I had the blessing of having a birthday recently and another birthday is always, as Martha Stewart would say, “a good thing.” I wouldn’t want to miss a thing that is going on with family and friends. It was as if after that date on the calendar passed the whirlwind of my days began. I was scooping off the driveway one day from a light snowfall and went right into filling up the small trailer with branches from the winter winds. There was no chance to rake off the flower gardens from the huge Maple and Oak trees as the hosta and other perennials were popping up through the soggy, wet blankets of their winter protection. Several hours would pass quickly as I found a plant for my foot to sit next to while seeking the next plant’s proximity to lift and release some of the matted material around it. One stretch of my short legs at a time, looking for buried treasure. Great workouts were at hand with a lot of my bottom sticking up in the air. After several days I could see I was making some headway and my body was holding out without aches and pains. Let’s hear it for exercising in our gardens.
I did pace myself with the yard work, realizing that a spring that started in early March means a long season of manual labor. In times past I had decided growing good looking flower beds was so much easier than a manicured lawn. As I took a break from grubbing in the dirt with a cup of coffee on the patio I felt a glimmer of second guessing myself if I could continue managing all the flower beds on our acre of urban yard. It would take a lot of coffee breaks and maybe I should consider putting out a few more of my green plastic patio chairs in strategic areas of the yard.

The enjoyment that the Maple tree gives Megan is amazing. Within the center pod, the world is her imaginative oyster.
We were so excited when granddaughter Megan was coming for the weekend. As the grandkids are getting older, it is hard to fit in Stauffer Avenue here in St. James. Megan helped with the garden as her strong young legs ran back and forth with errands. Her crowning glory was when she could put out some garden art to ring in the season. She made it all look so easy. Megan’s enthusiasm rubbed off on me and I needed to remind myself that I do have it in me to continue with my passion of gardening, and thus allowing for a full season of enjoyment. I can do this!
Megan and I took a break and scrubbed our finger nails clean so she could work on her gifts for her mom and dad. She had taken several selfies recently and came with the photos printed out along with frames that would be decorated and contain the photos for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts. It may have been a spur of the moment project for me, but Megan and I found paints and embellishments within my stashes to pull it all together and pull it off. They soon became important loot in her suitcase for the time when she would be going home.
Grandpa Dennis had been saving bits and pieces of dried lumber and dried tree branches so we could have a wiener roast for Saturday night’s supper. In times past we had used sticks to do the wieners and marshmallows. Last year at the Odin Craft Mill I purchased two new items for the roasting. Someone had taken the head off of golf clubs and had welded two prongs on to be the perfect roasting stick. Not too many people have wiener roasting sticks complete with cushioned hand grips. Who knew that there are caramel flavored marshmallows!
Megan is twelve and we do not have any prearranged plans when we know she is coming. She is growing up so quickly and her likes and interests are also privy to change in a matter of several months. We just let the time define itself. Before Dennis and I knew it, out came the age old dollhouse along with the plastic ice cream pails of animals that she and Nicholas have been collecting over the last 11 years. Megan did gardening, reading from her school library book, mixing up a batch of sugar cookies from scratch, but in the small quiet times the dollhouse was dubbed a veterinary clinic. It warms our hearts that there is still the love of pretend play in our soon-to-be teenager. Priceless.

Megan has had Grandpa Dennis right where she wanted him for a long, long time.
Megan has totally stolen Grandpa Dennis’ heart from the time she was just a wee bit. He tried to talk her into staying longer, knowing that the school year is not yet over. Megan does have Grandpa Dennis’ promise that he will come and get her anytime she wants to come for a stay. In the meantime, he recited limericks to Megan on the trip from St. James to Eden Prairie.
In time, we are anticipating that Nicolas’ schedule will lighten up and come for an extended visit. Last summer season, Nicholas had a foot injury and had to sit out of his summer activities. This spring and summer he is going full bore.
Oh yes, blessings are abound here on Stauffer Avenue, and I know there are so many more to come. As long as Dennis and I keep moving to take care of each other while keeping our home and our acre in tact, we have it made.
In life, give and have no memory of it, or take and remember it always.