Balance is Important

Yes, summer is about to start this week . . . officially.  Dennis and I have been hitting it quite hard ever since the last of the snow disappeared.  We have stayed on task.  Just because it gets daylight around six a.m. and stays light until almost nine p.m., doesn’t mean we are outside non-stop.  Balance is needed.  

Dennis has been working on his Cub Lo-boy.  Nephew Brett has given him a spot in one of his large metal storage buildings.  He pops back and forth multiple times a day.  Today he came home at three and announced it was time for lemon bars.  So . . .we had an afternoon break.  When he leaves we always do the check to make sure he has his cell phone.  Working alone in the shop and laying underneath it while cleaning or painting could cause a problem.  Better be safe than sorry.  His putzing with the tractor has given him a balance in the day.  It’s not just about mowing the acre.

For myself, I take my sister Elvera’s advice.  Elvera had her flowers and a few vegetable planted.  When it got warm or humid, she was right down into her sewing room.  As we would visit over the phone, sharing what was growing and what was being stitched was important.  Three o’clock coffee breaks over the phone were the best.

My balance in life consists of taking care of what the ole cowboy can’t on the acre.  Trimming is not for his legs.  Spraying for weeks tends to be a bit much for Dennis.  If a little area needs some control . . . let’s just do a bunch more.  Not!  Once I know what I will have on the menu for supper . . . I am free to go to the sewing studio. Elvera would give a heads-up on that. 

Scrappy-PinwheelThere is a fairly large boot box that scraps from projects get pitched into.  The box has been overflowing for some time.  I saw a photo of a scrappy pattern on Facebook.  It took me the better part of the afternoon yesterday to get a pattern for it penciled out.  I call it a scrappy pinwheel design.  I have one block done as a prototype.  I do now know it will lie flat using my paper pattern.  Today, off and on, I have been cutting the spokes of the pinwheel.  Lots of triangles.   I also now know that I will need 49 or 56 of these blocks to finish a quilt.  

This morning a bit of yard work and watering a few potted plants.  This afternoon a coffee break with Dennis.  There is a project that has been nailed down in the sewing studio and I have supper planned.  I call this a good balanced day.