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  • Noreen 2:03 pm on October 5, 2023 Permalink  

    A Blustery Day 

    The wind has had its way all day.  Within the viewing area that I have from my cherry red chair in my bedroom porch, what isn’t tied down is on the move.

    I have had a computer program from Bernina that allows me to create my own text into what then could be stitched out via the embroidery module to my sewing machine.  I have enhanced digitized images as well by adding personalized text.  This licensed program was installed on the HP that the Fairfax team had gifted me a few years ago.

    I would and could create a stitch out using the Bernina Tool Box and then load it onto a flash drive to then take it to the basement studio, insert the drive into the sewing machine to see if all went well.  Sometimes it took several trips up and down the basement steps.

    I inquired at the Bernina shop in Bird Island if I could install the licensed program onto my Dell laptop in the studio.  I received the info from Amanda earlier this week.  Knowing I had quiet time this morning, I gave it a shot.  Taking my time, the downloading went well.  I now can work totally from the studio for creating customized stitching.  I did not have to take the Bernina Tool Box off of the HP in the livingroom.  It is greater flexibility from either computer.

    Sometimes sticking my toe out, putting the fear of the unknown to rest, makes for more creative independence.

    I may not use all my tools from the studio constantly, but it sure is nice to have flexibility.  Dennis keeps reminding me that soon weather may keep us indoors.  He and I have really had choice accomplishments this summer.

    Dennis mentioned something about pancakes for supper.  That would work for me.

    The blustery air is raw and humid.

  • Noreen 1:06 pm on October 1, 2023 Permalink  

    The Dance 

    Our large trees felt the dry summer just as everyone and everything else.

    This morning, sitting on the front deck with coffee cup in hand, I watched dry leaves tippy toe, doing their dance across the hard-surfaced street.  Many leaves will not be able to hang on until the first hard frost.

    My ole cowboy is going to have his 87th birthday tomorrow.  Many that we come in contact with, never realize how many candles he has gone through over the years.

    This noon taking an orange juice break, I asked him if he wanted anything special for tomorrow.  Dennis shook his head.  He went on to say that yesterday when grandson AJ was here, he got his early birthday wish.  Not only all the chit chat, but Dennis and AJ went over to the blue barn acre.  There is no longer stray concrete blocks lying about.  The length of galvanized tin is not on the acre and the television lodged in the south lot line is gone.  Grandpa and AJ got everything on the implement trailer next to our back garage.  Items to still deal with, but on our home’s turf.

    Blue-BarnSome commented that they were sure Dennis had bit off more than he could chew, taking that acre under his belt.  They didn’t realize that Dennis knew people or how many for that matter.  No matter how much was cleared, the naysayers would make a comment to him about those last items still in the dirt.  Dennis just wanted there to be nothing but trees, dirt and grass.  Dennis got his birthday wish and the best part was working with AJ to do it yesterday.

    I am very proud of Dennis taking each step slowly and achieving his goal.  Several realtors have asked us if they can list the acre with their company.  The reply is that it is not for sale.  Dennis enjoys keeping people guessing. 

    This next week by Wednesday, the temps will be cooler.  We do plan on going to the acre and raking together small piles of branches and limbs under each set of trees.  Who doesn’t like a fall bonfire! 

    For as many lots as we have cleared here next to our forever home, three, we have found treasure . . . zip.  But I will say it has been very satisfying to clean up what lies around us.

    It is chicken titties, green beans and instant potatoes for supper.

    With all things well with my soul, I will do a dance . . . all four slide steps.

    Happy October you all!

  • Noreen 2:14 pm on September 28, 2023 Permalink  

    The Sun 

    The sun made its appearance at noon and as if Dennis got the green flag at Indie, it was on.

    The Sears mower with new blades did a great job on the grass that got soft where it grew in the shade.

    My intent was to use the weed whip around the house.  I leaned it on the bench by the back door and put on garden shoes.  Hmm.  The weed whip never moved.

    I went to pull up a weed next to the picket fence.  Oh my gosh, with the rain, that weed pulled up great.  And . . . so did the next one and the next one and so on and so on.  

    After several hours I called “Uncle.”  I made huge strides in all that could get pulled.  With my trusty six inch rake I pulled all that unwanted stuff into a windrow to the backyard.  Just as if we had made plans ahead of time, Dennis came and ground my pile of weeds up and the wind did a pretty good job of scattering said stuff.

    Dennis did use the weed whip and the area around the house looks great.

    I took out a package of vegetable beef soup this morning.  Great supper plan.

    By the way, we never made it west to Windom yesterday for supper.  As we were heading west, the A & W sign beckoned us at Mountain Lake.  The burgers were good and the A & W was fantastic.  

    The blue barn acre wasn’t on the schedule for mowing today.  If Dennis breaks up the time he sits on a jiggling lawn mower, his back feels better.  Not to worry, the sun is going to make a return visit tomorrow.

    Also, one more . . . by the way.  Today is international “Son’s Day.”  Let me tell you . . . the kid I have is on my calendar every day as a. . . one of a kind.  He has the heart of a warrior, a mind that knows no puzzle and the soul swelling with kindness and gentleness.  The Old Adam did not spoil what he is.

  • Noreen 1:14 pm on September 24, 2023 Permalink  

    Rain Drops 

    We got home from Mankato about four yesterday.  There were rain drops now and then.  It didn’t take long for the rain to get its act together.  After all was said and done, the gauge registered at 1.5 inches.  Slow and steady.

    I am doing something I have never done before via the crockpot.  I browned a pound of 80/20 ground beef right in the covered crock pot.  I then added cans of three different beans, black, kidney and white pinto.  Seeing as how we bought ketchup at Sam’s Club . . . three to a plastic collar and each is huge, I added the Heinz and chili powder.  That was it.  It has simmered since 9:30 this morning.  I like the taste of it.  If this gets a passing grade at supper, I call it easy.

    There is no doubt that this rain will bring out the hum of the mowers.  I know that during the month of August,  no money was spent to mow crispy brown spears.

    A new week tomorrow and the last week in the month of September.  Time slips away.  The good thing is that the older ones on Stauffer have a goodly amount of local effort to put on the table.

    Catch you all tomorrow.

  • Noreen 1:14 pm on September 22, 2023 Permalink  

    Just a Spinkle 

    Just a few sprinkles thus far from the forecast.

    The day is cool and gray.

    This morning, I put a pork steak in the crockpot smothered in a bold marinate.  There are mashed potatoes left two nights ago that will be heated in the microwave.  A side dish of vegetables and we have an evening meal planned.  Nothing fancy, but tasty. I can assure you.

    We have not been shopping in Mankato for groceries very often as the medical appointments have ceased.  For sure, I have been watching our local grocer’s prices so I can compare when we do go.  Dennis has been out of breakfast muffins for some time and that would push a trip out of town.  He also enjoys his orange juice.  When he has been really busy at the blue barn acre he will stop in for a glass of orange juice before eating something on the go.  I can tell you that two of the 54 oz. jugs can be bought for the price of one here in town.

    I have noticed the frequency of trains lately.  One can hardy miss them as we are a block from the tracks.  Generally they are 100 cars plus.  The thumping noise they make going over the street’s intersection becomes music to the ears.

    This is a slow day for me.  I am switching from stitching to reading.  With the cherry red chair having great back support, there are no aches from extended times.  I can almost feel guilty having a lazy day. 

    May your weekend find yourselves with a bit of a lazy time.

  • Noreen 2:31 pm on September 21, 2023 Permalink  

    Spa Day 

    Today was spa day for Dennis and me.  It may sound strange, but on our spa day, we have Maria’s shop booked for the entire morning.  Maria, a single operator of her shop, opens at ten.  With Dennis and me having both pedicures and haircuts, it is a bit after twelve noon before we get into Dennis’ little red pickup and head the five blocks home.

    What gives me reassurance is that Maria has kept up her LPN nurse’s license.  She is vigilant checking legs from the knees down and also the scalp.  Little things that may be of no alarm for us, could well be of a serious nature.  Dennis also has a thumb nail that needs a check over.  Our spa day is a win, win.

    Before we leave Maria’s shop, I have her business card for the next month’s spa date.

    2023-HomeI was excited to come down the street and see our home after the shutters were put back on.  Without them giving a bit of a polished look, it was just so much white siding.  The exterior of our home got quite the spiffing up this 2023 year.  After all the painting and staining that my 1.5″ brush did, it is now no more.  The bristles had gotten quite short.  But I must say . . . it always cleaned up great.   

    We have decided on Subway for supper.  A 12″ tuna does the trick for the two of us.  It is the only time that chips of various flavors come into the house.  We do wait until late afternoon to go and pick it up.  By trial and error, that is when the bread is the freshest.

    Tomorrow being Friday, there is talk of rain.  It would be welcomed.

  • Noreen 1:55 pm on September 20, 2023 Permalink  

    Morning Breeze 

    I sat on the front deck with coffee this morning and enjoyed the breeze.  I knew that in time, the sun would scare me back inside.

    I took advantage of the early morning by putting a frozen peach pie in the 375 degree oven.  All I needed to do was brush the top with butter and sprinkle on a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.  By nine, the pie was cooling and the oven was off.  Seems fitting to celebrate the good week we have had thus far.

    This afternoon Dennis needed to have the little red pickup in Madelia.  We had gotten a notice about the air bags being recalled.  It was a puzzle as it seems that this is the third such letter.  Dennis made the appointment.  If something came about in the future and he had not heeded to what the recall advised . . . up a shit creek.

    Dennis had just left for Madelia as I got a text from Dennis’ grandson, AJ, in Mankato.  He would be heading out for St. James and would be putting the painted shutters back onto the house.  Sweet.  I think one more item is going to be added for AJ’s help.  It is time that the huge patio umbrella goes back into the potting shed.  Not that it is so terribly heavy, just cumbersome with uneven weight.

    Dennis may very well be back home before AJ arrives.

    I plan on adding some chicken tenderloins on the menu for supper.  It doesn’t take long to whip up a batch of instant potatoes and pop open a can of green beans as a side.

    This morning, Dennis did go over to the blue barn acre, if nothing else to pinch himself that it is done.  Yesterday, it was amazing how this huge skid loader could pick out a stray steel fence post and pot it over by a tree.  Dennis feels it will be a small pickup load of stray items that were not fit for the tree dump.  In the scheme of things, not serious. 

    Thanks be for a wonderful day.

  • Noreen 3:07 pm on September 14, 2023 Permalink  

    The Last 

    This afternoon was the last of my important yearly medical appointments.  It was at the eye clinic here in town.  There was no change needed in my lenses.  Yippee.  There is a test for eye pressure and there is a test for peripheral vision.  There is a test for glaucoma.  Then the eye drops come for dilation so Dr. Pinke can see the carotids, and into the brain.  There has been the slightest macular indication for ten years.  It never increases.  Yippee.  All is well with my vision health and all is well with my soul.  A win, win.

    I am using the prescribed over-the-counter for dry eyes.  Reading and stitching doesn’t harm as long as I have good lighting.  Man . . . do I have great lighting, thanks to the Fairfax team.

    Yesterday there was a small beef roast in the crockpot and today there is a large kettle of beef vegetable soup.  The condensed marinade from the crockpot is giving it a bit of a kick.  A Better than Bullion vegetable flavor tablespoon was added.  I know there will be several bags of it going into the freezer.  When I stopped at the grocer’s this forenoon, I bought a bag of Bird’s Eye vegetable medley:  broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots.  I also tossed in the remaining refrigerator diced potatoes.  Dennis said a can of corn was needed.  We have all bases covered.

    What a great day to be a Minnesotan.  Dennis spoke with his son in Arizona this afternoon and he remarked that the snow birds were already arriving into his mobile home park.  The heat is still raging there.

    Take care my peeps . . . and pups.

  • Noreen 1:10 pm on September 13, 2023 Permalink  

    Hump Day 

    Quite the cool start of the day.

    Dennis and I had the forenoon to ourselves.  At twelve noon I had my work socks and shoes on complete with long gardening pants.  In the little red pickup, we headed through our back yards to the blue barn acre.

    Dennis had the Harbor Freight lopper in hand and I had my pruner.  Oh so many volunteer trees coming up around the older trees.  Once those spindly trees were pruned off, my trusty six inch rake could make some headways,  making piles with the brush and limbs.  All lying in one direction, it will be easy to either get them picked up or pushed to the main pile. 

    Dennis was getting his half gallon sprayer ready with his brush killer.  Having lopped off or pruned off, the raw stubs will allow the brush killer to soak in taking it down to the root.

    I wandered off to the south end of the acre.  What Dennis had been spraying is showing results.  Under three Black Walnut trees, there will be my next attack.  Not nearly as much volunteer stuff.  I will be able to easily carry a bundle of dead branches to the main pile.

    We got a lot done in an hour and a half, choosing to call it a good clean-up effort without overdoing it.

    When I got back into the house, the crockpot was revealing the aroma of supper.  An Angus boneless beef roast of just two pounds with chunks of onion and a top layer of baby carrots to hold in a bold marinade.  What an easy supper coming our way.

    It is two in the afternoon and I have some west bedroom porch time to enjoy.  Cherry red chair, here I come!

  • Noreen 1:13 pm on September 12, 2023 Permalink  

    Blown Away 

    This morning Dennis and Dewayne had a coffee date at McDonald’s.  We had been busy here on Stauffer Avenue and it had been a two-week hiatus for the fellows.

    Dennis had gotten a letter from Ford that there was a recall on the air bags in his little red pickup.  After coffee the fellows headed to Madelia for Dennis to make an appointment.

    While Dennis was gone, I tidied up the dining room table of extra paperwork.  I had the second part of the refund check from the state ready to pitch.  I could not believe it.  The check was cut from a post office box located in Missoula, Montana via Submittable Holdings, Inc.  Who is laundering money?  Too funny.

    What isn’t funny is the price of gas.  The price in St. James was the same in Madelia . . . $4.0999 as per Dennis.  Ouch.  I would hate to have to make trips out of town right now. 

    My day is spent on the quiet side.  In my cherry red chair stitching, reading and watching traffic.

    Our supper is going to be some refrigerated diced potatoes with adding scrambled eggs.  I am calling it a smorgasbord.

    These are the days we wished for during the heat.  Enjoy!

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