Black Walnut trees dropping their leaves

The Black Walnut Trees Saying Amen to the Year
This morning the temperature was at the mid to high 20s for some time and it was very telling. The majestic Black Walnut trees in our yard and the neighbor’s began dropping the end branches just as a steady shower of rain as soon as the sun came up.
I couldn’t help but take a photo of the neighbor’s yard. The yard is covered in new greens much like what you would see after a heavy hail storm that had been accompanied with a wind. The winds are fairly brisk this afternoon and one has to be careful standing under the huge umbrellas of the Black Walnut trees as the remaining nuts falling from a height of 50 plus feet will definitely be felt. I was puttering around outside and the loud popping sound of a car driving over one of the nuts did cause a startle. There should be no hungry squirrels this winter.