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  • Noreen 3:08 pm on February 15, 2024 Permalink  

    Some Rain 

    Some rain right before the snow started last night.  The temps plummeted in the low 20s.  Yup . . . it was icy under the snow this morning.  We had a good three inches with the wind blowing from the northwest when I went to bed.  Looking at a streetlight the snow could easily be seen.

    Randy was over with his long green line fairly early.  It is three this afternoon and our concrete drive is clear from the strong beams of the sun.  I have our front deck cleared as well as the back door to the garage.

    When I read a paperback book and tear each page off as I read it for lack of being able to hold a book, around my cherry red chair and book stand, it is worse than a shredder with fine paper dust.  It was time for a cleanup job.  I wear fuzzy slippers in the house.  We have one rug in the house and that is in front of the toilet.  My fuzzy slippers catch all the fine shreds of paper and pieces of thread from stitching and then deposit that on the bathroom rug.  It is no wonder, Dennis shakes that rug almost every other day.  Oh well.  It is all doable for me to feel the contentment of reading and stitching.

    After the last large cross stitch item that is still waiting to be framed down here in the studio, I did several small projects that I want to make into pin cushions.  I have them down here in the studio, sizing them up for backings.  With my scrap bin, that was no problem.  I also had scrap pieces of woven stabilizer to iron onto the back of the stitched out items.  Those soon-to-be pin cushions will be my tomorrow project.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:13 pm on February 14, 2024 Permalink  

    A Day 

    Super great day.  I heard from both of my children today.  Oh so sweet and special.

    This is a lolly gaging day for me.  A bit of stitching, a bit of reading and lots of traffic watching.  Hmm.  It feels as if I am retired.

    The winter weather has been hard on my fingernails.  I have two that insist on splitting.  Chipping would be bad enough, but splitting lengthwise never lets the nail grow in length to the tip of my finger.  I got a bottle of clear nail polish and am keeping them totally covered, even sticking the small nail brush to the underside for a bit.  After two weeks, I am gaining.  It was difficult finding just the lacquer, most bottles were gel and that stuff is hard on the nails and harder yet to get off.  The gel is what is done for the elongated nails put on by salons.

    We had about five minutes of rain.  It is 35 degrees out.  It is told if it doesn’t come down in part as rain, snow will finish it up.

    This was a quite a week on our calendar.  Dennis was feeling it, so he has wandered over to his nephew Brett’s shop.  The crew is usually fixing on some type of concrete tool, brakes on trailers or such. 

    The air is heavy and the clouds are dark.

    May everyone enjoy a smile today from the ones that love us unconditionally.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:17 pm on February 13, 2024 Permalink  


    The lilacs are budding.  It does seem to be too early.  A wild and crazy winter will do wild and crazy with perennials.

    We went up to the local grocer’s for some non-essentials.  Who doesn’t need a root beer float once in awhile.  We tooled around the town to see if there were any drastic changes.  The CCS bank has been bought by Madelia Health systems and they are now open to take patients.  Hmm. Quite the challenge with Mayo having been front and center.

    Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s Day.  Oh the days when our home was busy making valentine boxes decorated for all the valentine’s the kids would get and share that next day.  The shear innocent excitement . . . precious.  I believe in all of us there is a part of that innocent child that remains.  With my whole being, I nurture that child within me.  That child guides me through times when the world seems harsh and uncaring.  I find myself indulging that child just enough so it won’t leave me.

    Happy Valentine’s day to all my special peeps . . . you know who you are.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:38 pm on February 12, 2024 Permalink  

    Is it Over 

    It is Monday afternoon and sooner or later when I put the news on at supper time, I will find out which team won the game yesterday.

    Today was a make it or break it for me.  Dennis was at his daughter’s up the street and it was me, myself and . . . still me.  My project from the studio was going to be on my bedroom porch wall before the day was over.

    I knew I couldn’t pound a nail in the paneled wall to save my soul.  I did have Command hooks.  The Command product that I used to put my quilt on the wall was Velcro meeting Velcro.  I got out the Command hook package and all the strips were no longer sticky.  What!

    Going back to the studio, I took three of the Velcro strips and headed to my bedroom porch.  I put two sticky Velcro strips back to back on the Command hook so they could make nice.  The third I used to stick to them and then onto the wall.  Success.

    Back down to the studio.  I wanted to use some cording I had to staple to the back of the project for hanging.  I tied knots into each end so that the cording couldn’t pull through the staples even if it wanted to.  Job done and I headed to my bedroom porch.  The cording caught the Command hook on my first try.  I stood back and . . . yup, I had the cording on the bottom of the project.  Back to the studio.

    Solo-ProjectWith project in hand this time the cording did well.  Kevin knows his mom.  Of course the project was not in the middle of said wall.  Hmm.  More coffee.  As I came back to my bedroom porch, my eye spied numerous small plaques that mom and dad had brought back from Germany.  Nobody would notice an empty small nail on the bottom of the remaining ones hanging next to the front door.

    Now to get said plaque onto the wall.  I knew I had small brass hardware hangers.  The super narrow nails go in at an angle for strength of what you hang.  With a needle nose plier to grip that nail so I could give it a start into the paneling, it took several tries of gripping that hard with my left hand.  Mission was accomplished.

    Did I learn a few things with this project?  You betcha!  I learned that with allowing myself patience over and over . . . I was and can be self-sufficient going forward each and every day.  I also allowed myself to except imperfection . . . but by golly it’s real. 

    This project is done, it brings heaps and heaps of self-satisfaction.  On to the next challenge . . . but not with what is left of today.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:35 pm on February 11, 2024 Permalink  

    Blessed Sunday 

    I received a private message on Facebook.  It was from Carol Wilson.  She was a classmate as well as family.  Carol’s brother had married my sister.

    The essence of the private message was that she, Carol, had qualified for a new Federal grant.  She was willing to share the email source.  My oh my.  I opened the qualifying email and read a bit.  I then went back to Carol Wilson’s info on Messenger and asked her some questions and included some family questions.  Her responses were very quick and nothing personal at all was added to the questions I had asked.  Hmm.  I happened to remember that a while back she had let everyone know she had been hacked.  I wonder if Carol is aware of this.

    Scams come even on the Sabbath.  With so many jobs available, a real job wouldn’t hurt.

    The sun has brought about a 40-degree day.  It is a good thing that Dennis has Hulu for his television watching as I am sure the usual channels are all about football.  I enjoy YouTube channels, but generally am content in my bedroom porch enjoying the light through the windows.

    Not much else is going on and I trust this blessed Sunday will be enjoyed by my peeps.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥ 

  • Noreen 1:47 pm on February 10, 2024 Permalink  

    A Taste of Winter 

    34 degrees is still more than what we should be enjoying.  We got very spoiled.  With no snow pack the sun’s rays have nothing to bounce off keeping us warmer.  Bring on those sun rays . . . wherever they are.

    This was my day to take care of some pantry items.  Buying in bulk on certain items, means excess shrink wrap and cardboard.

    End-is-NearThe goal was to hit the studio this afternoon.  My “a little of this and a little of that” is slowly nearing an end.  Dennis asked me what I was going to do with it once it was totally done.  Hmm.  That had never been the goal.  Keeping me busy was the goal . . . and it did a right smart job of it.  With this nearing the end, it means another project will be thought out.  As I looked at the near finish, I got a wild hair.  I have had a pin that I have enjoyed for decades.  It has just enough bling to suit me.  I laid it on the curlicue of the letter “O”.  It may stay there or it may not.  It would be put on the board by nothing other than by the closure pin on the back.  From time to time, I could change it out.  Hmm.  With that thought, I have decided this is going on the east wall of my bedroom porch when finished.

    So . . . on to today’s work.  I need to affix the lace onto the board, thus semi-covering all of the stables.  I have several mediums to try, but all must dry clear.  I surely do not want to screw up at this late date.  I am heading towards Command Strips of some type for it to go onto the wall.  More to ponder, that’s alright, it keeps me in the game.

    I am on to having something to show for this God-given day.  That was always important for my Grandmother Laura.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:36 pm on February 9, 2024 Permalink  

    So Be it 

    Dennis needed to run some supplies to Windom for Brett’s crew.  I decided to do the run with Dennis.  The studio will always have another day to fire up all the overhead lights.

    Dennis was a bit shook this early morning as we had received news that his daughter’s husband had died unexpectedly.  Tim Paulson was 62 years old.  Susie and her family have lived in Silver Bay, 60 miles north of Duluth, for more than 25 years.  Nothing that we can do here other than lend loving support for the family.

    The trip to Windom went well as Ag-Co had a huge interior concrete job for Brett’s crew.

    It is the mid afternoon and the evergreen on the northwest corner of our home is really whipping it to it.  I can report that the wind is raw making it feel as if winter is just starting.

    Though this day is disjointed, I plan on making the best of it.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:03 pm on February 8, 2024 Permalink  

    Rise Up 

    I spent five hours in the studio today and it was “rise up” and get to the first floor, stay there and take a break.

    I think I put a good mile on today walking around the church tables.  How much should I trim off of the linen?  Would that be too much?  Not enough?

    I finally put the ruler down and did it slicing some off.  So there!  I loaded up the old carpenter stapler and begin moving the linen on the foam board.  A pinch this way.  Then a pinch that way.  That took another hour of traveling around the church tables.  You might say it would help if there could be another set of eyes . . . don’t even go there.

    Dennis is doing the same old, same old sinus issue.  I can’t do a thing to help him.  He has all the meds he is going to get for helping with it.  I am very thankful that he is content to go to the patio porch and complain to the garage kitties.

    We do have a bit of rain off and on with 50-degree weather.  Better than sleet or snow. 

    You do know, don’t you, that projects in the studio are for nothing other than keeping Grammie busy.  There is no judging of color use or accuracy in measurements.  Saying that, no one is harder on myself than . . . me.  It’s not perfection, it is just real. 

    The day is now mid afternoon and there is some reading to do in my bedroom porch perched upon my cherry red chair.  I currently am reading a paper back novel that has almost 1,00o pages.  As I can’t hold a book of any size, there is the tearing of many pages as I complete them.  I believe I am on page 100 something and the story plot has captured me.  Sometimes, it takes that long to hook you in.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:54 pm on February 7, 2024 Permalink  

    Time Out 

    There has been enough activity in the studio for the day.  I am sitting in the studio doing this post with the heater on Turbo for my legs.  54 degrees on a partly cloudy day doesn’t bring the air temp in the studio beyond 60 degrees.  It’s a trade off . . .  the furnace doesn’t run as often.

    This morning we worked with our prescription provider on one of Dennis’ prescriptions.  Though the fellow’s first language was not English, he was by far better than some we have had to work with via a phone conversation.  All is well for the 2024 calendar year.  Our monthly prescription premium amount per each of us is $.50.  I could not believe that until I saw the amount taken out of our checking account in January.  I would say 75% of our prescription at the time of a refill pickup has no co-pay.

    I called my Aunt Janet today and we spent 45 minutes chatting.  Janet remains as active as possible.  She wishes her legs were longer as getting into her car is beginning to give her a fit.  Backing up to the car seat and using her arms on the steering wheel doesn’t work . . . legs are too short.  Bummer.

    Today I received an email to make an appointment with my cardiologist.  Dr. Sarraf will be seeing me April 30th.  I will be in Mankato with bells on.

    Free-MotionTwo-PartsProgress on my sewing project went well today.  I wish the free motion quilting would have brought the same 100% satisfaction as covering the fiberglass panel with foam and fabric had.  Come on Grammie . . . you worked to your abilities with a left arm that never ceases to do its best, AKA: rising to the occasion as best it can.  Tomorrow I will trim the linen and letters down working towards centering it on the foam board.     

    With this first time of utilizing these panels, my mind is foreseeing a few more uses.  Thank you Kevin, for adding them to my studio stashes.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:03 pm on February 6, 2024 Permalink  

    It’s a Grammie 

    This is a Grammie checking in.

    I have no coffee left, so it is a glass of water with my blueberry fig bar.  This post is also the last thing going on in the studio.

    I checked into the studio at 9:30.  I had slept on some ideas and now was the time to see if all went accordingly.  The two sided fusible worked out just dandy.  Using a donated choice the focal piece fused on without a single ripple.  The fabric of donated choice was far better than getting yucky stuff on the plate of my iron.  Stapling the focus fabric that was now fussed to the foam went well.  I had forgotten how much pressure the old stapler needed to make a solid contact.  The hog panel has nice rounded edges via the foam.

    I left that part of the project on one end of the church tables for another day.  Loading a bobbin with my wild rice color of thread I practiced my free motion stitching to see if the weight of the quilt batting would give the desired effect.  Nailed it.  I had to make a hard decision on using the copper-looking tacks for the stitched letters to be affixed onto the foam board.  My fingers can’t hold the round tacks, let alone using a tack hammer to get them sunk into the foam board.  On to plan “B” or something like throwing in the towel.

    Out came a tote of treasures from Kersten that included ribbons and such.  The perfect ecru-colored lace.  The linen cloth of the letters will be stapled onto the foam board.  What a perfect solution and addition to this ole Grammie home.  All items of that project is halted for this Tuesday.

    Stitch-CompletedI got into the cistern closet for what I hoped would be a successful find.  I had mentioned some time back that my Santa cross stitch projects were put behind UV glass.  I had saved all the frames that were tricked out.  With my latest cross stitch completed, I was looking for a frame to fit it.  These framed cross stitch projects of this winter are not for any matchie, match.  I found one that couldn’t have been a better size.  In days to come, I will gather together what I need to trim it and put into this frame.  Doing these counted cross stitch projects has been soothing on days when I may very well have felt less than tranquil.  

    The reading, the sewing machine and the counted cross stitch has lead me to balanced days.  I like it a lot.  I have many more plans.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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