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  • Noreen 2:52 pm on May 14, 2024 Permalink  

    A Balmy Day 

    Me, my laptop, mouse, and telephone were at our friendly bank at 9:30.  Michelle was waiting to help.  I decided to take my equipment so I would have verification all was working before I left the bank.  A very good feeling.

    Dennis and Dwayne had coffee at McDonald’s this morning.  Without taking a break, he stuck his head in the door and said he was going to mow the yards.  So be it.

    I tackled a few more yellow blooms.  I couldn’t help but notice that where the rotted lilacs had been cut down several years ago, none of the new sucker sprouts from the roots were doing well.  The rest of the story came to light when neighbor Jan came out to visit across the white picket fence.  Hmm.  Early in the season when Dennis was setting up his propane brush burner, Jan said he totally did a number on the sucker sprouts and everything else along the picket fence line.  Here I thought it was some kind of shrub disease.  Ya, right!  I am thankful the fence didn’t melt.  Hey, I can’t keep my eyes on him all the time.  I do not plan on saying a word.  What’s the point!

    Several seasons ago, I shared some Fern Peony tubers with Jan.  This year she has three blooms.  I have two separate plants with blooms.  This last up and down winter didn’t do them any favors.  Gardeners win some and lose some.

    We are having the first batch of potato salad for 2024.  Plain butter bread goes well with that offering.  My recipe calls for equal amounts of potatoes, onions and chopped boiled eggs.  Not the usual, but we like it.

    From what I see through the screens of my bedroom porch windows . . . its going to be quite the season of wasps.  Jan has a wasp catcher hanging from her sheppard’s crook.  It will be interesting to see how that turns out.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:49 pm on May 13, 2024 Permalink  

    Monday the 13th 

    I am just about at the 4,000 post on this blog.  With the admin giving me usually a one-time command, all goes well.  I wanted to change my pass word with our bank.  How difficult could that be?  Well, well. I will be going into the bank tomorrow morning.  Having them send me a call on my cell for a passcode . . . it doesn’t ring.  I haven’t seen the girls in the bank for a long time.  

    After a trip to our grocer’s it was time to have a bite of lunch with Dennis.  He had had plans with friend Dwayne.  That didn’t pan out either.  This Monday . . . best to re-group.

    I went out and got quite a few huge dandelions dug out with my fork-tongued stabber.  One incredible sow thistle is no more.  Of course I plucked a few tips off of the cat-nip plants.  Before I came in, Harriet was passed out on top of some of it sleeping it off.  Tee hee.  The cats are not drawn to it unless it has been broken off and the scent begins to waft.  Too funny.

    I didn’t stay out long as I didn’t want my maiden voyage of this spring to be long enough that I would hurt later.  A few minutes each day will make progress.  My next escapade will require using several bushel baskets to cover the Hosta so  I can spray the area around it. There is a nasty plant that spreads like a hairnet.  With all the rain it is now in the bloom stage ready for the blooms to dry and spread their seed.  I was amazed how hard the dirt is in certain areas.

    Dennis and I had Mrs. Gerry’s spring pasta salad, a cold beef sandwich and chips and dip for a late lunch.  I am thinking of waving a magic wand as the supper hour rolls around.

    With that I take my leave. ♥

  • Noreen 2:11 pm on May 12, 2024 Permalink  

    Sunday the 12th 

    What great temps for today.  70 degrees right from the start.

    With my breakfast coffee filled to the brim of my cup, I was headed to the front deck to take in the morning.  Not long after I had sat down, I was feeling guilty.  MaMa Robin had her beak so full of goodies waiting and wanting to get to her nest.  That nest is tucked in under the awning of our front door and deck.  I gave in and settled into my front porch bedroom caving in to opening the window for the great breeze.

    Our day was a quiet one with each of us settling in.  When Dennis’ granddaughter, Sadie, and her two little girls made a surprising visit the quiet went away.  It is wonderful for his family to feel popping in is good.  It is good.  The visit lasted for several hours and they were off to surprise more family members here in St. James.

    It is three in the afternoon and there is thunder rumbling in the northwest.  The wind has changed from northeast to northwest.

    Not only have I no projects going on in the studio, I need the ground water to subside a bit after we have had quite a bit of rain.  Our basement is tiled on three sides, aka: the studio.  Yesterday, I could hear water coursing in the tile heading for the sump pump.  That is ice cold water.  No matter how I would dress these last days, the air and the floor is very very cold.  My goal was to finish Megan’s kitchen wares with embroidery and I did.  She knew I was doing placemats but the towels and pot holders will be a surprise.  Mission completion.

    We had Sub-Way for supper last night.  A 12″ Tuna with all the fixings, split in half is all Dennis and I can do for a meal.  Seeing as how neither of us have done more than lift a single finger today, supper will be light.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:04 pm on May 11, 2024 Permalink  


    Our lilacs are full of pollinators.  Quite a few bumblebees found their way into the patio porch.  What I have noticed is a fair amount of wasps by the front door.  That reminds me to take the roll of Gorilla Duct Tape into the attic and put it around that west-facing window.

    The studio is closed for the weekend.  All projects have been completed and any new thoughts will need to take a breather.

    Before Fleet Farm could close yesterday, Dennis bought and came home with a Proctor Silas coffee maker.  A buy at $33.00.  He had not even considered having to go to Cassey’s this morning for coffee.  Hopefully, the third coffee pot is charmed. 

    Dennis has mowed what he felt needed it.

    It’s a great day for the fishing opener.

    It’s a great day for me having some time in my bedroom porch for either reading or stitching.

    The coffee pot episode yesterday got quite a bit of my Saturday work done on a Friday.  Happy sunny Saturday to one and all.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:24 pm on May 10, 2024 Permalink  

    Stitching Right Along 

    Colorful-SucculentsBy the time the words are done dribbling out of me, my Bernina will tell me there are no more stitches left in it for today.  Everything in the studio went without a hitch today.  Needing to fill a bobbin is no big deal.  I did take the time to fill five of them.  In between time, I have been placing threads back in the storage boxes.  I place them in sequential order so there are eight boxes with 30 spools each.  Inside each box is a slip of paper giving me the range from lowest to highest number.  Restocking the thread goes quite quickly.  I felt compelled to capture the colorful pot holders and mitts with the camera.  The repair stitching of mitts will be for another day.

    I thought I would have enough umph left today to sew up three of the four oven mitts with their faces having been stitched.  Not!  Where did the umph go?  When I lifted the Mr. Coffee this forenoon, the handle let loose.  The same thing happened to Dennis last month.  He was lucky in that the full pot landed and splashed in the sink and all over the counter.  My luck . . . the pot fell on the floor exploding hot coffee and glass everywhere.

    I shut down the sewing machine in the studio.  I needed to do a “clean-up on aisle one.” I used a loaded Swiffer to push everything to one pile.  With the dust pan and brush, coffee and glass went into the trash.  I used paper toweling to corral more of the same.  I took the dust pan and brush outside to make sure no glass slivers remained.  I needed a breather and got some fresh air.

    Star-of-David-BloomsThat is when I captured a bit of bliss from the back door.  The Star of David blooms don’t last long, but they are the sweetest part of the early spring.  You can’t kill them, as I have tried.  They self-pollinate at will.  Over time their greenery dries up and doesn’t leave a trail. 

    Back to the kitchen mess.  With the coffee having been mopped up and the floor dry.  I got out the little shop vac and with the smallest attachment that left no air between attachment and floor.  I covered every square inch of flooring in the kitchen, bathroom and living area.  The bathroom showed shards of glass, the living room not so much.  I wasn’t going to take a chance.

    After I post this blog, I will do the vacuuming again.  The bright spot of taking breaks was getting cards in the mail from the kids for Mother’s Day.  Sweet!  Sweet!  I will have a great Mother’s Day weekend as I know they will also.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:24 pm on May 9, 2024 Permalink  

    Made It 

    Made it from the last of Dennis’ radiology appointments until 2025.

    I am thankful for medical expertise.  I am more thankful when it will be once a year, God allowing.

    Later on today, I will be able to read the clinical notes of today’s visit for Dennis on the Mayo Portal.

    We did get the little red pickup in at Jiffy Lube.  Dennis is getting it serviced right around every 2,000 miles due to the age of it.  Jiffy Lube has put in a hoist and pit for tire rotation.  Yup, do it up!  I watched the process of how carefully they put the lifters on under the pickup frame.  Front tires to the back and back tire to the front.

    My get up and go for this day is gone.  When I got home, I punched the coffee pot so it is reheating the breakfast coffee.

    Tomorrow is Friday!  I am planning on being in the studio.  I have three oven mitts to put back together after embroidering on the face of them.  When Kevin and Kersten took home some items on Easter, low and behold a pant and shirt set that was embellished with hand embroidery from his elementary school days.  Bless his heart, he wore them proudly.  Would that go over in 2024 wearables for kids?  Yesterday children’s clothing . . . today oven mitts and potholders.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:16 pm on May 8, 2024 Permalink  

    Dressed For It 

    I knew when I got up this morning, I was going to spend time in the studio.  I dressed for it.  Long sleeve shirt, heavy socks and heavy shoes.

    I came up at twelve noon to have lunch with Dennis and then returned to the studio.  It is now three in the afternoon and I have called it a day in the  studio.  I had turned the thermostat up knowing the studio air would be cool.  I was moving around from table to table with my projects, but my fingers got chilled.  Tomorrow is another day.  No deadlines.  It makes a body feel good to get back to the point of having choices with threads and fuzz.  I am thankful I have made a nest for myself in my bedroom porch for reading and doing the hand stitching of counted cross stitch.

    Tomorrow Dennis has ultrasounds in Mankato’s radiology department.  It is nothing more than a follow up to see how the stints are holding up in his leg.

    The KNUJ radio station had quite a bit of static.  The air-waves might have been picking up thunder showers.  The southeast wind is hanging on to less than warm temps.

    Supper is going to be smorgasbord:  leftover boiled potatoes with several eggs scrambled in also with some breakfast sausages.  Mix it all up and call it a hot evening meal.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:59 pm on May 7, 2024 Permalink  


    The thunder and lightning during the night was noticed but not enough to keep me awake.  It is rare, but I didn’t need to make a bathroom visit last night.  At seven this morning it wasn’t up for debate. 

    My agenda for this morning, was to make a total first floor vacuum project.  Swiffer’s can get a lot, but when the sun shines across the laminate flooring, not so much.  Our small shop vac comes in oh so handy.  A thorough cleaning of the clothes dryer vents gives assurance of avoiding a clothes dryer fire.  It is amazing how hot the clothes is when taking it out of dryer immediately when it shuts off. 

    The hot BBQ sandwiches were good for supper last night, but a lb. of ground beef makes a huge batch for just the two of us.  We even scooped some up with potato chips.  This afternoon, a few white Russet potatoes got peeled and the remaining BBQ will be ladled over the boiled potatoes.  Boiled potatoes never get old for me.

    Today Dennis and friend Dwayne messed around with Dwayne’s international tractor that Dwayne has stored in our back garage for more years than I can remember.  Dennis has had a trickle charger on it, getting it ready for a day such as this.  It started right out.  The two fellows wore themselves out for today.  It is sitting in our drive with plans for tomorrow to wash it off.  Slow and steady it is for these life-long friends.

    Megan and I texted back and forth this morning.  She is finished with her four year college time that she accomplished in three years.  Wow.  This Thursday she will fly to Minnesota.  Carrie is having surgery in Rochester on May 20th.  I am sure Megan will be helping out in Carrie’s store.  Megan, her dad and a U-Haul will be leaving June 1st to move Megan to her new home in Virginia.  Hmm :(.   I assured her we would see her before June 1st.

    This afternoon, I have thread colors picked out for Megan’s remaining pot holders.  That is my agenda for tomorrow, Wednesday.  Along with the thread, I oiled the machine and put a new needle in.  The prep is done.

    I am having a mid-afternoon pick-me-up.  When last we were in Menards we bought a rather large bag of individually wrapped Life Savers.  Some left-over breakfast coffee and a banana flavored Life Saver.  Come on energy!

    It sounds as if we could get more rain in the next several days.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 12:04 pm on May 6, 2024 Permalink  

    Ahh, Yes 

    It is Monday and that means laundry day.  It pretty much goes just as it did for Lena.  She was a steadfast user of Mrs. Stewart’s Bluing Rinse for the light colored and white pieces as well water could yellow them.  It also came in handy to put just a tad in the rinse water of shampooing the hair.  I believe that is where the species of the “Blue Hair” came about.  Too funny.

    Wind.  Yup, gusts of 45 MPH west of Mankato.  I think it blew the sun away.

    This last crazy winter, cold then warm, has done a number on my Fern Peonies.  Only one or two blooms to open.

    Dryer-HandleIt is always very reassuring for logic to be on the back burner.  Dennis does a good job of picking out the wet laundry and putting it up into the dryer.  This noon the dryer handle came off in his hand.  It was plastic with four little clips holding it to the door.  Did I mention logic?  Our DIY may catch on for the homes having the modern chick look.  Just a gentle tug will do it.  Ahh, yes.  What’s next!

    Supper this evening is a chopped salad kit with B-B-Qs.  Have not had hot sandwiches in quite a long time.  BTW, I am so waiting to get a call from my dentist.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:57 pm on May 5, 2024 Permalink  

    Sunday, May 5th 

    This afternoon the ole cowboy and the Cub drove up to the BP to fill the fuel tank.  It was a good site.  Yesterday both garages got the floors washed down.  Having adequate garden hose makes it easier.  I will say, Dennis has been on a role.  After we had a light noon lunch, he is on the zero-turn.  I have no idea how much of the 2.2 acre will get mowed.  I will say he has been sleeping good.

    As for me, I am moving from one spot to another here on the first floor.  It’s a matter of arthritis in the lower back that is persistent in bucking.  It began yesterday.  A haircut and a pedicure can’t be accomplished for me without sitting in the chairs designed for such services.  It’s nothing new, it just needs to be respected for a day or so.  The good thing is, is that it doesn’t prevent me from getting a good night’s rest.

    The mail did bring the sticky stabilizer yesterday.  Sometime later this week, I will work on the remaining oven mitts and pot holders for Megan.  I really enjoy the scope of things that I can become enmeshed in.  It makes for a balanced day.

    Tasty left-overs for supper.  With that I take my leave.  ♥

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