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  • Noreen 1:56 pm on November 26, 2023 Permalink  

    Easy Come 

    Easy come and easy go . . . the light snow of the last days.  Our front deck no longer has any snow on it and the concrete drive is bare.  I think the brisk breeze has something to do with that.

    The street past our home is a thoroughfare.  There has been minimal traffic.

    Scrappy-BoarderThe morning and a small portion of this early afternoon has been spent in the studio.  I achieved my goal of getting the border onto the scrappy quilt top.  The final measurement is 60″ x 72″.  That will not change as the binding may add a half inch . . . or so.

    The snow began to fall late yesterday.  I think the bear in Dennis must have begun the hibernation.  Dennis has been asleep in various locations since he got up at six this morning.  When looking out into the patio porch from our bathroom, there has been one cat after another walking across his jacket.  None have roused him.  I am not prone to nap during the day.  How could I?  I go to bed at nine in the evening and sleep until 7:30 the next morning.  Different strokes for different folks.

    Late yesterday afternoon, the next hand-stitching project was put into a hoop.  The stitching design is up on the angled book rest with the metal 8″ x 11″ sheet behind it and the magnet strips holding the design in place.  The floss is six strands.  Two strands are used at one time.  It is one stitch over one thread . . . making a full cross.  I usually thread three needles at a time so as to not let the orphan threads get tangled.

    I sure hope this Sunday is bringing some rejuvenation to all of you.  When Dennis has had his fill of naps, it could be an interesting evening.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:11 pm on November 25, 2023 Permalink  

    Light Snow 

    We have light snow this afternoon.  For my part, it could stay light for a long, long time.

    When I realized my cross stitch project that I had ordered off of Etsy tanked,  I looked into ordering a pattern from a company that I had heard quite a bit about on the YouTube channels I have subscribed to.  123 Stitch is a large site offering all things imaginable.  123 Stitch is from Texas.

    In today’s mail, my next project came.  It will be a smaller finish than what I framed last week.  I really don’t know as yet, how big it will be.  The pattern calls for 35 stitches per inch.  I am using the same yellow as the previous project and that is 16 stitches per inch, also using the same deep navy floss.  The yellow was also a mottled yellow that had been died, making the holes a bit smaller from the process.  Nonetheless, I am excited.

    Dennis’ grandson from Mankato came to see his grandpa today.  We do store his Harley in the back garage over winter.  Dennis knew it still needed its cover as the bike was too hot when AJ drove it from Mankato and parked it.  Those two can really cover a lot of topics.

    I spent good quality time in the studio.  Using many pieces of my scraps from the quilt top, the border will be three inches wide around the perimeter of various widths of scraps.  Most likely a photo will be ready by tomorrow.  I have had a lot of time to think about the backing for this scrappy quilt top.  Buying a wide width of printed fabric for it is a possibility.  I think I am leaning towards using more of the fabric that the scrappy top is sewn with.  Time will tell.

    My sister-in-law’s mother passed away this last week.  Donna, age 90, was in a healthcare facility in Hutchinson.  It will be interesting as the oldest daughter has broken all ties with her entire family since my brother Michael passed away.  Dynamics within families are unique. 

    I have shut down the studio for the day.  I do have some reading time before supper.  With the mail having delivered my next project in the hand stitching, I am back to having a balanced day: machine sewing, hand stitching, reading and keeping the home front tidy.  I love it.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:28 pm on November 24, 2023 Permalink  

    Over Load 

    The amount of emails is on overload on this black Friday.  I have been hitting the delete button over and over.

    Dennis and I are not partaking in any fast and frivolous purchases today.

    While in the studio today, I was doing my mental recap of yesterday.  

    Nicholas is 6’1″ and as a sophomore, he may still have a bit to grow.  As he has purchased his own car, he said putting in 35 hours each week all summer at the fast food place called Chick Fila helped a bunch in buying car parts.  In June his band will be doing a trip to Italy.  Wow.  Nicholas said their fundraisers were really hitting all the marks.  Good for them.

    Megan’s targeted finish for her four year college program will be in three and a half school years.  She has a grade point average of five thus far.  She is working as a server in Texas Road House at $20.00 an hour.  We had not known that she has her car at college.  Jeremy loaded her car on a rental trailer and took Megan and her car to Virginia.  Since school started in August of this year, she has fueled up once.  Even Dennis noted that Megan has not gained any weight from being in college.  Jeremy showed me a photo of their college cafeteria when he was there in August, also a photo of the salads they were having.  I could get used to those fixings real easily.

    Both of the kids had a great time hanging out with grandpa in the patio porch for quite some time.  Grandpa can wedel information out of them when the parents aren’t around.  Too funny.

    Son-in-law, Jeremy, is the bookkeeper for Carrie’s store.  It seems to work out great after he is through with his full time job.  Carrie does have five part time employees to help in the store, but none that can either open the store at ten or close it at six, six days a week.  It does afford her to take some time off during the day.  Sunday is her day off.  Carrie does have a torn meniscus in the left knee.  It will be interesting how that is going to be handled.  I did not ask a lot of questions.

    Our day yesterday was great catching us with the family as we had not had interaction since Easter.

    Jeremy left us some stew from yesterday that we will have for supper.  In exchange we sent home some pie for them.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:07 pm on November 22, 2023 Permalink  

    Thanksgiving Eve 

    This generally is the day when the kitchens would be humping, getting ready for Thanksgiving.

    I have been successful with the prep that was needed on Stauffer Avenue.  The pies have been taken out of the freezer and have been put in the refrigerator.  Mission completion.

    There had been Thankgivings that Dennis and I were alone.  We decided to drive to Mankato until we found something that was open and served food.  It worked out just fine.

    Dennis ran the MKX through the car wash today. Jeremy and Nicholas can put the car cover on it tomorrow with as little dust as possible in these next 24 hours so as not to rub on the car from the cover.  Dennis had a plan and the car is now in the garage with the furnace cranked up a bit and fans running so the car will be totally dry by tomorrow.

    SantasToday the living room north wall has the Santa quilt on it.  I had a lot of enjoyment working with the paper-backed fabric sheets that could be run through the HP printer with a large variety of images to choose from.  It makes me smile every time I look at it.  It was the first time I had used mono-filament sewing thread when I free-motion quilted over the Santa blocks.  The bobbin had green thread in it for the total project.  The front was quilted with changing off the red and green threads when quilting the log cabin blocks. 

    Well, well.  Sometimes when an item is purchased online, you can get burnt.  First time for everything.  I had ordered a stitching kit via Etsy on October 1st.  I have been diligent on the tracking number.  The tracking stalled and as of yesterday that shop on Etsy has closed down.  Live and learn.  Hence forth, I will work with needlework shops in the good ole USA.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:42 pm on November 21, 2023 Permalink  

    In Between 

    My studio is in between seasons.  Plugging in my small heater was the recourse.  All that needs to be done on the first floor before Thursday has been covered.

    My day down here in the studio started at three this afternoon.  Today was pedicure and haircut day for Dennis and me.  It is a block of two hours that we need at Maria’s.  A great job is done for the two of us once a month.

    We only had to shop at the grocer’s for whipped cream in a can for the pumpkin pie on Thursday.  The wind would have torn off the pickup door if I had not held on for dear life.

    We had barely gotten home when Dennis got a call from friend Dwayne that his wife had the car and was stuck somewhere with a breakdown.  Immediately Dennis told him to call AAA.  How can people in their 80s not have road side assistance?  I have no idea how Dennis’ afternoon is going.  Supper will no doubt make for interesting conversation.

    I had a shock this morning when I left a text for our family clinic with a prescription renewal for Dennis.  I received a text back that our primary physician is no longer with Mayo here in town and my request would be handled by a doctor.  Dennis saw him last week with no hint that he would need to choose a new primary.  Grant it, he is 65, but generally,  family doctors do stay longer.  Dennis and I have no idea who will be our next choice.  Hopefully we won’t need to be in a hurry.

    We had a late noon lunch today.  Dennis said he would like Pregresso Chicken Noodle soap for supper.  Easily can do that.

    My feet are toasty with the 73 degree heat from the heater.  You know . . . Dennis and I are so spoiled in our forever home. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:08 pm on November 20, 2023 Permalink  

    Peaceful Day 

    My usual Monday laundry day is finished.  It’s a very gray day with a shower of rain once in awhile.

    We are having company on Thanksgiving.  It will be six of us.  I had put out an inquiry as to what the grandkids liked to eat for Thanksgiving.  I heard back from Jeremy, the son-in-law.  Jeremy has a few days off this week and he is bring the Thanksgiving dinner in total.  Sweet and wow!  I did not ask any questions. 

    Dennis and I are doing the pies for dessert.  Dennis and I traveled to the Walsh Apple Barn yesterday and we now have the pies, fully baked and frozen in our freezer with instructions on when to take them out of the freezer and put them in the refrig. 

    Amazingly, the apple barn pie shop is open year around.  Last Wednesday they ceased taking special orders as they know what their freezer capacity is.  They also have a pie shop in St. Peter, it is called The Pie Monger.  The shop here on 169, furnishes the pies for St. Peter.  When Dennis and I were at the counter waiting, the glass viewing area into the oven area was amazing.  We have treated ourselves to one of their pies off and on.  Never disappointed.

    This afternoon, with the leftover breakfast coffee, I watched some of the YouTube videos that I have subscribed to.  The inspiration is amazing.  I do have finishes left to do on my scrappy quilt top with a border to assemble and sew on.  I did so enjoy my cross stitch project that I plan on doing another.  I have enough of the same fabric and it will again be done again with just one color.  It will be the same deep navy as the one I just finished and I have ample of that one floss.

    After this posting, I plan on doing some reading before supper.  Dennis requested one of his favorite Progresso soups.  Very easily done as neither of us have done any heft today.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:59 pm on November 19, 2023 Permalink  

    Sunday the 19th 

    It has been a very intense day for me.  I don’t even know what kind of weather we are having.

    My goal was to have the brunt of the housework done so I could use my energy and time today, framing my counted cross stitch project.

    It is scary when the project needed to be trimmed down to fit the frame I bought at Hobby Lobby.  I can always trim and cut more off, but if I cut it too close, I can’t put the fabric back.  What had been in the frame could not be taken out as it was a frame within a frame.  Ideally cross stitched finished pieces are laced onto a hard foam board for correct placement.  All I could do was put some quilt batting down and fit my trimmed piece over it.  The stitched piece would be tucked down in the space where one framed item was in the second framed item.  Ya . . . scary.

    I needed to run a ribbon of glue onto the backside of the raw stitched piece on all four sides, one side at a time and then tuck it down and in.  I had four emery boards thick to wedge in between the fabric and the frame allowing the glue to set.  It was a slow process.  The only glue I had was E6000.  It was the same glue Kersten and I had used to glue the cement antler onto the cement deer.  Slow, slow.

    Finished-StitchWhen all was glued down, I had a gap to fill.  Out came whatever stash I had of trims.  I chose the black with gold.  The baggie stated, “Clearance $2.00.”  With only five inches remaining, I tucked this around my stitched, glued down project.  

    Dennis kept me company in the studio for moral support.  I needed it.  Tomorrow, the hanger on the back of this metal frame will be called in for duty.  The frame had been 50% off of $26.00.  Isn’t everything in Hobby Lobby 50% off?

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:51 pm on November 18, 2023 Permalink  

    Saturday the 18th 

    Hello Peeps.  The sun is welcoming.

    Yes, I have been busy with my Murphy Wood Wipes.  Right now the aroma of them is filling the living room.  All right, I admit I am going a bit beyond as Carrie and her family will be joining us for Thanksgiving.  I am not saying there is a white glove test, but . . .

    In many days past when I was a youngster and put in charge of Saturday dusting, mom dug out a Watkin’s product.  It was an oil-based liquid and pink in a clear glass bottle.  It, too, had a wonderfully clean scent.  A bit of that on the dust rag and I was good to go.  Even on the wool dust mop a few drops would do the linoleum.  We did not have any carpeting in the Boon Lake Township farm house during the years I was at home.

    As it is, we do not have any carpeting in our home here on Stauffer Avenue.  We have one small rug in the bathroom in front of the toilet and a second small one in the back entry of our home.  Forced air furnaces make enough dust without having a lot of fabric embellishments to collect it.

    Two of our neighbors have Christmas decorations on their homes.  This is the perfect weather to do it in.  I enjoy them, more so than us putting some out.

    Our tree dump is still open and the trailers with tarps over their leaves has been making use of it.  Our front yard has been blown clean.  Our Northern Red Oak in the backyard is holding tight to its huge leaves.  I bought that tree when it was four feet tall when the then-Pamida store would have spring offerings in a parking lot hoop.  I believe it is well over forty feet tall.  Dennis used the leaf blower getting the leaves away from the sliding patio doors to the east. 

    This is the extent of what I have to dribble out and put together for a posting.  There are those days when the wordsmith sloughs off.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:56 pm on November 17, 2023 Permalink  

    Nip in the Air 

    The nip in the air this morning has now been overtaken by a quiet 47 sunny degrees.  Being at the mercy of some of the strong winds of late has still been easier to take than winds such as that with snow on the ground.

    Warm-CookiesWhen we were in Sam’s Club last, one of the endcaps featured Betty Crocker Peanut Butter cookie mix.  Hmm.  I have seen similar boxed mixes but never tried them.  For the price of $6.98 the box held three pouches of mix.  Each pouch needed one egg, 1 Tablespoon of water and three tablespoons of cooking oil.  I made sure I had mixed up the egg well.  The number of cookies per pouch depended on how large you rolled the ball of dough.  This pouch gave us 17 fairly large cookies.  Our local grocers makes a dozen cookies for $4.49 per carton.  Their cookies are better than any others from different stores.

    In recent times I have difficulty with measuring dry ingredients so what is needed actually gets in the mixing bowl.  Yes . . . I have paid the $4.49 per dozen.  Would I tackle a mix similar to the one of today?  Yes.  The ingredients that were called for was a bit of a challenge to get stirred together.  I didn’t have to get it done in five minutes.  I took my time and set the bowl into the sink so the height of the bowl was easier for me rather than the counter top.  When Dennis came in, he commented on how good the kitchen smelled and offered to wash up the few dishes I had dirtied.  Sweet!

    Megan texted this morning and she will board a plane at six tomorrow morning (Saturday) to come to Minnesota over Thanksgiving.  I haven’t seen her since last Thanksgiving.  I saw Nicholas at Easter of this year.  I plan on sitting back and letting my grandchildren tell me whatever they feel I need to know.  Tee Hee.

    Dennis had coffee company in the patio porch this morning.  Lots of farm visiting.  According to Doug, this year’s harvest equaled last year’s.  One would have thought the dry conditions would have made a bigger difference.

    Last night we had a Bird’s Eye frozen skillet bag meal.  Lots of sauce with chicken, carrots, broccoli, peas and pasta.  There will be a repeat this evening as it made a huge skillet.  For the price of $5.98 on sale, it was a well-balanced meal. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:03 pm on November 16, 2023 Permalink  

    Wind Gusts 

    Wind gusts as high as 45 mph from the south.  This is the year when weather patterns had no rhyme or reason.  On Stauffer Avenue we take each day as it presents itself.

    My get up and go has left me today.  That is not so unusual.  We had had a few less than good nights of sleeping working with CPAP technology.  Last night with the headgear being worn that we went after yesterday, Dennis slept through the night until six this morning.  Sweet.

    Rest is so important for each of us.  If there is a spell of restlessness, there is no such thing as getting caught up with rest.  Who would have thought that me going to bed at nine, would still be me in bed at seven the next morning.  I have tried staying up later, it just doesn’t work.  The spring on my internal clock knows what is good for me.  Why fight it. 

    Looking at November’s calendar, grandson Nicholas will be 16 on the 19th.  Nicholas is not into sports but has a natural curiosity about anything with moving parts.  I am sure if the appointment for his driving test has not yet been made, he will be anxious, just like any other young person.  It’s ok Nicholas, Grammie didn’t pass hers the first time either.  Pulling up to the the armory in Hutchinson . . . I was crushed.  I did pass my chauffer’s driving test the first time around.  I have always kept that rider on my license . . . for no real reason.  One time when working at the courthouse, I was asked to go out and move a grain truck to the appropriate place for the testing.  Apparently the examiner had asked the license center to look through employee’s license records for someone to help.  The owner wasn’t allowed by the examiner to move it as he had no license to do that.  The skirt got hitched up and the deed was done.  Oh Grammie . . . memories.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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