The hum of lawnmowers is more like a multi-directional roar. Dennis did contribute to it. I say nothing in regard to where or how often he mows. I do know he needs to be busy and mowing is not confrontational with me. Have at it. I put in my stint with getting some weeds out of the flower bed. I put them where Dennis mulched them with the Sear’s rider.
Yesterday, a box was delivered to Dennis. The return address was just Reliable Shipping. As I was in the backyard, I don’t know if it was UPS or Fed-X. The cardboard box was really dirty dusty. It’s not unusual for those trucks to have their doors open and this time of year, there is dust everywhere.
The contents of the box was from my aunt in Arizona. One large heavy quilt, one lap quilt and one table runner. I did know her kids were asking her to begin a dispersal of hundreds of such items. When we went to visit her in 2015, she sent several table runners home with us and she then replicated those items to put back in her stash. Hmm.
This morning, I knew the quilt needed to go out on the clothes line. I can’t tell you what the scent was, but it wasn’t good. I am hoping it was from the cardboard box. The remaining two items went to the wash. Dennis had to help me get the quilt on the clothes line and even Dennis said it was not good. In the fresh air it was really noticeable. For now, I can’t even tell you what size the quilt is. I do know when Lorraine had the top pieced, she ordered the stitched quilting design for a long arm quilter to follow. She told me that stitching design package cost her an additional $399.00 over the cost of the pattern with which to piece it.
I like my threads and fuzz but tend more to do the basics. I can tell you why. I want my quilts to be used and perhaps even be abused in the use of them. My grandmother Laura used feed sack prints and I am still getting use out of that quilt. The quilts that I have pieced were used with fabrics of a much higher warp and weft count. Please . . . use them.
We are having chicken titties and the remainder of my potato salad dish that was left over from last night.
As people are getting off from their work places, the grass doesn’t stand a chance.
With that I take my leave. ♥