Can’t Have One Without the Other

My Button Tree
As I mentioned yesterday I was working on wedding gifts that will find their homes in good fashion later this fall. I do now have two of them completed.
What I want to share is one of my resources when it comes to putting the finishing touches on certain projects. Wall hangings beg for a bit of extra and where else would I go but to my button tree.
The button tree found it’s way to my home during this last late winter. I was astounded. I was speechless. I was thrilled just like a child that found treats under the Christmas tree. Who knew button trees were in season? As a child might sit under the lights of the Christmas tree in awe and wonder, I sit and twirl the button tree and I feel no need to suppress the gasps of sheer delight when one unique button after another is discovered.
The final results of my quilted wall hanging would be lacking if I could not pick and pull from the button tree.
Thanks be for those that know this special resource will not go unused.