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  • Noreen 3:56 pm on January 5, 2025 Permalink  

    Sunny Sunday the 5th 

    The sun shinning can make a difference in the attitude when its cold out.

    Dennis announced that he was going to do an oven meal for supper.  I headed for the studio so as to not budge in on his preparation.  As I was going down the steps I reminded him to let me know if he needed any help.  After a goodly amount of time Dennis was at the back door with his jacket on.  I was told 350 degrees for 45 minutes.  Enough said.

    Table-RunnersI was working on two table runners with embroidery.  I got them hemmed so it was a matter of choosing what design went where.  There are quite a few steps to remember with the embroidery.  I chose the aqua mesh stabilizer for the backing.  Two layers.  There is always going to be a bit of a pucker here and there depending on how dense the design is.  On the top of the hoop I put a thin film of H20 stabilizer to prevent the stitching being embedded into the fabric.

    Measure, measure when there are multiple times to take the fabric out of the hoop to reposition with additional stabilizer, etc.

    All went well.  No problems during the process.   The next step will be to soak them in water to allow all the stabilizer is dissolve off of them front and back.  While the table runners are still damp I will pin them down to square them up.  As luck would have it, I have a bi-fold heavy cardboard table topper for the church tables.  The thumb tacks work really well on that.

    Before any more stitching, the sewing machine will need some TLC.  Fuzz and wandering threads need to be cleaned out.  Oiling after this type of workout (over 150,000 stitches) is mandatory, culminating with a new needle.

    I belong to a group on Facebook in regard to the model of Bernina that each have.  Amazing for the amount of people that really shouldn’t be working with such a wonderful machine.

    The oven meal will be a mystery revealed.  I did lift the lid of the round blue-speckled roaster when I came up from the studio.  I saw a healthy layer of black pepper and some crushed soda crackers.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:14 pm on January 4, 2025 Permalink  

    Boo Boo Cold Out 

    Well isn’t that something.  I am beginning to come accustomed to it.

    I had an agenda today.  I had stitched some small Christmas stuffed pillows to put in my dough-bowl.  This morning the dough-bowl and the pillows found their home back in the studio.  The pillows are in a box labeled “Finished Item” up on shelf.  The bowl back into the cupboards in the cistern closet.  That was the extent of our decorating for the Christmas of 2024.  It wasn’t what was setting out as decorations, it was what I felt in the heart and my entire being.

    While I dribble out my thoughts on the blog for today, I have the embroidery module running next to me on the sewing machine.  I still have a few Christmas feelings that I want to stitch out for a Christmas yet to be.

    I was surfing the OESD site.  It is the site from Oklahoma that has designs compatible with Bernina.  I had had an email of the sale.  I looked over some Christmas designs.  Ever since the time I have had the option of embroidery, I never not dipped my toe into what was available much for Christmas.  I did choose four packets.  Each packet has multiple designs within.  One has 41 designs of machine quilting designs and applique designs, another 34 white work (all one color) designs and the last Christmas packet has 16 multi color Christmas.  The fourth packet has 11 designs of non Christmas plus there were three free designs.  Each one of these 102 designs could be purchased individually for the average of $3.00 each.  Merry Christmas to me for my purchase price of $84.00.  For the phenomenal nominal price of $15.00 the company loaded all these designs on a flash drive plus would send it out to me.  I cannot imagine this Grammie having to individually get these files extracted from a zip folder for my enjoyment.

    I didn’t care that I would receive this possibly after Christmas.  So . . . right now I have one design being stitched while I type.  The wonderful thing is that all the thread that these designs require are suggested for Isocord thread.  All the designs listing the color of Isocord thread needed is the color pallet I have and work from.  Oh so sweet. 

    So that is my day in a nut shell.  I need to stay focused on the embroidery.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:08 pm on January 3, 2025 Permalink  


    I do drink a fair amount of coffee through the day.  Our coffee pot is set to go off at six in the morning.  It will stay hot on the burner for four hours.  We can continue punching it until the coffee has been totally consumed.  We like our coffee rick and strong.  No flavored coffee for us.  Folgers all the way.  I may sleep in to various hours in the morning, but once I am up, I juice up with Folgers and I have been activated.  Within the first ten minutes of my morning I may have started the laundry and gotten a crock pot with the components of what will be our supper.

    Dennis is not a morning person anymore.  When he was a poultry transportoligist he had his 18 wheeler ready to go in a heart beat.  Now he is ready for conversation by noon.  He and the kitties need the patio porch time.

    Yesterday the pork roast was tender done by four in the afternoon.  I decided to make it a pulled pork supper with the boiled potatoes.  If we have ever been to an event or in a restaurant, I can guarantee you I will pass on their rendition of pulled pork.  By the time I was done 99% of the pork roast was in pieces no longer than an inch.  Longer than an inch I find it stringy and hard to bite and chew.  I left the shredded pork in the crock pot and it soaked up all the juices of the cooking process.  No flavor went by the wayside.  This evening, I can see having wonderful hot pork sandwiches with Mayo, or . . . heating the pork in a serving dish in the microwave with a damp paper towel over the serving dish.  I know the pork having all the juices within is not going to be dry to go with the fried potatoes left over from being boiled last night.  We don’t do much frying of our meals, but who doesn’t enjoy American fried potatoes with the edges having a bit of a crisp.

    The studio being a bit chilly, I kept my nose to the stitching today.  I did do a query about the yardage in a full hank of silk floss.  Minimal there is 1,000 yards of 6 ply floss.  Working with two strands each time the needle is loaded compared to a skein of six ply DMC, that entails many stitches.  DMC has 8 yards of six ply per skein. 

    We had and do not have any reason to go out into the cold in the next several days.

    I just finished the last of the 14 cups from the coffee maker.  

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:23 pm on January 2, 2025 Permalink  

    Thursday the 2nd 

    So much grayness after a few fleeting minutes of sun this morning.

    Our post master himself was delivering mail this forenoon.  I greeted him as I do each day whoever deliveries the mail.  It’s the least I can do when they are moving as fast as possible and they can hand off the mail rather than getting the mail into the small slot in the house wall.  I am not sure if there is a heater in their small vehicle that is parked several blocks away as they make deliveries in a loop.

    The kitchen is filling with the aroma of a pork roost in the crock pot.  I plan on doing boiled potatoes and green beans for supper.

    Dennis’ report came from his last lab work of the VA’s.  More foods with iron will need to be on Dennis’ menu.  Yup.  I was on the internet like a flash and each day’s menu will have what is needed.

    My stitching entails finishing the bell-pull that I have been working on.  The band across is 40 stitches.  I am using the variegated silk embroidery floss that was Carrie and Kevin’s grandmother’s.  Esther Schafer passed away in 1973.  I do know for a fact that from the time I knew Esther, 1963, she was totally into crocheting.  This full hank of silk floss would like to tell tales.  I feel very honored to be working with it.  My goal is to find enough projects going forward to use the majority of it up.  This bell-pull is my one current work in progress.  Well . . . there is one project I started in 2023 on fabric that is 20 stitches to the inch that takes one strand of floss in the needle at a time.  Esther’s project takes two strands over two stitches as it is 40 count making it equivalent to the 20 count.  This Grammie has a good feeling about wrapping up the bell-pull.

    I have a heavy duty mystery book I am just about to finish.  It is spell-binding.  It is less than 100 pages out of the 456 pages.  The reading, I usually do before turning in for the night.  Mark Greaney is the author and I have scored two additional books of his.  I have several authors that I like.  My stash is such that I do not blow through all of the books from one author but interject a break from one to another.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:20 pm on January 1, 2025 Permalink  


    Here we are at the beginning of a year.  Not so much of a new year as many of the things that were in place yesterday were with us again this morning.

    I can report that Dennis, after his fall yesterday, did rest well during the night.  Though his left eye is swollen shut, he is doing his usual activities today.  Solitaire can be played with one eye.  I think putting a bag of frozen peas on the area would help the swelling, but then one would need to sit still long enough for it to be held in place.

    I had an item I wanted to get stitched up in the studio.  KNUJ hadn’t missed a beat with their usual items of broadcasting.

    This afternoon, I called my brother to wish him a new year.  Settling in is going slowly.  At the moment the individuals that are employed in the assisted living unit Calvin is in seem to be the most social.  Given time, I hope that a few others, of the 16, will become more social.  I suggested if nothing else to query the help and get the skinny on those around him, so the ice can be broken when the moment hits.  Calvin did not keep his car.  I do not know how mobile he was in Decorah, but Walmart would be in conversations I had with him in the past.

    Traffic is sparse today.  With the strong wind from the north, my protective shelter, the evergreen tree and evergreen bush is falling short in being a buffer for my bedroom porch.  Hmm.

    This is my second day of wearing a pair of shoes that have good support in them.  The feet are feeling a twinge where the arch would be in my feet, that is if I had a normal arch rather than being flat-footed.  A few hours every day to break the shoes in.  It’s a good thing.  One new pair of shoes came into the house yesterday and one pair of no-account shoes hit the garbage yesterday.  It was tit-4-tat.

    Today is the last of the week days where it felt like a Sunday.  No viable holidays now until the 4th of July.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:57 pm on December 31, 2024 Permalink  

    Night Time Wind 

    There was no whispering from the boughs of the evergreen outside my bedroom window.  It was more like the noise of an irritated animal.

    The air outside is quite breathtaking.  The cold air, oh so different than what we have been enjoying.

    Today was a day for several errands to be had.  The Family Dollar was the first stop for kitty litter to be bought.  The plastic jugs hold 8.5 lbs each of the lightweight clumpable.  I purchased two.  We may be down one cat from previous, but in the winter, neither of the two remaining are all that excited to roam the backyard where some of their haunts for doing their duty have been.  Yup.  Spoiled.

    The grocer’s surprised me today.  All but three items that I snagged were with a markdown.  The total included a paltry $.51 in taxable items.  We have no need to travel to Mankato until the 13th of January.  At that time, I will stock up on the taxable items, most likely in Sam’s Club.

    Sunday’s visit with Carrie’s family brought about the topic of shoes as everyone was getting ready to leave.  After all was quiet, I did it.  I got on Amazon and ordered a pair of shoes for myself.  Being retired, needs become less and that had been the case in point with me wearing shoes that had not one iota of support in them.

    Today being Tuesday, my shoes arrived.  They are of the sport category with shoe laces and all.  The best part for me is that they are slip-ons.  Kizik.  Yes, no doubt my body will appreciate the benefits of good footwear.

    A short break was required.  Dennis was at the back door asking for a towel.  “Are you hurt”?  “Yes”.

    All has been handled.  He somehow slipped and there was an owee right at his left eyebrow.  As with any injury to the head, it does bleed a lot.  I have checked him over from top to toe and given him some Tylenol as I am sure there may be a headache coming.  Dennis didn’t stay sitting long as he was determined to get the livestock chores done before supper.

    All ends well today, the last day of 2024.

    My wishes go out to everyone that 2025 will bring more pleasant things than not.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:31 pm on December 30, 2024 Permalink  


    After a discombobulation of a holiday in the middle of the week, it’s difficult to get my bearings straight.  Yes, Grammie this is a Monday.

    Both Dennis and I slept late this morning.  If it were not for the mail person sliding mail into my bedroom porch via the slot, hard telling when the feet would have hit the floor.  

    The same will happen this week with the new year on a Wednesday.  I don’t think it will impact us the same as this week we are sticking close to home.  

    Dennis took the utility bill to the drop-box at city hall.  By the way, our city hall is almost a mile from us now as they have converted the old hospital out by the Dairy Queen into the brains of the city.  I think they are encouraging us older folks to have the utility bill as directly taken out of our checking accounts.  We are not buying into that.  I still enjoy seeing what each and every item adds up to for the total amount.  Water, sewer and electric amounts do not even add up to half of the line items to make the total.

    I decided to come into the studio.  I flew a few items past Carrie yesterday in fabric choices and today I am going to start working on that.

    I only have one project in the works for my stitching in the cherry red chair in my bedroom porch.  Perhaps after today the fabric choice will be paired up with a new stitchy design.  Time will tell.

    Supper will be the remaining items from yesterday’s noon meal and then new meal plans will need to be put in place. 

    Dennis reported that the fog is worse than it was earlier today.  I think it will take having the wind come from the north rather than the south, to clear the air.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:59 pm on December 29, 2024 Permalink  

    Fog Setting In 

    The day was dark and cloudy all the day long.  The fog began setting in about four this afternoon.

    Carrie’s family left Eden Prairie in the fog this morning.  By the time they reached Mankato, all was clear.  They will be traveling home in the fog.

    I lightened the load a bit in the studio.  Megan was seeking fabrics.  I had an unused tote bag.  Who knew it would be the perfect thing!  It handled a small cutting board and I paired that with a small rotary cutter.  Megan had quite the variety by the time her and I came back upstairs.

    Nicholas was thrilled that there were scalloped potatoes in the mix for dinner.  The potatoes did cause me some concern as I had to alter the ingredients.  I had mistaken a container of heavy whipping cream when my intention had been milk.  It all turned out just fine.

    The kids took turns being out in the porch for some “Snuggles time.” 

    The day went well and the kitchen is as if no one had used it today.  Carrie and Jeremy did the dishes before anyone was ready for dessert.

    Dennis and I will be ringing in the new year on a quiet note.  I won’t mind that one bit and I am sure Dennis will agree.

    I will be getting into my robe shortly and putting my feet up.

    I will admit, yesterday was a kicker for me.  Sadie’s home is an extreme split-level home.  From the front door to the living area it was 12-14 stairs at a very steep assent.  The afternoon plus taking photos at street level and then back upstairs for lunch.  My legs were weary last night.  

    The new week is here and I am sure most people will take it in stride . . . I sure will.  Yup, I am spoiled and am the first to admit it.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥


  • Noreen 4:44 pm on December 28, 2024 Permalink  


    It is 4:30 and we are home safe and sound from the Curry Christmas get together.

    There were two of grandpa’s grandsons missing and one great-granddaughter.  The great-grand has a job and will be coming with her dad after she is done working as a check-out here in town.  Yes, we missed them, but life and jobs do take over.  The other grandson that was missing is from Iowa.

    Most everyone sat in chairs in the driveway as the sun was nice and warm.  As soon as the sun shifted there was a full-house indoors.

    I turned on the coffee pot when we got home.  Just a cup to unwind.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:36 pm on December 27, 2024 Permalink  

    Pea Soup 

    The thickest pea soup has nothing on the fog that has swallowed us up.  I checked the advisory just a minute ago and we were were to be lucky, it is .1 mile that we could see out of the windshield.  That right there sends shivers down my spine as I know there are brave hearts that will be out in it.

    Dennis had an appointment up the street at the VA this morning at nine.  It was a blood draw to check on his red blood count.  The VA checked it after he came home from the nursing home and it was low then.  It could have been from the hip surgery.

    Dennis picked up a med for me from Lewis Drug before he came home.  It would have been $36.69 for a three month supply, but our co-pay was zero.  Sweet.  Our prescription insurance this 2024 calendar was $.50 each month for me and the same amount for Dennis.  We just got the new rate in today’s mail for 2025.  It stated the premium for January at $.00.  Or neighbors to the north have the same plan and their statement also read $.00.  Our carrier is Well Care.  Our policy was written by our insurance agent in Madelia.

    Our Blue Cross Blue Shield will be going up $21.00 a month for each of us.  We have always been told to never change it as that policy is no longer written but it cannot be taken away from us.  We never have a co-pay whether an office call or a surgery.  Dennis and I would be in the poor-house if that were not true.

    We are having a skillet supper this evening.  A mixture of sautéed onions, fried potatoes and eggs scrambled.  Sounds tasty to me.  The chicken tenderloins were great last night.  As soon as the meat thermometer hit 151 degrees, I shut the burner off.  A table knife cut them up perfectly.

    No stitching today.  A bit of housework and reading.  The damp weather has taken its tole.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

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