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Dennis is back from his road trip to the north country.  Returning safely is always the ultimate.  Dennis may have had a serious cultural experience.  The north county was full of people.  Every size and shape of vehicle on the highways north of Duluth.  Every tourist trap had people lined up.  I wonder where all these people generally live that this weekend was to be the hast hurrah.   

Living in the southern portion of the rural area of Minnesota, we wouldn’t think the fall colors up north are any different than what we see as the seasons change here on Stuaffer Avenue. 

Every hotel, motel had the No Vacancy signs blinking non stop.  Restaurant parking lots were over flowing.

Dennis had the comfort of family for his destination.  It’s always special when the great grands come running for a hug from Dennis.  There seems to have been something for everyone in the back of Dennis’ little red pickup.  The best part was, as per Dennis, is that he didn’t have to unload it, there were plenty of hands to help.

Tomorrow we are to get rain.  That may keep Dennis in the patio porch to get Snuggles settled down.  When Dennis got home, Snuggles was determined that this was his chance to become a house kitty.  Each time When we went in and out, Snuggles was the first to have his nose and often times his head in the crack of the door.  Only by accident has Snuggles gotten into the house.  It would be way too cruel to allow him in on a whim, knowing that his home is in the patio porch.

Monday is around the corner . . . get ready . . . get set . . . go!