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  • Noreen 2:44 pm on October 9, 2024 Permalink  

    This is Wednesday the 9th 

    It sure feels so much better having Dennis eight blocks from Stauffer, rather than 45 miles.

    A van picked him up in Mankato at 10:30 and he arrived at Good Samaritan in time for noon lunch.

    I was just leaving the house when Dennis called me and asked when I was coming to see him.  Sweet.

    It was great to see him in good spirits.  Physical therapy is on board right at the facility.  There were so many familiar names on the board as I came in the front door.  So many of the staff are familiar to Dennis and vice-versa.

    I had taken Dennis his battery-operated razor with his fu-fu good smelling after shave.  Since Friday, there had been a missing component of his CPAP machine.  I knew we had a spare part here at home, so I know he will get a better sleep tonight using his machine.  He had a heart halter on the entire time he was in Mankato, so there was no threat of him getting in trouble without using the CPAP.  He has been sleeping and many times napping with it for 17 years without fail.

    Dennis will be wearing a heart halter for the next two weeks, just to make sure all is as it should be.

    The nurse came in and allowed him to know she was going over his charts and saw that he was a smoker.  She asked Dennis if he wanted a patch that would simulate nicotine.  Dennis passed on that offer.  Hopefully that is a great sign of things to come.

    I know, I will be visiting him most often every day.  Everything is under control here in our tiny home.

    The boxelders are fighting the beetles for space on the screens as I am sitting at my desk typing, with windows facing south.

    I know the Schwan’s ice cream company is no more, but a van with the same color combinations and no signage just went down Stauffer.  Someone is getting their ice cream fix.

    This was a wonderful hump day, with many more to come.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥ 

  • Noreen 3:05 pm on October 8, 2024 Permalink  

    Quiet Day 

    Perhaps no news is good news.

    Both of Dennis’ daughters have allowed me to know that Dennis is not answering his phone.  Well . . . he may not be in his room.  Lots of tests that my ole sweet cowboy may be in need of out in various parts of the hospital.

    I do know that he signed his own consent form for the hip surgery.  He is of sound mind if he needed to sign a form again.

    Daughter Sandy said she would stop in to see him after her shift of nursing in New Ulm.

    I can report that two of Dennis’ kitties did not make it in for last night’s curfew.  Six is when I give “last call.”  The little lightweight was at the garage door this morning when she heard me unlock the house door.

    Slowly I have been using my Swiffer wet wipes to do the floors of the weekend’s activity.  I feel better knowing that all smears and grime have been attended to from the front door through to the bathroom.  A weekend as we had here, oh my gosh, I was thankful to not have had carpeting or any rugs for that matter that needed attention.

    We had a bill to pay from the last of the tree work that was done.  Dennis and Ryan had agreed on the cost and it was cash on the barrel-head.  Dennis had called me to get ahold of Ryan, so I could clear the debt.  Ryan stopped in at seven last night.  I felt better having paid the hard working fellow and not having the cash in the house.

    I have been taking breaks in my bedroom porch doing some stitching in between doing the floors.  Floors are now done, Dennis’ fresh bedding is ready for him to enjoy when he comes home.  Busy hands are good.  

    With these many more days of having PT come to his room. I can only imagine the new hip is getting used to the movements.  Sandy had stayed with him for some time yesterday late afternoon and he had done his share of exercising.  Actually, one of my prayers is that with each passing day of Dennis being in a facility, the urge for a cigarette may be diminishing.  One can only pray. 

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:24 pm on October 7, 2024 Permalink  

    Hello Monday 

    For as chilly as 42 felt this morning, the sun is doing a pretty good job of warming things up.

    Dennis has a new ball in his hip socket with it being literally driven home into his femur.  What a blessing that the socket didn’t shatter.

    Dennis, my ole cowboy, is in pretty good spirits at the hospital.  I think by this time of the afternoon he may well be in a different unit of the hospital.  Dennis has had an irregular heat beat, arrhythmia, for his entire life.  It can be called atrial fibrillation.  Often the word pacemaker has been spoken of in the past, but nothing going forward.  Pills can’t do it all.

    When I went into the portal of his records, I could see by the Echo that was done last year, there was significant change and not to the good.  When Dennis and I called back and forth at noon, they were waiting for a bed in the cardiac unit.

    When so many of his vitals are right on target, Dennis needs to have what will serve him the best.  He has a good heart and it may well need to be given a consistent beat.

    I did call my brother in Iowa.  He had had a shattered hip socket via a car accident.  Lots of screws were needed.  Calvin wished Dennis well and was not as wordy as he usually is.  Hmm.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:28 pm on October 6, 2024 Permalink  

    Oh Yes 

    Oh yes, Grandma Ester Schafer, I can hear you say with clarity, “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”  So many words of wisdom you were quick to share.

    Our tiny little home on Stauffer Avenue has had many moments these last three days to pull from strength that may not have been fatal but life changing.

    In the early morning hours of Friday, Dennis fell with a huge bang and a groan that had me out of bed immediately.  In the hours that ensued, our home was bursting with many strong men being told what to do by three gals from the ambulance crew as well as our street being cordoned off by our police.  For me . . . helplessness big time.  By Friday afternoon, Dennis had been through the mill at our local hospital and was having more vitals taken while getting comfortable at the Mankato Mayo Hospital.

    Yes, the hip was broken.  Dennis had taken his Eloquist blood thinner at supper Thursday night.  Five days of the blood thinner needs to be stopped before surgical procedures.  A bleed-out is not good.  Surgery was scheduled for Saturday afternoon.  By 5:30 Dennis was out of surgery with all markers to the positive.

    This is Sunday afternoon and I had to decide where I sought the best place geographically Dennis would travel to Monday afternoon to a facility to gain strength, get occupational therapy, and physical therapy before coming home to our tiny home.  Four choices to see where a bed was available.  I told the nurse for my own selfish reasons, I gave them my choices;  St. James’ Hospital, St. James’ nursing home facility, Madelia Hospital, Madelia nursing home facility or Truman’s nursing home facility. 

    Dennis would be transported in a wheelchair-equipped van and I needed to give permission for the out of pocket expense.  Absolutely! 

    This morning, Dennis’ daughter, Denise, took his clothing plus his special orthotic shoes as they would have him on his feet Sunday afternoon for a bit of walking.

    It’s all about the waiting.  I spoke with Dennis this morning and he assured me that he wanted me to stay at home until he would be settled somewhere.

    I gave reassurance this day to both of my children when they called, that I was okay and in need of nothing.

    One big change here on Stauffer.  At six each evening the patio porch is closed for the night to the three kitties.  You are either in or out.  There will be a clean potty box and plenty of fresh food and water available.  No more waiting as Dennis would do until the last one came strolling home well after dark.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 1:59 pm on October 4, 2024 Permalink  

    New Address 

    Dennis fell last night and as hard as he tried, we needed the ambulance.  The St. James hospital was his first destination.  The ambulance crew was fantastic.  There were as many as eight fellows in our home to see if enough help was on hand.  Three gals were going and checking his vitals. A police officer was on board also.

    I have been up since 2:30 and will crash as soon as it is dark outside.  I went out to the the livestock chores at noon.  They had thought they would never be let outside.  When it is dark how many kitties are in . . . bless their hearts.  I am not doing the Grandpa Dennis thing and wait for them to dribble in.

    I am feeling the early morning activities.  How can I not reach out an arm when someone has their arm out and asking “please?”

    The nurse from St. James hospital called a few minutes ago to let me know Dennis is in the Mankato Hospital with a fractured left hip.  His new address is room 5807.

    Dennis’ daughter “Nurse Sandy” lives in Mankato.  She called and said I was to stay home and she would be at the hospital every day after her nursing job in New Ulm.  The way I feel today,  I didn’t put up any quarrel.

    I hear a rocking chair calling to me.

    With that I will take my leave.♥

  • Noreen 2:44 pm on October 3, 2024 Permalink  

    First Time 

    This was the first time I had a scammer send me a text thinking I would respond.

    The text supposedly was coming from the USPO.  They had a package with an insufficient address to deliver it.  They would hold it in their warehouse for 48 hours.  I have two contacts that would send me something and there is no doubt neither one would have such a problem.

    Today was a long day in the studio working on Ester Schafer’s wooden box.  Manipulating fabric and double sided tape on a circular item for placement gave me a run for my money.  What to do!  Take a deep breath and walk away for a short time.  My left hand does all it can to help . . . and I will take that help.  I am not as good as I once was, but try, try and try again.

    At three I shut everything down in the studio.  Tomorrow is another day.

    Dennis got his Covid shot today at the VA.

    Dennis is in charge of supper.  It isn’t the first time but it isn’t very often.

    We enjoyed the birthday cake last night.  Dennis had some in his breakfast box this morning and may have it again tomorrow.  His birthday only comes once a year.

    With that I will take my leave. ♥

  • Noreen 2:18 pm on October 2, 2024 Permalink  

    In Studio 

    It is Wednesday and I am in the studio.  Ester’s wooden box got some love today.  Working with double-sided tape can be tricky.  I had the 1/2″ roll I needed to apply the fabric band on the wooden band at the bottom of the box. 

    Today I measured once, twice and three times for the hand-stitched embroidered band to fit comfortably on the area between the bottom band that is stapled onto the box and the area after the cover is put on the box.   3.25″ finished is what I have to work with.  Folding the remaining fabric over on each side was the task at hand.  Lots of pins.  Oh so many pins to achieve the consistent 3.25″.  I used fabric-backed stabilizer to iron on the back of the embroidered band to do just that . . . to stabilize so as to not stretch when the two-sided 3M double-sided tape is applied.  I have left the band to totally dry before it and the tape meet up. 

    Tomorrow I may well tackle the tape.  My plan is to run three rows of the one-inch double-sided tape onto the back of the embroidery.  I will start the roll of tape and leave a tail.  I know if I try to start taking off the backing at the point I want to start, it will not be a clean start.

    The studio is going to be closed down.

    Well anyway, Dennis is having a good day of birthday.  I need to get an onion in as he is already salivating on fried potatoes with lots of onion.  Dennis wanted a scramble for supper.  That is the fried potatoes with lots of onion, chopped up Jimmy Dean pre-cooked sausages and scrambled eggs put in at the very last. 

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:17 pm on October 1, 2024 Permalink  

    One Down 

    One ground’s keeper done, down and showered.  The mowing of the acre today was a dust windy accomplishment.

    Last Thursday there had been a lot of heavy equipment on that soil.  As dry as we have had it, the soil was easily pulverized, easily moved with the wind we had today.  Good news . . . no bugs.  I was just finishing up when Dennis came over on the Sears mower to check up on me.  When I was going to head to the garage, I simply had to slowly drive along with the zero-turn as what had been cleaned up.  It was a wider swathe from south to north than it had appeared at a glance.  It was surreal to drive alongside the lot-line to be within three feet of what those neighbor’s backyards looked like.  If one tin cat finds it’s way over that rickety fence, my broom is coming out for a three-point landing.

    Dennis put the mowers away and I walked home.  I picked up a few branches and put them on the fire ring.  I could not walk past the flower bed without pulling up a lot of unwanted greenery.  One root of this certain weed can put out a web of greenery that covers everything up.  As I continued to work, I was contemplating my next decision.  I have always had perennials around the base of the huge Maple tree.  The deer have been snacking.  The drought has been hard on the plants and watering them is not going to happen.  It wouldn’t take Dennis a nano-second to spray that area with his weed and brush killer.

    I think I will wait until after this Saturday.  Dennis said AJ was coming to cut down and off the ancient dead lilacs on the south side of the white picket fence.  If there is life in the roots and they can stool out from said roots, fine and dandy.  If not, I will enjoy looking at Jan’s lilacs on the other side of the white picket fence.

    I could not believe that there is one small snowball bloom on the bush that usually blooms in early May.

    Dennis just came home from getting his two small gas cans filled.  The little red pickup wouldn’t turn over when he was ready to come home.  A new battery solved that little spendy problem.  

    We are having Tilapia fish and boiled potatoes for supper.  Tilapia is our favorite fish to fix.  Dennis will have his salt-free butter for his spuds.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:55 pm on September 30, 2024 Permalink  


    I did not know this was homecoming week at our school.  I went to the grocer’s this afternoon and they had banners across the entry aisle.

    At the grocer’s I achieved my goal.  Dennis will have a birthday cake on Wednesday.  Right out of the grocer’s freezer into my cart and now it is in our refrigerator.  He will be having a Mississippi Mud chocolate cake.  They had a fairly good selection of 6″ round cakes.

    Yesterday after Dennis had put in a good day “making nice” with his patio door sliders on Saturday, he thought the undertaker was coming.  He did take my advice and with his two walking sticks and made a few trips up and down the concrete drive to drive some stiffness out.  Today Dennis got the Cub-Lo-Boy out and mowed one of our yards and also the neighbors.  The neighbor is a single gal and works with her family at Keebler’s salvage yard just down the street.  Dennis made a trip out to the salvage yard as soon as he was done mowing.  He did not see the little rope in the grass that she ties her dog to when she lets him out.  I ask Dennis if it wound under the mower blades.  Nope, but there was not any length of rope to be saved.

    Tomorrow I will be mowing the acre with the zero-turn while Dennis using the Sears will do around the homestead.  Dennis said it was time to park the mowers for this 2024 season.  Of course with all the tree removal happening on the acre site, it will take time for that grass to recover.  The east half had no traffic and that is where I will be starting.

    Our neighbors are home from their trip to see Gettysburg and other such historical places.  They watched the weather on their phone and came home earlier than planned.  Jan said one week was enough. 

    Cooler weather is coming.  I look forward to it.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:20 pm on September 29, 2024 Permalink  

    End is Near 

    Where oh where has this month gone!  October is only 2 days away.  Hmm.  The ole cowboy will be 88 on the 2nd of October.  I had asked him if he wanted to do or plan anything special for Tuesday.  Nope.  He made sure I understood he was content and happy right here on Stauffer Avenue.  I will make sure that he has a cake for his day.

    As I am working this posting, I can look to the south or the west.  What do my wandering eyes see?  Bugs.  Lots and lots of bugs.  Asian Beatles and Boxelder bugs flighting in the sunshine.  Ishi.  The suction cups that Boxelder bugs have on their legs is creepy when they latch onto you.

    I am from the old school.  Extra furniture to make things handier was not in the budget.  What did work for me was to find several boards around the farm that would be cleaned or painted.  In the grove I would find old bricks to take home and clean them up.  Before too long, I would have a handy book shelf by using two bricks to sit on the floor.  Next add a board.  Add bricks on the end of the shelf, lining them up so they were placed consistently with the two on the floor.  Eye appeal was everything.  The amount of bricks on each end was determined by how tall your books were.  The finished height of the shelving unit depended on how many boards close in length could be found, plus how many bricks could be scrounged up.  This DIY thought process is alive and well today on Stauffer Avenue.

    The “5” magnification lamp is located at the end of my 60s vintage sewing table as it sits on the floor.  The flexible goose-neck needs to reach 15 inches across said table where my cherry red chair is for the hand stitching.  Another item I addressed with the “5” is that for me to have my stitching far enough away from the lite lens of the lamp and still allow my hands to move over and under the fabric,  the lamp stand needed to be taller as it sat on the floor.  The table clamp that came with it would have had a lesser degree of help.

    I’ll bet you all wondered where I was going with my board and brick shelving unit solution.  Here goes.  I went into the basement of our home and I brought up two bricks that had been put to use down there over the decades.  Nice clean bricks.  Two bricks placed under the heavy metal base plate of lamp, brought the height of the lamp unit up right where I needed it.  My hands can work freely while I look through the “5” lens.  

    Sometimes that old Raymond logic is just the best when I need to help myself find what works the best for me without a whole lot of extra bells and whistles.

    We have leftover chicken ruebens for supper and I am going to bake a tube of Pillsbury’s finest biscuits.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

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