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  • Noreen 2:04 pm on June 23, 2024 Permalink  

    Sunday and Humid 

    I didn’t miss it by much.

    I had estimated that the ole cowboy would be home by two this afternoon.  Dennis caught a ride home from Silver Bay with nephew Brett and his wife Molly.  Dennis is not one to be gone from home for too long.  

    The water on the patio did go down right after noon today.  Dennis’ son Ken will be coming home in Dennis’ little red pickup on Tuesday.  Ken will have his work cut out for him cleaning the patio porch.  A good trade for having the use of the little red pickup.  It may well be time for spending a $100.00 on a new carpet for the patio porch.  What is in there today is soaked with mud.  The patio kitties will be out and about today after being in a confinement since the water level kept them in.

    What water we have in the backyard is minimal compared to our farming communities.

    By the way . . . I so enjoyed the quiet from Friday morning until today . . . just saying.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:16 pm on June 22, 2024 Permalink  

    Saturday the 22nd 

    I checked the weather map on my computer and for the first time in days as I panned to the west, there is no rain heading our way.

    There is a huge area under a flood warning.  The creek just south of us has flooded closing the street in front of the fire station.

    This morning when I went out to do the livestock chores how could I be surprised that the patio porch had flooded.  All I did in the porch was tip the wooden rocker up on the table so as to keep it from soaking up water on the rockers.  Our backyard has standing water and the level of water on the patio has not changed in 24 hours. 

    It started raining at ten last night and rain hard it did.  This afternoon at one we had heavy rain with thunder and lightning.

    The air outside is icky humid.  When the new batch of mosquitoes hatch they will be large enough to qualify as battery-operated toys. 

    Dennis called this morning to check on me, the kitties and our property.  I assured him that until the water would go down on its own . . . not a thing could be done.

    I have been having some YouTube videos playing while I am stitching in my cherry red chair. 

    I can’t help but notice how many city vehicles are on the move.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:43 pm on June 21, 2024 Permalink  

    Glub, Glub 

    The drip drip of yesterday soon turned to . . . that’s not very nice.

    Dennis left at eight this morning on his weekend get away with his son Ken.  Ken had stopped at Casey’s and they had reported 4″ over the last 36 hours.

    By ten the rain was coming down in buckets.

    I was brave and ventured down into the studio.  The studio is dry.  What is the cistern closet is wet.  It was not and could not be included in the tile for around the perimeter of the studio for drainage.  It is a good five inches higher than the studio floor.  What does happen is that when there is enough water accumulated it finds its way to the bottom basement step and then runs down and drains into the tile.  We may get more rain and when I know that the deluge is over, I will tend to the cistern closet.  We know better than to have anything sit on that floor that can get wet.

    I will admit that this weekend will be a quiet retreat for me.  The first in over three years.  I need say no more in that regard.

    The weather map on my computer indicates that about six today we will be in the next wave of rain coming from the southwest.

    When I looked out onto the patio, which is underwater, where there are cuts in the concrete little air bubbles are percolating to the surface.  Too cute.

    That is all I have to report today.  I am safe and sound.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:01 pm on June 20, 2024 Permalink  

    Drip, Drip 

    The weather people have been spot on.  The drip, drip doesn’t impact us here on Stauffer Avenue, as long as the sump pump continues doing its job.

    It is mid afternoon and the patio porch is now cleared out of Curry fellows.  That had been going on since nine this morning.  It was Dennis, Ken and Jeff his sons and nephew Brett.  I am sure the BS was full bore.  Three of the four are smokers . . . pray for the kitties.  Brett chews so does that count?

    Tomorrow morning at eight Ken will pick up Dennis and the little red pickup will be headed for Silver Bay for the weekend.  It is a belated memorial for Susie’s husband that passed away in this late spring.

    Today I was in charge of getting items laid out for Dennis’ trip.

    Tomorrow I will be in charge of the livestock.

    By the way, earlier this year nephew Brett had a health concern while he was on vacation.  The rest of the story is that he had internal hemorrhoids so severe he had passed out from lack of iron in his system.  Who would have thought!  Until he can get into surgery he needs to have infusions of liquid iron.  Again . . . who would have thought.  The things that can cause health concerns.

    Today I completed a survey from the cardiac center in Rochester.  I am three years-out from my heart surgery, June 15th.  All good to report.  Sweet.   

    This evening for supper it is basted eggs, Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausage patties and apple butter jam on toast.  By the way, Jimmy Dean’s are so much better than Johnsonville’s.

    I have not much activity to report either in the studio or in my stitching bedroom porch.  Extra people on board . . . extra commotion.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:10 pm on June 19, 2024 Permalink  


    All is well.  My ears have been doing well in regard to the extra noise I had going for for several days.  Noise . . . no more.

    My dental appointment took a whopping five minutes after I was called in.  A bit of adjustment and I was on my way home.  On the 25th of this month I will be back to see how things are doing.

    I worked in the studio until Dennis came in at noon for a bit of lunch.  I have one mini pillow left to put trim onto.  Dennis came down and watched me put the trim on a pin cushion while applying glue and setting a lot of pins in to hold the glue in place.  He marvels at my patience.  I am a contented worker when it comes to threads and fuzz.  Our home is kept tidy.  We always have clean clothes.  Our menus meet the guidelines for nutrition.  Threads and fuzz keep me challenged.  Sweet.

    A phone call from my Aunt Janet is always a good thing.  She commented that the six inches of recent rains came after the farm had gotten the cutting of hay-ledge taken care of.

    Dennis’ son Jeff is visiting in the patio porch this afternoon.  Since daughter, Nurse Sandy, is working with Jeff and his health issues, I do not get involved.  If there is something I can do, I am sure I will be asked or I will find out about it.

    Nephew Brett is picking Dennis’ eldest child up at the Sioux Falls airport from Arizona at midnight.  A big thank you to Brett.  Ken, his dad and his brother Jeff have a lot to catch up on.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:00 pm on June 18, 2024 Permalink  

    Stormy Humid 

    Being outside for very little time is telling that we may be in for a stormy afternoon.

    By 9:15 this morning the huge limb that had blown down Saturday during the night was gone and the fellows cleaned up the area with rakes.  They do a great job.

    Neighbors Jan and Randy left this morning with a group of Gold Wingers on a trip to Colorado.  Twelve bikes and 18 people.  I wished them a safe and fun vacation.

    First off I have news.  After Kevin read my blog yesterday, he sent me a link via email to help with the noise in my ears.  I have since subscribed to that link so I may always find it.  The exercises on that 10 minute video has helped and I believe has taken care of that hissing noise I had commented on.  Was it full blown Tinnitus or congestion in the ears?  Knowing what to do about it if it comes back . . . sweet. 

    I had done the exercises through several repetitions yesterday and again first thing this morning.

    As the noises have not been a usual for me over time, I did take in the proximity of the ears and jaw.  I have had some extreme dental work done in the recent past and I wonder if there was a coloration.  Whatever!  The simple exercises worked and the video is now a part of my YouTube library.  Praise be!

    ProgressI have fun in my studio.  Today I filled two pincushions with crushed walnuts and two mini pillows with fiber fill.  Getting them sewn shut felt good.  Putting the trim around the outside is tedious.  I can only do one one per day.  It challenges the left hand to no end.  I can report I did not get glue in my hair or on my glasses.  The surrounding area was well protected so cleanup was minimal.  The crushed walnut shell pincushion got the adornment.

    Tomorrow at nine, I will be at the dentist’s office for a bit of adjustment on the right hand side of the bottom plate.  It will be a good thing.  Yesterday when we were in Mankato we stopped at Perkins.  The two eggs, hash browns and sausage patties were a great treat.  I couldn’t do the crust on the toast.  I admit I slid the bottom plate in my jacket pocket on the way home.  The rotation of the tongue while chewing allowed me to know I needed a bit of adjustment, which is coming tomorrow. 

    This evening we are having Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup and a potted chicken sandwich with butter and Mayo.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:19 pm on June 17, 2024 Permalink  

    Monday the 17th 

    A light and thunder show at three in the morning that turned into rain for most of the forenoon.

    We were at the Pulmonary Dept. in Mankato at 8:30 this morning.  Dennis uses his CPAP machine faithfully.  Once a year the prescription for the actual machine and the supplies it takes yanks our chain.  From there we had an appointment at the Eastridge MAYO clinic to visit with the sleep doctor.  Dennis is allowed a new machine every five years and the doctor at this clinic is the one that can order it through the Mayo Store on Madison Avenue in Mankato.  There is no guarantee how long it will take to arrive.  So be it.

    There are no other “Dennis Appointments” on the June docket.

    We stopped at Harbor Freight.  After last week I made a suggestion to our ground’s crew captain.  Enough with the five gallon gas container for mowing.  Oh yes, that doesn’t mean it would need to be filled to the top.  Easier said than done.  More was spilled as the five gallon container was more than could be hefted.  Two new two-gallon containers will now be in use.  

    We were home by two this afternoon and dang if it doesn’t look like it could rain.

    What now!  Two days ago I noticed a noise in the house.  It reminded me of the noise our electric fencer made that we would string around the cattle yard.  A bit of a hissing sound.  Guess What?  The noise wasn’t in our house, it is in my ears.  Tinnitus. . . hmm.  I know Orlin suffered with it for years.  Why at this juncture in my days would it become part of my days!  I can think of worse things.  I decided having some music playing is a good distraction.  If Dennis is in the house, there is no question of plenty of noise about.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:32 pm on June 16, 2024 Permalink  

    It’s a Happy Father’s Day 

    For all the folk out there that are mentors for their households . . . Happy Father’s Day!

    I went to sleep last night by a sky full of colorful lightning.  

    When I got up this morning and looked out to the east via the bathroom window, I saw a huge limb had blown off the Maple.  That potting shed has had nine lives for sure.  Nothing damaged.  The huge limb will be taken care either Tuesday or Wednesday by Ryan of Affordable Tree Service.  When Dennis went out to talk to Ryan, he noticed quite a few places where branches had blown down.

    I spent several hours in the studio today.  I am making a batch of pin cushions.  Of course they are not large.  Some are smaller than others.  After having them stitched by hand it is on to the sewing machine.  Sewing around the perimeter needs a 1-2 inch opening left for turning the project inside out.  That takes patience.  I had three to sew and to turn.  I then shut down the studio as the hands and fingers had had enough.

    This evening we will be having and sharing a 12″ tuna from Subway.  Good eating.

    Tomorrow morning we will be in the pulmonary department at the the Mankato hospital.  It is time for Dennis’ yearly prescription renewal for his CPAP supplies that he can then get at the May Store in the old Madison East Mall when needed.  Again, so thankful for insurance.  It is zero co-pay.

    Of course we will need to pick up kitty litter and kitty food.  32 lbs. at Sam’s Club for Meow Mix compared to 18 lbs. at our Fleet Farm.  Eating and pooping . . . what’s new . . . two legged or four legged.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:31 pm on June 15, 2024 Permalink  

    The Rains Came 

    As forecast, the rains came at ten this morning and have continued with gray dark clouds.

    I had originally thought I would be in the studio today . . . not.  

    I slept in, dozing off and on while the birds gave their songs in the evergreen outside my bedroom windows.

    Having an HP laptop in my bedroom porch allows for enjoying several sites on a day-by-day basis.  Checking in on our bank site has become a daily usual.  Too often I have heard of seniors letting something slip in their finances.  Not that Dennis and I have much to check on . . . but check on it I do.

    Today I have enjoyed having a YouTube video on for noise while stitching.  I glance up now and then when something catches my attention. One of my stitching project is quite large and also a challenge.  DMC embroidery floss is made of six individual threads.  Some projects call for three strands, some two strands.  I am working this design fabric of 25 stitches per inch with one thread over one.  I really enjoy working on it.  I don’t stay with it for hours on end.  Thus, having several different project of stitching is a good thing. 

    Leftovers is the meal of the day for supper.  Gotta love that.

    Yesterday I enjoyed helping with the mowing of the yards.  Four years ago on the 14th of June I was finishing the painting of our home’s garage.  A good job done as that paint job has held up quite well.  No more ladder work for me.  Now sitting on a mower . . . I can handle.

    We may very well get the 1-2 inches forecast.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:57 pm on June 14, 2024 Permalink  

    A Friday 

    I had set the alarm for five this morning so Dennis would have time to wake up before picking Jeff up to head to Mankato at 6:15.  I had to get up at 4:15 for a potty break and thought what the heck.  I got the coffee brewing and bid hello to the day.  I never delay a potty break.  Decades ago my bladder perforated.  Out came the bladder and a section of my large intestine became my holding tank.  Hello to self-cathing for all my remaining days.  I would not want anything to jeopardize my holding tank.  When I feel a twinge, I am on my way. 

    By ten this morning, I had bedding laundered and put back on the beds with a chicken oven dish prepared for our evening meal.

    I was just settling in to watch “The Price is Right” when Dennis walked in.  He was sporting his new shoes from the Limb-Lab.  Sweet.  They are tie leather shoes with two zippers on either side of the heal.  Having a tie that feels right with which to hold the foot, the shoes can be slipped into and the zippers pulled up for closures.

    This afternoon Grammie got to mow one of our yards with the zero-turn.  Freedom!  It felt wonderful with a light breeze.  I was zipped up to my ears to way-lay the mosquitoes.  With my helping Dennis as he manned the Sear’s rider, it cut off two hours of his six hours of mowing solo.  The two grab bars that neighbor Randy put on the zero-turn is the ultimate.

    There is a huge Cottonwood tree in the lot north of us.  When we were done mowing you could not tell that we had mowed.  Our yards were totally white.

    Our oven dish is in the oven for a four o’clock supper.  Neither of us had stopped for a noon lunch.

    No stitching or studio time today.  There is talk of rain.  Plenty of time for threads and fuzz.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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