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  • Noreen 1:49 pm on April 5, 2024 Permalink  

    Smokey the Bear 

    I have my very own Smokey the Bear.  We have always had the tall glass that puts out fluffy plumes.  As the season goes on, there are seeds for the birds.  This is the time of the year when the old stalks need to be burned down.  It does travel like quake grass with the roots loving to run.  At this time of my gardening, the few Hosta left . . . if you grow more power to you.  I would not mind letting this grass plot grow.  Worse case, the mower can contain it.

    Dennis is slowly raking a bit and then doing a burn.  Why not!

    I am being retired today.  Some YouTube watching, some reading and some stitching.  Not more than one option at a time.

    The Thrush birds are back to our front awning.  Those sweet little birds are fun to watch.  The robins are busy in the evergreen.  Spring is here for all.

    With spring being here, all need to decide what is best for themselves.  At the end of the day, a good feeling of effort that was expended.  In the morning, an excitement of what the day will entail.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:48 pm on April 4, 2024 Permalink  

    A Fine Day 

    This was a fine day for a drive north of town.  We had not traveled north in some time.  What was surprising were the number of vacant groves that have been bull-dosed down.  Any additional acre apparently to be farmed means money.

    We stopped at Hardee’s on the way home for a sandwich and a milkshake.  Nope . . . no one does a shake like Culver’s, but we did try them out.

    The sun is warm while being in a vehicle.  In the open air, a jacket is needed.

    Dennis and I gave each other the remainder of the day off.  Sweet.  The little red pickup has no where it needs to be until the 17th of this month.  An eye injection for Dennis here in town is better than a trip to Mankato.

    In the mean time the same old, same old, is not hard to take.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:39 pm on April 3, 2024 Permalink  

    Blow the House Down 

    No, our home is not in peril from the wind but it can sure howl.

    We had a good visit with the friends from the former chapter of the Korean vets.

    At our table, I was the only one that could hear . . . thus my voice got a working out.

    We are home for the remainder of the week.  Oh so sweet.  A week from today is another dentist appointment.  I am sure that will be usual and customary for some time to come.

    We had a lunch at the VFW at noon.  Dennis agrees,  if either of us is hungry . . . we forage for ourselves.

    This ditty is a short one and tomorrow will be a new day with perhaps more to report.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:28 pm on April 2, 2024 Permalink  

    April Showers 

    2.5 inches of showers from the late March snow thaw and the April rain should get this area out of the drought situation.  That is the talk of the town.

    This morning I turned myself in to our dentist here in town for impressions to be taken and made for the final product.  It may take a total of a month before all is done and all is fitting well.

    Dennis had a call from a fellow that we would see once a month when the Korean Veterans would meet at the VFW in Mankato.  That chapter has been retired.  George called to ask if we could get together with a few of the fellows and their wives tomorrow, so as to not loose all touch.  I think that is a great idea.  The VFW serves a daily noon lunch.  We can enjoy a lunch together and catch up with one another.

    This afternoon, I was stitching at the same time glancing at and reading my latest book.  My eyelids got very heavy and I knew I had to get up and move about.

    My birthday on Sunday told me I am truly at 80 years.  I also have been retired for fifteen years.  I retired two months short of my 65th birthday, so I am rounding it up.  My status of being a retiree plus a fulltime housewife is going to shift a bit.  I have had a talk with Dennis.  I remember when a status had changed within a household.  If I remember correctly there was one household task assigned each day when the other went to work.  Dennis said he would have no problem with that as he often has not taken note that there might be something he could do and take that task from me.  We will see how this turns out.  As I am typing this, there is a process going on that will result in a clean kitchen floor.  Yup.

    The monetary portion of my life has never been the end all to be all.  I have often shared that what I deserve in life is a clean secure home.  Yup.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:05 pm on April 1, 2024 Permalink  

    A Wonderful Rain 

    Talk about a good wash of all things dirty with winter winds and snirt.

    Dennis and I really slept hard last night.  If we had not had a 9:30 appointment at the ear, nose and throat in Mankato I know I would have stayed in my bathrobe all day long.

    At the clinic, I watched the computer screen as the doctor put a scope down/up Dennis’ nose until the vocal cords could be seen.  It was done to see if nasal polyps were causing some problems.  Dennis does have a chronic sinus situation.  What was determined was that there is an infection present.  After the clinic we went to Walgreens to purchase the NeilMed sinus rinse.  Time will tell.

    Late yesterday afternoon, I tucked a leftover into the refrigerator, I found a surprise.  Yesterday, unbeknown to me, Carrie has chopped fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, plus two small loaf pans of meatloaf in the freezer.

    I texted her last night to thank her.  I did receive a response this morning.  

    This was a new day and it will be followed by many new days.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t navigate into my new days by looking in the rearview mirror.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:48 pm on March 30, 2024 Permalink  

    Oh Happy Day 

    Today was spa day for Dennis and me.  Several blocks up the street to the west . . . we checked ourselves in at 10:30.

    The place where Dennis and I are, having a pedicure is fantastic.  Who of us would take the time to soak our feet.  Actually that would be the easiest as neither Dennis nor I can do a decent job of cutting our toe nails.  Let me tell you, happy happy feet makes for a good day.

    The haircut following the pedicure is the frosting on the cake.

    The best part was the advice from our nurse pedicurist to go and purchase some Gatorade for Dennis.  Dennis had been on a ten day dose of Amoxicillin.  That happens to cause extreme loss of fluids in the chamber pot, causing low potassium to cause weakness.  Maria even commented that Dennis looked off of his game.

    Dennis is now drinking a grape flavor of Gatorade.  Potassium lends itself to letting the heart pump, pump the way it is intended.  The lower the potassium level, the sluggish the heart beats.

    Well now.  As of late afternoon yesterday, our income tax is done via Turbo Tax.  Before I went to bed, I had been notified our returns had been received by the state and the federal.  Whew!

    I am on to begin preparing the baked beans for tomorrow in the crockpot.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:40 pm on March 29, 2024 Permalink  

    Deep Breath 

    My agenda was to have lots of small tidy tidy items done for Easter.  Mission completion.

    Today was my day to do our income tax.  I have used Tax Act successfully for quite a few years.  Everything was purring right along until the review.  I know that part of the social security income is taxable due to the fact that our legislature does not do their job.

    When I saw that our social security income was listed at $88,000, making $34,000 of it taxable.  I dang near fell on the floor.  I wiped out all of the income information and started it over.  Same deal.  I then cleared all information and hand input all the info.  The same deal . . . of a huge error in their program.  That program error indicated that we owed the federal close to $4,000 plus having a penalty due to not estimating our taxes. 

    I may try Turbo Tax or doing a paper return . . . after I settle down.

    Dennis ran errands around town, being sure I would be finished when he was.  That’s how it should have been.  All paperwork was tucked away for another day.

    I just need to breathe.

    That is all I have to report.


  • Noreen 2:32 pm on March 28, 2024 Permalink  

    A First 

    Today we had our first interactive doctor’s visit.  I should say Dennis did.

    The pain doctor from Mankato was pleasedthat Dennis no longer was taking Methadone.  I found it interesting that while Methadone builds up in a body, it also takes a while for the body to have no retention.

    Extra Strength Tylenol is what Dennis will and can be taking for the neuropathy pain.  3,000 mg can be taken in a 24 hour period.  Dennis’ last Methadone was taken Feb. 28th.  I know since then he has never maxed out on the Tylenol per day.  Tylenol, aka: Acetaminophen stays in the system for approximately six hours.  Dennis will have to regulate the dosage.

    One less doctor to be on the schedule.

    The bright sun goes hand in hand with the kids not having school today.  I have totally lost track of the amount of days the kids get off for Easter. 

    I do realize that Easter does not always fall on the same calendar day.  What I do remember about the Thursday before Easter, aka: Maunday Thursday, my dad passed away on the Thursday before Easter.  He was called home way too young.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:04 pm on March 27, 2024 Permalink  

    Powerful Sun 

    The sun is showing us how powerful it has become as we head towards a true spring.

    We did have enough rain during this last system to allow for our sump-pump to run.

    Dennis is working with the last of the ice at our front and back doors.  Surprisingly how thick it was.

    I Took most of this day to do some cleaning at my own speed.

    My aunt, Janet, from Brownton called.  That is usually good for at least a half hour.  I enjoy visiting with her as more times than not we do a bit of reminiscing.

    Tomorrow we are to do a zoom visit with the pain doctor from Mankato.  I have the pre-visit questionnaire done.  We have never done this before.  Time will tell.

    I came down to the studio to clean-up around the sewing machine and put some spools of thread back where they belong.  It is always more enjoyable to come to the studio when all has been tidied up for a new project to be started.  I think that would hold true for anyone that needs tools and equipment close to hand to succeed.  Each task requires its own repertoire of needs. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:45 pm on March 26, 2024 Permalink  

    Oh so Heavy 

    When Randy came over with his long green line, he didn’t even attempt to engage the snowblower.  The heavy weight snow was pushed and scraped down the driveway.  The concrete is now bare and drying.  For here in town, the snow is too heavy to blow.

    The huge evergreen on the north corner of our home can really howl and groan with the wind gusts.

    All is well.  We now have had a few days of an actual winter.

    It did surprise me that the mailman was doing his rounds.  Real estate tax statements and my new driver’s license were handed over as I greeted him from the front deck.

    Nothing else to report.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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