole on one for the next day’s feeling of wellbeing. The CPAP machine reads those times of not breathing and when there is no breathing it pumps a whoosh of air through the tubing into the face mask to get the heart pumping.  Dennis’ machine also has a humidifier on it for moist air to breath.

    The nurse also shared that there are more women needing CPAP machines than men.  Hmm.

    In years past when someone died in their sleep it may have been assumed that they had a heart attack during the night.  They may very well have had an episode of sleep apnea. 

    I am keeping the house quiet for Dennis to catch a couple of naps today in his recliner.  Actually sitting upright in a recliner does assist in keeping the episodes of not breathing to a minimal.

    Dennis uses his machine religiously. The cost of the machine and the monthly supplies are covered by Medicare and our Blue Cross Blue Shield. 

    Dennis wants Eggo Waffles for supper.  I can get that toaster pulled in with no problems.  We will be in Mankato tomorrow morning by 9:15.

  • Noreen 1:39 pm on September 5, 2023 Permalink  

    Tuesday feels like Monday 

    Days of the week can be a conundrum for Stauffer Avenue’s older ones.  That is why our calendar has a spot on the dining room table.

    This morning with stain pail in hand, Dennis did do a walk around the front of the house where our deck is.  Sure enough, there was a spot here and there that needed some stain.  When the brush was put into the pail, it did not have a problem touching the bottom of the pail.  The top of the pail was stepped on and will be set aside until some time later.  There was plenty of stain to do the anchor posts of the deck.

    It was time for a grocery run.  We use a few items that we can’t use up by the sell by date . . . milk.  We generally use it to make instant potatoes.  This evening it is beef wieners and beans for supper.  Yesterday while working on the deck, there were wafts of people in the neighborhood doing grilling.  The aroma of hot dogs sure smelled good.  Thus . . . our fare for supper.

    Dennis’ one request was ice cream.  So be it.  My add-on was butterscotch topping.

    The air is heavy with clouds that look like they might have a shower or two in them.  That would be welcomed.  Over these last days there were several Hosta that just plain gave up.  The leaves are totally burnt.  Oh well.  There is always next year for perennials.

    There may be some 70s in the rest of this week.  Sweet.

    I am heading back to my cherry chair for some stitching.  I finished a book last night and have not yet pulled out another one from my stash.

  • Noreen 11:33 am on September 4, 2023 Permalink  

    Labor Day the 4th 

    It is twelve noon.

    Lots of excitement as the last of summer festivities.  I am sure Godahl days are going fast and furious.  Several of our fire trucks made the five mile trip to be on hand.

    Labor-Day-FinishDennis and I are enjoying the full afternoon of this day in peace and quiet.  We finished the deck staining just as the heat hit us.  It truly is a Labor Day finish.  After I had the railings done and a second coat on the deck boards, I handed off the pail of stain to Dennis, so he could go around the outside and hit areas that needed a touch up.  Dennis said he had some black in a spray can to do the anchor posts that are in the ground.

    The last day of this project and I got myself a splatter of stain, right into my hair.  Grr!  That brought to mind the Mother’s day of years ago, when I went to see Kevin and Kersten.  They were in the midst of staining their privacy fence.  Kersten’s hair had gotten the brunt of quite a bit of stain of spray back.  Her beautiful head of red-toned hair was now enjoying highlights of a brunet.

    For the two of us on Stauffer Avenue this was a wonderful job to have gotten done.  Oh . . . the car honking by passer’s by helped not one bit.  The pail still has about an inch left in it and the brush has been cleaned as Dennis is determined to make another check tomorrow of anything missed.

    Me . . . not so much.  Someone a while ago sent me a text after having painted my bedroom as to where I got my energy.  As of today, it has been checked into our local Motel 8.  My body . . . all parts are needing some time off. 

    My cherry red chair is due to have some reading, stitching and traffic watching.

    Last night I came up with French toast for supper.  For today’s supper . . . I’ve got nothing.

    Be sure to take care of each other as summer has got one more kick in the pants left.  Oh!  That’s not summer . . . my butt cheeks are complaining.

  • Noreen 2:08 pm on August 25, 2023 Permalink  

    Light Shower 

    Surprisingly we had a shower of rain last night after supper.

    My plan today was to get a load of laundry going first thing.  Yesterday at the grocer’s I brought home a pork steak.  That hit the crock pot as laundry was spinning.  I have a bottle of bold marinade in the refrigerator that covered the surface of the steak.

    I was counting on that shower of rain making the surface of the garden dirt moist enough to pull some unwanted greenery from the area next to the patio porch.  When Dennis came out after a nap, he mixed up some weed spray to catch a path of weeds that was running right next to the patio.  He also hit the weeds coming up in the cracks of the driveway.

    It didn’t take long and both of us were sweating through our clothing.  We had not checked any weather info before heading out.  At noon the tale was told as we had KEYC news on.  Dewpoint and air quality were both pushing the needle of discomfort. 

    The afternoon was mine for reading, stitching and folding that load of laundry.  Dennis has decided to do some mowing, telling me he would take breaks and try and stay out of the areas in the bright sun, aka: direct heat.

    I have a bag of the salad kits in the Tupperware lettuce keeper.  This bag has two types of lettuce, red and white cabbage, bits of green onions and carrot slivers.  In a little bag there were roasted pumpkin seeds.  The bag of dressing was a poppy seeds blend.  I added some finely diced white onion.  Tumbling this mixture together, it should be tasty for supper.  If Dennis wants instant mashed potatoes, that would be in the realm of possibilities.

    This weekend promises nice weather.

  • Noreen 2:13 pm on August 24, 2023 Permalink  


    Maybe one more day and it will feel as if the swelter of August will leave us be.

    There has been dew on the grass which is more than can be said for the month of July.  The grass is showing signs that it wants to be tended.  I would not be surprised if Dennis takes after it tomorrow.  A fellow can wait only so long before an engine needs to be ignited.

    We took the little red pickup west on Main Street.  After going around the block, we parked on Main Street facing East . . . right in front of Maria’s Salon.  Oh goodie, goodie.  We were ready for pedicures and haircuts.  It is amazing how good the pampering feels.  Before we left her shop, I made an appointment for a month from now.  We need to keep our priorities in shape.  I came home and put the appointment on the calendar for September.  Oh my gosh!  The first and only entry of September.  Thank you Jesus.

    The pampering felt so good, I didn’t mind having Dennis stop at our local grocer’s for some items.  It is not quite highway robbery.  As our calendars are no longer eaten up with medical appointments making trips down the highway to Mankato, as we then shopped in Mankato.  I do not mind shopping in town . . . I need to keep an eye on the sell by dates for perishables.

    A salad for me is what a meal should be built around.  Too often though, I would buy a head of lettuce to find a huge portion not good.  I have learned to buy salad kits.  Chopped lettuce with a bit of carrot slivers, croutons, some sunflower seeds, bits of beets and a package of dressing . . . all in one bag.  A salad in a kit.  There are different contents with different varieties.  I can always add some shredded cheese, chopped onion or even a boiled egg.  The salad kit is my one extravagance with food.  When Dennis thinks salad, it is a portion in his bowl that a half cup measuring cup would still have room for an entrée.  Do not care . . . I like what I like.

    The egg salad I made yesterday was a huge hit with the ole cowboy.  It’s been hot enough that even his favorite Progressive Chicken Noodle Soup has been off the menu.

  • Noreen 2:53 pm on August 23, 2023 Permalink  


    Surprised that a niece of Dennis’ from Mora would be out and about for a visit.  That then encouraged a cousin from Sleepy Eye to join in for a visit.  Quite the afternoon of catch-up.

    It is a bit cooler than yesterday. 

    My local effort was doing a batch of egg salad this morning.  It has been in the refrig since noon.  My way of thinking is that an egg salad sandwich trumps hot soup for supper.  

    I may finish out the afternoon with a bit of stitching.

    While I am in my bedroom porch, I have noticed a lot of wasps hanging around under the south awning.  Dennis will need to take a peek under the awning sometime.  I had noticed the neighbor across the street out with a spray can that was shooting spray up to their eves yesterday.  Lots of wasps this season.

    Tomorrow is another day.

  • Noreen 1:51 pm on August 22, 2023 Permalink  

    My Quiet 

    When the temp is nasty, I am in my quiet zone.

    Today, I am switching off from reading to stitching and then back again.  That will continue for a few more days.

    In temps such as this, I don’t think I would venture out of town.  Hot road surface, hot tires . . . not a safe mix.

    The fare for supper is frozen waffles and Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausages.

    May everyone take the advisories seriously.

  • Noreen 2:12 pm on August 20, 2023 Permalink  

    A Breeze 

    There is a breeze out this Sunday afternoon, but don’t let it fool you.  Dennis and I went to the blue barn acre to check on his weed killing spree.  After taking a drive around the acre we did take a whip around town.  Dennis had the windows down on the little red pickup but a clammy feeling persisted.  I am back in my home, seen enough.

    The bedroom porch is totally back together.  I did several stitches on my hooped cross stitch project from my command center.  A new book is open on the angled book stand with several paragraphs read.  Yup, I remembered how it all went.  I have been using a small table that Kevin and Kersten used on the day of their wedding for a guest book.  Upon that table is a Sauder 28″ x 28″ board that was a portion of a computer stand in times past.  This makeshift, repurposed unit is perfect for the router and my book stand.  I have the clamp-on adjustable cross stitch hoop holder on the southeast corner where it can be swiveled off to the side when I am reading.

    There was wasted space on this table unit.  No more.  Dennis has fitted the 12″ square base of this table to hold a shelf that is six inches above the floor and will rest on the braces of the table.  Here on will rest my new, free library books.  I had been using the wall shelves for books and other sundry items that have now been put back up on the east wall of my bedroom porch since the paint job.  What I have since decided is that I will have some items on the bottom shelf.  The two shelves above that may remain empty for now.  I cannot reach them safely without the kitchen step stool.  I think this qualifies as living smarter.  Living safely.

    After this latest run of heat subsides, I plan on beginning to stain the front door deck that was installed around the Easter weekend.  With my 1.5″ brush and perched upon the old office chair that we have on the deck, I will be able to stain the spindles of the railing.  No bending over . . . no reaching high.

    A light supper for Stauffer Avenue.  Dennis thought he might try some of the frozen waffles that are on hand.  Hmm.  I thought oatmeal sounded good.  Whatever!

    This old wordsmith always holds all of you close.

  • Noreen 1:54 pm on August 10, 2023 Permalink  

    No Deed 

    No good deed goes unpunished.  Dennis had done such a good job of taking the sandburs off of his pants last week.  Yesterday when he was mowing the blue barn acre, he took the weed whip along to take out some of the weeds that might harm the mower if he went after them.  You never know what is hiding in and on a lot that has not been tended in a decade.  Once the weeds have been gone through, the mower can take an extra swathe.  The nastiest area is close to the south lot line.

    After a couple of hours, I heard Dennis and the mower pull up to the garage.  I assumed the mower needed gas.  Dennis usually pops in for a glass of water . . . no Dennis.  About the time I was going to look him up in the garage, I looked out the bathroom window to see Dennis pinning his pants up onto the clothesline.  Dennis walked the patio and came on into the house in his Fruit of the Looms.  The mowing had gone great.  The weed whipping was making headways until he realized the inseams of his pant legs were sticking together.  Yup!  Sandburs.  Dennis is so determined to make a difference on that lot, not realizing where the stuff flies when weed whipped off.  No good deed goes unpunished.  He has decided when he is going over to the blue barn lot to weed whip again, those same pants will be tugged on.  All I could do was smile and snicker.  Dennis did clean off his socks of the burs before putting them in the laundry.

    Last night after supper there were a few large rain drops that ended in a flash of rain blowing sideways for quite some time.  When it thundered the whole house shook.

    The saving grace today is that it is sprinkling off and on and Dennis and the porch kitties are watching television in the patio porch.

    With such a driving rain, I knew the window screens had a good wash.  Screens hold so much grime and dirt.  I got two of the eight bedroom porch windows cleaned.  All the cleaning is done from inside . . . sweet.  Dennis helped me do the bathroom window.  I loaded one of my chamois window towels onto the floor Swiffer’s head.  It worked great for Dennis to spray the vinegar window wash onto the bottom window while standing on the ground and drying the window via the Swiffer mop.  I opened the bottom window from the bathroom as far as I could and reached out with my right arm and hand to spray the outside of the top window with the vinegar wash so Dennis could work his magic.  Slick.

    If anyone ever needs to be entertained, sit back and watch the older ones on Stauffer Avenue.  I will say, we are resourceful.

    With some good local effort today we have decided to have pancakes and sausages for supper.

  • Noreen 1:42 pm on August 8, 2023 Permalink  

    So . . . Do Tell! 

    It is official from two sources, one on each end of town, that we got three plus inches of rain in a slow and steady all-day rain.

    The rain is all it took to hear the hum that had not been heard for some time, lawnmowers.  Dennis was right in there with them.  The weeds had continued to grow and they needed to be trimmed back right along with whatever else was green.  Dennis has learned to take two days to get the acreage done as the back and arms sent him a strong message. 

    Today Amazon delivered the last item for my bedroom porch’s reading and stitching corner.  Years back most shops had a clamp-on light fixture that could be angled via springs on the main hub.  My clamp-on unit that was delivered is similar but different.  There is no light fixture at the end, but a clamp to hold my hoop for stitching.  Sweet.  Until it has been used for a time, the clamp is really tight . . . enter stage right . . . Dennis.  My left hand is really going to enjoy not having to hold the hoop.  For the sum of $24.99 it does the job of the expensive wooden standalone hoop holders. 

    For several days this week, Carrie and Megan are in Las Vegas at the largest USA marketing event for 2024’s merchandise.  What a sweet event for them to share.  Later on this month, Kersten will be flying to New York for her endeavor.  My special people do get around.  When Dennis and I talked about it, he was thrilled for them, as he and I couldn’t take it.  

    I did take in some stitching this morning in the studio for my next scrappy quilt.  I realize it. I am admitting to it. I am overanalyzing the scrappiness of it.  Good grief.  It did take my repair man, Dennis, to replace the batteries in the radio for KNUJ to be enjoyed.

    Our oven meal of last night was a hit.  There will be a re-run of it this evening.

    Take care everyone!

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