Balmy Day

Not enough rain overnight to amount to a hill of beans.  First time in a long time, not enough wind to amount to a hill of beans.

The first thing on my docket this morning was a walk.  Though I didn’t sleep well last night, the legs needed stretching.  Sometimes when I have had a day of a lot of physical work, I pay for it by not being able to close down and relax enough to fall asleep.  Yup, scrapping the garage siding is something I can do as I can’t go above my head and I don’t do ladders.  No, Dennis has not been in on that part of the garage work as he doesn’t realize you have to put a bit of oomph on the scrapper.  As I got to the bottom of the siding boards, the squats were doable on the titanium knees.  In reality it is all doable.  It was all a good workout and the worst is behind me.  And. . . yes, my behind held up well as well.  I suffered no inquiry from doing it.  It was a combined effort of a multitude of body parts which didn’t want to relax when I was ready to.   Tonight is another chance for rest.  It’s a given.  Even lying still is resting.

The laundry basket was overrunning.  Pushing a few buttons to start the laundry, gave me a chance to deep clean the refrigerator and the top freezer that has been unplugged for 24 hours.  There is no longer a need to keep dry towels in place for water that finds its way onto the shelves.  When we plug it in, is up to Dennis.  He has strong feelings as to when the unit is totally thawed.  

Roger-the-MooseDennis has completed Roger the Moose’s spring touch up.  Dennis found the perfect spot for him under the Lilacs.  The moose really soaked up the cedar stain and looks wonderful.  It totally looks better stained than having the Thompson water repellent as a final look.  With a bit of a hint from the ole cowboy, I did visit the Family Dollar Store for some color to be tucked into Roger’s planter belly.  Neither one of us were crazy about putting a live plant in the planter as the cats have a tendency to crawl up and take a nap whenever the mode strikes.  The area under the Lilacs is very welcoming and will be enjoyed as we sit and talk smart to each other on the patio.  By the way . . . the patio umbrella also found its way out of the potting shed.   We are officially open for the summer.  We make sure we have this cabin spoken for each year.  There is nothing like home sweet home.  

With all the activity, it screams for a Subway supper this Thursday evening.  The empty cavity of a refrigerator helps make that decision.  It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is Friday.  Maybe with a few sits on the patio, Dennis may not take note of the height of the grass.