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  • Noreen 3:41 pm on March 5, 2025 Permalink  

    So it Blew 

    Last evening we ended up having heavy rain before the first of the snow could be seen flying sideways.

    We lost power at eight last night and it came on at 3:30 this morning.  The extra batteries.  Dennis went to bed about nine without the use of his CPAP.  I pulled one of our soft chairs closer to the bedroom door so I could here Dennis and cat-napped.  The house maintained a 58-degree temp for the duration.  That was the longest power-outage I can ever remember.  

    Dennis reported that from one of the televisions in the patio porch, we may have gotten between five to six inches.  It is indeed white.  Randy scrapped off the concrete drive and most of the drive is bare concrete.

    Sometime these last months, I had bought a box of Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix while in Sam’s Club.  Today was the day to use the last two pouches of the mix.  Dennis shook the eggs needed in a half-pint Mason jar and I put the butter to melt mode in the microwave.  With the butter and eggs then getting whipped into a frenzy in the KitchenAid mixer.  That beast rolled that cookie dough stiff enough that I could take a spoonful out at a time, roll it, and get it onto the baking sheet.  I did put some of the cookies in the freezer as I know from experience they don’t stay soft for too long.

    And how did I come about to have a KitchenAid mixer?  Several years ago, I helped out a previous employee when she was fighting Pancreatic cancer.  Her apartment was where she wanted to stay for as long as possible.  I was retired by that time, and I would be at her home every day as her daughter could not leave her work.  Lorraine didn’t want Hospice.  She was the most humble private person I have ever know.  One day when I went over, her daughter had made arrangements to take medical leave and could I please bring her mom to her home.  So it was determined. Lorraine had said that when her cookie making days were over, I was to take her mixer home with me.  A few days later when I tidied up her apartment, I did take the KitchenAid home.  Lorraine passed away within five days of being with her daughter. Whenever I use the mixer, I think of Lorraine. 

    But . . . this afternoon when the sugar cookies were done, I took the hot leftover coffee with a cookie and sat at the table.  I dunked this cookie as a homage to my great grandmother, Christine.  When I would stay at my grandparent’s home, Christ and Laura’s, Christine lived with them.  She spoke no English, but she always let me be by her side when she stirred up something to bake for the hard working multi-generational farm family.  In her long black dress with the ever fresh white apron, her and I would sit at the round dining room table to share a cookie.  She had heavily laced cream coffee and I had some coffee in my cup.  She would pick up her cookie and beckon me to do the same, and then . . . dunk!

    I have so many memories that seem to be freshened with the activities of my days.  What a treat.

    By the way, the oven dish of last night was very tasty.  Before putting the round, blue-speckled roaster into the oven, I covered the top of the dish with finely shredded Asiago-Parmeson cheese.  It gave a bite like no other.  A welcomed repeat for this evening.

    With that I will take my leave.

  • Noreen 2:37 pm on March 4, 2025 Permalink  

    Drip, Drip 

    We all were told there would be moisture coming our way.  The day was getting darker and darker this afternoon.

    I came up from the studio at one and in a heart beat there was a heavy shower of rain.  Now mid afternoon it is a drip, drip.  There may be more coming.

    The first item on the docket this morning was putting together an oven meal for this evening’s supper.  It was two cups of pasta to boil until tender.  One packet of boned out rotisserie chicken out of the freezer.  I only had peas in the freezer for some color.  When I drained the pasta while it was still hot I stirred in a heaping tablespoon of Better than Bullion, vegetable flavor.  That perked up the pasta big time.  One jar of Alfredo sauce folded in and we will be having a wonderful hot meal tonight.

    We did have a delicious hot supper last night as well.  Steaming bowls of oatmeal with a hearty fat pinch of flax meal.  Dennis had not had oatmeal for a while and he really enjoyed it.  The flax meal gives the bland oatmeal a nutty flavor.


    The assembly line of three box pouches is finished.  I brought them upstairs when I was done with the sewing, as the studio was chilly.  Mission completion.


    It all goes well taking it slow, one stitch at a time.  I may be sewing a few more of various sizes.  What’s not to enjoy using up stash items.  It will be easy handing off a pouch more so than the raw supplies.  The zippers by the yard and the packet of pulls were not doing any good as they were.  Items like that would not be given a second look if push may become pull.  I know that Carrie and Kevin grew up with me always doing something in the sewing or craft line.  They would have an awareness.  None of the three girls of Dennis’ could give a lick less with tools of the hands.

    I feel so fortunate that I have the tools and the supplies to keep me involved, curious, content and happy.

    I have just a bit of cold coffee left to enjoy to fill out this afternoon as I watch the weather and the traffic from my bedroom porch.  Hmm.  There is even a loaded needle waiting for me before getting our oven meal into a 350-degree oven.  Sweet.

    One more thing.  I always check our bank account via the HP in my bedroom porch.  Halleluiah!  Our small but good refund from the state income taxes hit our checking account this morning.  April first the federal will yank out what we owe them.  Please oh please let this be one of the years, social security is taxed.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:22 pm on March 3, 2025 Permalink  

    Here We Are 

    A Monday with bright sun and lo and behold a 62-degree afternoon.

    Jan and I had our first 2025 visit over the picket fence this morning.  The patio porch kitties busted out of the porch as if someone or something was chasing them.  

    When our family farmed in Boon Lake Township, a day such as this would have seen the calves bolting out of the barn as Orlin lifted the gate.  I can still see the Holstein calves kicking up their heels as all corners of the pasture were visited.  Even Snoopy would give out a few barks taking in the site.  Wonderful choice memories.

    Tuesday may bring some wet weather.  I will say . . . we need it.  A total of eight inches of measurable snow just does seem the way a Minnesota winter should be.

    There is an assembly line going on in the studio.  Not a huge one by any means.  There was one piece of cork that had been cut on that still allowed me to get three box pouches out of it.  I decided to get the zippers in all three of them and then do the top stitching on the zippers.  The process went well and then . . . that was it for stitching on this day.

    I went out to Lewis Drug and picked up Lisinopril, 90 days worth, for myself.  There was no co-pay.  Sweet.

    As I look out of my southeast bedroom porch windows, the gals from the courthouse can be seen walking around the block during the week.  Some kind of wellness program during their allotted breaks.  No jackets, just shirtsleeve.  I admit the temps say one thing, the air is still cool.  We have made it through the winter this far with no colds and why start pushing the envelope now!

    JoAnn’s Fabric closing many stores is all a buzz on the YouTubes I catch in regard to clearance finds.  I am in no need of any supplies for the studio or anywhere else in our home.  I will keep stitching out of my stashes.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 2:15 pm on March 2, 2025 Permalink  

    My Time 

    My time has gone well today.

    Several goals have been met on the first floor of Stauffer Avenue.  It always makes me feel good when I can balance out my day and my energy.  Chased and caught a few dust bunnies that were hiding under a small cabinet in Dennis’ bedroom.  Gottcha!  Several threads were put into my stitching that I am working on in my bedroom porch.  I then headed to the studio.

    All things considered I am doing well with my creative “Cork 101.”  Sometimes I get a pouch done in a day, sometimes it takes longer.  Where in the heck am I going!  I even got a few eyeglass cases done out of some scraps.  Thus far, I am only using the scrap pieces of Amanda’s cork, fitting a zipper to the scrap, ending up with no two pouches alike.  The large pieces of cork, some measure 27″ x 32″, are still in their cellophane bags. 


    This evening’s supper is chili that has been taken out of the freezer and a grilled cheese sandwich.  Where, oh where, did ketchup on grilled cheese sandwiches come from?  It’s a Curry thing, not mine.  I will admit that I bought several frozen dinners during one of my trips to the local grocery store.  When I have had a day, Dennis gets his choice out of the freezer.  It is then paired with some apple sauce.  As I make sure it has become table-ready with my digital thermometer, I have tasted the sauces or the potatoes.  Frozen dinners have come a long way when I read the labels.  Those evenings I indulge in oatmeal with a toss of flax meal on top, also paired with apple sauce.  This Grammie is over stressing out of serving a hot supper.  Sweet.

    With that I will take my leave. ♥

  • Noreen 4:12 pm on March 1, 2025 Permalink  

    A Bite in the Air 

    The air was a bit frosty this morning.  The wind was down and that made up for the chilly feeling.  Yesterday the dirt in the air was horrible.  I could smell the dust whipping around.

    Today, this morning was spa day for us.  Haircuts and pedicures . . . what’s not to like.  It makes me feel good to be pampered, plus Maria is a special type of person.

    This afternoon, nurse, daughter Sandy and Tom, were here from Mankato to check up on us.  Also, what’s not to like.  They had tickets given to them for the hockey event starting at six this evening.

    Our day has been a good one.  Tomorrow may be a studio day for me.  Dennis’ cousin Bruce usually stops in for morning coffee with Dennis.  My plans have been working out well in the studio.  With church services via KNUJ I will see how the stitching goes.

    Tuesday sounds like a weather day is to be had.  How bad can it be with the sun’s power and we have nowhere where we need to go.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:16 pm on February 28, 2025 Permalink  

    A Grammie Tale 

    Quite a day of new experiences and learning for me . . . the Grammie.

    I have belonged to a credit union since the 70s.  That happened when Orlin, the kid’s dad, worked at 3M out of Hutchinson.  The credit union was then called Mini-Mine Credit union.  It has since transformed to Affinity Plus Federal CU.  I have always maintained enough business with them as it seemed prudent to keep the account open.  The Affinity location in Mankato is quite large.  The last time I visited there was mid 2021.

    I did get a notice that there would be upgrades to their website for membership.  I read through everything that I thought pertained to my credit card with them.

    Yesterday I signed in prepared to make a payment from our checking account.  The screens were very different than the usual of years past.   When I looked at my profile that was linked to the account I noticed that my bank was still referenced as the CCF that had closed here in town several years ago, thus, though I had been making my payments via our current bank, Pioneer was not connected.

    I went through the hoops of deleting the old information by putting in the new routing numbers and account number.  The routing number was acknowledged.  There was also a 2-3 day authorization period.  Hm.  I had a Pioneer Debt card.  Had I ever initiated it?  No.  Had too much time elapsed that it was no longer valid?  It was from the 2022 era when we had changed banks.  I found the telephone number to help with that.   Everything cleared and I was given the code via my phone that I was who I said I was.

    I made the first of the month payment with Affinity by breaking in the debt card, also paying a $12.00 service charge.  That mattered not as it was important for me to make that payment on time.

    This was a good day of experiences in the world of finance.  During this next month, you know I will check the Affinity site to make sure the correct bank authorization has been put in place.

    It goes to show that I can’t assume.  I need to stay on top of things like banking and income taxes and Dennis.  Learning and being brave is what my life is and I really appreciate it.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:13 pm on February 27, 2025 Permalink  

    Local Effort 

    I often refer to local effort.  That was the evaluation the Minnesota Department of Revenue did on a yearly basis when I worked.  It was my job to keep pace with values for taxation based on sale trends on all classification of taxable properties in Watonwan County.  If I did not do it fairly and equitably, the state did a blanket state raise with no recourse.  It did keep one on their toes.

    Since I retired in 1999, local effort is alive and well on Stauffer Avenue.  It is no longer a yearly review, it is a daily one.  No matter how small our home, there is always something to do to keep it on track.  One day there is something that was seen but overlooked until sometime later or another day.  One day turns to two, to a week, to a month.  Multiple items; multiple days can easily take our home down a rabbit hole.  Then . . . where to begin?

    Dennis says I am a task master.  I am kind of proud about that title.  Dennis doesn’t realize it, but over our decades together, I happily share that title with him.

    Yesterday he noticed there was something on the little red pickup’s garage floor that resembled “wet.”  When he came in for afternoon coffee yesterday he commented when he came home from getting a pack of cigarettes, the red brake light in the dash of the little red pickup was on.

    Dennis called Rod Rushing right away.  As luck would have it, Rod Rushing had had a cancelation for this morning and if Dennis could have the little red pickup out to his shop by seven, he would take a look at it.  We got up early and I followed Dennis and picked him up, leaving Rod to his work.

    On this sunny bright day, it is mid afternoon and the little red pickup is back in its garage.  The problem with the red brake light was that the left rear cylinder needed replacing.  Rod called us at noon. I gave Dennis a ride, the bill got paid and all is well.

    Local effort on Stauffer Avenue is alive and well.

    My day was equally productive as I went through some items in the closet seeking a better solution for extra bedding.  I found it.  No . . . I have not found that easy way of folding fitted sheets.  What I can do is make that process as tidy as my arms will work.  Mission completion.

    The city is sweeping the gutters past our house.  Talk about a dust fest.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:03 pm on February 26, 2025 Permalink  


    It’s me . . . !

    I am the one perched on my cherry red chair taking in the sunshine and feeling the sun’s power through the windows.

    When I came up from the studio at two this afternoon, I admit, my fingers were a bit chilly.  No amount of jacking up the thermostat could make enough of a difference in the studio air.  I have a small ceramic heater that oscillates warm air.  I just don’t stay in one place for very long.

    Late yesterday I decided to bite the bullet.  I opened all the letters I had been collecting for doing our 2024 income tax.  Dennis was out and about and I knew that starting the process was a good thing.

    Amazingly, using the Tax Act program, the entire process went well.  Of course, our filing is such that I input what monies we had coming in and the revenue department takes what it needs.  We do not have itemized deductions.  That eliminates a huge amount of record keeping.  I did do the electronic filing.  The federal filing was free and the state’s was $39.00 and some cents.  We enjoyed our crockpot supper feeling a relief for having the tax filing over with.  We always have to contribute more to the federal as our social security benefits in part are taxable . . . 50%.  Wonder of wonders if  taxing social security in the state of Minnesota ever goes away.  There will be a small stiffen coming back to us from the state.  I doubt if we could fill up both of our vehicles at the gas pumps with that amount.  Oh well.   

    This morning when I sat down in front of the HP and checked on things, both the state and federal had accepted our returns. 

    We are having leftovers for supper.  It will resemble beef commercials less the bread.  The bread is always an option at the supper table.

    I did read a Facebook post this morning from the poet’s corner; “Love yourself with your whole being, as you will be spending a lot of time with yourself.”

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:40 pm on February 25, 2025 Permalink  

    A Day 

    When I opened my eyes this morning, the sun bid me a good day coming.

    The programmable coffee pot had not been set last night.  When I pushed the pot to begin brewing, I set the crockpot up so it could welcome a beef arm roast complete with some extras for flavor.  A few buttons were pushed on the washing machine.  A cookie sheet was hauled out of storage to welcome some frozen cinnamon rolls.

    I then poured myself a cup of fresh coffee and toddled to my bedroom porch to check out what the HP had to say for itself.

    By 10:30 I was in the studio with KNUJ blaring in the background.  I did have a few things laid out, ready to stitch.  That went about three inches and the sewing machine needle dropped out of its housing, looking as if it was going to drop where no needles should dare to go.  If I tighten the needle housing too tight, I need a needle nose plier to help.  With this latest lesson, I think I will go for using the plier rather than having the sewing machine needing servicing.  I can’t imagine where rouge needles could cause all sorts of problems.  All went went well with a new needle in tow.

    Dennis’ help was enlisted with swapping out the laundry and after the cinnamon rolls had been out of the oven for one hour, there was a scant amount of frosting to spread over them.

    I continued into the studio and Dennis decided, with his little red pickup, to head southeast out of town to visit his cousin Sam and Marie.  Sam is wheelchair bound and Maria has Parkinson’s.

    I told Dennis I would see him about five for supper.

    As I sit and let my thoughts dribble out to the keyboard, I can’t help but notice looking out the windows that our lawns look totally freeze-dried.  No chance of winter mold.

    I have had a very good day with my objective having been met:  nothing stole my joy from me today.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

  • Noreen 3:41 pm on February 24, 2025 Permalink  

    All is Well 

    No matter where I look, I see no snow.  I see the city streets wet but that may be due to the warm temps in the 50s making them sweat.

    I am maintaining a schedule spending time in the studio, but not over-doing it.  I need to do a balancing act.  If I over-stay my welcome, it might become such that I don’t get to visit at all.  I have lived within this body for over 80 years.  I know enough to listen to it when it gives me signals.  The most important thing is that I am happy with what my days hold for me.  I am content knowing what my limits are.

    There is only one thing that I need to police myself on.  I am a duty bound care-giver and that aspect could get away from me.  What I have implemented is tough-love.  I am a firm believer in trying.  I am a firm believer in thinking things through with logic and seeking solutions.  If both elements come back in a zero, then we will talk.

    The only grocery item that surprised me last week when I was in our grocery store in regard to price was Bisquick.  It was $7.49 for a not very large box.  I use Bisquick in the concoction I make when coating chicken or Tilapia for pan frying.  I always use it for making pancakes.  Grant it, a box kept in the refrigerator does last a long time. 

    That being said, that is what I am preparing for supper.  I can’t remember the last time.  The reason being, I have a hard time getting the wrist to accomplish a good flip of the pancakes.

    We had Subway last night and it was refreshing and tasty.  Splitting a 12″ does us just fine.

    With that I will take my leave.  ♥

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