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  • Noreen 3:41 pm on May 24, 2024 Permalink  

    Thunder Rolled 

    About two this morning the lightning and thunder let us know we had more rain coming.

    It has been a breezy cool day.  For those that like to camp, campfires would work well.

    We have no plans for this holiday weekend.

    Dennis has his patio porch and I have the multiple floors of our home with no lack of things to while away my time.  Fuzz and threads know no limits.

    For my families . . . be good, be kind and be safe.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:47 pm on May 23, 2024 Permalink  


    My oh my.  The ole cowboy is in the mowing gear.  I assume it is going to be all or nothing for him today.  When I got a small bottle of Sprite for him, his clothes are dripping with dandelion fuzz, clipped grass and anything else that shot out of the mower from the cutting side.  He uses a bungee cord to tie up that which would keep the grass and such blowing down when it comes off of the blades.  Where does it go if not down . . . but caught in the breeze to cover the operator.  As I am not using the old Sear’s mower or doing any mowing, I have no beef. 

    Jeremy has been keeping me up to speed on Carrie.  Jeremy is forthright and no drama.  Tylenol plus is the pain med being given.  Jeremy said they would be going home from Rochester as soon as the doctor had made their morning rounds.  I have not asked any questions whatsoever.

    I have been in the studio today and enjoying it.  I can also report to the Watson boys that the toilet is cycling every fifteen minutes and needing about nine seconds to refill the water in the tank.  Burk said he would be back as what had been done earlier in the week was apparently not the rest of the story.  We are in good hands.

    It is clouding over and I think I heard something about rain showers.

    The one baby Robin that has been fed non-stop, actually made it out of the nest today.  We will be able to enjoy sitting on the front deck without the mama badgering us to leave.  Her mouth would be so full of food for the one baby, she still had a way of guilting.

    It is beef meatballs, instant mash potatoes and jellied cranberries for supper.  The sell-by-date of the milk was the 20th.  It will do just fine for the potatoes.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:58 pm on May 22, 2024 Permalink  

    Plentiful Rain 

    It seemed as if it rained all day yesterday.  Some in Iowa would have only wished that was all that was to be had.

    Alright, the guilt got the best of me.  I called my brother in Iowa to check in with him.  There, I can say I did it.  Every other word is an expletive.   It is 45 minutes with no positive input from him.  When he is bored, he goes to bed at four in the afternoon.  I feel bad when my body tells me I have to go to bed by nine or ten as there is a bit more I’d like to do.  Oh well, it is what it is.

    I did receive a text last night at six from Jeremy.  Carrie had pulled the short straw and was one of the last ones for surgery.  I was correct that they would do a preliminary pathology run on the tissue that was removed.  No cancer was detected, but Jeremy said further study of it would ensue.  I will pop off a text to her either this evening or tomorrow. 

    A pickup pulling a huge hayrack filled with potted plants went by.   I am sure the greenhouse is delivering to the cemetery south of town.

    When we lived at South Branch and were taking care of the cemetery, there would be all sorts of items next to the stones as mementoes.  After short periods of strong winds taking its tole on those mementoes, it was a clean-up that needed to be done day after day.  What beat all was the faded plastic flowers.  Ish.

    For myself, I don’t partake in that tradition.  Numerous family members and a child of our own are no less remembered for the lack of paraphernalia on or by their stones. 

    The breeze from the northwest is wonderful as I am sitting in my west-facing bedroom porch.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:54 pm on May 21, 2024 Permalink  

    A Hurry-Up Day 

    Last night, I texted Jeremy and asked him to let me know when Carrie got out of surgery today in Rochester.  He texted back that he absolutely would.  The mass on the lung was in a spot that a biopsy couldn’t be done.  So . . . I am thinking once surgery got to that spot they would then determine if it was cancerous or not before Carrie went to recovery.  It has been a hurry-up and wait day, undoubtedly also for Megan and Nicholas at home.  In recent past surgeries of mine, my family was on the hurry-up and wait end.  Not fun.

    We are having the lightning and thunder storm that was forecast.  First round of rain was earlier in the day.  The thunder can really crack unloading nitrogen . . . or is that an old wives tale.

    The Chinese noodles and diced cooked pork went over well for supper last night.  I heated the thawed noodles with butter in a skillet and added a tablespoon of Better than Bullion, Roasted Garlic flavor.  I added the pork with several dashes of soy sauce over.  Dennis gave it a thumbs up.

    Not a hectic day here and supper will be fried egg sandwiches.  It was one of my dad’s go-to quick meals with ketchup.  Of course Dennis will have the ketchup on the table.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:04 pm on May 20, 2024 Permalink  

    A Day 

    The older ones on Stauffer Avenue are having a good day.

    I knew Carrie’s would in be Rochester today, but I had thought it would be surgery day.  Not.  That is tomorrow.  Today was for various meets and greets and the last of testing needed.  I so remember days like that.  You just want to lie down, go to sleep and get it over with.

    I did get a call from my dentist that my bottom appliance came to them in this morning’s mail.  She said I could stop in this afternoon.  When she looked at my records, she realized there would be four extractions and the afternoon opening would not allow enough time.  Back to the scheduling.  Hmm.  June 3rd.  I have waited this long, a few more weeks wouldn’t hurt.

    Burke Watson from Watson’s Plumbing responded to my phone call.  The basement toilet doesn’t want to shut off the water.  When Burke showed me what the problem was . . . a very loose rubber washer.  Talk about a fast response for service.  If that is the most serious of home repairs . . . sweet.

    Grandson Ryan enjoyed making the trip to Fairfax with Dennis.  His family lived in Fairfax when he and his two siblings were very small.  There is a two story brick building across from the swimming pool.  Sussie’s lived in the second floor apartment.  They also lived in a rental in the northwest part of town.  Ryan snapped photos and sent them to his sister in Silver Bay.  Memories.

    I had a bag of Chinese cooked noodles in the freezer.  The original batch was too huge.  I have also taken from the freezer a bag of diced pork roast left over from a crockpot meal.  Somehow I will blend the two with whatever seasonings I have.  Soy sauce comes to mind and whatever it takes.  I got a better response from this than I did when I mentioned Cheerios. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:17 pm on May 19, 2024 Permalink  

    A Road Date 

    As we took the scenic route to the north country, it was amazing how many fields had the sheen of green that the new corn plants made.  Dennis thinks the soil is still too cool for soybeans to be planted.

    Our road date allowed for a DQ cone on the way home.  First one of the season.

    Earlier this morning, I had sent a text to Carrie as she will be having surgery in the morning at Rochester.  I sent her love, support and empathy.  Not a place I would ever want to go back to . . . but who can tell.  The suspicious area on her one lung has increased in size but it is also in a spot where a biopsy could not be done.  The best outcome . . .  the growth is taken out and it is not cancer. 

    I received a text back just a few minutes ago.  Carrie has her own unique spark.  Kevin also has a unique spark but on the opposite side of the spectrum.  I have always believed and said out load, her and Kevin are the best part of Orlin and me.  Throw in a bit of unique traits of our own and there you have it.  Two individuals taking on life, each day at a time.  They will always be a part of me no matter how many years may pass . . . they are mine.

    We are having some rain, but not enough that it will be measurable. 

    Dennis had such a good morning, he is taking a nap in his patio porch.  When I looked out the bathroom window and I could see into the porch, snuggles is curled up on his chest . . . also taking a nap.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:47 pm on May 18, 2024 Permalink  

    What a Day! 

    Other than the traffic past my porch being ten-fold of what it usually is, I hope all that took part in our city-wide garage sales, being a buyer or a seller, that it went well.

    My day held for me the usual local effort of laundry and Swiffering.  When lawns are mowed, grass clippings can find their way indoors regardless how often the leaf blower is used on the doorways and the clothing of the operator.  It beats melting snow or mud.

    Dennis has had a mindset that beats all.  If he has a plan . . . beware.  Yes, like a dog that you can’t tell if he will bite or if he wants his head petted . . . beware.

    By twelve noon when he came in for noon lunch, he was a settled man.  No rushing.  No angst.  Dennis had spent the morning with his grandson Ryan.  They had obviously worked well together and the results?  Mission completion.  At 87, Dennis still has enough air and wind for his wings to unfurl and get done what he wants done.  May I be that fortunate at 87.

    I read something online by an “author unknown.”  “Never be a prisoner of your past life.  It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.”  Amazingly on point.

    I had another request for potato salad.  It is chilling in the refrigerator.  Dennis had gotten a cup of coffee from Casey’s while he and Ryan were together.  He brought home what was left.  I am finishing it as I type.  Wow!  It is flavorful but strong.  We may need to up our game when brewing each morning.

    This morning, there was one baby Robin sticking his head out of the nest under our awning.  Of course his mouth was wide open.  Mama Robin has her job cut out for herself.

    What a day!

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:47 pm on May 17, 2024 Permalink  

    Slipping Away 

    The merry month of May is slipping away from right under my fingers.

    With that being said, I can’t think of anything that should have gotten done here on the home front that didn’t.  The calendar is free of appointments until August . . . sweet.  Both vehicles have gas in them.  I may venture to our local grocer’s.  Dennis checks out the town every day.  Our pantry is not wanting for supplies.  With our quiet lifestyle, we are content.  Oh . . . it doesn’t hurt that Dennis’s garage porch has two televisions.  One for viewing with Samsung Plus and the other for the options from the Godahl tower.  My porch allows for me to have a 270 degree view of the neighborhood and street traffic.  Stitching and reading round out my options.

    The days for Dennis and me are planed one day at a time.  I have taken to sleeping until 7:30 each morning.  Dennis is up by 6:30.  All seems to work out fine.

    My mornings are for local effort within our home.  Dennis keeps a handle on the patio porch cats and vacuuming said porch.  He has also been cleaning in the far garage where the mowers and a few other miscellaneous items are parked.  Dennis can’t figure out why some of our age bracket have nothing to do.

    With my Pump-N-Go Roundup, I tackled whatever I could hit with one pump-up.  Tomorrow is another day.  Being the first use, it is heavy to manipulate the sprayer and my cane.  I know what needs its leaves dampened with a squirt of Roundup and what is a perennial.

    The temp has climbed to 86 with overcast.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:39 pm on May 16, 2024 Permalink  


    This spring the birds are happy to be around us.  We have had enough rain that the sump pump on the north side of our home provides the perfect pond for the birds to bathe in.  Last year was so terribly dry, the sump pump never ran . . . not once.

    By the way, that also speaks as to why the studio was so comfortable to be in the early part of 2023.

    We have a pair of Cardinals that flit among the lilacs.  The Blue Jays have not been plentiful.  The Thrush have nests in the evergreen on the northwest corner of our home.  Sitting very still on our front deck is rewarding for bird watching.  Mrs. Robin is busy feeding her babies in the nest built on the brackets of our awning on the west side of the house.  Neighbor Jan mentioned there is also a pair of Red Birds that she has noticed.  The sump pump pond welcomes them all.  I have noticed no one in the neighborhood has a Martin house up.

    My dad built some great Martin houses that looked more like a Martin hotel.  Martins were notorious for enjoying biting bugs as a snack.

    Some of the birds and maybe it is all of the birds, begin singing by 4:30 in the morning.  

    Don’t worry, sometime in each day the three porch kitties check out the watering hole as well.  Birds . . . beware.

    Dennis announced this noon he has spent more money these early months of 2024 on the gas for the mowers than all of last year.  The .32″ of rain from last night will keep the yards lush.

    The highway #4 going south out of St. James is detoured to Sherburn.  The traffic with side-dump trucks hauling fill begins past our home as early as the birds waking for the day.  Deadlines for that type of work gets crazy.  Prevailing wages for a MN Dot project is huge per hour.  For the truck drivers it gets to be a short night for rest.

    We are doing Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausage patties and Bisquick pancakes for supper. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:12 pm on May 15, 2024 Permalink  


    The hum of lawnmowers is more like a multi-directional roar.  Dennis did contribute to it.  I say nothing in regard to where or how often he mows.  I do know he needs to be busy and mowing is not confrontational with me.  Have at it.  I put in my stint with getting some weeds out of the flower bed.  I put them where Dennis mulched them with the Sear’s rider.

    Yesterday, a box was delivered to Dennis.  The return address was just Reliable Shipping.  As I was in the backyard, I don’t know if it was UPS or Fed-X.  The cardboard box was really dirty dusty.  It’s not unusual for those trucks to have their doors open and this time of year, there is dust everywhere.

    The contents of the box was from my aunt in Arizona.  One large heavy quilt, one lap quilt and one table runner.  I did know her kids were asking her to begin a dispersal of hundreds of such items.  When we went to visit her in 2015, she sent several table runners home with us and she then replicated those items to put back in her stash.  Hmm. 

    This morning, I knew the quilt needed to go out on the clothes line.  I can’t tell you what the scent was, but it wasn’t good.  I am hoping it was from the cardboard box.  The remaining two items went to the wash.  Dennis had to help me get the quilt on the clothes line and even Dennis said it was not good.  In the fresh air it was really noticeable.  For now, I can’t even tell you what size the quilt is.  I do know when Lorraine had the top pieced, she ordered the stitched quilting design for a long arm quilter to follow.  She told me that stitching design package cost her an additional $399.00 over the cost of the pattern with which to piece it.  

    I like my threads and fuzz but tend more to do the basics.  I can tell you why.  I want my quilts to be used and perhaps even be abused in the use of them.  My grandmother Laura used feed sack prints and I am still getting use out of that quilt. The quilts that I have pieced were used with fabrics of a much higher warp and weft count.  Please . . . use them.

    We are having chicken titties and the remainder of my potato salad dish that was left over from last night.

    As people are getting off from their work places, the grass doesn’t stand a chance.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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