Another Four

As of today, I have another four years with a valid driver’s license.  They were very busy in that office today.

I don’t recognize too many that man the offices.  I did stop in and see Lisa Schumann in the personnel office.  Lisa came to the courthouse right out of college in the late 80s.  She was a jewel to work with.  She plans on retiring this fall.  Angela Wellnitz would make her grandma, Norma, proud.  Angela takes care of the city of St. James’ assessments.  We worked with Angela when we took the blue barn down.  Norma worked for me for many years.  Hmm.  She died too young.

With the temps in the 70s today, why am I not surprised to see wasps flying about.  They are just . . . yuk.

Megan is coming solo this Wednesday.  She is home for spring break.  Dennis and I are excited.  After the trip to the courthouse, we went to the grocery store.  Not just because Megan was coming, we were out of some items.  Even though we buy milk in the quart size, the sell by date catches us short.  Today I bought three boxes of instant pudding.  Gottcha!

I have no idea, but Dennis can get a lot of his country western music on Facebook.  I don’t ask, I just enjoy it.

With that I take my leave.  ♥