Another very good day of lower temperatures. Yesterday Snuggles and I worked in the gardens and noticed how dry everything was. Today was suppose to bring rain . . . not so much. I decided to get out my Mantis electric tiller and loosen the dirt round the square garden with the hope that when we do get rain there will be some loose soil to soak it up and not just run off. Once the hard crust was broken loose the soil was very mellow. Out of the blue Snuggles did show up to check out what was going on. Dennis worked behind me and raked the soil back off the areas where it had managed to get in the grass.

Patio time for the three of us deemed it to be a good effort. It looks tidy to have a definition where garden meets lawn. Having a home and yard that reflects Dennis and me comes naturally. Perhaps others don’t see what has become of their surrounding. Dennis and I enjoy putting in the sweat equity and we do it for no one else other than us. Speaking of sweat, I sweat more than it rained today. Dennis went on to Fleet and Farm as the tiller had lost a bolt and nut. Snuggles found a spot on my lap while I had a cool drink. Snuggles would have stayed forever, but my legs were falling asleep. Another good day right here on Stauffer Avenue.