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  • Noreen 2:05 pm on May 1, 2024 Permalink  

    The Rest 

    Today is the rest of the story of yesterday’s Mankato visit to Dr. Saraff.  There was a general discussion of activities on my home-front.  No, I have no pain in my day-to-days.  With my mind and body moving from the time I get up, I shared that weariness took over about 9-10 in the evening, I would be ready to call it a day.  No, I do not have heart beating fluctuations.  No, there was no need for help in our home as Dennis fills that bill.  I have no restrictions on my activities, except . . . heart-raising activities no longer than five minutes in duration.  Saraff suggested multiple short quiet times in my days to rest the mind and body . . . I didn’t comment, but that is easily done in my bedroom porch perched on my cherry red chair.  I was very pleased for the time he had for me.  His philosophy is that being self-reliant is a good way while you can do it.

    That was what yesterday held and what a great feeling it brought.  Caution each day still is on me to stay in a good place.

    The meal for the day is a chicken oven dish.  Diced boiled carrots, diced green beans, sautéed chopped onions, pasta, chicken and Alfredo.  The kitchen with the sautéed onions has been wafting great aromas that will only get better when the oven works its magic.  Good eating with enough boned-out chicken to plop into a freezer-bag for another time.  Dennis worked his magic by covering the surface of the oven dish before it goes in at 350 degrees for 1.5 hours with ground pepper. 

    The grain elevator must be calling in contracted corn.  The semis have been coming and going for most of the day.  

    Thanks be to God for a time of peaceful reflections on this gray and chilly day.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:57 pm on April 29, 2024 Permalink  

    Much Gray 

    It sounds like we are going to have gray skies for the majority of this week.

    Once a year Dr. Gio in radiology wants to see Dennis and his legs and feet.  Today was the day at 9:30 this morning in Mankato.  The foot, less the toes, has healed well.  Dennis does have a stint in one of the arteries below the knee in the left leg.  Dennis was asked if he would do an ultra-sound at our convenience to see how well the stint held up.  Last year at this time it was a newer product.  May 9th the ultra-sound will be done.  Regardless what the ultra-sound indicates, no further surgery would be planned.  Last year the process went from the foot up the leg to place the inflatable stint in.  The groin area where it is usually done had too many occlusions, blockage.  The wire is tricky in that a perforation of a artery would be followed by a bleed-out.  Dennis is very content as things are.  Today, again, they mentioned the miracle of healing.  Dennis didn’t know it at the time, but the next treatment would have been an amputation.  Thank the Lord. 

    With the addition of the hospital and clinic in Mankato, there is more walking to get to where you need to go.  We are blessed that 45 miles to Mankato is medical expertise.  Tomorrow I see my cardiac doctor.  Every six months is doable and I wouldn’t want it any other way.  I will keep you all posted.  My appointment is in the mid-afternoon.  The post on this site may be a bit late.

    Of course while we were in the big town, I had a list for Sam’s.  The price of 152 Tide pods was the same as the 45 pods I had bought here in town.  The lightweight 19lb. of kitty litter that equals 42 lb. is usually on the list.  There was a run on rotisserie chicken.  Three pound chickens for $4.99.  We will have one supper of chicken, potatoes and green beans and then save the rest of the boned-out chicken in the freezer for an oven dish sometime later on.  I have Dennis eating a Cutie orange every evening.  Literally sweet.  That and unsweetened apple sauce is about the limit of fruit that he will do.  There also . . .  5lb. of Cuties for the price locally of 3lb.

    Last night, Dennis came home with a pizza from Casey’s.  That indeed was a treat as Dennis doesn’t do pizza.  He knew I would enjoy it and by golly he did also.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:47 pm on April 28, 2024 Permalink  

    Happy Sunday 

    It is a happy, wet and green Sunday.  There is greenery showing itself everywhere.  In fact some of the greenery has a bit of light lime green showing, indicating it is very soaked.

    This was the first of two weeks of the Odin Craft Mill in Ormsby.  It had been three weekends long up until this year.  Over time, people either don’t feel the need to fill their homes with what someone else has created, or their homes are full of items they have no emotional attachment to.

    Yesterday when Dennis’ Sue was here, she sat in Dennis’ recliner.  She mentioned how sad it was that the finish is peeling off.  Several years ago, Kevin fixed up the arm rests with vinyl.  Before Easter, Dennis and I took the Gorilla Duct Tape to it.  I took Sue’s suggestion and I have ordered a fabric cover for the recliner that indicated that this model of covering could be used for it having electric buttons on the right side.  Worse case scenario, it can be washed if soiled or the chair ceases working.  This chair . . . so much for shopping locally.

    Dennis’ cousin Bruce was here this morning at nine, and by then we had two inches of rain.  We have had rain since.

    It may well be an old wives tale . . . but this damp weather is killing my back and hips.  I keep moving from one place to another, not sitting anywhere for long.  No studio for me today.  My electric heater is operational if I stay in one spot.  By moving around working on projects, the heater cannot affect the overall feeling of cold cement.  There are other days coming.

    The shrimp and baked potatoes for supper last night was very tasty.  Dennis had bought 5 lbs. of white Russet potatoes.  Very dense and good for baking.  I put Ranch Dressing on my potato and Dennis had butter.

    It’s still a bit too early to put out the calkboard for tonight’s options.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:52 pm on April 27, 2024 Permalink  

    Busy Day 

    Dennis’ grandson, AJ, came for a Saturday forenoon visit.  Those two fellows never run out of topics to discuss, hash out or solve.  It does Dennis good.

    This noon, we got a call that Dennis’ twins plus Sandy’s Tom, they were in Windom heading this way.  They had been in Sioux Falls where Sandy’s daughter, Chey, won her fight match.  I do not remember what it is called.  The fight encompasses, kicking, wrestling, hitting, etc.

    It is now mid-afternoon and all is quiet on Stauffer.  Sandy and Tom live in Mankato and Sue lives in Silver Bay and will stay over at Sandy’s until Sunday.

    First-MittI did get my oven mitt sewn back together.  My first embroidered one and not without a few oops.  My design could be said to be upside down.  I wasn’t too bothered by the placement of it . . . measure, measure.  I am bothered by the speck of sewing machine oil I got on the mitt.  That I might try to get out.  I have three more mitts.  I have several more designs.  What I don’t have is any more Stabil Stick.  Hmm.  I did order it yesterday when I realized what was required to get the job done.  The hand does slip in and allow for the user to grip an object. Considering this was a new venture, the fear of the unknown has been met.

    Tonight for supper we are having cooked shrimp that will be heated through and tossed in butter and a baked potato, sliced with cheese and bacon bites within.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:48 pm on April 23, 2024 Permalink  


    Overnight the tree tops have taken on the lime green color.  That tells me that there will be a whole bunch of pollen in the air.  Actually a pollen warning came up on the task-bar that shows the temperature information. 

    I have a few yellow beauties blooming under the Lilacs amid the Hosta.  They are more forthcoming right now than what the Hosta are showing.  I plan on letting them have their hay-day.  I will keep my size 8.5 out of the area.  Once the tips of the Hosta are stepped on, the showing of the plant has been blemished before it had half a chance.

    Last night for supper I fixed chicken titties in my all time favorite coating mix.  With that we had green beans and a side dish of Stove Top Stuffing.  I had not fixed a box of that for a very long time.  I get it extra tasty by putting in the double amount of butter.  Yum.

    Dennis is chomping at the bit to try out his propane brush killer.  Ants in the pants for sure.  Each day when the neighbor’s flag is billowing, he knows he will have to find other mischief.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:28 pm on April 18, 2024 Permalink  

    A Bit Chilly 

    It was a bit chilly, but it sure made picking up branches easy.  I tend to be quite hot blooded and can sweat just like my dad . . . a lot.

    Last year we spent a fair amount in brush killer that needed to be sprayed on.  It might be a bit too early to see if we had some positive carry-over.  I sure hope so.  The blue barn acre cleaned up well last year.  It is the south lot line that remains a challenge.  All of the rotting railroad ties wouldn’t be so bad, if there were not weeds growing up and around.

    Yesterday our propane brush killer came via Amazon.  It has its own flint and a 10′ hose to use from the propane tank.  Our Fleet Farm four wheel trailer will be used to secure the 20 gallon propane tank with bungie cords.  The tank has yet to be purchased from our Fleet Farm.  With a hand sprayer, you need to be almost on top of the brush and weeds to give them a cover.  Time will tell after things have dried up a bit after this well-needed rain.

    We had picked up a crock-pot tray at Walmart last week. A good cut of beef, complete with carrots and potatoes.  Kevin and Kersten had brought us one at Christmas.  It was tasty down to the last bit of the beef that I used in some homemade soup.

    When I came in from the outside, the aroma of the crock-pot doing its things was . . . bring it on.

    I have just a bit of time to visit my cherry red bedroom porch chair. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:41 pm on April 16, 2024 Permalink  

    Welcomed Rain 

    There was thunder telling us rain could not be far behind.  Not very much lightning, which is a good thing.

    The rain and wind was a combination that induced sleep.

    Dennis had made arrangements to pick up Dwayne for coffee at McDonald’s.  When he came home he mentioned all the farmers around South Branch had come in.  Lots of talking ensued.  As usual Dennis made whips around town for them to take in all things that are in the works.  The best news that Dennis shared with me is that we are the owners of the heavy duty implement trailer that was Dwayne’s and we have been storing for him.  Hats off!  Some time in the future Kevin and Kersten will need to find room for this trailer as Dennis said he would be handing it over to them when he is done using it.

    Today I was folding laundry as yesterday I got laundry pods home.  Dennis always wears a pocket tee-shirt either solo or under a shirt or jacket.  He may go through two in one day depending on what he is doing.  As laundry loads are forthcoming, I will put them on hangers.  That will be much easier on my hands and arms rather than the folding process so they look tidy.  I would never just take them from the dryer and cram them in a drawer getting all wrinkled.  I take pride in how Dennis goes out and about.

    The next thing on my docket was working on Dennis’ bed coverings.  He likes the weight and heft that he equates with warmth 12 months a year.  I do believe he sleeps restless enough that he gets balled up in all the layers of coverings and falls out of bed.  First time, I thought nothing of it.  With that happening too often, tonight we will see if having only one cover will work better.  That one cover is a down and polyester filled cover encased in a cotton duet flannel covering that is easily laundered.  My such cover is the summer weight.  Dennis’ is several levels denser as he is always cold sleeping with an electric mattress pad, plus flannel sheets, plus a heavy flannel two-sided quilt with heavy batting that I had made for him, plus the double layer of polar fleece.  This one cover fits all of those and can be pulled over one way or another.  If it gets kicked off there is only one cover to pull back on and over for warmth.  The mattress pad may still be turned on with the fitted bottom sheet.  Time will tell. 

    All Dennis needed was a list that he needed and what we like on our one Subway Tuna on cheese bread 12″ sandwich for our suppertime.  All we can handle is cutting that 12″ into 6″ portions for each of us.  Perfect suggestion.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:15 pm on April 15, 2024 Permalink  

    Second to None 

    Today our trip to Kevin’s Garage in Fairfax was second to none.

    The 1966 Cub-Lo-Boy blew the engine seal gasket.  Yup oil all over.  Last week the tractor was loaded on the implement trailer and we headed to Fairfax.  It was not a job that people were waiting to take on.

    The tractor got TLC that it would not have gotten anywhere else.  Fixing what is apparent is perhaps what might have been done with anyone around our town.  Going the extra mile and checking everything is what Kevin’s Garage does. 

    “Don’t have time to do it right, but always have time to do it over.”  That is not the motto when Kevin and Kersten tackle the job.  Yes . . . I also mentioned Kersten as she is right there to assist.  Sweet.

    I know the day wore Dennis out.  Denise immediately unloaded the tractor and tucked it into the back garage.  Before unhooking the trailer to its spot next to the garage, Dennis started the Sears rider and mowed and mulched grass and weeds where the trailer will be parked.  Yup.  Those traits more than make up for some of the smalls that he can and does pull.  Tee Hee.

    When I knew I had watched all and Dennis was safe in the patio porch, I went to the grocer’s.  I cannot remember a time that my laundry basket was as full as it was today.  I needed to buy laundry pods . . . there was not a single one here at Stauffer Avenue.  I went on to Lewis Drug to pick up two prescriptions.  While there I picked up a graduation card for an invite we got.  No, we won’t attend the graduation in Granada, but we will remember grandson Ryan’s girlfriend’s son.

    While I was at the grocer’s I picked up at the deli, Orange Chicken and JoJo potatoes for supper.  A can of cranberries will top it off.

    Our job jar doesn’t even have a burp left in it.  A very satisfying feeling.

    I think I am going to see if grab bars, as like the ones we put on the zero turn, can be put on the Cub.  It’s a bit of a challenge for Dennis to get on and off of it.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:32 pm on April 6, 2024 Permalink  

    Our Evergreen 

    I do know that wind that whips through the evergreen boughs exacerbates the sound.  

    As I am in my bedroom porch today, I see what is blowing down the street.  The wind is strong.  A home kitty-corner from ours put a new Larson storm door on last fall.  As it is bangy-banging today, I hope the door lasts until this evening when they get home.  I checked our door to the west this morning to make sure it was locked.

    Yesterday, neighbor Randy told Dennis to bring over the zero-turn anytime for him to install two grab bars.  Dennis put its battery on the trickle charger at that time.  The mower is now over at Randy’s garage.  This is not Randy’s first rodeo with a zero-turn grab bar.  Bob Luther lost his right arm in a farming accident several years ago and Randy tricked Bob’s zero-turn out for him in ease of getting off and on.  Sweet. 

    My Smokey the Bear got his chores of burning done yesterday.  It all worked out great.  Even leaves were raked out from the lilacs for the burning.  Just a bit here and there counts up.

    Today the snowblower was taken back to the potting shed and out came the push mower.  Whether the push mower gets used is not important.  It’s been checked over with fresh oil.  Dennis mentioned he would be buying a case of oil in the near future.

    We are having chili and grilled cheese sandwiches for supper.  Each of us gets a half sandwich and a slight bowl of chili and that is plenty.  We don’t have heavy meals anymore.  Yes, Nicholas, I know it’s not real cheese, but I am determined to use it up.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:20 pm on March 25, 2024 Permalink  


    What small amount of snow we received in the last 36 hours has all gone by the way-side with the rain we are now having.  The noon news thought that those with heavy snow may have equated that to an 1/2 of rain.

    I had a wonderful experience this morning at our local dentist.  I really wanted to stay in our town.  I know getting a full bottom plate may take adjustments.  Being five minutes away beats traveling 90 miles round trip.

    Dentist Steve’s daughter will be joining him soon as she graduates this summer.  Mom, Chris, is the receptionist.  Steve has been updating the clinic.  I underwent a head x-ray.  Staying steady with a mouthpiece in place, the x-ray machine, by moving from my neck up, did a 360 degree head scan around me.  Wow.  I think Steve has really been planning for good dental service to be available.  How wonderful for a small town to maintain a great dental office.

    I return on April 2nd for impressions to be made of my mouth.  Going forward, having taken antibiotics due to my multiple implants, the remaining two teeth and two roots will be taken out and the plate goes in.  Standard practice.  

    I did find out that our family doctor, after leaving St. James Mayo, is on staff at Jackson medical clinic.  We are so happy for him.  They have a jewel on board.

    Dennis has made supper.  Tuna sandwiches with lettuce and chips and dip.  I am looking forward to it.

    With take I take my leave.  ♥

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