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  • Noreen 4:19 pm on December 9, 2024 Permalink  

    Monday the 9th 

    Today was a trip to the grocer’s here in town.  When Dennis had many medical appointments in Mankato, we would frequent Sam’s Club and would buy quite a few things in bulk for the cistern pantry and Dennis would put gas in the little red pickup.  For what we are saving in traveling fuel, I don’t mind shopping here in town.  Another aspect is that I can purchase containers of various products in the size that I can easily handle with my hands. 

    I know Wednesday is senior citizen day at the store for several dollars of savings.  I was surprised how many people, my age, my acquaintances were in the store on this Monday.  I like never got out of the store.  

    Dennis’ PT went well.  It was rescheduled from 11 this morning to 1:45 this afternoon.  The heating pad needs to be brought out front and center so when the muscles want to cramp up in his left leg, he gets it plugged in.

    I found something interesting from what Usain Bolt, he ran the 100 yard meter in 9.58 seconds, gave as encouragement to people young and old: Dreams are free goals that have a cost to become reality which are, time, effort, sacrifice and sweat.  That can pertain to me at my current status in life as well as anyone else.

    The wind was strong when I went out and about, but now it has taken on a frigid cold on top of it.  It feels as if it were -6 outside.

    It has been a long time since we have had Progresso Chicken Noodle soup, Dennis’ favorite.  Seeing as how he enjoyed a frosted cinnamon at Brett’s after PT and before coming home, the soup will serve us well.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:22 pm on December 8, 2024 Permalink  

    Gray Day 

    It would feel more like the 50 degree day that we are having if the sun had come out.  Far off to the southwest I can see the clearing as the sun is beginning to set.

    Today, I finished the exterior of the wooden trunk project.  Though the sander had a collection container, it was time to tidy up that portion of the project.  I had such an array of stuff on the top of the church tables.  Putting everything back where it belonged wore me out a bit.  Cleaning the sander with the Filter Queen attachments made short work of it.  I cannot believe what a work horse that vacuum can be.  The sander with its goodies is back in the box.  Today, the city’s postal service delivered the package from Amazon with the additional sandpaper.  Who knows when the sander will be called into action, I wanted to make sure we had on hand what would be needed.

    Tomorrow, I may be doing more vacuuming in the studio.  With the finger-sized attachment that I used on the sander, that attachment did not allow for the dust to be collected.  I tried to have the vacuum running in close proximity of where I was sanding . . . with minimal success.  Any little bit did help. 

    This project does beg the question: was this really all necessary?  No, of course not.  Couldn’t I have been content reading a book and watching traffic go by?  It was a matter of challenging myself to see if I could pull it off.  So far . . . so good.  The internet tells me that I can wipe off what ever wants to be wiped off of the metal bands that are holding the trunk together with WD-40.  Next step in the works will be to check out what we have on hand.  I do feel a few days off in that regard.   

    This evening’s supper will be the pre-cooked Johnsonville beef brats with the leftover sauerkraut in the 32 oz. jar in the refrig.  I can see myself putting a brat and kraut in between a slice of bread and calling it fare for an indoor picnic. 

    Dennis has PT in the morning.  Me . . . not so much going on.  I am sure I will find something to keep me on my toes.  Speaking of toes . . . I always wear heavy socks and shoes when in the studio.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:18 pm on December 7, 2024 Permalink  

    Patio Kitties 

    The patio kitties took advantage of this nice weather.  Dennis came in at 3:45 and reported Snuggles and Harriet are still out in the yard somewhere.  Not to worry, they know when it’s time to come in and where food, water and shelter is.

    SandpaperI have ordered more sandpaper for our Jellas electric sander.  No, I don’t think I will need it for my current project.  What I found out is that the option of putting on the attachment with the finger-sized specialized sandpaper to get into tight quarters is not to be found online.  I used the model number to seek and search.  The sandpaper pads and the re-fills are scored.  If and when I would use the attachment on the tip of the sander there is a screw to allow the black attachment to be put on.  The small finger-sized sandpaper is held on with Velcro much like the full sized sandpaper is.  The bottom portion of the scored replacement needs to stay on the sander with the holes matching up for the residue to go into the holding tank.  I ordered the sandpaper replacement packages with the idea that when the small amount of the finger-sized sandpaper is gone, I can cut out replacements from the full sized sheets.  It doesn’t hurt to be prepared.

    Supper is more of the chicken rueben dish that we had last night.  It was well received.

    I occasionally have restless leg syndrome when I go to bed, but only in the left leg.  It may be a coincidence or . . . an effect of the stroke.  When it does happen, the left leg literally jumps.  I get up out of bed and sit in my rocker and massage the leg starting at the knee going towards the foot until it subsides.

    Years ago, there was an over-the-counter, in pill form, that contained quinine.  It worked very well.  It is no longer on the market.

    With supper already in the works, I spent some time in the studio, dinking around.  I have a one-time-left of sanding on the wooden trunk.  My sewing machine has been covered since I had it serviced in Bird Island.  When the sanding is done, I will get it uncovered for some sewing.  The dust collector of the sander works great.  As a testament to that, my glasses have not needed to be cleaned due to a sawdust issue and I do have my face right down in it.  I did not want or need the sewing machine ready to run just yet.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:39 pm on December 6, 2024 Permalink  

    Return of Fall 

    I am going to enjoy some warmer temperature as it may be short lived.

    I had a busy day on the first floor.  Laundry running gave me a chance to get frozen tenderloins out.  Yup.  Chicken Rueben, hot meal coming up for supper.  I like to dice/cube the chicken before it is completely thawed as it cuts so much easier into the pieces I like.  The next time I shop, I need to look for Poultry seasoning that is in a shaker container.  The container I have is loose powder.  All I can do is put some on my palm and swipe it over the chicken with my other hand.  Too much in one place is not a good thing.  The spices in it are worth the addition.

    I finished four small pieces of stitching.  It was time to get them into the basement on the padded Quilter’s Square and Block pad that the kids found for me in Goodwill a time back.  They average 4″ x 4″.  I will pull out interfacing to put on the back and then some patterned backing fabric.  I have either the poly fill or the crushed walnut shells to fill the pillows with.

    Today I ordered a new brush attachment (about as big a round as my closed fist) for the basement Filter Queen.  The brush was the go-to attachment.  Now that the vacuum has had a good cleaning, I will be more apt to use it down here in the studio.

    Dennis’ job jar, in total, was the back entry floor.  I don’t require shoes to come off when anyone comes into our home.  Of course there is bound to have stuff come in.  I don’t appreciate cigarette ashes mixed with what Mother Nature can drag in.  Nope, sitting on the steps of the back entry with his foot holding open the screen door to let in the cold and blow ashes in to have a cigarette before bed, using a soup can as an ash tray . . . no more you ole cowboy.  He comes in from the patio porch at eight at night.  You could set your watch by it.  If he made for almost two months without a cigarette during the hip surgery time, he can make it from 8 pm to 8am without choking off.  Yes, I know how to stand my ground, because I am reasonable.

    My hope everyone within my reading proximity, gets that last little bit of outside work done while we have no snow or ice to contend with.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 4:08 pm on December 5, 2024 Permalink  

    Thursday the 5th 

    This has been a slow day here on Stauffer Avenue.

    The winds that roared yesterday during the day did not take a break all through the night.

    I passed on the studio today.  A day of contemplation for what is yet to come.

    I burrowed myself into some YouTubes on various topics.  One was on the size of sewing needles.  The conclusion was the larger the number on a packet of needles, the thinner the shaft.  Good to know if and when I have beads to sew on something.  Hmm.  I happen to have some that would fit that bill.

    When Jed Clampet did his naught and naughting with his number calculations, I must have caught a bit of that process.  We get four real estate notices from the county.  Lo and behold, I didn’t naught one correctly.  The mail brought news that I had shorted one of the statements up by $43.00.  Of course they got a few dollars interest.  I wrote out a check and Dennis made quick work of delivering it.  I’ll try and do better in 2025.

    That was all of the excitement on this home-front for the day.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 12:43 pm on December 4, 2024 Permalink  

    The Dance 

    All things not tied down are doing the dance of the mighty wind today.  It was hard to believe that the actual temps were in the thirties this morning.  The air temps were in the single digits.  Winter will have its way one way or another.

    Dennis had one errand and that was at Lewis Drug to pick up my 90-day supply of my blood pressure med.  Zero $ co-pay.  Sweet.  I know many that are our age who have high drug costs.  Dennis and I are each at about the same amount of out of pocket thus far for 2024 . . . $180.00.  Very sweet indeed.  I cannot count the $299.00 of his Eloquest month’s supply while at the nursing home.  That was extenuating circumstances.

    Trunk-Cover1_Trunk-FrontI turned on the lights in the studio this morning.  I believe I have done as much to the front and cover of the wooden trunk as I will.  The two ends need some extra TLC in the areas of the heavy leather handles.  I could not believe they were still on the trunk.  They do show wear and tear.  Dennis said when the final finish was done on the trunk he would gently and carefully work Neets-Fit-Oil in the handles. 

    On the on-set. I had no idea what to do with the surface of the exterior.  When I realized that some of the original oil-cloth was loose, some tight, there was no way to paint over that.  In the end getting to the original wood would need to show.  I had thought of putting new paper on it, no way with all the metal grommets to fit around.  With so many different woods used on the ends and back, staining wouldn’t do as each wood would take on a different color.

    I have looked on different YouTube videos.  The best bet is painting it after the wood has been sealed.  I have a steady hand to go around all that needs it.  I am not going to do a lot with the metal bands.  I will make sure they have been cleaned as well as the sander has allowed.  The shine that the grommets show as well as the brass that shows on the front and cover as well as the brass from the plate that had the lock in it from running the sander over them, is all its going to be.  My objective for the outside was to have it cleaned and preserved as best I could.  The only out-lay of my resources was the $39.00 sander.  Right now, I couldn’t even share with you what the inside is like.  I really don’t know, nor have I decided if I will do anything after I give it a good look.  Time will tell.  One step at a time.

    We have had times today of the internet being disrupted.  I decided to get my photos uploaded and do the post while I have online access.

    In between time in the studio, I am putting decals on the small wooden blocks Dad had cut for me and varnished them.  Why?  Because I can.  TeeHee chuckling.  They had been in Grandma Schafer’s wooden round box.  They may well go back there.  

    Tuna and pea pasta out of the freezer in on board for supper.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:52 pm on December 3, 2024 Permalink  

    Too Pooped 

    It is blog time and I am too pooped to pop.

    Usually I do 30 to 45 minutes in the studio and then the lights go out.  I have my church tables covered with cardboard fold-out measuring boards that Kersten found while she was thrifting.  Every good crafter has their tools laid out. 

    I finished the alotted time and was cleaning up with the old Filter Queen Vacuum.  I had the vacuum on with the hose on the table to switch out attachments.  In less than a blink of my eye the dry Swiffer I was using as a tac wipe was gone.  Good grief.  I unhooked the hose from the vacuum and sure enough I could just barely see the Swiffer about 8 inches in.  Why not share the grief.

    Out to the garage I went with the length of the hose for Dennis to help.  Dennis is not allowed as yet to go into the basement, so the grief went out to him.  Everyone knows how steep our basement steps are and they are not by any means a full width of a step.  Dennis doing the steps with no toes on the left foot is cautionary, let alone having a cane for the new hip on the left leg.  I left the grief with Dennis.

    This seemed like a great time to empty the vacuum and get a new filter in place.  Taking the base with the wheel assembly off of the main housing, I went to the south side of the garage and tipped it over.  Oh my gosh!  And what decade had I emptied this beast?  Dennis came to the house with the hose in tack waving the Swiffer.  Sweet!  I will need the next adult that visits to make sure the hose is secured tight to the Vacuum.  I had a horrible time getting the hose off and the end of the hose is just big enough round for me to have a lesser grip than may be needed, just to make sure all is well.  That vacuum now has suction like brand new.  Lesson learned.  Shut down the vacuum when the area that was cleaned off is done.  

    I always share photos of the project each day with Dennis so he feels included in my days.  Dennis asked where these trunks had come from out of the potting shed.  Dennis’ memory is sometimes short.  Our neighbor Jan had asked me last year if I was interested in them.  The trunks had been in the eves of their attic when they bought the house before they had a family.  Their house is a huge square that has been added onto several times.  Their kids are now in their mid forties.

    Then . . . out dribbles a story from the old cowboy.  When his parents came to Minnesota from Nebraska they couldn’t find housing.  They came here to work in the defense plant during WWII.  His mother worked on the line and his dad worked with security.  They rented the upstairs of the house that the Hansen’s owned.  Many owners of the house later, Randy and Jan bought the house.  Now that is a “Wow.”  May we perhaps have family history in the studio?  Amazing what can occur that taps into memories.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:51 pm on December 2, 2024 Permalink  

    Monday December 2nd 

    2024 is fleeting by with December right in our faces.  If I wanted anything done by the end of this year, I have very few days left to accomplish it. 

    The agenda for the day was Dennis’ PT appointment.  The tight muscles below the new hip need to be worked.  When Dennis came home, he commented on the strength in Dan’s hands.  

    I know Dennis is recovering in good stead when he called his friend Dwayne for a road trip.  Those two haven’t been together since the end of September.  I encouraged it as my agenda was laundry and cleaning the bathroom.

    I did work in a bout of sanding on the old wooden trunk.  The lid to the trunk was tackled today.  I only do until the arms tell me . . . enough.  The front of the trunk has yet to have any sanding done to it.  Many metal grommets to work around as well as the metal attached buckles that had held leather straps to keep the trunk closed.  If only tales could be told.  Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder . . . mine.  I know perfection is not to be had with this project.  Allowing this cleaned up wooden trunk to shelter someone’s passion of items is all that I anticipate.

    The school bus drops a group of kids off at 3:30 each day across the street.  We did get an inch of snow overnight.  Enough snow for the kids to try and manage throwing snow at each other.  The snow is so dry, but I am sure, still feeling the wet of it as it gets shoved down the necks of the winter jackets.  Yup, kids are the same as in my younger days.

    The road-trip boys made their rounds.  First stop was Miller-Sellner in Sleepy Eye.  Each fall they get the latest of the Heston belt buckles from a rodeo that Heston sponsors.  Dennis’s collection started with the first in 1974.  His second belt buckle case has room for only one more buckle, the 2025 one.  A new case will need to be commandeered.  Dennis grandson, AJ, made the second case for grandpa.  I hope he kept the schematics.  The trip wound its way to New Ulm and then all points northwest towards home.  Dennis mentioned having fish sticks at the Cassey’s in Sleepy Eye.

    We are having a tube of Pillsbury Grand baked biscuits with Dinty Moore Stew over them.

    There are light and fluffy snowflakes in the air.  Too bad there is no sun to shine through them.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:36 pm on December 1, 2024 Permalink  

    A Cold Morning 

    A cold morning to test anyone’s worth.

    I had no worth to test only to ride this cold spell out.  We did have furies over the evening.  With the wind the drive was soon down to bare concrete.

    I spent the earliest of the morning enjoying good rich coffee in my bedroom porch.  After the second cup, I decided to spend some time in the studio.  I am getting the hang of the sander.  Being a wise person, I worked with it for a half hour.  I cleaned it up and out and perhaps tomorrow a bit more of the old wood trunk will sanded.

    This afternoon, I watched YouTubes on old trunks that were re-purposed.  I am on the right track getting the surface ready to be sealed.  I took the time to check where more sanding pads could be ordered.  The sander has an attachment that allows for the width of a finger to be put on to take in very minute areas to be sanded.  As those additional pads were not in any of the replacements to order, I will not use those until the very end of this step of cleanup, saving them for where they really will be needed.

    Megan and I texted back and for forth this morning.  She had flown to Eden Prairie for Thanksgiving to be able to renew her driver’s license.  She was back home by last night.  The boarding was just a tad bit slower as her renewal for her license was now just a piece of paper.  Megan made it just fine.  Megan will be 21 tomorrow on my mom’s birthday.  Sweet.

    We are having Tilapia fillets pan fried with a side of boiled potatoes and green beans for supper. 

    Dennis has PT in the morning.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:17 pm on November 30, 2024 Permalink  


    I stand firm in thinking the cold is a fair trade-off of the snow that is hitting in so many unusual places.  I can always dress warmer and within reason raise the thermostat.

    I was wrong yesterday when I commented that my sander had not arrived.  When Dennis went out for his last cigarette of the day it was on the bench outside.  I unboxed the goodies and that is where it stayed.

    My goal for this morning was to go to the grocer’s.  Before that could happen AJ from Mankato was here to visit grandpa and his pickup was in the drive.  I knew I could shop any time.

    Last Saturday the heat bulb burned out in the bathroom.  AJ and grandpa went up to Fleet Farm, purchased a box that had two bulbs in it and AJ didn’t even need to stand on tip-toes to use one of them for the replacement.  The second is in the bunk-house closet.

    Dennis had asked me to engrave a small plate with Jeff’s name on it.  The one I had done pleased Dennis and AJ affixed that to a spot on the saddle that Jeff had won in the all-around rodeo in 1983.

    Next in order for AJ, Dennis asked him to take his propane burner and burn the dead from under the back Hackberry tree and also under the huge Maple tree off of the east patio.  Even with the rain we had had, surprisingly much was burned.  Not all of it under the lilac was torched, but enough that satisfied grandpa.

    Then . . . it was off for me having Dennis to chauffer me to the grocer’s.  A bit of that and a bit of this made for a good haul.  The large can of the Campbell’s Bean and Ham soup hits the spot every once in a while.  Three cans went into the cart.  A container of Cookies and Cream ice cream topped off the check-out.  Dennis has one York Peppermint candy bar each night after supper.  That is his grocery item to get into the refrigerator.

    Alas, I took my sander and hit the studio.  Reading the instructions backwards and forwards, I attached a sanding pad to the Velcro base, lining up the airholes so the dust could go into the attached collector bin.  I stayed with it for only a short time, sanding off some of the back of the trunk and some of one end.  Hmm.  The old Filter Queen’s nozzle fits almost perfectly to the opening of the collector bin.  Enough for the first time.  With all of the metal grommets and metal straps . . . not to worry.  Some elbow grease with sandpaper in hand will be needed.  This short bout really took many hand strokes off.

    Hot pork sandwiches for supper.  Always a good thing to have something in the freezer to pull out. 

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

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