Blast of Summer
It may be one of our last days in the 80 degrees. I am ready for whatever comes.
Today I finally got to turn on all the lights in the studio. Work comes before play. Dennis and I agreed we have had a successful fall of taking care of the acre. The potting shed doors have been secured. Yes . . . we checked to make sure all three porch kitties have been accounted for. It is not surprising that one may had snuck in to check all the corners. The way the wind is blowing from the south, it may take a few leaves with it.
I couldn’t remember the last time I had the embroidery module on the sewing machine. I had finished the Long Time Ago scrappy quilt and then jumped into the purple log cabin quilt top. This last week I had a post from the Bernina sponsored embroidery site: OESD. The design tripped my trigger and before long I had snagged it and also had it loaded on a USB stick. Picking through my stashes, I found a fabric that could do justice to the design. The finished design is 8″ across and 7″ in height.
I put it on a large enough piece of fabric that it would work to make up a pillow. Time will tell. It felt good to change the thread colors out, sit back and watch the stitching. Sitting back and sitting still was a welcomed change. When Dennis came in for a fresh cup of coffee, he thought my sitting still for a change was great. I encouraged him to follow suit. We are, after all, retired.
Neither Dennis nor I are up for eating out often, shooting darts or bowling. We don’t feel that we need to be joined at the hip with other couples. We tend to be homebody hermits and it suits us just fine.
Tomorrow Dennis has an appointment in regard to a recall for his airbags in the little red pickup and I am sure his friend Dwayne will ride shotgun. My home has been tidied as of yesterday and as of this morning, the laundry has been caught up. I may well have a second day in the studio. Sweet.