It is a day that chilly would not cover. It is downright cold. A day when south windows can suck in the warmth of the sun . . . and it does.
I found contentment in the studio. That is no different than what Lena would have done on a day such as this.
The home that they moved onto the site across from the farm homestead, had Lena’s sewing room with good window light. Mom could be found in her sewing room on a Sunday afternoon and dad, Raymond, was in the basement in his woodworking room. Each content doing what they enjoyed, but not so busy that the coffee break at three could be forgotten. Surprisingly, mom and dad took to having Folger’s instant coffee. It made sense why the tea kettle was usually on the back burner, full, with a heat setting on low. It didn’t take long and that setting was turned up and coffee was on.
I am not one for a coffee break in the afternoon. I will do away with the breakfast pot of coffee, cold or hot and then . . . no more.
Today was the day to see what the fabrics I had pulled together would look like in a prototype. All was pulled from what I had in my stashes. It feels good to whittle down what has been purchased in times past. When I follow quilting sites on Facebook, I have most surly seen more unusual pairing. This new project is going to do quite nicely.
Interestingly enough, yesterday we discovered when one of the plugin outlets took a dump the other day in the studio, there was a second one that went out in the living room. Both were original to the house. A lamp that was plugged in at the living room site also is no longer. Electrician Dale will get out his little tester when he comes to visit this next week and have some work to do. I am quite sure I know what the culprit is. My newly acquired electric heater that sat under my sewing machine keeping my legs warm was plugged in directly to the box on the post in the studio. I had not trusted it being used in conjunction with a power strip.
Nothing serious was caused. Older homes, like older folks need to keep up with what is needed for high efficiency.