Bright Sun

The sun being bright this morning had me washing up my brush for staining by 10:30.  I did get the spindles done on the west side of the front deck.  It may have been a bit of a reach standing on the grass, but any additional height would not have allowed for me to get under the top railing.  Tomorrow I may do the north side of the spindles.  Lots of shade with no glare of the rising sun.

Tiny-AntI spent some time stitching after calling the deck work done for the day.  I could not believe my eyes.  I had never seen such a small ant crawling along my fabric.  My bedroom porch has just had a thorough going over and no bugs were seen.  The cloth I am stitching on is sixteen stitches per inch.  You can see the squares of the fabric in the photo.  You really have to look closely to see anything on the fabric.  But . . . the ant is there, barely the size over one of the squares.  Even kitchen grease ants are larger this this one.  I looked the entire cloth over and found only one more.  What a mystery. 

The afternoon feels warm with that bright sun.  That doggone dewpoint really makes the difference.

I will check on you tomorrow to see how your Tuesday is going.