Blooms at Their Best

Weigela in Full Bloom
July is often a month when the garden is left on its own. More importantly are the family vacations that need to get squeezed in from all the summer activities that school-aged kids look forward to and get enrolled in. I must admit that I do feel as if I am in a generation gap. In my youth, aka: the dark ages, summer months were when my Dad had us kids fixing portions of the cow yard fences, painting the out buildings on the farmyard and hoeing out and pulling up unwanted weeds from the oat and bean fields. Those items speak to me from being a farm kid through and through. The fun part of the day was after the evening milking was done we would be taken to Lake Allie and cool off swimming in the lake. Truth be told, I don’t think there are too many lakes in today’s world that I would want my grandchildren to swim in.
I may not be spending a lot of time out in the dirt now as the tomato and cucumber plants are just now setting blossoms. With little time invested at this point, my garden in July never disappoints as the Weigela bushes spring forth with a gala of color that makes me smile each and every day while they are in bloom. The bushes have hardwood branches that do need pruning every so often as they get a bit wild with over growth. The Weigela picks up right after the last of the lilac varieties have brought color – sorry, no aroma but it sure makes up for it in the bright color.
Catch you another time.