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  • Noreen 3:08 pm on January 24, 2025 Permalink  

    A Busy Friday 

    Last night over supper Dennis asked me what my plans were for the next day.  I did share that it seemed like it would be a heavy first floor day.  His bedding needed to be laundered.  I had crab meat that I wanted to make into our favorite crab salad as a noon snack to tide us over for a hot supper.  I also had everything needed for a tuna oven meal to make a large enough batch to put one container in the freezer.  “What can I help with?”  I don’t think he expected me to answer as quickly as I did.  Yup . . . I came back with the plan.

    If Dennis would pull his bedding apart after he got up this morning and deposit the sheets and pillow cases next to the washing machine, I would have them washed and dried when he came in at noon.  If he would then tidy up the floor with our little first floor vac before he dressed his bed.  I assured him I would have the salad and the oven dish going in the kitchen and do up the prep dishes.  Dennis thought that all sounded good.

    I was making great headways this forenoon.  The buttons for the laundry had gotten pushed and I was breezing into getting the Suddenly Salad box opened to get the pasta boiled.  I had the raw onion diced as well as the crab meat diced up.  I use the crab meat out of the refrigerated section of the grocer’s that is a USA product.  I was onto mixing the envelope contents for the dressing.  You have heard of the commercial of a Dollop of Daisy sour cream.  I had the dollop going when the container spun out of my hand and flew to the floor doing a cartwheel but still landing right-side up on the floor.  The cartwheel had landed a spray of sour cream on the kitchen wall and floor.  Stop the presses.  Breathe.  Tidy, tidy and we were back in business for the salad to be completed and in the refrigerator.

    On to the tuna oven meal.  More pasta boiled, three cans of the Albacore while tuna opened and drained.  We have realized when we get a 12″ tuna Subway that the onions we request with the rest of the goodies goes really well with the tuna.  First time adding them to the oven meal.  I diced more onions using the large onion up I had purchased yesterday and sauteed them until translucent.  A package of baby green peas out of the freezer and a jar of Alfredo sauce opened.  So close to a finish in the food prep.  I added a bit of heavy cream to the empty Alfredo jar with a shake shake to get every bit.  I had enough for a glass container of the tuna dish to be put in the freezer for another day.  Sweet.

    During all of this Dennis came in at noon, just as usual to find his bedding washed and dried.  I turned a very self protecting deaf ear as the grunts and sounds ensued from his bedroom.  The comments varied from difficulty as to which way the fitted sheet went on as to where I had hid the small vac, yada, yada yada.  I remained doing the prep dishes, cleaning the kitchen range, etc.

    I soldiered through having continued from start to finish while in conversations with Dennis during his multiple breaks and catching of his breath at the dining room table.

    Wonder of wonder, we both completed our tasks.  I never got off of the first floor being busy.  Dennis had asked and his wish had been granted.  He has a fresh bed to retire to and we have several good options of healthy foods over the next days.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:49 pm on January 23, 2025 Permalink  

    An Outing 

    Even a trip to our grocer’s qualifies as an outing.  Dennis did the chauffeuring.  Of course we did an entire sweep of the town afterwards.  Not much to see but my curiosity was quelched.

    With KNUJ giving me the latest and greatest within our listening area, I found the fabric I was seeking in the studio.  Sometime after I went to bed last night and before I got up this morning, I knew I wanted the canvas fabric I have had for some time to see the light of the studio environment.  Of course the threads I have out for an embroidery project are just going to have to wait a bit.  I do want to make us some new placemats for our refectory dining room table before I embroider on them.  Then I also pulled out a leaflet on making totes for grocery shopping.  Considering the pile of plastic grocery bags under one of the kitchen stools that is waiting to be dealt with . . . it might not be a bad idea.

    I had the canvas fabric on the church tables about to pick up a tape measure when I spied with my little eye, the amount of softener salt crystal in the corner of the studio where the brine tank is for the softener.  The ole Filter Queen vac was called into service.  As long as it was suited up for action, I did a bit more of the tidy tidy.  Man that beast of a vac is cumbersome and heavy to operate.  Physical therapy 101 for sure.  The only thing plastic on it is the collar that the attachments fit into.  It is heavy steel in the wand and the attachments. 

    So . . . there is no shortage of things to keep me at my prime.  Ya right!  My prime is long gone.  What is left is a skeletal frame with certain portions having been replaced.  I go forward each day with mischief, audacity and building a good story.  I think what is appreciated is that my mind is sharp and if I can think about doing something . . . I will work at it until the mission is completed. 

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:01 pm on January 22, 2025 Permalink  

    Damp Day 

    There is enough humidity in the air to allow a snowflake once in awhile.

    During this cold spell, I spent time at my desk in the bedroom porch of mine.  It has been a good feeling to get to several projects that I had on the far, far back burner.  The first was the circular wooden box of Ester Schafer’s.  It is now a sewing box holding many of the mini pillows I have stitched.  The second was using some of Esther’s silk floss that is now a bell pull sampler hanging next to our front door.

    The third project is now done.  I have been saving some small wooden blocks for decades.  They had been stored in Esther’s wooden box.  They were 1.5 x 1.5 varnished and waiting.  My dad, Raymond, had cut them for me.  Dad passed away in 1992.  Hmm.  These blocks have waited and needed to have something done with them.  You all know I was not going to do away with them.

    These blocks are now donning decals on all sides.  Some floral decals, some Christmas ones.  They are now housed in a wonderfully wooden bowl that my great uncle, Roy Grunewald, worked his magic on in his workshop.  Dad spent many hours at Roy’s house as Dad learned the ins and outs of using wooden shapes to be glued together and then turned on a wood lathe.   I have a lamp base and two smaller vessels that Dad turned out using walnut wood.


    I come from lineage that always had something going on the side after their daily work was done.  Did they think idle hands were the work of the devil?  I can’t speak to that.  What I can attest to is being creative comes second nature and it is oh so rewarding.

    The older priceless treasures have been touched and finished.  

    Today I went to the studio and pulled an embroidered pattern I had downloaded some time ago.  The pattern used Maderia brand embroidery threads.  I use only Isacord brand.  The first thing I had to do was to go online and find a conversion chart to print out matching color for color.  I liked the design enough to purchase it, so it warrants embroidering it.  All the spools are lined up on one of the church tables like sentinels.  I am giving serious thought on what to embroider it on.  Time will tell.

    Dennis is having a meal in a dish of the leftovers of last night’s supper.  I am having a steaming bowl of oatmeal.  It’s a win, win for each of us.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:23 pm on January 21, 2025 Permalink  


    Changes are coming!  My mail flap on the outside of the house is clapping.  The clapping is due to the wind being from the southeast.  Let’s hear it for the clapping!  To be honest, it does startle me at times.

    Time was spent on organizing and going through all of the stitching supplies I have used since late last summer of 2024 from my bedroom porch.  A container of beads here, a packet of beads there, a scrap of fabric too small to keep my interest.  I made one trip to the recycling with various small cardboard boxes and manilla envelopes that the mail had delivered and I had kept.

    Dennis took his friend Dwayne out for coffee this morning.  They had not seen each other since before Christmas.

    Last night after supper, I was transfixed to my bedroom porch watching the goings on kitty-corner from our home.  There was a fire at Hillesheim’s.  So many fire department vehicles and firemen in the blistering cold.  Our neighbor Randy had worked with Glenn at John Deere.  It was an electrical fire that warranted the ladder being used.  So sad, it does make one pause.  This morning, Dennis drove past on the south side and the lawn had various amounts of interior debris.  I cannot imagine the amount of smoke damage.

    What made me feel for Sue was my memory of how smoke filled our kitchen was when I let a kettle of what was to be boiled eggs boil dry.  Not long after, the kitchen ceiling got one layer of Kills painted on and then the semi-gloss paint.

    I have stayed on the first floor of our home today.  I managed to stay occupied.  Soon it will be time to start supper.  Canned beef will be thickened with corn starch to put over potatoes to go along with green beans and cranberries.

    Our week is open.  How great to not have appointments.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:34 pm on January 20, 2025 Permalink  

    So It Is 

    Today my goal for the morning was met.  Down into the studio with my shoes giving my feet good support, I made tracks.  Walking around the two church tables . . . around and around with KNUJ playing in the background.  Walking is walking.  Moving is moving to keep me going.

    While I was in the studio, I laid out some future plans.  When I had worked on a quilt for Megan with the OESD’s design package, “The Words of Wisdom,” I had some designs that were either duplicates or extras.  I have six of those extras.  I did cut each of them all down this forenoon to 9″ x 11.5″.  I pulled material to make them up into a small lap robe or a small quilt.

    I came upstairs with paper and pencil to plot out the rest of the story.  I believe it can be about 41″ x 61″ using plain colored block to intertwine with the embroidered blocks.  The 3 yards of flannel I pulled out to back it with, I need to pre-wash as flannel does shrink.  Shrink it now before completing the project, as the 100% woven cotton will not shrink.  

    My goal had been to use up some of the possibilities that were in the stashes, thus two placemats received embroidering.  I had very little left to use as a gift for . . . any occasion I make it.

    So what does the sewing machine work, the hand stitching work or reading add to my days?  It enhances my resilience.  When I attend to something else other than the stress of everyday life, or arthritic aches and pains, it helps.  It allows my mind to clear and detach.  I become so absorbed that it shifts me from small and annoying stressors.  My mind is in my safety zone.  

    Off and on snow squalls are making a showing.  Within the sheltered spots of the drive, there is a bit of collection.  Anything in the open has been relocated over and over with the wind. 

    For my money, I think a hot bowl of bean and ham soup with buttered toast will fill the bill for supper.  I will accept any other offer if it will be set in front of me at supper time.  Yaa, that is as unlikely as the thermometer here in my bedroom porch reading the outside temp at 50 degrees.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:35 pm on January 19, 2025 Permalink  

    Today is Sunday 

    This day is Sunday and I have quarantined myself to the first floor of our home due to a cold cement floor and cold walls in the studio.  Bummer.

    When I poured breakfast coffee into my northern wall cup this morning, the steam rose like a volcanic reaction.  The coffee was tasty and the second cup stayed hot longer.

    About the only positive spin I could put on the winter of these last months is that with no snow, ice or sleet, there is nothing coming into the house that may have been caught on the bottom of the shoes.  Dennis makes untold number of trips from the patio porch to the house during the course of his days.  Me . . . not so much.  The reason being he has no options for his awake time to keep his interest.  Really unfortunate, but that is how it is.

    There ‘s been more traffic moving in the bitter cold as the afternoon has gone by.  As I was stitching and having a YouTube video on in the foreground of my desk, a vehicle caught my line of sight pulling into Stauffer Avenue.  Yup . . . it was the little red pickup heading to the garage.  Dennis, Dennis.   

    I have been stitching and reading for this day.  Any progress is good.  It is amazing how making one stitch over another to make a cross does count up. Watching videos, in certain geographical areas, there are many that find stitched projects to save in thrift stores.  Those that save them are stitchers themselves.  The Goodwill thrifters soon pick up on the fact that the inventory is all color coded to indicate how long it has been in the store before it is moved on to the next step, whatever that may be.

    We had a supper last night of sautéed jumbo shrimp, instant potatoes and greens.  This evening, I will brown the leftover potatoes, mix in some scrambled eggs and cut up breakfast sausage and call it a skillet meal.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:16 pm on January 18, 2025 Permalink  

    Bright and Sunny 

    During a cold snap as what we are going through, I am so thankful we had Watson’s vent the furnace to the south side of the house.  There is no worry of the excess ice shutting down the furnace.

    The studio was visited today.  I have a total of seven blocks that each have an embroidery of “Words of Wisdom” on them.  I went on to make a quilt of more of them for Megan to take to college.  I have them all trimmed to one size.  The next step will be to find some fabric to use as sashing from my stashes in between them.  I didn’t stay in the studio but for several hours.

    The sun has so much power.  Sitting in my bedroom porch putting out the blog entry, it can be felt.  Beware when the sun goes down.

    I have a book started as well as a hand stitching project.  Neither have a soon to be finished timeline.  Having a few irons in the fire allows me to stay as busy as I want.

    Dennis’ daughter Denise stopped in for a bit.  She works at one of the three Casey’s here in town.  Their donut maker is out for quite a spell.  Denise will have 33 days without a break.  She is looking forward to mid February to stay with grandkids while the parents take a cruise.  We commiserated with her.

    Nothing new to report.  We are all in the same boat . . . staying safe in the cold as well as staying warm.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:45 pm on January 17, 2025 Permalink  

    A Mission Completion Day 

    Hello studio, did you miss me?  Today my plan was to totally finish up two projects and clean up behind them.  It’s always more fun to go back to the studio when it is tidy and ready to go. 

    I will say that my photos today were reduced but are pulling large.  I will have to check this out later.


    After some heavy stitching that was a test, a new needle, checking for wayward threads and oiling, the heavy stitching was a placemat that had the same heft as some of the rugs Orlin and I had done on our Newcomb Flying Shuttle rug loom.  There were no glitches at all.  Success would have been sweeter if I had nudged the design a bit to the right by a quarter of an inch . . . but, who’s counting?  Me!  After I had the machine tidied up, I spent some time revisiting what was loaded onto the machine for possible designs to embroider out.  If anyone wanted to shelter in place for the long haul, there are 0ver 250 designs to choose from for embroidering.  Using the straight side of sewing I couldn’t begin to count the options.  Imagination is the only limitation.

    Sometime last summer-fall, I pulled out what had been the kids’ grandmother’s hank of silk embroidery floss.  You know I never let go of items that I have an emotional attachment to.  Yes, memories of Ester Schafer, come with those emotions.

    When there had been a shop on Highway #7 called Stitch-ville, both Carrie and I had shopped there separately or together.  I retained a nice stash of some of what had been purchased.  The silk floss was going to be used on a yard of binding, it being only 3″ wide with 2.25″ of stitching space.

    Today was the day of hemming this band and giving it a good pressing.  I had no pattern but the stitches seemed to find their way home.   


    The stitching needed the magnifying lamp and there may have been lulls in the stitching and how long each time I was good for. Right now I am having an issue with the photos and another day I will do some trial and error to fix it.  I do know that I pulled the photos from the file folder to make sure the titles would be included.  The photo from this afternoon looks like we have lots of snow.  Not. We have no snow at all.

    Dennis and I are having Subway for supper taking advantage before the real cold of winter sets in and would blow us a way.  It may be 32 degree out but it feels like zero.

    Take care and with that I will take my leave.  ♥




  • Noreen 3:02 pm on January 16, 2025 Permalink  

    A Day 

    When the day is bright all seems to go well.

    After being tuckered yesterday I surprised myself by tearing apart my bedroom porch.  Several trips with bedding to the laundry.  I cracked the front door for some fresh air.  Having a tiny home comes with some challenges.  If I do one planned item at a time, it’s all doable.  The duvet cover over my feather comforter was the first to be washed and dried.  I am not saying getting it back on the feather comforter is a walk in the park.  Midway through that process, Dennis mentioned I needed a break.  The car was in the drive and he wanted me to go with him to the Dollar General, he was out of distilled water for his CPAP.

    Yes, the break felt good.  I have a multitude of quilting clips.  They are like clothes pins but the plastic teeth hang on for dear life.  I turned the duvet cover inside out and laid the comforter on top of it.  Each corner of the duvet is tied to the comforter.  It is then pulling the far end into and through the opening,  To get it squared up I clip the seamed edge of the comforter to the seamed edge of the duvet.  Putting ones hand in to feel the fit works.  I had three sides clipped.

    Dennis to the recue.  With his strong arms he could take ahold of one of the long sides and give the comforter several whips and all fell into place.  Sweet.

    Sometimes there is no time like the present to act upon what is needed.  Time is just like the water running over my hands multiple times during the day.  Once it runs down the drain, it’s gone.  There will never be that same water as it passes from the faucet to the drain and there will never be that just right time again to get it done.  Oh for the small victories in our day here on Stauffer Avenue.

    The studio, again, got a pass today.  What is there will wait.

    With that I take my leave. ♥

  • Noreen 3:39 pm on January 15, 2025 Permalink  

    Tuckered Out 

    Today is Wednesday and at this writing, I declare that I am tuckered out.  That is what happens when this Grammie does the “Merry Maid” thing.

    I didn’t even go near the studio today.  I had an agenda and having stuck with it, there was no energy or time left.  We do have a batch of chili ready to enjoy for supper.  There will also be several meals of the chili going into the freezer for another day.  I like to use one pound of 80/20 ground beef and one pound of plain ground pork.  The Italian seasoned pork has too many flavors I do not want in my chili.  Dennis opened three cans for me and one jar.  I use the quart jar of Classico red sauce.  I started the process of dicing a rather large onion and sautéing that in my soup kettle before adding the meat.  When the onion is sautéed the onion pieces turn translucent and not as noticeable as when you pitch in the onion right from the cutting board.  To get the meat into the nice sized pieces, I use two forks to pull at the meat while the kettle is hot and the browning of the meat can begin.  A dash or two of Cayenne pepper, a sprinkling of bacon bits and a swizzle of molasses.  I used two cans of red beans and one can of refried beans.  I have a circular ironclad plate to put on the burner.  At a low simmer the entire bottom of my kettle gets evenly hot.

    When Dennis decided to sample . . . he gave it a thumbs up.

    Our wonderful lightweight vac was pulled out of the closet and I did the floors on our first floor.  It was time to do a thorough tidy of the bathroom, making sure to vacuum out the area of the lint filter in the clothes dryer.  Giving the chili a stir once in awhile I got the damp mopping done.

    The “Merry Maid” is enjoying the last of the cold breakfast coffee while I type.  I have had a great day with much self satisfaction.  I so enjoy our little home after a day such as this one.  Will the tidy, tidy last?  Absolutely not.  Our home is meant to be lived in from the east end to the west end.

    The studio will wait for another day after Grammie has had a good night’s rest.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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