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  • Noreen 2:14 pm on July 13, 2024 Permalink  

    Vulnerable Adults 

    Dennis and I qualify as vulnerable adults.  Thus we are in our home acting as such.

    I chose my studio where the stitching has gone well.  After two and a half hours, I am typing this post with the merest of lighting.  I could feel my shoulders.  When I feel a certain body part, it’s time to pay attention and give it up.  Today I only had six inches of picking out machine stitches.  Yesterday I wasn’t so lucky.  Stitch and pick was the name of the game.  It had been a while since I had gotten serious at the machine and that is how things can go.  If I don’t have time to do it right, time will be spent doing it over.  After supper I can be found in my bedroom porch doing hand stitching.

    Dennis has been in the patio porch with fans going.  The like-new 41-year-old saddle is getting some TLC.  Dennis has been around bridles and such enough that leather can dry out.  When younger, he hung out at Pete Linchied’s bridle shop in Butterfield enough to know the ropes.  Many years ago, Dennis had bought a gallon of Neatsfoot Oil from Pete.  Dennis’ leather shoes get a going over from time to time.  This saddle is in for a real treat.  It will be a slow process but a worthy one. 

    When Dennis stopped at cousin Bruce’s the other afternoon, they had gotten a letter in the mail.  Their 507 area code will be changing July 31st.  We had not gotten a letter.  I went online to check things out.  The 507 area code is being split into three.  They are running out of numbers.  Not all people will be getting a new area code.  We may well be one of those people that will retain our 507 . . . unless our letter is still coming.  I doubt it as Bruce had gotten the letter several weeks ago.

    We have leftovers from last night’s beef and tater supper.  Sweet.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:19 pm on July 12, 2024 Permalink  

    Home Sweet Home 

    As the weather outside is frightful, there is no other place to be, but home sweet home.  Dennis c0mmented that the dew point and humidity are neck and neck.

    Even my dad preached that no matter what kind of vehicle you have or how new it is, rubber tires on hot road surfaces can cause problems.

    That brings to mind a memory.  Orlin’s brother Elroy from Willmar, drove their family car with little to no tread on the tires.  On the hottest of July weekends they would be at the Boon Lake farm.  Orlin could not believe that Elroy would chance that.  There may have been such a thing as AAA road service, but Elroy would have expounded on it being a money scheme.  We had chores to do and they were there for a meal.  Talk about grin and bear it.  Some memories sneak in when you least expect them.  

    I did call Aunt Janet from Brownton that I wouldn’t be at Mrs. Kenneth Wendlandt’s funeral tomorrow forenoon in Hutchinson.  My decision.  

    After chasing a dust bunny or two under the beds, I came down to the studio to do some stitching.  Whether sewing via machine stitching in the studio or hand stitching in my bedroom porch, it is the peace that passes all understanding.  At some time, there will be project completions.  From now to then I am content.

    We have canned beef in the cistern pantry.  I will thicken the beef so that it will be a nice gravy consistency over the instant mashed potatoes.  Green beans and jellied cranberries will round out our supper.  Sweet.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:40 pm on July 11, 2024 Permalink  

    1″ on Wednesday 

    Who would have thought there was that much rain in those clouds compared to areas around us. One inch was the measurement.

    That had spoiled the mowing for yesterday, but it was on the calendar for today after the dew was off.  Sunday we had mowed one of our acres.  Today the blue barn acre was the target.  With nothing but grass and trees, it does take a while.  Dennis used the Sear’s rider among the trees which is on the west side.  He also did the bit of a ditch where the lot borders the Hammond Highway.  Can a zero-turn tip over?  I don’t want to even go there.  Where I did go was the large area from north to south of straight mowing.  Glory be . . . Dennis’ spray did work and perhaps is still working on the weeds that were snuggled up to the trees.  I know he will be back at it when conditions are doable.

    It took the two of us an hour and a half of mowing.  When we parked the mowers in the back garage, I walked home as Dennis lets the mowers cool off before re-fueling.  Yes . . . the two gallon containers are sweet.  As I was cutting across our yards to come home, I wished I could still run.  Some towns spray for mosquitoes.  I wanted to hurry home, but not as such that I would trip and fall.  That would have really been a feast.  All they could get at was my face and ears and wasn’t that enough!

    No studio stitching today.  Dennis and I are both satisfied to wind down for the rest of the afternoon in our home.

    By the way . . . the 12″ tuna from Subway for supper last night was a hit.   

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:39 pm on July 10, 2024 Permalink  

    Extra Heat 

    As if the humid temperatures were not enough yesterday . . . there was more on the local level.  It seems as if Dennis’ son, Jeff, can’t even get cancer correct.

    Jeff’s sister had set up the biopsy appointment for yesterday that Dennis took Jeff to . . . check in at seven a.m.  Apparently when Jeff got a courtesy call to remind Jeff, he cancelled it.  Did he tell his dad?  Had he forgotten?  I kind of knew something was up when Dennis was at Jiffy Lube yesterday when they opened at eight and Jeff was calling his dad that he could be picked up at the hospital.  One . . . Jiffy Lube is quick.  Two . . . biopsy preps and procedures take longer than a hour and a half.  

    When Jeff was picked up, he got into the little red pickup and immediately went to sleep.  What did Dennis know of procedures and how long they take or if Jeff was given a pain med.  It wasn’t until Sandy called last night that Jeff had blown off the appointment as there was nothing on the portal.   The manly thing would have been for Jeff to tell his dad he screwed up and apologize rather than hiding by sleeping, not say a single word even when Dennis dropped him off at this apartment.  Grr!

    As of last night, Sandy told me Jeff was on his own.  She had had made sure that he could get pain meds for himself from his local provider here in town.  Dennis was very quiet until he went to bed.  I got a hug and he told me he loved me.  Sweet.  So be it all.

    It is so difficult when smart drunken farts blow off their family for several years and then come back with all their problems and need help.

    So . . . I had a good run in the studio today.  Dennis came down chewing on a cookie and let me know the last of the railroad-tie cleanup on the blue barn acre has been paid for in total.  Sweet.  It was decided right then and there to share a 12″ Tuna Subway for supper.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:12 pm on July 9, 2024 Permalink  

    Summer Has Arrived 

    In all of its glory we will be experiencing summer this week.  It was bound to happen.

    Dennis was home by noon from his very early trip taking Jeff to Mankato for an appointment.  With the trip to Silver Bay last weekend, Dennis went to Jiffy Lube when they opened at eight.  He never passes up when the oil and lube needs doing.  I did not blame him one bit for taking a nap in his chair after a bite of noon lunch.  

    For myself I have been up since four.  When a bathroom call comes one hour before the alarm is to go off . . . I knew I would not be going back to bed.  It is what it is.  Right on cue, the birds in the evergreen outside my bedroom window began chirping and singing at four.  So what did I do at four?  I started the coffee and turned on some CBS news before waking Dennis at five.

    My mission today in the studio was to put a few things back in place after Watson’s had visited yesterday.  KNUJ was tuned in.  With all the LED overhead lamps, you never know where the radio needs to sit for it to come in clearly.  

    The steam iron has been filled.  The sewing machine got oiled and cleaned of any fuzz.  The bobbin has the correct thread as well as the machine got threaded up.  I did a test stitch.

    I know its warm out, but I did pull an oven dish from the freezer for supper.  We had sandwiches and chicken noodle soup for supper last night, so a bit of a heartier meal for the two early risers.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:00 pm on July 8, 2024 Permalink  

    Good Monday 

    After getting in some yard work yesterday, I had a great night’s rest.  It was just the right amount for me on a mower.  No harm done.

    Dennis suited up to spray vegetation on the acre but didn’t last long.  He had long sleeves and a turned buttoned up collar but was no match for mosquitoes.  I welcomed him home and assured him there would be better days.

    I called the Watson boys at noon and we were put on their list for a leaky faucet in the studio.  I went into the basement and moved my ironing board so they could get at the plumbing on the post in the basement whenever our name came up on the list.  Here we are a bit after three and all has been taken care of.  You never know when or if we would want to use water in the basement.

    We have always had good service from the Watson’s.  The dad is now 70, and pretty much has turned the business over to the two boys.  Brandon said this afternoon, his dad had never found a hobby for himself.  That is said often of men after they reach a certain age.

    With the water issue having been fixed, I pulled out an instruction book, got the folder of cut fabric out, complete with choosing thread.  I am getting closer to turning on KNUJ and stitching.

    Our supper last night was great.  I failed to have mentioned that the coconut graham cracker crust pie Dennis had made was a great treat.  As it was instant pudding dumbed down it has a shorter refrigerator life than a baked one.  With that said, this evening will be our third night of an eight o’clock pie date.  Sweet.

    Oh my gosh.  I need to set my alarm clock for five in the morning.  Dennis is taking his son Jeff to Mankato in the morning for a biopsy.  Arrival time is at seven.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:27 pm on July 7, 2024 Permalink  

    The Happiest 

    I swear the happiest of God’s feathered is the Wren.  We have what I call a Dr. Suez copper roofed bird house.  Try as hard as I could to take the mosquitos after we had finished mowing . . . I cried uncle.  Not so the little Wrens that were sticking their heads out of their home.  Cheerful beyond belief.

    The mowing went well.  With me on the zero-turn it cut the total time down in half for Dennis as he was using the trusty Sear’s rider.  I am still on a learning curve in regard to how hard I turn it with the dirt as soft as a sponge from the rain.  Wouldn’t it be something if we had no rain today!

    Dennis and I are both in for the day.  The pork steak will be ready by five.  That coupled with the beefed up Mrs. Gerry’s potato salad and jellied cranberries to make a fine Sunday light supper. 

    I have no appointments for this next week.  I will call the Watson boys to make a house call for a plumbing issue in the studio.  Each time I make a trip to the studio to keep an eye on said issue, I take some extra time to tidy up the church tables.  Yes, I am gearing up to do some stitching.  I had cut fabric up during the winter for several Log Cabin quilt tops.  Will I make them into quilts?  That I do not know.  I surely would if someone would come forward.  If not, I will make a donation to our church for the church ladies to make them up and give where needed.  For me, it is all about using what I have for the greater good.

    The activity in my bedroom porch has three different cross stitch projects going plus a good book.  Variety is the spice of life.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:14 pm on July 6, 2024 Permalink  

    My Day 

    My day feels full.  At ten we were downtown for pedicures and haircuts.  Both were needed and for me, I can tell you . . . both feel wonderful.  It may take a while with two chairs going at one time, but Dennis loves how the hot soaking bath feels on his feet.

    After the spa treatment we went shopping at our local grocer’s.  No matter how I power shop in Mankato for staples, there is always something that we run out of.  Dennis wanted to make a pie.  Who knew?  He had seen something on television.  He needed a graham cracker crust, two boxes of instant pudding, the same flavor.

    If we are going to have a treat for the day, it is usually at eight in the evening.  Time will tell how the coconut cream pie fares.  All I suggested was to cut back on the two cups of milk to allow for a firmer set up.  We may have spoons handy.

    Dennis’ grandson, AJ, came for a visit from Mankato.  Talk about a shot in the arm for Dennis.  AJ also had had rain seeping into his basement.  AJ helped Dennis set his heavy television buffet cabinet onto the plywood floor.  The little red pickup will be able to be housed again.

    About at two, the sky clouded over and a heavy shower of rain came.  All these little blurbs on the radar have rain in them.

    My day tomorrow may have some grass mowing in it.  I enjoy helping.  I will suit up from top to bottom as much as possible as the mosquitoes are ready for fresh blood. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:56 pm on July 5, 2024 Permalink  

    A Lull 

    There seems to be a lull in the town today as per the amount of traffic flying past our home.  I am sure many have taken a long weekend with the 4th being on a Thursday.

    I do remind us as to what day of the week it is.  We have never forgotten an appointment thus far, but there is always a first time for everything.

    A load of laundry was my game.  Dennis decided to drive out to stop and see his cousin Sam.  They are within two years of each other.  Sam is in poor health, still living on his farm place with his wife Maria who has Parkinson’s.  Sam’s boys are doing the farming.  Two fellows that enjoy reminiscing.  I know what that is like when my Aunt Janet and I reminisce.

    The cotton seeds are flying today with the wind from the northwest.  As I looked out the kitchen window to the north, our far away yard had a coating of white.

    Dennis has moved his chair, table and television onto the bare plywood flooring of the patio porch.  One can only imagine how long 2 x 4s need to dry out under the decking after being soaked in water for 36 hours.  There were holes drilled every so often when the decking project was done.  Fans and air holes are the best for some time to come.  Dennis is in no hurry to go beyond just being in his comfort spot.

    I have my comfort spot.  Comfort spots make for contented living.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:01 pm on July 4, 2024 Permalink  


    Our city had their fireworks last night.  Thirty plus years ago I could sit on my front steps and watch them as they were being shot off in the area of the lake on the west edge of town.  The trees have grown so all that I can enjoy is the noise as I conjure up images.

    To the northwest of us a block over, a group of individuals had their own fireworks.  We were amazed at the quality of the light show.  The noise lasted longer than the light show, but they paid for it, so let them enjoy it.

    To the far north was mother nature’s light show.  When I got up at 4:30 for a bathroom break the rain was beginning.  Shortly after twelve noon, the thunder rolled and another strong shower of rain came down.   When I looked at the weather map, there could be pops of rain for quite some time.

    The 4th of July brings many personal past celebrations to mind.  With that being said, I wished my son a Happy Birthday!  How can it be that my children have the birthdays that each year signifies?   I enjoy and celebrate the lives that both have honed.  My memories . . . priceless.   

    I am so fortunate to have the quality of life that I have.  I am here to continue soaking up the day-to-day events that will become more sweet memories.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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