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  • Noreen 2:09 pm on August 1, 2024 Permalink  

    Oh My 

    Around 10:30 last night the light show began in the northwest.  Not much thunder but the sky stayed lit non-stop.  The rain sounded like pellets hitting the windows through the screens as the wind whipped the rain.

    When we got up, through the bathroom window, the east patio sliders showed branches full of leaves on the lawn.  The Hackberry tree had a huge limb that had been sheared off.  All we could do was text Affordable Tree and let Ryan know we would like to be added to his list.  Neighbor Jan told me we had just a bit over two inches of rain when all was said and done.

    Dennis and I picked up quite a pile of branches about as big as round as a thumb ready for the burning ring.  I knew I had some grass seed in the garage.  I used my small rake to rake through some tangled grass that could use some of the seed next to the west patio.  It might just have a chance to sprout.

    As Dennis took some letters to the post office, he came home and commented the wind had done its damage around town.  One of the letters was the application forms for his placement into the Veteran’s Home in Silver Bay if and when it would be needed.  We both felt good about having taken care of that in a timely fashion.

    Before noon time, I came into the house, having given the mosquitoes enough of my blood. 

    I did turn all the lights on in the studio this afternoon as I stitched a bit, starting another log cabin quilt top.  This one will be with hues of burgundy.  What with the yard work, several hours in the studio was enough. 

    As I am typing this blog posting, I have noticed quite a few pickups with trailers taking stuff to the tree dump.  KNUJ forecasts the possibilities of pop-up showers into this late afternoon and early evening.  It sure is gray enough for that to happen.

    For our evening meal, I am going to fix some boneless porkchops in the oven after I have browned them.  A can of cream of chicken should smother them until tender.  I haven’t decided if Stove Top or instant potatoes will accompany the chops and the green beans. 

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:23 pm on July 31, 2024 Permalink  

    A Still Quiet Day 

    It may be a still and quiet day but the day smells hot outside.

    I didn’t have a choice in regard to the clinic appointment.  I needed to give a urine sample as one of my meds is an opioid.  I had no problem doing it as it is the way of the world.  I sat patiently and waited my turn while several others in that part of the waiting area were pacing and twitching.  Hmm.  I will need to do the test once a year while those dudes are on a monthly rotation.

    I went on to see my primary doctor.  She said my heart and lungs sounded like someone who was fifty.  Sweet.  My primary suggested to take one Tramadol with breakfast and then tw0 mid-afternoon.  That would be an increase of one pill per day.  No back surgery for Grammie.  With my body riddled with arthritis, the outcome might leave results that are worse than what my day-to-day situation is now.  She called me a high-functioning person with various issues that I am managing well.  I took the complement as it was intended.  I did ask her where the women were within the community that have had strokes and still live in their own home.  She couldn’t come up with one name.  Quite a few men came to her thoughts, but no women.  Hmm.

    Dennis is doing supper this evening.  I will take whatever is put in front of me.  I am indeed brave.

    We could be in for a storm or two later on.  With heat to fuel it, I will keep an eye out.

    This morning I got the wireless HP printer in the studio to connect with my HP laptop in my bedroom.  Well done.  There is still a camera to get installed and I have not thrown in the towel.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:59 pm on July 30, 2024 Permalink  

    Intermittent Sun 

    The sun is not the determining factor for my comfort.  Mostly I like to wear cotton tops.  The bottoms are not that important.

    Dennis has nothing but cotton tees to wear.  His important factor is that they have a pocket for his cigarettes.  That is generally why his cell phone is next to his computer in the house.  I used to answer it when I would hear it, no more.  If its important, they know where he lives.

    The warm summer has kept my soap pods in use.  Clean clothes is the next best thing to good hot robust breakfast coffee.

    My goal is to have my main floor local effort done by noon each day.  Of course by the time I roll out of bed at eight in the morning, noon comes quite soon.  After that I have free range until supper time.

    This afternoon, the studio was put back into an organized state.  Extra fabric tucked back into the tote of the color choice.  Thread spool also back where it belongs.  The most important part of the afternoon was cleaning, oiling and de-fuzzing the sewing machine.  I have various picks and tweezers to go underneath the top plate.  It is amazing how much can accumulate in the space and time of one quilt top being pieced.

    The studio always looks very welcoming when everything is in its place.

    I dug out my old protractor after I was done with the tidy, tidy.  I wanted to see by using the radius what the top of Ester Schafer’s wood box was.  I won’t be ready for some time for finishing as I still have a lot of embroidery to do.  Due to the condition of the wooden box, I will be using mat board to some extent for a very flat even top.  It is what it is.  

    Lena used to take a wooden bushel basket and line it with oil cloth complete with the fitted bottom for a laundry basket.  That is my goal for the inside of the wooden box.  It is what it is.

    Supper is Johnsonville pre-cooked beef brats to pair with the cold salads that are left.

    Dennis had no great amount of news after his meet and greet at McDonald’s.  Too warm for the older bunch to accumulate any.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:59 pm on July 29, 2024 Permalink  


    Well, I did not see that coming.  Dennis asked me to download an application form for a VA home last night.

    I did some reading first.  With an application form on file, the application can be immanent, meaning as soon as possible or kept on file.  If a unit becomes available and the veteran is notified and the veteran is still able to live independently, his form is put back into the rotation.  That is no different than the housing units here in St. James.

    I agreed to print off the forms today and Dennis went up to the Veteran’s Service Officer and got a copy of his discharge from the army.  I will go over the form and with Dennis’ help fill it in.  Dennis then wants the form to be mailed to the Veteran’s home in Silver Bay.  Silver Bay is home for his daughter Sue and Sue’s daughter and her family of five.  I don’t have a problem with any of this.  If something happens to me expectantly, Dennis will be taken care of.  Actually, as Dennis’ wife, I am eligible and can live there as well.  After Dennis’ passing in any other of the various VA homes throughout the state, which is eight.   Yes, Dennis and I do talk things over and then do as much as we can for the “now.”

    Dennis went to have coffee with his friend Lyle that lives in one of the apartments here in town.  Lyle doesn’t drive and always welcomes Dennis.

    I worked in the studio this morning and finished the log cabin quilt top.  After giving it a good pressing, I laid it out on the church table and closed down the studio.  Tomorrow it will be measured and labeled and tucked in with the other two tops I have done.

    This evening’s supper is a cold salad supper of elbow macaroni, coleslaw, Lena’s way, and potato salad that I have doctored up.  Dennis commented he felt the heat more so today than the weekend.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:12 pm on July 28, 2024 Permalink  


    The morning breeze continued right on into the afternoon hot-feeling air.

    Today on the agenda, was to make use of the morning breeze on the east patio.  Two plants have been begging to be re-potted.  We were prepared with the Fleet and Farm trailer to get the dirt out of the car.  Dennis had holes drilled into the bottom of the two pots for drainage.

    We were in full combat when company arrived.  My cousin Mark, from the Canby area, had gone to Jackson for his class reunion and stopped in for a visit.  Quite the visit.  The coffee can I had been using to scoop new dirt was replaced by Mark taking the bag of dirt from me.  I did take a scissor and cut into the impacted roots so they would have a chance to nestle into the new soil.  It didn’t take long and the plants were getting a drink in their new home.  I will pick up a smaller bag of potting soil as the dirt will settle as a bit more water will be done.  Sweet.

    The entire time, we had a great visit with Mark.

    As Mark was getting ready to get home, two vehicles pulled into the drive.  Dennis’ daughter Sue, and her daughter’s family were here for a visit.  They had been in Sioux Falls for a bridal shower for Dennis’ youngest granddaughter. 

    When five thirty found our little home cleared out and quiet, I felt weak.  It had been a very full, rather hot day.

    If I think of anything earth shattering, I will fill you in tomorrow.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:10 pm on July 27, 2024 Permalink  

    My, My 

    I was at our grocer’s by 10:30 this Saturday morning.  Vanilla ice cream and several jugs of distilled water were the highlights.  Dennis also thought some prepared coleslaw, macaroni salad and potato salad would be good to have on hand.  I didn’t argue as meal times do come around.  The oven meal of last night need not be finished off this evening.  It will keep for tomorrow’s supper.

    When I got home, I changed out the cotton long sleeve shirt for a cotton t-shirt.  I really felt the heat and humidity.   I had gotten too hot one time and the black spots and dizzy stuff took me to a chair quickly.  Don’t need a repeat of that any time soon.  I do sweat like my dad . . . drip, drip.  Neighbor Jan doesn’t sweat, so she really watches herself in days such as this. 

    It is mid-afternoon.  Before I came down to the studio after Dennis and I had a half sandwich each for noon, I looked out the east bathroom window.  All three of the porch kitties were sprawled out on the sidewalk north of the patio porch in the shade.  Concrete on their bellies must feel good.

    Our two sweetcorn venders were at it this forenoon.  Dennis and I do not care for sweetcorn.  I am sure their usual customers will be happy to see them.

    With the quilt top having been sewn together since I have been down here this afternoon and pressed, I am ready for the borders to be chosen and cut out.  Those borders will be using some of the same fabrics that the 14″ blocks are made up of.  That decision being made, the studio lights will go out as soon as as I am finished with this posting.

    I have Terro ant poison out in several spots in the bathroom and kitchen.  They are to enjoy the snack and drag it back to their starting point.  The pheromones of the ants must be ragging this summer.  Dennis sprayed by the back door after lunch.  The two sizes in the bathroom and kitchen were small to tiny compared to the sidewalk-sized ants by the interior of the back door.

    I really enjoy the AM radio station from Jackson and Spirit Lake.  I don’t remember the call letters.  It is non-stop country western and not country rock.

    I am heading to the first floor of our home.  Of my three cross stitch projects I have going on, I put aside the Esther Schafer wooden box stitching last night.  This afternoon I will pull out the white floss on blue fabric that I am working on.  Variety makes for a balanced feeling of my days here on Stauffer.

    Oh yes . . . I got my bra on right-side out this morning.  It feels good.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:10 pm on July 26, 2024 Permalink  

    Struggle and Strive 

    Each morning I strive to begin a new day with a good attitude.  Some mornings it can be a struggle to strive.  

    This morning my struggle and strive ending up with me having my bra on in-side out.  Hmm.  The hooks and eye closures are really tiny.  I wiggled around a bit.  Nothing totally uncomfortable so that is how it has stayed for this day, the 26th of July.  Tomorrow is another day to struggle and strive for a better outcome.

    My morning was going great.  I will have fresh bedding to sleep in this evening.  I don’t do both beds on the same day.  The gymnastics warrant one at a time.

    I have an oven meal for this evening.  After purging the refrigerator for last night’s supper, I was ready to get my supplies out this morning.  Dicing an onion is the closest to being blind I ever want to come.  I literally cannot see through the watering of the eyes.  From the sautéing of the onion things went better.  One pound of hamburger browned and drained.  Two cups of uncooked pasta . . . no elbow macaroni for my oven meals.  I like the elongated ones.  Once cooked there is a goodly amount.  One can of drained sauerkraut.  Those four ingredients combined in my round blue speckled roaster that has been sprayed with Original Pam.  Clean up with Original Pam is a breeze.  Knock-offs leave a burnt residue.  One jar of Alfredo sauce poured over and commence folding the ingredients.  One half jar of heavy whipping cream and continue folding.

    Of course there was enough to fill a glass baking dish for the freezer for another time.  I know that what remained in the round blue speckled roaster will be good for two suppers.  About 4:30 the oven will be set at 325 degrees for a five thirty supper.

    All of this before twelve noon.  That is when we were going to begin mowing the blue barn acre.  I didn’t get one round mowed before the zero-turn died.  As it was there was a loose connection under the seat.  When the mower was with the Park Mode the connection caused the mower to die.  I wasn’t able to help Dennis with the mowing today, but . . . the mower has been tweaked by neighbor Randy and it is in the back garage waiting for me for the next time.  Sweet!

    I felt bad for not being able to help out.  I felt I needed more local effort, so I went to the studio and pressed seams of the quilt top.  The six strips are ready to be sewn on another day.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:54 pm on July 25, 2024 Permalink  

    It Went Well 

    Dennis and I tag teamed today and our original acre was done by 1:30.  It goes very well with the two of us working together.  We have a lot called the “Clark Lot.”  In times past it had a home and a detached car and a half garage.  The home had a serious fire and we purchased it . . . took down the house and called it ours.  It is 100′ x 150″.   That is my lot to mow with the zero-turn.  To the northeast of Clark is a 75″ x 75″ that we purchased on a tax forfeit sale.  Dennis mows that with the Sear’s rider plus our original lot of 50″ x 260″. 

    With all the rain, mowing once a week is pushing it.  A side-rake could be used.

    Dennis has the mowers all tuned up for tomorrow.  Tomorrow the blue barn acre will be mowed.  My area is the east half from north to south.  There are two deep holes that I have earmarked to avoid.

    Dennis used to do it all by himself and when he pushed it, all in one day.  That was unacceptable to me.  I maybe can’t walk a straight line but I can surely sit on a mower to help out.  I believe with me helping he is afraid I will over-do it, so it is now broken down to two days.  Why Not!  

    Our supper is “raid the refrigerator.”  Some hamburger pasta and cold macaroni salad is enough for a half of a beef sandwich, pickled beets and bread, butter and peach jam.  Dennis also enjoys a glass of orange juice with his meals.  There will also be sugar free Mott’s apple sauce in a small sealed plastic cup for each of us.  Tomorrow we start fresh.  Neither of us waste much.

    I did do some sewing on the quilt top in between time.  Getting six strips sewn of four blocks each allows me to know I have kept them in the correct order.  There will be quite a bit of pressing before strips are sewn together.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:45 pm on July 24, 2024 Permalink  

    Road Trip 

    No medical appointments for today, just a road trip getting prepared for fall and winter.

    We have two plants that we have had several years before I retired.  One is a Schefflera and the other a Palm plant.  They are kept in the patio porch over winter.  I did hear something about plants helping to cleanse the air.  Hmm.

    The plants needed repotting several years ago.  Today was the day to get two new pots home right along with potting soil.  This project will be tackled inside of the little red pickup stall when the breeze can blow right through the garage.

    We did eat out at Perkins.  Those type of treats have been few and far in between when no appointments are needed in town.

    We had stopped at Hobby Lobby.  I came out with a little white bag the size of a postcard.  Many of my types of glue had dried up over the last ten years.  Go figure.  My main glue is the E6000.  I have an unopened large tube.  My project that I wanted to try didn’t want a huge tube opened, so I bought a package of three very small tubes.  We will see how that pans out.

    I know Dennis mentioned mowing for later this afternoon.  I am hoping his platter for over 55 of Country Fried Steak will change his mind.  In reality I have never seen the portions any smaller for the over 55 than the regular size.  I had two eggs, hash browns and a muffin.  Very tasty. 

    The season for the Cutie Mandarin oranges is over.  We are back to sugar-free apple sauce with our meals.  Hey, whatever works.

    No supper after the Perkins treat.  That will hold both of us till breakfast.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:18 pm on July 23, 2024 Permalink  

    Wow Peeps 

    Well peeps I didn’t know if I would make it today to do a post.

    I don’t know if it was a coincidence or a harmful bug in my HP of my bedroom porch.  The day the airlines were touting computer problems, I could not sign in to my HP.  Time after time, no luck.  Day after day, no sign in allowed. 

    Today with my Dell laptop sitting next to the HP, I found a YouTube video I hoped would help.  I got right down to the DOS looking screen of the C drive.  I had not seen that black screen in decades.  I stopped the Dell after each prompt to complete it on the HP.  After a long time of backing up, going forward . . . mission completion.  I had written the pin down for the sign-in for the HP, so I knew I had had it right.

    After I have my blog post completed, I will carry the Dell back to the sewing studio. 

    YouTube is just the sweetest thing since sliced bread.

    I had originally spent time in the studio working on the last five blocks of a quilt top.  The entire time I spent down there I was hashing over how I was going to fix this computer problem on my own with the HP.  

    Hmm.  With a successful endeavor, I am going to try again to load the driver for my cannon camera into the HP.   I have yet to throw in the towel.

    All the ole cowboy needs to do is call for help with a fix-it.  I don’t have that and I don’t think I want that.  Clearing out cobwebs keeps me a happy Grammie.

    This morning I took an oven dish out of the freezer.  It is a hamburger tomato pasta dish.

    With another rain shower complete with thunder and lightning this morning, July powers on.  July has always been known as a heat month.  We have had humid days but the 3.5 inches of rain this month . . . it’s been not so bad.

    With that I take my leave.  ♥

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