Been Awhile

It’s been a while since I spent a day in the studio.

It was on my agenda when I went to bed last night as well as when I got up.

I was pleased when I came down to the studio and saw Ester’s box waiting for me, showing the colors I had chosen to work with for time to come.  Today I worked on getting the inside of the bottom of the box ready for a fitting.  Circles, circles, got to love them when it comes to sewing. 

Good-ColorsThere are plenty of places on this ole time box for splinters.  The inside of the cover is quite rough.  I had some thin foam to face with the fabric.  I did try it out to make sure the cover would close easily before setting everything in place.  Unfortunately I thought I had a large roll of fusible . . . not.  The interiorBottoms bottom of the box I wanted to have a double layer of foam.  I did luck out for the bottom of the interior.  I had just enough of the double sided fusible foam to cover the top layer that would have fabric.  The fusible top piece I covered with fabric larger than I needed and turned under the raw edge using a lot of straight pins.  I then laid the fabric-covered fusible onto the non-fusible, lining them up.  Using a pressing cloth with the steam iron I put a lot of pressure onto that circle, but not sliding the iron.  Press down, lift up, press down.  I was really nervous when I thought I had applied enough pressure to have the two circles fussed together.  I left it on the ironing board until it was totally cooled off before I began pulling out all the straight pins.  So far so good.

Tomorrow will be the test.  The interior will need to be fitted for the sidewalls.  I still have 9 inches to complete with cross stitch for the band that goes around the belly of the box.

I was flying right through this blog posting when someone was at the back door.

My little ditty in the studio took most of my creative juices for today.

By the way, Dennis loved the brussel sprout oven dish.  It’s a good thing, as we are having a repeat this evening. 

With that I take my leave.  ♥