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  • Noreen 2:41 pm on January 7, 2024 Permalink  

    A Sweet Day 

    Yesterday, Dennis had spent the day with his grandson, as AJ wanted to go to the tradeshow in Northrop.  AJ had never been to one and felt better with Dennis most likely knowing all those that had set up for the weekend.  Good job grandpa. Today Dennis went back to Northrop to be able to sit and visit with the fellows that he had known for a long time, but had not seen them for a long time. 

    I took the day to take care of local effort on the first floor.  More importantly I wanted to think through my goals for 2024, and rough in my budget.  Both two very important items.  I had met my goal in 2023 in the month of December.  Nicholas will be going on his class trip in June, just as Megan had done between the sophomore year and the junior year.  Just as I had done for Megan to help meet each individual’s cost, I did the same for Nicholas.  It is one of those things that makes my heart smile.

    We had covered quite a few items last year in the home’s repair.  Nothing on this year’s calendar that is needed.  We take pride in ownership.

    I checked out the studio and I am totally equipped for the entire 2024.  I am a good planner.

    I will be ordering several items for our neighbor to assist in getting the zero-turn tricked out so I can use it.  I am doing that for myself as I have always enjoyed keeping up a yard.  Not a big item on the wish list.  Randy had mentioned that in the spring both of his sons had some plans for him in his retirement.  One son in Nicollet and the other in Mankato . . . good to to be able to help them out. 

    The afternoon sun is bright.  I have muddled through what my agenda was and I am on to do some reading.  We are having left-overs for supper.  Now that is a sweet deal.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:08 pm on January 6, 2024 Permalink  


    Maybe we may have a dusting of snow coming.  We knew it would come sooner or later.  So far it has been a gift.  

    First floor local effort was done right off the bat.  No . . . the clothes have not folded themselves.  They are hiding in the clothes dryer.

    As a gift from my children, our first box of 2 meals of Hello Fresh was delivered yesterday late afternoon by UPS in an insulated box with a package of dry ice to keep all safe.  This morning, while Dennis was spending time with his grandson, I went about so we would be having turkey spaghetti for supper with sliced cucumbers and garlic bread.  Many seasonings I have not used before.  I sampled it and if Dennis wants his spicier, I held back and he can add more if he likes.  Sometime in the coming week, we will be having a glazed porkchop meal with trimmings.

    Yes, we had stressed no gifts were needed.  Sometimes ya gotta know when to hold it and when to fold it when it comes to family.  At least it wasn’t 160 acres.  Hmm.  Shame on you Grammie.  You should be better than that.  OK.  The horns have been pulled in.

    The air is heavy, damp and still.  The entire neighborhood has been quiet.

    Well, I am on to folding the laundry.  A Saturday in the new 2024 year and so much for the quiet as the neighbor kid decided to race up and down Stauffer with his dirt bike, riling up a lot of dust and loose gravel.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:49 pm on January 5, 2024 Permalink  

    Some Sun 

    Now as we are at mid afternoon, the sun is really struggling to show itself.

    After finishing a stitching, I am out of the studio for a break. A bit of a backache told me to head for the main floor of the home.

    Home-FinishedI had been diligent in stitching out a banner-style project.  Unbeknown to me when I downloaded some letters, it was trial and error realizing these letters were not intended to be shrunk down and minimized.  A strip of linen was my choice to stitch for the banner.  Only so much in height or length to work with.  I have finished the stitching portion of this what-if.  Considering all the measure, measure to achieve the letters to line up as if it was one continuous download into the sewing machine, I feel good about it.  The fabric on top and bottom can be trimmed for the letters to be shown as level.

    What my stitching is laying on is a piece of a PVC panel that Kevin shared with me quite a few years ago when this product was used in construction of confinement livestock barns.  I have been waiting to see what I could use them for.  The width of the PVC panel has given me the idea to somehow use it to mount my embroidery onto it.  All sorts of thoughts.

    Maybe covering the PVC panel with a choice of fabric?  Hemming my banner to allow a border of that fabric showing.  Putting quilt batting under the banner and then stretching the hemmed banner over hard cardboard to give it a pillow effect as I did with the last cross stitched project that I framed.  Hmm.  

    Lots of thoughts.  That is what learning to use what is on hand is all about.  Not rushing . . . just allowing ideas to flow.

    Tomorrow Dennis’ grandson, AJ, is going to pick up grandpa and head to a gun show in Northrop.  How sweet is that!

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:17 pm on January 4, 2024 Permalink  

    Thursday the 4th 

    Slipping into the 2024 without a glitch.

    Dennis had been heard remarking about a friend in the Trimont health care system.  Last night I offered to ride along with him.  This morning after coffee we headed south.

    I find that if I put out ideas for Dennis’ day, it goes a long way forward for him.  His yard work is on sabbatical.  No snow to move around and that leaves keeping me company in the house or snoozing in the patio porch.  I am so thankful that the child in me has lots of interests to keep two of us busy.

    After we got home, Dennis volunteered to mix up a batch of Betty Crocker peanut butter cookies for me to bake out.  Why Not!

    The cookies have been baked and we are having waffles and pre-cooked Jimmy Dean sausages for supper.

    Hmm.  We did get a call from the police department this afternoon.  Jeff was hit while riding his three-wheel bike and they are looking for him.  Sorry . . . not at this address.  Grandson Ryan told his grandpa that Jeff was on probation for drunk and disorderly and they can’t find him.  He was on probation.  Just what an aging parent needs to quiet the soul.

    ContainedThanks to the times when Megan played at our home, I have the perfect storage for all my easy-to-use pins.  Pins are always needed and I said good-bye to the Glad zip lock baggies.  This is much classier.  A traveler case and all of the naughty, hard to use safety pins are in the lower-class storage.  Sweet.

    Wall-Design-SmallI achieved success in self-framing my latest cross stitch project.   I have watched enough videos on YouTube to realize people make a very good income doing the “finish” on other people’s stitched items.  All I want to do is satisfy myself.  Was it hard to decide where and how to hang it?  No.  I just took the first available hole on the wall from where the Santas had hung.  Easy does it.

    Tomorrow, the end of the new week.  May everyone I cherish measure for themselves what is needed in each 24 hours for peace and comfort within themselves.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:19 pm on January 3, 2024 Permalink  


    Hello on a Wednesday.  Just a bit tense in the studio this forenoon.  I have been working on making a banner by loading individual letters for embroidery.  After each letter is stitched the fabric needs to come out of the hoop for re-alignment.  What helps is that I have marking pens to be used on the fabric.  The markings disappear if a hot iron is used on it.  They are called Frixion Ball Clicker.  Very handy for alignment.  

    Hoop-AbilityToday I was on to the letter “M” in the banner of “HOME.”  I do have the largest hoop of Bernina’s.  I had to scrunch a bit to make it fit the hoop’s ability to stitch.  I didn’t stray far from the machine as bobbins do need to be exchanged for full ones.  I have put a new needle in with each letter.  A double backing of stabilizer has also been used and the stitching is laying totally flat.  No puckering even with each letter being 42,000 stitches.

    I have one more letter to stitch.  My strip of fabric is diminishing.  I am going to stitch a piece of junk fabric onto that far end so the hoop will have ample room to stitch fairly close to the end of my fabric of choice.

    I did manage to check the furnace filter as well as cleaning the dehumidifier filter.  It is a multi-layered stainless steel screen and it is surprising how much lint, fuzz and thread it catches.

    Dennis took a late morning nap and I will catch up with him later today.  Even with the heater on blowing warm air over my legs, I am posting a bit early and then closing down the studio.  It is showing 28 degrees outside and here in the studio it is 62.  Very doable when I am moving about.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:23 pm on January 2, 2024 Permalink  

    Gray Skies 

    The gray skies are better than zero visibility due to blowing snow.

    The studio session went well today.  As the embroidery module worked its whiles, I was on the back side of the studio at the church tables working my whiles.  I take constructive criticism well.  With a few hints from Christmas day, I manned the adhesive spray can with a delicate touch.  Spraying on a sample piece of paper first before spraying on my finished item.  All is well and perhaps tomorrow, when I pick it up, it doesn’t fall apart, it may find a place on the living room wall.

    I did have my small heater on turbo while I was in the studio.  When I had had enough of the lower level, the heater was the first thing I shut down as it has a cool down cycle that I wanted to be around for.  Around the church tables I went pulling chains to close down lighting.  Do I need them all on . . . no.  If I am inclined to stay busy in the studio, I might as well have it lit well.

    Dennis did the errand today as I had one prescription to be picked up at Lewis Drug.  It was zero copay for a $59.00 refill.  Sweet.

    This evening we are having a picnic type of supper . . . beef Johnsonville wieners and a can of pork and beans.  Add a piece of buttered bread and we will call it good.

    For all of the neighbors that had maxed out on the exterior Christmas lights, they are missing out on a great opportunity in getting them down.  Up on the house tops, click, click, click . . . it wouldn’t take much of a mist or snow covering for it to be slippery dangerous.  I did enjoy the lights.  Thank you neighbors.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:14 pm on January 1, 2024 Permalink  

    Happy 2024 New Year 

    Happy New Year peeps.  You know which one of you are in my inner circle.  Tee Hee!

    I have been in the studio for most of this day.  I have 32 minutes for a project to finish under the needle.  The design I wanted to do in one stitching couldn’t be done.  I had a strip of fabric in length that I muddled through.  By tipping the letters I may be able to make an embroidered banner instead.  Yes, measure, measure, measure.  When it is time to add the second independent letter, the measuring will increase for placement to make it appear all the letters were loaded at one time.

    While the embroidery has been running I have worked on the framing of the “Good Will to Men.”  By George I think I have the placement within the frame that I will get a 85% good from Kevin.  Someone needs to take me to task or I’d get wonky.  It does not hurt me one bit to try to measure up as best I can.  When both of these two items are finished, there will be a share.  The sewing machine will need a cool down as I will.

    Dennis has been busy in the garage as I have in the studio.  We will catch up with each other over supper. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:53 pm on December 31, 2023 Permalink  


    2023 is hours away from being history.

    For these two older ones on Stauffer the year went well for us.  When I look back and the last two months of this year had no doctor appointments . . . sweet.

    We had a tick list when the year started.  Getting the furnace to vent to the south side of the house rather than the sheltered north side, gave the Watson boys a fit.  Who ever heard of having the vent right onto the concrete drive!   Who wants to tramp through the snow to keep the ice build up managed!  I reminded them often and it was taken care of.

    The west front steps of our home, were no longer manageable.  Brian, a carpenter, took on the job.  The front deck with steps wide enough for ease regardless if by walking or in a wheelchair, was completed by spring.

    An additional lot that we purchased, was cleared of all undesired that had accumulated over decades.

    The Sears rider mower that has been with us for fifteen years now has a zero-turn buddy to help out with yard work.  By spring, this Grammie will be able to help out with mowing.  Sweet.

    Both of our vehicles got new tires as well as all the TLC they need to be reliable.

    The two of us relish the warm wonderful home we have built for ourselves and anyone that visits.

    Dennis and I have had a good 2023.  If I could spout off for a wish . . . it would be that family would visit oftener.  But being realistic, our kids are doing the very same thing we had to do . . . work and create their surroundings that bring them comfort and joy.

    2024 is right around the corner and Stauffer Avenue welcomes it.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:37 pm on December 30, 2023 Permalink  

    Plan B 

    If all else fails with the original plan, there always needs to be a plan b.

    This morning, I learned my lesson in resizing designs that I have downloaded for embroidery.  For the total design I had laid out to fit in my largest hoop, I lost the integrity of the individual pieces to make the one total.  All is not lost.

    Learning by doing gives a great lesson.  Going forward, my design will be split into two separate stitch outs.  I am working through on how to make it look as if that was the intended outcome all along.  I will need more thoughts on this.

    In the meantime, I did work in the studio on getting the latest finished cross stitch figured out to be framed.  At a time past, I had all the previous cross stitched Santa’s redone to have the UV glass in front of them and I had saved the old frames.  Now it’s time to put the ole thinking cap on.

    It is measure, measure, take notes and measure again.  I do so appreciate all the lighting I have over the church tables.  At this time I have a lot of small things prepped.  I have always counted on having another day to come.

    We made a trip to the local grocer’s.  At noon the wind was strong and cold hardly allowing me to get into the little red pickup.  We are home for the entire weekend, and wouldn’t you know it?  It feels as if we could have a dusting of snow. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:48 pm on December 29, 2023 Permalink  


    This morning, I had business to get done while still in 2023.  We have an abstract to get up to date for the blue barn acre.  I knew there was a reason why paperwork to that effect was on one of my church tables.  Quite a few abstractors to choose from.  I chose a local gal and left her a message to get back to us.  Check that off my list.

    As of now, there are colorful spools of thread lined up like a military squad near my sewing machine.  There is stabilizer ironed onto the back of my fabric of choice for machine embroidery.  The fabric is lying on the hoop, ready to be clamped in and affixed to the module.  The embroidery module is on the machine with the appropriate bobbin color loaded.  Yes, many steps in the prep.  There is something to be said for being able to turn on the studio lights in the future with all systems a go. 

    I think it is only a matter of time before Dennis will be in need of us running away to the big town.  He can stay dormant for only so long.  That’s not all bad.  Raymond did the same thing to Lena.  Mom knew when dad came in the house, changed into his town jeans, washed his eye glasses and stuck his billfold in the back pants pocket, she had better get her hair combed.  Never a shortage of great memories.  Too funny about these guys that get a stroke of wander lust.

    I do have a short list of items to get in Mankato, but I am holding out to see which one of us caves in first.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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