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  • Noreen 2:40 pm on July 11, 2024 Permalink  

    1″ on Wednesday 

    Who would have thought there was that much rain in those clouds compared to areas around us. One inch was the measurement.

    That had spoiled the mowing for yesterday, but it was on the calendar for today after the dew was off.  Sunday we had mowed one of our acres.  Today the blue barn acre was the target.  With nothing but grass and trees, it does take a while.  Dennis used the Sear’s rider among the trees which is on the west side.  He also did the bit of a ditch where the lot borders the Hammond Highway.  Can a zero-turn tip over?  I don’t want to even go there.  Where I did go was the large area from north to south of straight mowing.  Glory be . . . Dennis’ spray did work and perhaps is still working on the weeds that were snuggled up to the trees.  I know he will be back at it when conditions are doable.

    It took the two of us an hour and a half of mowing.  When we parked the mowers in the back garage, I walked home as Dennis lets the mowers cool off before re-fueling.  Yes . . . the two gallon containers are sweet.  As I was cutting across our yards to come home, I wished I could still run.  Some towns spray for mosquitoes.  I wanted to hurry home, but not as such that I would trip and fall.  That would have really been a feast.  All they could get at was my face and ears and wasn’t that enough!

    No studio stitching today.  Dennis and I are both satisfied to wind down for the rest of the afternoon in our home.

    By the way . . . the 12″ tuna from Subway for supper last night was a hit.   

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:12 pm on July 9, 2024 Permalink  

    Summer Has Arrived 

    In all of its glory we will be experiencing summer this week.  It was bound to happen.

    Dennis was home by noon from his very early trip taking Jeff to Mankato for an appointment.  With the trip to Silver Bay last weekend, Dennis went to Jiffy Lube when they opened at eight.  He never passes up when the oil and lube needs doing.  I did not blame him one bit for taking a nap in his chair after a bite of noon lunch.  

    For myself I have been up since four.  When a bathroom call comes one hour before the alarm is to go off . . . I knew I would not be going back to bed.  It is what it is.  Right on cue, the birds in the evergreen outside my bedroom window began chirping and singing at four.  So what did I do at four?  I started the coffee and turned on some CBS news before waking Dennis at five.

    My mission today in the studio was to put a few things back in place after Watson’s had visited yesterday.  KNUJ was tuned in.  With all the LED overhead lamps, you never know where the radio needs to sit for it to come in clearly.  

    The steam iron has been filled.  The sewing machine got oiled and cleaned of any fuzz.  The bobbin has the correct thread as well as the machine got threaded up.  I did a test stitch.

    I know its warm out, but I did pull an oven dish from the freezer for supper.  We had sandwiches and chicken noodle soup for supper last night, so a bit of a heartier meal for the two early risers.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:27 pm on July 7, 2024 Permalink  

    The Happiest 

    I swear the happiest of God’s feathered is the Wren.  We have what I call a Dr. Suez copper roofed bird house.  Try as hard as I could to take the mosquitos after we had finished mowing . . . I cried uncle.  Not so the little Wrens that were sticking their heads out of their home.  Cheerful beyond belief.

    The mowing went well.  With me on the zero-turn it cut the total time down in half for Dennis as he was using the trusty Sear’s rider.  I am still on a learning curve in regard to how hard I turn it with the dirt as soft as a sponge from the rain.  Wouldn’t it be something if we had no rain today!

    Dennis and I are both in for the day.  The pork steak will be ready by five.  That coupled with the beefed up Mrs. Gerry’s potato salad and jellied cranberries to make a fine Sunday light supper. 

    I have no appointments for this next week.  I will call the Watson boys to make a house call for a plumbing issue in the studio.  Each time I make a trip to the studio to keep an eye on said issue, I take some extra time to tidy up the church tables.  Yes, I am gearing up to do some stitching.  I had cut fabric up during the winter for several Log Cabin quilt tops.  Will I make them into quilts?  That I do not know.  I surely would if someone would come forward.  If not, I will make a donation to our church for the church ladies to make them up and give where needed.  For me, it is all about using what I have for the greater good.

    The activity in my bedroom porch has three different cross stitch projects going plus a good book.  Variety is the spice of life.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:14 pm on July 6, 2024 Permalink  

    My Day 

    My day feels full.  At ten we were downtown for pedicures and haircuts.  Both were needed and for me, I can tell you . . . both feel wonderful.  It may take a while with two chairs going at one time, but Dennis loves how the hot soaking bath feels on his feet.

    After the spa treatment we went shopping at our local grocer’s.  No matter how I power shop in Mankato for staples, there is always something that we run out of.  Dennis wanted to make a pie.  Who knew?  He had seen something on television.  He needed a graham cracker crust, two boxes of instant pudding, the same flavor.

    If we are going to have a treat for the day, it is usually at eight in the evening.  Time will tell how the coconut cream pie fares.  All I suggested was to cut back on the two cups of milk to allow for a firmer set up.  We may have spoons handy.

    Dennis’ grandson, AJ, came for a visit from Mankato.  Talk about a shot in the arm for Dennis.  AJ also had had rain seeping into his basement.  AJ helped Dennis set his heavy television buffet cabinet onto the plywood floor.  The little red pickup will be able to be housed again.

    About at two, the sky clouded over and a heavy shower of rain came.  All these little blurbs on the radar have rain in them.

    My day tomorrow may have some grass mowing in it.  I enjoy helping.  I will suit up from top to bottom as much as possible as the mosquitoes are ready for fresh blood. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:55 pm on July 2, 2024 Permalink  

    Hit and Miss 

    Today is all about hit and miss showers.

    When I went to bed last night it was lightning in the northwest.  This morning there were puddles on Stauffer Avenue.

    I decided to do a Cinderella today in my kitchen.  Now, at mid afternoon, I can report that we will have a pasta oven meal for supper.  There are also two containers of said dish in the freezer.  One pound of ground beef with lots of odds and ends to accompany it.  While the pasta was piping hot, I added the last of the cream cheese in with the pasta and put a lid on it to melt the cheese.  The cream cheese coats the pasta for an additional flavor.  While the ground beef was browning, I added some Better than Bullion roasted garlic flavor.  That cleaned out the little jar.  I sautéed the half of the Vidalia onion that was double bagged in the refrigerator.  There were some Bush’s baked beans left from last night’s supper . . . in they went.  Two beef brats also from last night, sliced into thin rounds.   A half cup of peas that were asking to be recued from the freezer for a bit of color.  Classico basil flavored red sauce folded in and around.

    Dennis is all about using up and putting in rather than throwing out.  This concoction is my craziest one yet.  It has hit all the marks of the nutrition wheel.  I will give you a review tomorrow.

    The last of the laundry has been done, leaving an empty laundry basket for about . . . not very long.  Gotta love clean clothes.

    All the dishes have been done as well as taking the top of the kitchen range apart for a tidy, tidy.  With the last of the breakfast coffee, Cinderella is in her cherry red chair in her bedroom porch.  Those walking by on our street are swatting bugs as much as stepping it off.  The air is dead.  The dew point and the humidity are the same.  Not for a good feeling.  We are to have more rain falling this afternoon.

    Dennis did the local grocer’s trip today.  

    Tomorrow I will visit my dentist.  The adjustments are soon to be over.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:09 pm on July 1, 2024 Permalink  

    Day Three 

    Another good day pulling weeds while the soil is still moist.  The yellow flowering clover is on a rage.  The secret is finding where the hair fine root is and then pulling up an amount as large as a dinner plate.  If the south wind had not been so strong, I could have moved about the Hosta giving a lot of it a good weed spray.  Maybe tomorrow.

    Dennis had gone to the blue barn acre with his vegetation killing spray.  He was prepared with two gallons mixed up.  He came home after using one gallon as the mosquitoes were horrible in his face and ears.  The south line fence sheltered the area from the strong winds.  Working around the north area of the patio porch, the bugs didn’t bother me, but then I was zipped up to my nose.   

    Dennis has all of the greenery ready for garbage day tomorrow.  As I raked it along the concrete patio it rolled into itself like a long round bale.  When Dennis made a horseshoe shaped form out of it, it was easily lifted into the bin. 

    We are to get rain this evening.  Maybe tomorrow will be a clover pulling event. 

    I was going to work on my camera for it to work “nice” with my HP, but the battery in the camera needed to be refreshed.  Maybe tomorrow.

    There was an email from the county this morning, that the Madelia school parking lot would be taking items from the flood from one to six today.  Our carpeting is gone.  Thank goodness.  Apparently the St. James site was full up.

    Supper is going to be Johnsonville pre-cooked beef brats and Bush’s pork and beans.  I do tucker myself out with getting the flower beds to look as if someone does live here.  Then again several hours each morning does make a huge dent in things.  I am so thankful Dennis does keep the lawns looking good.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:50 pm on June 26, 2024 Permalink  

    Hump Day 

    Hump day and all is well on Stauffer Avenue.

    Dennis mowed another one of our yards today.  The grass is tall and doesn’t have a backbone.  Mowing in one direction and then in the opposite direction seems to have worked the best.

    I vacuumed a portion of the studio’s concrete floor today now that it could be converted back to a dry vacuum.  More years than I can remember we cleaned the concrete floor as best we could and then painted the floor a light gray.  I am sure we sought out the paint that was recommended.  What has happened is the gray paint does chip off from chairs sliding over it as well as rollers from chairs.  Those chips of paint cling onto the soles of shoes and can be found anywhere on our first floor’s flooring.  I decided to give the floor a good once-over.  I saved a bit of that work for tomorrow.

    A batch of egg salad is cohabitating in the refrigerator.  It is the easiest to make.  Well . . . that is if you don’t dice onion into it.  Dennis and I like a lot of diced onion.  Vidalia onions are sweet to the taste but they sure can make my eyes water to the extent that I can’t see.  They effected my dad the same way.  Raymond would power through and enjoy a buttered bread raw onion sandwich.

    Potato salad is another favorite of ours.   I do cheat.  I purchase a container of Mrs. Gerry’s prepared potato salad and proceed to doctor it up.  Using some of the egg salad concoction mixed into the Mrs. Gerry’s potato salad does pass mustard here on Stauffer Avenue.  Actually the boughten stuff is so rich in mustard and very creamy, no additional mayo is needed.  It sure beats peeling and boiling potatoes.

    We don’t golf.  We don’t frequent resorts.  We do allow ourselves some of the prepared items in our grocer’s deli.  I can mix items up to no end.  If all else fails a fried egg sandwich with a side of chips and spinach dip will work.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:01 pm on June 20, 2024 Permalink  

    Drip, Drip 

    The weather people have been spot on.  The drip, drip doesn’t impact us here on Stauffer Avenue, as long as the sump pump continues doing its job.

    It is mid afternoon and the patio porch is now cleared out of Curry fellows.  That had been going on since nine this morning.  It was Dennis, Ken and Jeff his sons and nephew Brett.  I am sure the BS was full bore.  Three of the four are smokers . . . pray for the kitties.  Brett chews so does that count?

    Tomorrow morning at eight Ken will pick up Dennis and the little red pickup will be headed for Silver Bay for the weekend.  It is a belated memorial for Susie’s husband that passed away in this late spring.

    Today I was in charge of getting items laid out for Dennis’ trip.

    Tomorrow I will be in charge of the livestock.

    By the way, earlier this year nephew Brett had a health concern while he was on vacation.  The rest of the story is that he had internal hemorrhoids so severe he had passed out from lack of iron in his system.  Who would have thought!  Until he can get into surgery he needs to have infusions of liquid iron.  Again . . . who would have thought.  The things that can cause health concerns.

    Today I completed a survey from the cardiac center in Rochester.  I am three years-out from my heart surgery, June 15th.  All good to report.  Sweet.   

    This evening for supper it is basted eggs, Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausage patties and apple butter jam on toast.  By the way, Jimmy Dean’s are so much better than Johnsonville’s.

    I have not much activity to report either in the studio or in my stitching bedroom porch.  Extra people on board . . . extra commotion.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:00 pm on June 18, 2024 Permalink  

    Stormy Humid 

    Being outside for very little time is telling that we may be in for a stormy afternoon.

    By 9:15 this morning the huge limb that had blown down Saturday during the night was gone and the fellows cleaned up the area with rakes.  They do a great job.

    Neighbors Jan and Randy left this morning with a group of Gold Wingers on a trip to Colorado.  Twelve bikes and 18 people.  I wished them a safe and fun vacation.

    First off I have news.  After Kevin read my blog yesterday, he sent me a link via email to help with the noise in my ears.  I have since subscribed to that link so I may always find it.  The exercises on that 10 minute video has helped and I believe has taken care of that hissing noise I had commented on.  Was it full blown Tinnitus or congestion in the ears?  Knowing what to do about it if it comes back . . . sweet. 

    I had done the exercises through several repetitions yesterday and again first thing this morning.

    As the noises have not been a usual for me over time, I did take in the proximity of the ears and jaw.  I have had some extreme dental work done in the recent past and I wonder if there was a coloration.  Whatever!  The simple exercises worked and the video is now a part of my YouTube library.  Praise be!

    ProgressI have fun in my studio.  Today I filled two pincushions with crushed walnuts and two mini pillows with fiber fill.  Getting them sewn shut felt good.  Putting the trim around the outside is tedious.  I can only do one one per day.  It challenges the left hand to no end.  I can report I did not get glue in my hair or on my glasses.  The surrounding area was well protected so cleanup was minimal.  The crushed walnut shell pincushion got the adornment.

    Tomorrow at nine, I will be at the dentist’s office for a bit of adjustment on the right hand side of the bottom plate.  It will be a good thing.  Yesterday when we were in Mankato we stopped at Perkins.  The two eggs, hash browns and sausage patties were a great treat.  I couldn’t do the crust on the toast.  I admit I slid the bottom plate in my jacket pocket on the way home.  The rotation of the tongue while chewing allowed me to know I needed a bit of adjustment, which is coming tomorrow. 

    This evening we are having Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup and a potted chicken sandwich with butter and Mayo.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:32 pm on June 16, 2024 Permalink  

    It’s a Happy Father’s Day 

    For all the folk out there that are mentors for their households . . . Happy Father’s Day!

    I went to sleep last night by a sky full of colorful lightning.  

    When I got up this morning and looked out to the east via the bathroom window, I saw a huge limb had blown off the Maple.  That potting shed has had nine lives for sure.  Nothing damaged.  The huge limb will be taken care either Tuesday or Wednesday by Ryan of Affordable Tree Service.  When Dennis went out to talk to Ryan, he noticed quite a few places where branches had blown down.

    I spent several hours in the studio today.  I am making a batch of pin cushions.  Of course they are not large.  Some are smaller than others.  After having them stitched by hand it is on to the sewing machine.  Sewing around the perimeter needs a 1-2 inch opening left for turning the project inside out.  That takes patience.  I had three to sew and to turn.  I then shut down the studio as the hands and fingers had had enough.

    This evening we will be having and sharing a 12″ tuna from Subway.  Good eating.

    Tomorrow morning we will be in the pulmonary department at the the Mankato hospital.  It is time for Dennis’ yearly prescription renewal for his CPAP supplies that he can then get at the May Store in the old Madison East Mall when needed.  Again, so thankful for insurance.  It is zero co-pay.

    Of course we will need to pick up kitty litter and kitty food.  32 lbs. at Sam’s Club for Meow Mix compared to 18 lbs. at our Fleet Farm.  Eating and pooping . . . what’s new . . . two legged or four legged.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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