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  • Noreen 3:12 pm on January 17, 2024 Permalink  

    Slow Day 

    We needed some groceries this forenoon.  I had forgot that Wednesday is Senior Citizen day.  The cold had an impact as the store was not as busy as some Wednesdays when I have shopping.  I saved $3.03 on my discount of being older.

    Dennis had an eye injection here in town this afternoon.  So thankful I don’t need that.

    My brother called.  When Calvin calls just settle back and listen to all the things that Iowa does wrong.  We don’t visit very often, so I sat back and let the visit roll.

    Supper is Dinty Beef Stew over left over potatoes.  It actually is pretty good as Dennis used heavy cream in leu of 2% milk in the spuds.  Same shaped bottles.

    The incoming mail is telling me that Tax Act will soon be needed.  Can’t wait to claim that additional $520.00 income from the state’s surplus of last year.

    It was about this time in January decades ago that our family and my sister’s family went sledding in the pastures at Beaver Falls.  We had picnic lunches to enjoy.  That was the last time I did a complete summersault.  They called them Banana Toboggans.  Of course they were yellow.  At that time both families had milk cows to head home for.  It was a fun time.  Memories.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:52 pm on January 16, 2024 Permalink  


    The feeling of hibernation is coming upon me.  The front deck serves me well for getting deep breathes of fresh air.  Then . . . that’s all folks.

    I have no intension of putting myself in a state of illness these last months of winter.  It really is the last months.  The sun told me so.

    We have a pantry in our basement.  At one time it was the cistern for the closet next to it for water to be dipped out of for household use.  Dennis and his cousin Bruce knocked through the concrete cistern wall and thus a pantry was created.  Calvin had had dibs on kitchen cabinetry and we brought home four top units.  Two for the pantry and two for the garage.  A pantry storage for a small kitchen . . . perfect.

    I went to the basement pantry to bring up what I needed for the bathroom and kitchen.  Wow!  Through my slippers the concrete floor felt as if it were minus degrees.  There is no way the surrounding air in studio could be gotten warm enough for me to do any sewing.  We have tile around the perimeter of the studio and the cold air coming up from that narrow opening of the tile tells me I don’t have anything that needs doing in the studio right now. 

    As I perch in my bedroom porch, I so appreciate my cherry red chair.  My back and hips suffer not one bit from several hours at a time using it.

    I can’t help but notice the comings and goings in the neighborhood with windows on three sides.  It reminded me today of my parents sitting at their kitchen table over morning and afternoon coffee breaks.  They didn’t miss a trick of what went by on the township road from their short driveway.  In fact they could tell what was going on a section away to the north that had the tarred county road servicing it.  Gilbert Lickfett’s dooryard didn’t stand a chance of privacy.  Memories.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:19 pm on January 15, 2024 Permalink  


    Hmm . . . a holiday.  I believe those that appreciate this day more than anyone is the postal people that don’t need to trudge from one house to another delivering our mail . . . which is mostly junk.

    What I have been having is Cheerios for breakfast.

    Cannot enjoy a breakfast of them without recalling the cleaning of St. John’s Lutheran Church of South Branch.  As we lived right next door, it seemed like a fit of some kind for us to take on the weekly cleaning.  Every once in awhile a fit could have been thrown when the floor of the last three or four pews on the north side were strewn with the all time favorite Cheerios as a snack for Elroy Mummie’s little ones.  Without fail.  Of course it was the pews on the north side as the men sat on the south side.  Memories.

    The town is quiet today.  No school traffic makes a huge difference.

    The walk-behind snowblower was not needed for this last storm.  I did hear that the week of the 23rd may have several temps in the 30s.  Bring it on.

    My bedroom porch has become my nest.  The south windows bring in good light for reading and stitching as well as sun warmth . . . when it chooses to shine.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:27 pm on January 14, 2024 Permalink  

    Sun and Bright 

    The wind has gone down by a whole lot.  The cold is easier to take when the sun shines.

    At two this afternoon, I dressed fit for the weather and cleared off the front deck, the steps and the sidewalk to the drive.  It wasn’t more than an inch of dry snow.  It also wasn’t very white when pushed off, snirt.  I believe this winter storm was kind to this area.  Many pickups with front-load plows didn’t get the workout they had planned for.  We have portions of our drive that are bare concrete.

    It may have been in the mid 70’s when it was all Orlin could do, was to keep the pilot light lit for the LP furnace in the doublewide mobile home due to the strong wind from the north.  When morning’s light came the drive facing south was a just a huge snow drift.  If I remember, it was next door neighbor to the west, Bob Dascher, that blew a path through.  When leaving our drive, it was check, check to make sure oncoming traffic could be seen before we pulled out.  Memories.

    Winter brings what winter does.  I have never wanted to be a snow bird, traveling to warmer climates during the winter season.  There must be some bad things for our health that get snuffed out with this frigid temperatures.  If it’s all a myth, I sure feel better doing as I did with my time this afternoon.  If nothing else I got the stink worked out and off of me.

    I have been looking at the DonBar assist for our zero turn.  A few holes drilled into the foot plate and then an adjustment.  Something to reach for when getting on and the something to hang onto when backing off of the mower.  First search for the spring season.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:02 pm on January 13, 2024 Permalink  

    A Brr Day 

    It’s not a day fit for anyone or anything.

    I am surprised of the dirt that can be seen on the snow in the front yard perhaps coming from Canada.

    I don’t have much energy today.  Reading and listening to the wind howl, or stitching and listening to the wind howl.

    There is still a far amount of traffic.

    I read with sadness when Lisa Schumann, whom I had worked with for several decades at the courthouse, posted the obituary of her 36-year-old son’s passing of cancer.  Cancer does not have any boundaries.

    I am preparing a hot supper.  It wards 0ff no mind snacking.

    Megan is to fly home tomorrow.  I pray the flights are safe.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:58 pm on January 12, 2024 Permalink  

    Toss Up 

    Today it is a toss-up as to which is less desirable.  We had very little new snow but the wind is moving around as much of it as possible.  Toss-up or . . . either or.

    With the wind from the northwest, the seven foot tall shrub on the northwest corner of our home, that never gets trimmed and acts as a buffer, is a Godsend.

    GrammiesA testament can be given for the Command strips that mesh together, bonding to hold up to 16 lbs.  I never planned on testing them to that extent.  They are marketed for hanging frames.  I used them to hang my scrappy quilt on the living room wall.  One strip on the wall and the matching strip on the back of the quilt.  This project was taken on with me going solo.  Knowing what and how this was going to be done, was easier on me than trying to explain it to a second party.  I do not take chances. I know and have the logic to proceed one step at a time while stepping on the second available flat area for my feet on the kitchen stool.  Using the third and the highest step was never an option.  If I wake up tomorrow and the quilt is still hanging on the wall . . . I will be thrilled. 

    We have had Jimmy Dean sausage and gravy on hand for some time.  The refrigerated package of four bags had an expiration date far far away towards the end of 2024.  The contents will be heated in the double boiler sauce pan.  I fear it would scorch if the heat contacted the bottom of the saucepan directly. Sometimes the microwave heated item does not stay hot for very long.  There were leftover instant mashed potatoes from last night.  They will be flattened onto a paper plate and microwaved.  Those I know I can get hot enough.  The Jimmy Dean goodies will be spooned on top for each individual’s liking.

    I have not given up on the studio.  My limbs need to recover from doing the two days quilt on the wall project.  It was one day to put the Command strips on the wall and today to get the quilt with matching strips hefted up onto the wall.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥


  • Noreen 2:24 pm on January 11, 2024 Permalink  

    A Feeling 

    Today it may feel just like our old clucks on the farm did when they were sitting on a nest that was soon to hatch.  When will the weather that is foretold actually be here?  A waiting stint.

    The weather people have all sorts of timelines.

    Us older ones on Stauffer Avenue are prepared for what may come.

    I spent some time working with Command strips.  Measure, measure and then . . . one more time measure.  The strips were put on the north wall this forenoon.  They are not to be tested immediately.  That’s a good thing, as my arms had had enough.  Where am I going that I need to rush!  Tomorrow will be phase two in the work towards putting up a quilt via Command products.

    Dennis had company in his patio porch today.  Randy from next door, our snow remover, came to BS for a bit.  His retirement will suit him just as all of our’s has.

    Dennis has announced that he is in charge of supper.  Hot diggity dog.  I am going to be as far from the kitchen as our home allows.  No one needs a pesky intruder when plans are coming together.

    I would not mind at all if waiting for the weather didn’t materialize.

    Stay comfortable in this cool to down-right cold, frigid weather.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:55 pm on January 10, 2024 Permalink  

    A Sweet Day 

    This sweet quiet day could only be better if the sun could poke through.

    I have an experiment going in the studio.  At some time when I had a wild hair, I thought the Command product that would allow picture frames to be put on wall surfaces with Command strips clicking onto other command strips.  One or two strips on the back of frames, meshing and lining up with one or two strips on the wall.  Hmm.  I was not going to risk any of the framed Santa’s stitching.  

    But . . . I decided to see how one of those strips on the back of quilted cloth would do meshing and clicking onto a strip on the wall.  The door going into the studio is where my test is taking place.  Each Command strip was to hold 16 lbs.  Ya . . . right.  I am not above using quite a few of these strips laterally on the wall and spacing them on the back of the quilt to match up to the wall.  Time will tell.

    In the meantime, I have taken leftovers out of the refrig to bring them closer to room temperature for our supper.

    I also started a second cross stitch project to have going while working on my focus piece.  This small piece is worked on 20 count Aida, 20 stitches per inch using one strand of floss per stitch over one.  The focus piece is 16 stitches per inch with two strands of floss over one.

    Some of the videos on YouTube that I watch for entertainment are amazing.  The gal known as the Highway Stitcher in upper Utah has 96 hooped designs going, also known as “whips”, works in progress.  How adventuresome for Grammie to have two in the hoop.  With two . . . that’s my max.  After all, you can only work on one at a time, and I take time to glance at a page from my latest book that I am reading.  

    One can never guess what the Grammie on Stauffer Avenue is up to.  It all makes for a sweet day.  

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:01 pm on January 9, 2024 Permalink  

    Better Late 

    Who ever commented on the saying, better late than never . . . hush your mouth.

    We were doing just fine with no snow.  It was a range of 3-4 inches of first wet mist and finally some official looking snowflakes.  

    Randy next door did not disappoint with his green line as he blew our drive off.  I made sure to have the snow off of the front deck, steps and concrete sidewalk and pushed it all onto the drive before Randy arrived.

    Dennis used his walk behind to clear the garage door opening that faces Stauffer Avenue.  If that little red pickup can’t get out, there would be a sad face.  I, on the other hand, don’t plan on going anywhere until I know there is no wind to polish road surfaces.

    I am a naughty Grammie sometimes.  My heritage is the “old Adam.”  It is better to give than receive.  I will go along with that. . . to some extent.  It took quite a bit of talking this Christmas to convince Dennis to forego giving gifts this 2023 Christmas.  He really, really always enjoyed getting his little stashes together for my children and Dennis’ children.  He would start making plans in October with lists of grandchildren and their spouses.  We were blessed with Thanksgiving guests and Christmas Day guests in our home.  Special.

    It would have been equally nice if someone from Dennis’ family had visited or called to visit in the latter part of December.  Nope.  Nada.  Not even the daughter that lives four blocks to the south of us.  Hmm.  Dennis was ready to receive well wishes from his family.  Maybe next year.

    I have retrieved some supplies from the studio.  I have a variety of Command Hooks, strips, etc.  Soon my Santa quilt will come down from the north living room wall.  I would like my scrappy quilt put up in its place for a while.  I have the adequate supplies, I now need a plan of attack.

    My attack for supper is a hot meal.  Two pork chops, au gratin potatoes and steamed broccoli.

    If you must travel, be safe.  I would rather think about you, than read about you.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:02 pm on January 8, 2024 Permalink  

    Dry Snow 

    It may sound ridiculous but an inch of dry snow it was.  It took just a short while and I had the front deck and steps swept off.  I think Dennis feels better as well as he got the faithful “Kevin snowblower” started for the first time this fall and winter season.  Good dose of fresh air all around.

    Solutions are out in this huge world.  Seek and ye shall find.  We have had numerous problems with coffee filters collapsing as the hot water washes over the coffee grounds.  In today’s mail was a box that contained Bunn coffee filters.  Their round bottoms are broad and settle right into the appropriate place.  They are also very tall and will withstand water sloshing into them.  No more coffee grounds in the bottom of my coffee cup.  Sweet.

    In tomorrow’s mail, I am expecting the crushed walnut shells I have ordered.  They work perfectly to fill pin cushions for hand stitching sewing needles.  The pins stay placed as well as keeping the sewing needle’s tip sharp.

    This ole Grammie could run her legs off in Mankato looking and seeking what I require, which isn’t a whole lot.  The right item for the correct expectations in all things great and small.

    I am staying on the main floor today.  Reading for me is like watching television for the ole cowboy.  While I am doing some hand stitching I am contemplating on the finish of my “HOME” wall hanging.  My first step is to try out glue on a sample of a panel to see if it will hold and support the brackets or such to hang up the finished product.  The glue I am thinking of is the same glue Kersten and I used to glue the cement antlers onto the cement deer in the flower garden.  That deer, out in the weather, has shown off that repair for five years or more.  We will find out how that same glue will hold onto the fiberglass.  Of course . . . I have that glue on hand.  Mini Michael’s Craft Store right in my studio.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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