Calm Day

It began raining last night at bedtime.  It has not stopped raining since and we are in the late afternoon.  Our gauge holds three inches and that had run over by the time Dennis wet out this morning at seven.

I slept in until nine this morning.  The rain falling on the awning on the west side of the house was calming.  Other than flitting through the usual morning chores to keep the homestead comfortable, I have not done much.  I do have a book I am working on while sitting in the west porch with a cup of coffee.  It didn’t take much effort to start a load of laundry from the yard work yesterday.  

Dennis put the vehicles out onto the driveway for the soft rain water to take a layer of dust off.  Dennis was also available to take me to the grocery store.  After having the refrigerator and freezer unit unplugged, we now have it up and running.  Zero for the freezer and 40 degrees for the refrigerator portion, we feel safe in getting a few items back for easy meals.  I need to make sure to not push the freezer items flush to the back of the unit.  It may have been an issue for the self defrost option that caused our situation.

A calm quiet day on Stauffer.  It feels good.  Tomorrow a new week and doubtless, new challenges.  We aren’t going to prejudge, just taking in one day at a time.  May everyone feel the blessings that each of us have.  I know from myself, it’s so easy to allow ourselves to become overwhelmed with items that matter not.  My daily goal is to keep my eye on the prize . . . there are more good moments each day than not.