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  • Noreen 2:34 pm on February 25, 2024 Permalink  

    It’s a Happy Sunday 

    As cloudy as it is, I have a good amount of zip today.  I think it was the peanut butter toast I had for breakfast.

    After I had taken apart a 1950s photo album, there was a box in the attic that was niggling me.  It was the size of the box that apples used to come to the grocer’s.  It was plump full.  It was half full of crochet patterns.  Some from Grandma Schafer and just as many of mine.  The other half of the box was full of counted cross stitch patterns.  That box was heavy.

    I pulled it over to the attic stairwell.  I took out multiple stacks and put them on the steps.  As I backed down the steps, I kept moving the stacks down, one step at a time.  Mission accomplished.

    I touched each pamphlet, each folder and each book.  I have a stack of counted cross stitch to look through.  The crochet patterns are in the recycling bin.  I tried as late as this last Christmas to crochet.  Optimally the left hand is the tension control while the right hand has the crochet hook.  I loved crocheting, but . . . that was then, this is now.

    I have patience and wisdom.  My life today is not an accident.  I didn’t stay in the darkness of the stroke.  The light I have each day refused to surrender.  That ditty is from a quote of John Mark Green.

    This afternoon when looking out the kitchen window, I saw Jan, our neighbor, working with her four year old in their drive with an old pedal tractor.  That took me back to the times Megan and Nicholas would be with Dennis and me.  Oh for the love of memories.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:12 pm on February 24, 2024 Permalink  

    The Wind 

    When the wind is from the south, it makes our exterior mail flopper flop.

    Today was haircuts and pedicures.  What a great feeling.

    It is such a great feeling of being pampered, I feel lazy for the rest of this Saturday afternoon.

    I dare not try and read as I know my head would nod.

    The choice for me is to do some counted cross stitching.  With needing to count how many stitches with which color of thread, I think I can get through the afternoon.

    But . . . 

    With that I need to take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:34 pm on February 23, 2024 Permalink  

    A Trip 

    Today was a trip back in time.  

    When I was in 8th grade, my sister Elvera gave me a photo album for a Christmas gift.  It was at a time when she worked as an oppari for a family in the metro.  The cover had my name on it in gold letters.  Talk about special.

    This album had not seen daylight in decades and it was also very fragile.  Within the covers were items from school events, most notable report cards from first grade through 1962, the year I graduated.  With a cup of coffee, I did rifle through them one by one.  I was an average student.  In my junior year a “D” was given in one of the quarters for Algebra.  In my senior year a red “F” found its way into one of the quarters for Chemistry.  I noted that my dad signed that quarter.

    I had a report card for Winthrop’s schools.  My parents then purchased their first farm that took us to Renville County, rural district #34 through 7th grade.  The farm was in the Hutchinson school district.  The physical school district’s lines were re-drawn due to the census and the family farm was now in the Stewart school district.  The last three years I attended in Stewart.

    In the album was um-teen ribbons from the McLeod County Fair via 4-H.  My oh my.

    My graduating class was 58 in number and I am quite sure we traded photos for every one of us.  Those photos were to be held forever with scotch tape.  For each page I touched the photos fell off.

    So . . . so far I have not decided about the photos.  I did letter in Pep Club, I may save that along with the front and back covers.  That may all change.  Lightening the load was my plan as I walked an arm load out to the recycling bin.  There needs to be some decisions made with the remaining contents of the storage where the album was.  That will require input from my two children in time to come.

    I just now looked out the window to the northwest and the skies look as if they could open up with rain.  At 37 degrees, I guess snow might be in the mix.  Hmm.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:29 pm on February 22, 2024 Permalink  

    On a Roll 

    There are days that I can feel the arthritis knocking wherever it can find a viable joint in my body.  The only solution is to keep on rolling and moving until the aches don’t stand a chance of winning.

    The studio stitching went great this forenoon.  33,000 stitches without a single glitch.  A project is underway.  I do know that a trip to Hobby Lobby is going to allow me to finish it.  It is rare that I didn’t have what was needed.

    The wind chimes in the evergreen at the northwest corner of the house is tinkling just enough to make the day come off as possibly a spring day.  A pleasant sound compared to when the breeze is actually a 35 mph force that makes all things not tied down move to the next street over.

    The afternoon’s event was peeling the remainder of some potatoes before a sprout was detected.  For my taste buds, nothing beats the enjoyment of a boiled potato with a meal.  It harkens many memories of a family of six around a round oak kitchen table. 

    Cousin Mark called last night with a quilting dilemma.  For a fellow just shy of sixty, he enjoys his threads and fuzz.  Nothing so serious that it couldn’t be remedied with a photo and some texting back and forth.  It was fun catching up with him.

    Chicken, boiled potatoes and cranberries for a wonderful supper.  What is not to like!

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:45 pm on February 21, 2024 Permalink  

    Hump Day 

    It is a Wednesday and all is well with my soul.  Could not be a better day.  

    My sewing machine is oiled, cleaned with a new needle.  My embroidery hoop is loaded.  The reason it is not stitching right now is that when I went to sign onto my Bernina Tool Box software, I typed in the password in error three times.  I am now in a time-out for an hour.  Oh what a difference when a lower case letter is entered and it should be the upper case.  The time-out allows for some tidy, tidy.

    Dennis came in to get some cleaning supplies.  Look out patio porch kitties!  Even on the mild days this winter not one of the three ventured out.  They know where they have it made.

    I could be doing our 2023 income tax.  I just don’t feel like it right now.  The mood needs to be just right.  Tax Act has been sending emails.  I have all the info I need.  What’s new . . . Minnesota usually needs money sent in.  Ugh!

    We have hit on a good schedule for our suppers.  A heavier meal on every-other five o’clock day with a soup every-other five o’clock day.  Even on the heavier meals, they are not very heavy.  Neither of us have appetites like in days of old.  Let’s face it . . . we don’t do much on the average day.

    When we went to the birthday party Sunday in Mankato, there was a couple there that are the parents of the fellow that Sadie is seeing right now.  I could have sworn I was in the presence of OT.  If people like to travel, the need to share each experience is not needed.  Talk about an afternoon Dennis and I could have happily missed.  It was a wonder that the six year old got to hear the birthday song.  Oh well.  We can’t all be alike and enjoy our homes.

    My time-out has expired and I am on to threads and fuzz.

    With that I take my leave

  • Noreen 2:49 pm on February 20, 2024 Permalink  

    Let the Sunshine In 

    Let the sunshine in and face it with a grin.

    Every morning I have a choice and I choose to grin and say, “Good Morning.”  If I am lucky I get a wave.  I’ll take it.

    This morning the latest framed stitched design found a spot on the living room wall with the two previous ones.  Again, the small brass hangers with a fine needle nail going in at an angle worked great.  Actually, there was a previous hole in the paneling.  Just a short tap to make sure all would be well.

    There is a new book started in my bedroom porch.  Also there is a new stitched item started.  This new project has a new challenge.  It is not a single color for stitching.  It is a kit using 54 colors.  Before making a donation of the floss, I had taken out one of each color.  There is eight yards of floss on each skein.  When doing a project with multiple colors, each color may not take more than a dozen or two stitches.  I have not done color swapping in stitching for decades.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  It will take me some time and I am fine with that.

    Contentment is my game and I have found it within our little home on Stauffer Avenue.

    Dennis does not make it for very many days and he needs to get the little red pickup out to see what is going on around the town.

    The city crews are cutting and trimming trees.  The sound of the shredder can be heard.  Many small projects have been done around town with this open winter.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:34 pm on February 19, 2024 Permalink  

    Studio Day 

    It may not be a full day in the studio, but it really feels good to do . . . something creative.

    Reusing a frame from the cistern closet brings certain challenges.  The matt boards that have been stored right along with the frames, there is not one the right size.  The X-Acto tool comes in handy to get it cut to the correct size.  The hanger on the back side of the frame was missing.  Out came the needle nose plier.  Those brads that come with the hangers are really tiny.  Putting the plier in the left hand and clamping it tight with the tiny brad worked well.

    Trial and error quite a few times comes to the conclusion that the error in the stitching came about when the very first stitch was put in.  The design was begun too far to the right, thus not allowing enough fabric when it came time to put it in a frame.  Hmm.

    Beginner-FramingYou cannot fail if you do not try.  You can succeed if you do not have your heart set on only plan “A.”  Perhaps the eye need not travel to the most conspicuous challenges of the project.  Scrounging into an old jewelry container, the pin I chose to add is quite appropriate for the stitching.  It picks up the scant gold in the frame quite nicely.

    I have checked on Dennis and he is napping out in the patio porch.  With the sun at 44 degrees the patio door will be soaking up nice cozy warmth.  The kitty whose ears are poking out from Dennis’ jacket has it made.  Of the three, this one happened to win the ticket.

    I have one embroidery project in mind.  When I post this for today, I will be seeking the correct fabric.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:47 pm on February 18, 2024 Permalink  

    Home Sweet Home 

    We are home after a trip to Mankato for a birthday party.  Lots of wee ones can really make enough noise for the two house dogs to go crazy.  We do make an effort to go while we can.

    We made the mistake of leaving town this morning on the Hammond Highway, not realizing how much snow had drifted across the road during the night with the high winds making for icy conditions.  Caution and lots of time.

    This next week we have no appointments.  Sweet.

    I do have a confession.  I can easily sleep in until eight in the mornings with usually a bathroom visit at 3 a.m. 

    I remember when mom lived in the apartments in Hutchinson.  I would make arrangements to come and see her on a given day.  When her door would not be open in the morning when I got there, I would use my key and quietly let myself in.  Mom would still be in bed with her radio playing to the local channel.  It was her way of snoozing early morning hours away.  Sweet.  We do what feels good to us when we can.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:45 pm on February 17, 2024 Permalink  

    Full Sun 

    Having the sun out and bold, sure makes the day feel good.  If I had to spend any amount of time in this wind, no amount of the sun would feel good.  They warned us.

    Homes-for-PinsMy goal for the day was finishing up my pincushions.  Perhaps more timely stitching than when the all time favorite tomato pincushion can be bought for a few dollars.

    Stitch-CompletedFor those inclined to enjoy the process of threads and fuzz, the investment of the timely stitching means nothing.  I do have a few supplies to put away as the studio is always more appealing when all is tidy, tidy.  Next, I will be focused on getting my last stitching put into a frame.

    Looking at a piece of stitching that is framed is more enjoyable for me than hauling out a piece of folded, wrinkled fabric.  The time spent stitching was and always is indeed enjoyable and relaxing.  Hmm.  That is the ultimate goal for this ole Grammie.  Doing whatever I can to stay on the healthy side of life. 

    Tomorrow we will travel to Mankato for the youngest of Dennis’ eight great grand’s sixth birthday.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:43 pm on February 16, 2024 Permalink  

    Keep Moving 

    It is chilly out and as I listen to KNUJ, it could easily feel like a minus temp.  I am in the studio.  I keep on moving from one side of the church tables to another and do not feel the chill.

    Listening to YouTube videos, I had picked up a tip for filling pincushions.  Leave it to Amazon to deliver to our front door two bags of 11 oz. each of crushed walnut hulls with some lavender seeds in the mix.  Three of the four stitched items were filled with the hulls.  The fourth had to settle for a poly fill as I didn’t want to open the second bag of hulls.  I enjoyed the stitching and will enjoy knowing there are no UFOs.  No unfinished objects, aka: pincushions.  I am waiting for the small openings to dry from using the E6000 glue to dry.  I love that versatile glue.  Kersten and I used some of it quite a few years ago to put the cement antlers back on the concrete deer.  Still holding strong.

    I scrounged around and have some trim to put around the edges of the stuffed pincushions.  Going first class the whole way.  Keeping busy is enjoyable for me.  I do manage to feel that I have worn myself out at the end of the day.  Perfect.

    In between time, I have a pork steak in the oven for supper.  I used up the half onion I had plus spreading some Ragu tomato sauce over it that was a leftover from last week’s chili.  Ragu is not the ultimate but I don’t have the variety of spices on hand.  Dennis is in charge of the instant mashed potatoes.  His appetite is not the best some days, but the milk and butter plus the protein in the potatoes is usually a win for him. 

    I am going back to the pincushion project.  That will take me to supper.  It might also be time to start another book in my bedroom porch this evening.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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