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  • Noreen 2:10 pm on February 5, 2024 Permalink  

    I Am Back 

    I am back in the studio today on the fifth day of February.  First things first . . . turn on all the overhead lights.  Second on the agenda . . .  tuning in KNUJ on the portable radio.

    It felt just plain ass good.

    SuppliesI knew that puttering around in my Stauffer Avenue Michael’s-like stashes would tell me what and how much I had to work with.  Hmm.  I had forgotten that the foam I had in a roll was two sided fusible.  I had only thought it was one sided.  Never mind, I will make it work.  The piece of linen I used for the machine embroidery is really scant on the bottom.  I have always known I would use quilt batting on the back side of the embroidered piece to free motion quilt everything other than the actual letters themselves, allowing for the letters to pop off.  The color of the thread I will use is labeled as Wild Rice.  A very close match to the linen as I do not want the free motion quilting to take away from the letters.  I have just enough of the silk quilt batting for that job.  Linen fabric ravels super easy.  As I type, Fray Check is drying on that scant bottom of the embroidery.  That aspect of the project, I am still thinking on.

    Dennis cut the piece of the hog paneling for me for the length I needed.  I put off putting the hanger on the back side of the covered panel so it would lay perfectly flat when I needed it to.  I cut the fusible foam for the length and width with extra inches.  I tried out our very old carpenter’s stapler on the piece of paneling I do not need.  That staple was put into the paneling with the fabric I intend to use to cover the paneling with.  I will have enough width and length to bring the covered fabric over the paneling to staple it down.  It held really well.

    The quilted linen piece with the letters will be affixed to the foam-covered green fabric with . . . 

    Ya, about that.  My plan was to turn under a scant 3/4″ of the linen with copper covered upholstery tacks.

    This is a good time to shut down the studio.  All materials have been thought through, measured and laying out on the church tables.  I literally will need to sleep on all of this.

    It’s a good thing I had one more package of a hot dish in the freezer.  My thinking cap has worn me out.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:24 pm on February 4, 2024 Permalink  

    Sunday the 4th 

    Both Dennis and I have squared off in our own corners today.  Dennis in the patio porch working on a project that has required spray paint.  Watch out kitties for the over-spray.

    I am rounding out on some hand stitching that has taken me quite a while.  Threading the needle another three times should do it.  The finish for me will be taking it down to the iron and giving it some needed pressing.

    There is an unfinished machine embroidered piece that I have been pondering for several weeks.  I stitched out the word “HOME” on a piece of linen that was 10″ in width by 36″ in length.  After each letter, I had to rehoop with many times measuring.  The end result looking as if I had stitched it out in one run. 

    As I have been doing the hand stitching, this UFO . . . unfinished object, has been in the corner of my mind.  I do not like to have a project not completed when I have already invested a huge amount of thread and time.   It’s bad enough that I am a “Stable” stitcher.  That would be . . . “Stashes that are beyond life expectancy.” 

    The nice winter weather we have been enjoying does not help the studio’s cool to chilly air temperature.  I may need to dress up with thick soled shoes, a very warm sweater and turn my small heater to turbo.  If there is the will, there is always a way.

    May everyone enjoy a sunny Sunday.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:16 pm on February 3, 2024 Permalink  

    What’s Left 

    What’s left if Minnesotans have no weather issues to talk about.

    As we drove home from Mankato on Thursday, I couldn’t help but notice that the fields were bare.  Knowing farmers as I do, you can’t tell me there isn’t one in the bunch that isn’t itching for the new season of field work . . . that is unless they are down south for the winter lying to each other.

    Alas, our neighborhood has gone dark.  February 1st must have been the agreed upon date when Christmas lights would be no more.

    Dennis’ grandson, AJ, is here watching crime television with Dennis in the patio porch.  I am sure, seeing his parents up the street was first on the list.  In this day and age, its just special.

    I have noticed that Robo calls are almost a thing of the past.  I am getting political text messages.  That is just one stroke away from hitting spam.  I have a huge number of blocked numbers on my phone, almost as many as the number of emails that I have blocked.  My goal is to enjoy my days in as much peace and quiet as possible.

    The chili was a hit last night.  There is one bowl for each of us for supper.  The remainder of the large batch is in freezer bags in the freezer for another time.

    By the way . . . the furnace has enjoyed a respite during days such as we have had.  Bring it on.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:47 pm on February 2, 2024 Permalink  

    No Shadow 

    Somewhere the groundhog didn’t see its shadow.  Not a fan of that old tale.

    I had a desire for the Campbell’s large can of bean soup.  It is very tasty.  In our store I looked high and low.  Nothing.  I settled for the store’s Best Choice bean and bacon.  Hmm. I purchased three cans.  We tried one can.  Not a fan at all. Very strong taste.

    Today it was time to use those two cans of not so good bean and bacon soup.  I diced an onion and sautéed it in my soup kettle.  That was joined with a pound of 85% hamburger.  A dash of several seasonings including chili powder.  One can of Kidney beans and one can of black beans.  That conglomeration is now on simmer on the kitchen range.  After a taste, I believe it will fly.

    This afternoon, Dennis and I filled our yellow Avalanche case with our personnel papers.  That included Dennis’ military papers to the present, as was my papers, past and present.  What a great case.  There was even room for my parent’s info, grandparents and great grandparents.  A case holding a whole lot of history now on a shelf in the studio.

    I continue reading and stitching in my bedroom porch at all times of the day.  I do take a break for a YouTube video now and then.  Enjoying what others are stitching and sewing is inspirational.  Since dropping out of the stitching group in Mankato, I have increased my own personnel enthusiasm 100%, viewing from those around the world.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:40 pm on February 1, 2024 Permalink  

    Good Day 

    Today was a good day and a fruitful one.

    Dr. Jason Dauffenbach with pain medicine impressed me a lot when Dennis and I met with him.  It was a long interview.  He could scroll through Dennis’ info and tell us that Dennis has been on methadone since 2018.  The doctor got into Dennis’ records at Lewis Drug and he knew by prescription renewals that Dennis has never wavered from the amount taken from one month to the next, thus not looking for more relief by taking more pills.  Nothing is changing in Dennis’ meds . . . now.  When Dennis picks up his next methadone refill, Feb. 23rd, there will be new instructions on the label.  The doctor’s thoughts are towards three levels: addiction, desperation and tolerance.  Do all three fight Dennis?  He wants Dennis to find out where he is with his own pain compared to pain meds being taken.  There will be a gradual decrease of the pain med over time.

    Dauffenbach hit all the right targets as to symptoms, good and bad, with the total gambit of Dennis’ drugs.  Not putting out any blame.  Dennis did what the prescription said to do, down to the last pill in the bottle.  

    This was a good day with what I feel will be a great doctor to help Dennis lighten up on several drugs.  No easy come prescription pads.

    I am tuckered out. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:31 pm on January 31, 2024 Permalink  

    No Words 

    No words can be found for this 57-degree day on the last day of January . . . well, I have a few.  Wonder of wonders.

    Our trip tomorrow for meeting a doctor in the pain medicine department should go well.  Dennis has been on Methadone for more years that I can remember.

    I asked Dennis last night how he would feel if he didn’t take it for a week, to see what symptoms it is suppose to take care of.  I didn’t get an answer.  I believe Dennis is afraid to try that.  Perhaps tomorrow this doctor will have some solutions other than methadone.  The methadone prescription pills have the hallucinogens taken out of them.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:41 pm on January 30, 2024 Permalink  

    Five Second Rule 

    I believe the five second rule was in place this morning in regard to the amount of time the sun was shining.

    Last night after supper my aunt Janet from Brownton and I caught up with each other for a long visit.  Her and I can share memories with each other as no one else can.  Janet is the only sibling left in my father’s family of eight.  Her and I are ten years apart and I have no one left to peel back the memories of the times when Crist, Laura and a huge amount of family members shared time and space.  Janet and I enjoy memories.

    When Dennis came home after taking his friend Dwayne to McDonald’s, I couldn’t believe the first thing he shared.  Bingo is played every Tuesday in the play area of McDonald’s.  I thought it was big of McDonald’s to allow coffee customers to being in treats to share around the tables.  Bingo seemed very unusual.  Does that tell me they are desperate to bring people in during the late mornings?  Hmm.

    With all the snow gone, the crows are hanging in all the trees and letting us know by their caws that they are going to stay.  Years ago when the kitty, Honey Bunny, was just a mite when she tried to follow me around in the gardens.   The crows would dive bomb her to within inches.  She would all but crawl up my pant leg in fear.  The crows are just as huge today as they were then. 

    May you all make your own sunshine and be happy in it.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:06 pm on January 29, 2024 Permalink  

    Monday, a Waste 

    Friday of last week, I received a text that Dennis had an appointment in Mankato for this Thursday.  By the time I read the text all offices were closed.

    Bright and early I called the number that had been left last Friday.  I was on hold for 35 minutes.  When I got through to a living being, I wanted to know what the appointment was for as we had requested nothing.  One of Dennis’ meds was referred to Mankato as St James clinic had no one that could fill it.  Wouldn’t you have thought that before letting a certain doctor go, they would have covered all the bases he had!  So to Mankato on Thursday we go.

    I then received a text that there were questionnaires to fill out before Thursday.  That took another cup of my precious breakfast coffee.  Good grief.  Dennis had not seen a doctor for some time so the questionnaires started from way back when.

    I still had an hour before twelve noon to tackle some Monday chores on the first level.

    The mail arrived and there was a letter from our prescription provider.  The same prescription that is sending us to Mankato needs a request for coverage determination.  Dennis stayed in the house while I phoned the number in the letter.  Though it was hard to understand her English, we were moving right along.  Dennis had to give her his permission for me to take care of this.  We were on the last bit where our prescription provider would have a form sent to our doctor here in St. James.  Bam!  It all blew up.  There is no box number affiliated with our clinic’s address.  It is Mayo Clinic – 1101 Moulton and Parsen’ s Drive.  That is it.  Any mail, bill or what have you, has no box number with it.  Without a box number, I would need to call back when I have a fricken box number.  Breathe! 

    By the way, the sun out bright with 52 degrees has taken some of the angst and that makes this Monday not a waste.  I have commented before, I wonder how many elderly fall in between the cracks with all the red tape that is mandated.  They have you over the barrel. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:51 pm on January 28, 2024 Permalink  


    For some reason here on the 28th of January we are experiencing 46 degrees and the lawns have no snow on them.  Even when some enthusiasts pushed up the several inches of snow into a pile . . . it is fast disappearing.  It is kind of spooky.  Is there another shoe to fall?

    Sitting upon my cherry red chair in the bright sun of my bedroom porch, it seems as if everyone left town today while the going was good.  Bless their hearts.  There is no traffic to watch.  Even the train’s whistle isn’t very loud.

    Take heart everyone and know that a higher power is guiding us along in this 2023-2024 winter season.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:02 pm on January 27, 2024 Permalink  

    You are My Sunshine 

    It was a little timid at first, but by gum we have sun this afternoon.  If the sun begins to participate every day, soon the studio will glean the sun’s heat on the studio’s south wall.  I have enjoyed all the reading and cross stitch sewing . . . but.

    This was our once-a-month spa day.  It happens right here in downtown St. James.  I don’t know about Dennis, but I feel like I have happy feet.  My haircut is done so that over a month’s time, the hair may grow in length, but the way the hair have been cut, it has staying power in its shape.

    I received a wonderful message from Stewart in regard to the quilt that arrived to their farm yesterday.  It was a good thing to do for family.

    We have a mechanic here in town.  I would put his meticulous work ethic compared to Kevin’s.  Loren looked over and took apart the ignition column of the little red pickup.  The results are that . . . it is what it is.  A brand new part or parts would most likely be as stiff as this 2005 ignition.  So be it.  We accept rather than expect all things to remain as it was when brand new.  Loren did not charge Dennis for the shop time.  A very nice fellow.

    I have just finished putting together an oven meal for us.  We have not had one for some time.  Dennis has offered to wash up the prep dishes as well as cleaning the stove top.  A few dried potato buds get away from Dennis when he whips potatoes up for us.

    No one I know takes a three in the afternoon coffee break.  I knew decades ago, that if I needed to hear my dad’s voice, especially in the winter months, all I needed was to call at three in the afternoon.  Great memories.  After mom and dad were gone, my sister and I would do a phone call at three in the afternoons to visit.  Again, great memories.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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