Hump Day
Quite the cool start of the day.
Dennis and I had the forenoon to ourselves. At twelve noon I had my work socks and shoes on complete with long gardening pants. In the little red pickup, we headed through our back yards to the blue barn acre.
Dennis had the Harbor Freight lopper in hand and I had my pruner. Oh so many volunteer trees coming up around the older trees. Once those spindly trees were pruned off, my trusty six inch rake could make some headways, making piles with the brush and limbs. All lying in one direction, it will be easy to either get them picked up or pushed to the main pile.
Dennis was getting his half gallon sprayer ready with his brush killer. Having lopped off or pruned off, the raw stubs will allow the brush killer to soak in taking it down to the root.
I wandered off to the south end of the acre. What Dennis had been spraying is showing results. Under three Black Walnut trees, there will be my next attack. Not nearly as much volunteer stuff. I will be able to easily carry a bundle of dead branches to the main pile.
We got a lot done in an hour and a half, choosing to call it a good clean-up effort without overdoing it.
When I got back into the house, the crockpot was revealing the aroma of supper. An Angus boneless beef roast of just two pounds with chunks of onion and a top layer of baby carrots to hold in a bold marinade. What an easy supper coming our way.
It is two in the afternoon and I have some west bedroom porch time to enjoy. Cherry red chair, here I come!