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  • Noreen 2:06 pm on April 25, 2024 Permalink  

    The Fields 

    The farmers are out in full swing before the weekend of promised rains.  

    The strong winds from the southeast has some field dirt winding its way into town.  It makes for a hazy look.

    In our small home, when one item is moved into better utility it guarantees that five other items will also be moved, either going down to the studio, or coming up from the studio.  I am gaining on it.   More importantly I am in this to win it.

    I will say that each day, I hope to hear from my dentist that my bottom appliance has been received and we move onto the four extractions.  Ish!  I hate pain.

    The end of April is soon upon us.  In these first four months I have achieved much.  Some of the achievement was making our work being done smarter and safer rather than harder . . . oh, I have fallen and can’t get up.  I have noticed that Dennis is no longer apprehensive getting on to the zero-turn as he was last year.  Of course it was his idea to have Randy put on the grab bars.  Tee hee.

    Security in my life has always been important.  Many times I had no control over that security.  It warms my heart knowing that within this tiny home, I have physical and financial security at the age that I am.  Thanks be to God.  I have been able to help son’s and daughter’s families when needed without hindering our day-to-day life within this sweet tiny home,  May it be so for a very long time.

    With this I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:10 pm on April 24, 2024 Permalink  


    Ah-yes, it does tug at my heart strings, when I see what happens to Dennis.  The heart and mind is willing, but the body says . . . not today.

    Dennis realized today that his reflects are not quick enough to use the propane brush burner.  I respect him so much for finding where Jeff lives here in town to ask for his help.  When Dennis came in for lunch, he commented to me, crossing the bridge that has kept his son and him apart was really painless.

    When Jeff had his three-wheel bike’s battery charged up he came over.  It was definitely not the same Jeff of three years ago.  Sweet.

    When Jeff came into the house, he voluntarily shared that drinking was no longer in his life. 

    Right now father and son are in the patio porch watching a war documentary.  Sweet.

    I, on the other hand realized yesterday, I was lacking a flat service out in my bedroom porch to lay something down on either for stitching or for a flat service that would not allow items to slide to the floor.  My homemade slanted stand was perfect for reading and for having my stitching pattern on. 

    Down to the studio I went after supper, while Dennis was in the patio porch.  Up came my very first sewing machine table of 1968.  The middle of the top pushed apart to allow my Sears sewing machine to sit in the recessed area, making it level with the remaining top.   I got it upstairs and into my bedroom porch and there, I called it a day.  It is 28″ H x 43″ L x 18″ D.  When there is an emotional attachment to an item and stored, it finds its way into everyday service.  Ah-yes!

    It fits right up to the south window length-wise and allows my slanted set-up to work perfectly to its right that is under the west window.

    Of course today I was and am busy making adjustments.  When all will be said and done . . . mission completion.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:48 pm on April 23, 2024 Permalink  


    Overnight the tree tops have taken on the lime green color.  That tells me that there will be a whole bunch of pollen in the air.  Actually a pollen warning came up on the task-bar that shows the temperature information. 

    I have a few yellow beauties blooming under the Lilacs amid the Hosta.  They are more forthcoming right now than what the Hosta are showing.  I plan on letting them have their hay-day.  I will keep my size 8.5 out of the area.  Once the tips of the Hosta are stepped on, the showing of the plant has been blemished before it had half a chance.

    Last night for supper I fixed chicken titties in my all time favorite coating mix.  With that we had green beans and a side dish of Stove Top Stuffing.  I had not fixed a box of that for a very long time.  I get it extra tasty by putting in the double amount of butter.  Yum.

    Dennis is chomping at the bit to try out his propane brush killer.  Ants in the pants for sure.  Each day when the neighbor’s flag is billowing, he knows he will have to find other mischief.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:22 pm on April 22, 2024 Permalink  

    Hang On 

    Yesterday the wind from the north took the mowed grass far, far away.

    Today the wind from the south decided to outdo the north wind.  The mail slot has been banging non stop.

    I spent some time going through a small purple tote on the top shelf in the studio.  Inside was a treasure trove of stitching fabric.  At one time, Lena had done some counted cross stitch.  Her stash even held several needles.  I have picked up the craft while in my bedroom porch perched upon my cherry red chair.  The craft is slow going and very soothing.  Today I spent time labeling the pieces of fabric by the number of stitches per inch.  The range went from 14 stitches, 16 stitches, 18 stitches, 25 stitches and one at 32 stitches.  If two threads worked over two of the 32 count, it will work out finished as the 16 count.  I have an idea that some of these pieces were Carrie’s and may well have contributed to the little purple tote stash.  Carrie did counted cross stitch when first she moved to the metro for school and later on with employment.

    When the kids were here for Easter, Kersten was indoctrinated into Dennis’ television watching . . . crime shows depicting real events, with names changed to protect the innocent.  I spend our evenings doing stitching in my bedroom porch, listening to the drama.  Needless to say, I won’t be running out of resources.

    I know Lena had her sewing room in an extra south-facing bedroom.  Lena did not man her sewing machine after the supper time.  I take that same time frame.  Lena crocheted during the evening hours when her and Raymond each sat in their recliners.

    Hmm.  The thread and fuzz does not fall far from the tree.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:58 pm on April 21, 2024 Permalink  

    The Sun 

    The sun has heat.  The sun has the ability to promote yard work.

    Dennis was able to get on the zero-turn with no problems.  The two grab bars were worth the $200.00.  Our acre here around our homestead did need a mowing.  It came up in clumps here and there.  It will be able to take off with a more even growth.  The mowing was with a dirt storm that ensued.  First mowing of the season under the belt.  The blue barn acre for a time in the coming week.  

    We had purchased several pump up gallon sprayers at Harbor Freight.  One is labeled bugs and the other is labeled weeds.  This afternoon I may have sacrificed several Russian Sage perennials.  There was an infestation of Night Shade among the flowers.  That is such a nasty weed.  The roots crawl under the dirt like quack.  If need be, I might have to do some digging to get rid of it.

    Several times over the years we have talked about our flatware in the kitchen drawer.  The forks were always the main topic.  Spearing a well-cooked Brussels sprout would be out of the question.  No can do.  In between time this afternoon the flatware drawer has been cleaned out.  Sifting and sorting what will be kept and what will be no more.  In yesterday’s mail, a service for eight of Onida flatware came to our front deck.  When I ordered it, I chose the widest fork handles available.  We had such a mod-podge in that drawer.  I ordered the set of forks, knives and spoons.  The favorite serving pieces will be returning to the drawer with several of those extras being retired.  I have an emotional attachment to several serving old-time pieces.

    Sometimes we look at what we have for our daily living without actually seeing it.

    The new week is tomorrow and we have no appointments.  Sweet.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:19 pm on April 20, 2024 Permalink  

    House Bound 

    The wind and 45 degrees have decided for me that today I am house bound.

    I do have quite a lot of stitches to pick out.  I sat at the dining room table for the better part of the morning.  When Dennis came in at noon, he shook his head.  He felt no one would blame me if the placemat hit the circular file.  It may come to that.  If I work on it, either the eyes or the hands will tell me to pack it in for the day.  I felt one day of picking threads is not a fair test as yet.

    Next week there may be lawnmowers humming in the neighborhood.  The cool temps and the rain has really brought out the green.

    This is a slow day on Stauffer Avenue.  I am not complaining . . . just commenting.

    My picking utensils are at rest.  I am heading to my cherry red chair in my bedroom porch.  It might feel good to put in a couple of stitches, rather than the picking thing.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:13 pm on April 19, 2024 Permalink  


    Chilly is the word of the day.  That may hold true for another day yet to come.

    Keeping the back door cleaned off with the leaf blower is a challenge.  All of the maple buds seem to nest right up to the back door with this wind.  They track in and leave a smear here and there.  The leaf blower is resting by the back door.

    Patience-BuilderWith every endeavor there is room for failure.  I was motoring right along with Megan’s placemats, using succulent designs.  Hmm, that didn’t sound right.  I cut the threads and took the hoop off of the embroidery module.  Oh my gosh.  It looked like the back of the hoop was growing teddy bears.  I can’t imagine how many yards of thread were balling up with no real hint.  Hello!  Am I deaf?  I did say it didn’t sound right.  This was the sixth of the placemats I had ordered.  It was sold as a pack of six.  I do not throw things away without a fight.  I have time.  I have energy. I have a seam ripper. I have a tweezer.  My all time favorite . . . time will tell.  A little bit each day.  

    Five placemats out of six stitched out perfectly.  No way will I throw in the towel.  What will ensue will be chalked-up as a patience builder.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:28 pm on April 18, 2024 Permalink  

    A Bit Chilly 

    It was a bit chilly, but it sure made picking up branches easy.  I tend to be quite hot blooded and can sweat just like my dad . . . a lot.

    Last year we spent a fair amount in brush killer that needed to be sprayed on.  It might be a bit too early to see if we had some positive carry-over.  I sure hope so.  The blue barn acre cleaned up well last year.  It is the south lot line that remains a challenge.  All of the rotting railroad ties wouldn’t be so bad, if there were not weeds growing up and around.

    Yesterday our propane brush killer came via Amazon.  It has its own flint and a 10′ hose to use from the propane tank.  Our Fleet Farm four wheel trailer will be used to secure the 20 gallon propane tank with bungie cords.  The tank has yet to be purchased from our Fleet Farm.  With a hand sprayer, you need to be almost on top of the brush and weeds to give them a cover.  Time will tell after things have dried up a bit after this well-needed rain.

    We had picked up a crock-pot tray at Walmart last week. A good cut of beef, complete with carrots and potatoes.  Kevin and Kersten had brought us one at Christmas.  It was tasty down to the last bit of the beef that I used in some homemade soup.

    When I came in from the outside, the aroma of the crock-pot doing its things was . . . bring it on.

    I have just a bit of time to visit my cherry red bedroom porch chair. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:05 pm on April 17, 2024 Permalink  


    Our 2024 spring season is on a sabbatical for a few days.  Nothing says typical better than rain showers.  All of the winter grime has been washed off . . . everything outside.  It hasn’t slowed the robins down one bit in making nests under our west awning.  More power to them.

    Dennis took a forenoon nap today.  That was the first time since Easter that his recliner was used.  Naps in the patio porch don’t count.  Two of the three kitties check out his jacket to see how far in they can crawl and soak up some good ole body heat from Dennis.

    This afternoon Dennis will be getting an eye injection for his wet macular degeneration.  The appointment had been spread out to once every three months.  Happy days.  Between these injections and the CPAP . . . oh so thankful that I have no need for either.

    This afternoon, I stitched out three placemats for Megan in the succulent motif.  I am saving one for tomorrow.  My bedroom porch is beckoning me for either some reading or perhaps some stitching.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:41 pm on April 16, 2024 Permalink  

    Welcomed Rain 

    There was thunder telling us rain could not be far behind.  Not very much lightning, which is a good thing.

    The rain and wind was a combination that induced sleep.

    Dennis had made arrangements to pick up Dwayne for coffee at McDonald’s.  When he came home he mentioned all the farmers around South Branch had come in.  Lots of talking ensued.  As usual Dennis made whips around town for them to take in all things that are in the works.  The best news that Dennis shared with me is that we are the owners of the heavy duty implement trailer that was Dwayne’s and we have been storing for him.  Hats off!  Some time in the future Kevin and Kersten will need to find room for this trailer as Dennis said he would be handing it over to them when he is done using it.

    Today I was folding laundry as yesterday I got laundry pods home.  Dennis always wears a pocket tee-shirt either solo or under a shirt or jacket.  He may go through two in one day depending on what he is doing.  As laundry loads are forthcoming, I will put them on hangers.  That will be much easier on my hands and arms rather than the folding process so they look tidy.  I would never just take them from the dryer and cram them in a drawer getting all wrinkled.  I take pride in how Dennis goes out and about.

    The next thing on my docket was working on Dennis’ bed coverings.  He likes the weight and heft that he equates with warmth 12 months a year.  I do believe he sleeps restless enough that he gets balled up in all the layers of coverings and falls out of bed.  First time, I thought nothing of it.  With that happening too often, tonight we will see if having only one cover will work better.  That one cover is a down and polyester filled cover encased in a cotton duet flannel covering that is easily laundered.  My such cover is the summer weight.  Dennis’ is several levels denser as he is always cold sleeping with an electric mattress pad, plus flannel sheets, plus a heavy flannel two-sided quilt with heavy batting that I had made for him, plus the double layer of polar fleece.  This one cover fits all of those and can be pulled over one way or another.  If it gets kicked off there is only one cover to pull back on and over for warmth.  The mattress pad may still be turned on with the fitted bottom sheet.  Time will tell. 

    All Dennis needed was a list that he needed and what we like on our one Subway Tuna on cheese bread 12″ sandwich for our suppertime.  All we can handle is cutting that 12″ into 6″ portions for each of us.  Perfect suggestion.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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