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  • Noreen 2:41 pm on July 22, 2024 Permalink  

    It Happens 

    It happens that when I need to get up from my sleep and the time is after four, there is already noise out on our street which is a thoroughfare.  Swift Eckrich food processing is only four blocks north of us and there are three rotating shifts.

    This morning, after I had gotten up, going back to sleep was not to be.  It happens.  It happens and it’s not a serious thing.  After we had showered before going to bed last night the laundry basket beckoned me.  I closed the bathroom door and went about my Monday chores, though a bit earlier than usual.

    The coffee pot goes off at six in the morning.  I started it a bit earlier.  When Dennis got up at six, I was on my second cup.

    With the extreme wet, we have had our share of ants in the house of various sizes.  Neighbor Jan north of us has reported likewise.  The best way to not have them is to keep everything tidy in the kitchen and bathroom.

    After the heavy fog lifted and the dew had dried off, Dennis headed out to the blue barn acre with his vegetation spray.  It does take about five days but death by spraying does work.  Dennis was home by 1:30 and he hung is heavier jacket up in the back entry.   It did provide shelter from the mosquitoes.  His winter cap pulled down low helped but when the buzzing about his face got hard to ignore, he called it quits until another day.  I know he will tackle it another day.  His mantra: slow but sure.

    I spent several hours in the studio.  Some containers on the shelf of sewing supplies were able to be combined.  It felt good to take a serious look.  I have three containers left to go through.  

    I am looking out the south window of my bedroom porch and our neighbor is mowing his yard.  Only his eyes are visible from his face mask.  His hoodie is tied tight and he has a straw hat pulled extra low.  He could pass for the Lone Ranger.

    Dennis and I have agreed on Subway for supper.  Sweet!

    I have not napped today and I know sleep will come easily tonight.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:10 pm on July 21, 2024 Permalink  

    Did it! 

    Today is the Sabbath and thus I was blessed to have successfully altered one pair of Dennis’ pants.

    When Dennis was going through the surgeries to have his toes removed on his left foot, it was important to have a pair of pants with zippers at the base of the legs.  There was no choice for length.  They were long to say the least.  They filled the bill.

    Today was the day!  The first thing was to cut out the zippers in the legs.  The serger that Kersten gave me from her grandma’s sewing room is a sweet tool to have and to use.  With four spools of thread to use . . . no bobbin.  My luck was one of the two needles needed to be threaded.  Putting the unit at a 90 degree position on the table, I could get at the tiny spot that was needed.  Dennis now has a nice pair of pants that he need not wear hiked up to his bobbies so he doesn’t trip on them.

    I stayed in the studio a bit longer and went through a supply drawer looking for size 28 needles for darning.  Darning needles work great for counted cross stitch.  You do not want a needle with a sharp point.  Oh my gosh!  Businesses at one time gave out bi-fold packets of needles as an advertising tool.  The variety and age of needle packets I ran across is amazing.  I took out what I needed and yup . . . back in the supply drawer they went.

    Last night about supper time, it started sprinkling.  When all was said and done, the patio porch wood floor showed signs of moisture.  Where did that so called little shower of rain come from?  This was definitely the year for no carpeting to be replaced . . . it it won’t be at all.

    **As I look out right now, at three in the afternoon, light rain is coming down with very gray skies.  Hmm.

    As both of us have had a very sedentary day, I have no idea what supper will be.  It’s one of those mysteries of life.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:57 pm on July 20, 2024 Permalink  

    Mowing Team 

    The mowing team on Stauffer Avenue has the blue barn acre mowed.  Sweet!  I do enjoy helping with some of the yard work.  The zer0-turn, from starting it to backing it where it needs to be in the back garage is getting easier.

    This morning while I was waiting for Dennis to give the all clear in regard to how wet the grass was, I pulled from my stash.  I pulled deep from my emotional stash.  All these years I have had a Wonder Bread plastic bag among my sewing items that had been Esther Schafer’s, aka: my children’s maternal grandmother.  I would look at the contents from time to time and then zip . . . out came the twister to close it up again.

    Esthers-Full-HankI knew what the contents were as a bit of paper no bigger than a paperclip had scrawled on it “silk.”  An entire hank of silk.  Talk about intimidation!  On to booting up YouTube.  The floss was variegated going from bronze to tan to navy to steel gray.  I knew I wanted to cut it in half.  The beauty of a YouTube video is that you can back it up as often as needed.  I now have it contained and in a zip-lock bag.  Will I ever use that entire hank in my stitching?  On the photo with the scissors there is one thread lying across the scissors.  Organized-FlossThat one thread is 6 ply.  When I cross stitch I use two of the 6 ply.  By following the instruction, I can take my needle at the top where the knot is and snag one thread of 6 ply and pull it free from the braid.  I had to try it and it worked great.  There will be or should not be any tangle whatsoever.

    Dennis has “people.”  Dennis’ friend Jack has live traps.  Dennis knew where the holes were and from there is was a crap shoot.  Woodchucks eat everything that is on the blue barn acre.  When Dennis was at the back garage after mowing, Jack stopped in.  Within one week, one possum and two woodchucks.  Jack is hopeful for more as woodchucks generally have four in a litter.  Wow!

    On a more somber note.  I do post the ongoing situation with Dennis’ son Jeff.  It is reality when people choose not to be responsible in the care of the body and life God has given.  Five liters of fluid were removed from Jeff yesterday.  OMG!  I did go on to Mayo portal for the summery of the appointment.

    I put in a pork steak in the blue speckled roaster for supper.  Dennis said to next time try bone-in porkchops with white sauce to bake out.  For the life of me, pan frying porkchops so they stay moist . . . cannot do.

    I had bought a small container of Mrs. Gerry’s coleslaw.  I fixed it the Lena way.  Minnie marshmallows and a sliced banana.  Dennis sampled it last night as I put it in the refrigerator.  I got a thumbs up.

    I hope everyone had as great of a day as we have had on Stauffer Avenue.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:44 pm on July 19, 2024 Permalink  


    Listening to the KNUJ radio as they interview people at various local county fairs.

    I could do with a bag of Minnie donuts this afternoon.  I know . . . greasy, greasy but the sugar coated little devils fill the bill. 

    Dennis is gone for most of this day with family affairs.

    I have been up and down the studio stairs taking care of items that need to be taken care of or I will be sorry.

    Cabin-BlksIn between times I am working on building five more blocks for my quilt top.  The log-cabin block can be arranged to so many layouts.  I have chosen the “Build the Barn.”  The top dark is the peek of the barn. The secret is to number each block before you take it off the table.  Each block can be rotated four different ways and the sought after layout can get whankie.

    Mono-StitchesThis counted cross stitch I have in progress is stitched in what they refer to as mono, one color thread throughout.  I like how it is going . . . to my theme.  I am taking my time charting out motifs to add that relate to my threads and fuzz.  The fabric in the hoop represents a quilt block.  Above that was a motif of a sewing machine.  My time stitching perched upon my cherry red chair in my bedroom porch is relaxing.  Like anything else, pacing myself is the ultimate.  That is why I will be beginning a new book this evening.

    I am not making plans to start anything for supper as I have no idea how Dennis’ day is going.  I do not envy him one bit.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:27 pm on July 18, 2024 Permalink  


    Checking on my progress in the world of machine stitching.  I have five more blocks to make for the completion of a double sized quilt top.  By this time tomorrow, I will know if I had had enough of the 2.5″ strips cut of six different prints.  The studio time got a bit long today.

    Dennis finished washing the patio off of the mud.  He is reporting that all the patio slide doors and the screens can open easily.

    Tomorrow Dennis takes his son Jeff to radiology for an ultrasound and draining the abdomen in Mankato.  I checked his portal to make sure the appointment was on the up and up.  Daughter Sandy wants them to stop at her home afterwards.  Bless her heart for taking back being on Jeff’s bandwagon.  I know she arranged for Jeff’s appointment on August 5th in radiology for a tube to be inserted for self draining the abdomen of fluid.  The rapid fluid in the gut is coming from blood veins, blood vessels and arteries deteriorating and sluffing off their exterior sheaths.  Dennis commented yesterday when Jeff came and asked for the ride tomorrow, his belly flopped from side to side and was quite painful.  You think!  He cancelled the last appointment.  

    I am going to make a quick trip to the grocer’s before supper.   How was it that there wasn’t any bread in the freezer!  I usually take the loaf of Country Hearth and split it so there is always fresh bread after it being frozen.  I had not thrown away a moldy piece of bread for ages.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:56 pm on July 17, 2024 Permalink  

    Middle of the Week 

    The days don’t wait for anyone.

    There is no shortage in the laundry basket.  I had it sorted and three loads were on the docket.  My way is to fold it as it dries.

    I kept an eye on Dennis.  Yesterday after getting our home acre mowed, he strung out the long hose towards the patio porch.  With the patio under water for 36 hours, the amount of dried mud is nasty.  Dennis started on the east patio with a broom brush in hand.  That included getting the mud out of the patio door slides.

    Today, Dennis continues with his dried mud job.  Every time Dennis would take a break, I could see Snuggles crawling up Dennis’ belly so he could take a break as well.

    In time Dennis’ grandson AJ and a friend will be coming to put the mower back on the Cub.  In today’s mail a hand-hold assist came in the mail.  It resembles the one Kevin put on at the top of the basement steps at Christmas time.  This assist will be screwed to the top of one of the fenders of the Cub.  It will help getting on and off safely.  The assists on the zero-turn has proven to be a good thing, so more good things ensue.

    Dennis realizes how weak his legs are as per the ultrasounds at radiology in Mankato.  He does push himself by staying active outside but also taking breaks in his routines.

    When I am in the studio with my ever trusty battery-operated radio, when there is music playing, I am apt to do a waltz or my version of the Jitter-Bug around the church tables.  Visualize that for too long and it could cause sensory overload.  I don’t sit for long times at the sewing machine.  I could chain sew pieces of the pattern for a long time, but I choose to cut the chain and get on my feet and do some ironing.

    Both of us realize that we need to keep moving so as to not give up what we enjoy . . . each and every day.

    I continue building my Log Cabin pattern blocks.  The larger the blocks get, the more material and time it takes.  No marathons.  This evening, I will pick up the cross stitch project for the circular wooden box of Grandma Schafer’s.  I am halfway through the alphabet on the band that will go around the belly of the box.  I am also contemplating a few designs to add to each end as the box is a hefty one.  The circular design for the top is quite stitch heavy.  Where am I going?

    This evening it is waffles and breakfast sausages.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥


  • Noreen 2:11 pm on July 16, 2024 Permalink  

    More Please 

    More days such as this one for the remaining portion of July.  The temp and lower humidity and dew point didn’t take care of the mosquitoes.  One out of two isn’t bad.

    I had a dental appointment at 9:30 this morning.  This was a quest that started right after my 80th birthday, March 31st.  Dr. Steve Pitcher said it would be a slow process as not only did I qualify for a full bottom plate but there were four difficult extractions to be.  By golly he and I powered through it.  This morning was the fourth time I had gone back for a minor adjustment on the bottom plate.  Each time he checked to make sure the bite was equal on both sides of the mouth as well as biting as if I were biting off a piece of food with my front teeth.  He offered I could make an appointment for a visit.  I told him I was confident all was going to be fine.  He countered that if anything felt off, to give the office a call.  Sweet.  

    I have known many people with a full bottom plate.  I also know from Dennis’ experience that having Fixodent on hand is a must.  My teeth, top and bottom are in my mouth 24/7 less cleaning time.  My teeth will not be vanity teeth to wear only when leaving our home, like some sweet ole cowboy that lives here.

    I offered to help Dennis mow our home acre this afternoon.  With the temps being so nice he declined and commented he was saving me for when the blue barn acre needed mowing.  That worked for me.

    After three hours in the studio, I am about to head for the first floor.  We had two wonderful suppers of the chicken rueben oven meal.  This evening will be a soup and sandwich night.

    As of now the calendar is free and clear of appointments for several weeks.  I am looking forward to days when the day isn’t broken up needing to be somewhere.  More good days.  That does sound a bit selfish, but Dennis seconded that.  That sounds like a retiree’s dream.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:48 pm on July 15, 2024 Permalink  

    Well, Well 

    Here’s another fine day.  A trip to Mankato for Dennis to get an injection in his left eye for Macular.  The next appointment will be in October.  The doctor commented that Dennis did better on the eye chart than ever before.  I believe the meds for Macular have improved also.

    My purchase for the day included a new chip for my Cannon camera.  I was advised it would be a good thing and I acted upon it.

    An additional purchase for us was new pillows.  I realize pillows are very washable but not in our stackable washing machine.  There is too much heft once they are soaked.  A front loader washing machine could handle them.  Even when I do bedding, I make sure there is counter balance in the washer.

    A list to be fulfilled at Sam’s was indeed carried out.  Dennis had taken a break from his banana flavored muffins for a while that we got at Sam’s.  We would purchase three trays, six in each tray.  I would then pop each one in a zip-lock sandwich bag and in the freezer they went.  Dennis always commented that down to the last one for his breakfast they were just as fresh and tasty as the first one.  They run 6/$4.99.  Dennis found out that bakery items at Cassey’s or Super Fair were not cheap and not near as good tasting.  It’s his breakfast and he knows what he likes.  I could buy two pints of heavy whipping cream at Sam’s with the sell by date in September for what one pint costs locally and I would be lucky if the sell by date would be 30 days out.

    Our Dennis doctor appointments have really slowed down, so thus we don’t shop for groceries nearly as often in Mankato.  For items in the cistern pantry shelves we do stock up on.  Whatever amount our freezer on the bottom of the frig can hold, I do fill it up with Sam’s items.  For sure Jimmy Dean precooked sausage patties and a box of 30 Eggo Waffles.  After our Sam’s perishable run out we do visit our local grocer’s.

    The chicken rueben oven dish was a hit.  We will have a re-run for today’s supper.  Dennis whipped up an instant pudding graham cracker crust pie for our tonight’s dessert.  It all sure beats what we could get at McDonald’s.

    By the way, we had a wicked thunderstorm at eight this morning and we drove home from Mankato with the wipers on.

    No sewing for me today.  My left arm and hand feels it when I power shop at Sam’s.

    With that I take my leave.

  • Noreen 2:23 pm on July 14, 2024 Permalink  

    What’s New 

    Here on Stauffer Avenue, I can report. . . not much.  I am thankful for a comfortable home with very few responsibilities for today.

    I did rummage in the freezer last night.  I took out the remaining chicken tenderloins and a bag of shredded Swiss Cheese and parked them into the refrigerator.

    This forenoon I gathered together what I needed for a chicken sauerkraut oven dish.  Yes, it is warm to use the oven for this evening’s supper.  It is worth it to fix a good meal in our own home.  It is a great tasty dish.  Small cubed raw chicken in the bottom of a sprayed casserole goes first.  Poultry seasoning is sprinkled onto the raw chicken.  A good two inches of sauerkraut is spread over the chicken.  It does bake down.  1,000 Island dressing tops the dish.  After I have covered the dish with ample dressing, I take my wooden spoon’s handle and poke holes into the top for the dressing to find it’s way into the ingredients.  This will be baked at 320 degrees until my thermometer reads 150 degrees.  I then will spread a package of shredded Swiss cheese on top and pop it back into the oven until the cheese gives a great toasted look.  This served with the remaining jellied cranberries will be a wonderful supper.

    With supper covered I headed into the studio for some stitching.  My stitching is comprised of three different 2.5″ light printed fabric strips and three different 2.5″ dark printed fabric strips.  It is the Log Cabin pattern.  The center is a 2.5″ white fabric.   If I remember, each finished Log Cabin block is 12″ square.  I have been putting on one colorway each day.  I had all the fabric cut earlier on.  With stitching and pressing, two hours is enough for each session.  I remember when my sister, Elvera, started doing quilts, she always skipped the pressing aspect.  Hmm.  I learned from the best . . . Lena.  Quilting is not for someone in a hurry.  Elvera was most likely at a Lion’s meeting or a Feed the Hungry gathering.  The blocks when stitched together with a border makes up a quilt top for a double sized bed.  I am a long way from a finished top.  This top is in the gray and blue hews.

    I discovered today that Spencer, Iowa, has a great AM radio station playing country western.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:14 pm on July 13, 2024 Permalink  

    Vulnerable Adults 

    Dennis and I qualify as vulnerable adults.  Thus we are in our home acting as such.

    I chose my studio where the stitching has gone well.  After two and a half hours, I am typing this post with the merest of lighting.  I could feel my shoulders.  When I feel a certain body part, it’s time to pay attention and give it up.  Today I only had six inches of picking out machine stitches.  Yesterday I wasn’t so lucky.  Stitch and pick was the name of the game.  It had been a while since I had gotten serious at the machine and that is how things can go.  If I don’t have time to do it right, time will be spent doing it over.  After supper I can be found in my bedroom porch doing hand stitching.

    Dennis has been in the patio porch with fans going.  The like-new 41-year-old saddle is getting some TLC.  Dennis has been around bridles and such enough that leather can dry out.  When younger, he hung out at Pete Linchied’s bridle shop in Butterfield enough to know the ropes.  Many years ago, Dennis had bought a gallon of Neatsfoot Oil from Pete.  Dennis’ leather shoes get a going over from time to time.  This saddle is in for a real treat.  It will be a slow process but a worthy one. 

    When Dennis stopped at cousin Bruce’s the other afternoon, they had gotten a letter in the mail.  Their 507 area code will be changing July 31st.  We had not gotten a letter.  I went online to check things out.  The 507 area code is being split into three.  They are running out of numbers.  Not all people will be getting a new area code.  We may well be one of those people that will retain our 507 . . . unless our letter is still coming.  I doubt it as Bruce had gotten the letter several weeks ago.

    We have leftovers from last night’s beef and tater supper.  Sweet.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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